HomeThe Rise of NingShou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce - Chapter 59

Shou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce – Chapter 59

On a clear, gentle day in April, spring was in full bloom. Yining rose early and directed her maids to plant black bamboo in the courtyard.

The winter plum tree that had once stood in the yard had not survived the winter. After digging out its remnants, they planted black bamboo in its place. Yining took a sip of water and instructed Qingqu to add more soil.

Qingqu asked, “Seventh Miss, will the bamboo survive if we plant it this way?”

Yining smiled, noticing Qingqu’s perspiration, and handed her a handkerchief. “Of course it can. We’ll see if it grows, won’t we?”

Qingqu hesitated as she accepted the handkerchief. The Seventh Miss’s handkerchiefs were always made of Hangzhou silk or Shu brocade. If it was Hangzhou silk, it would have been embroidered with intricate patterns by maids with excellent needlework skills. Sometimes, the Seventh Miss embroidered them herself; despite her young age, her needlework was exquisite. Was she giving this to her to wipe her sweat?

After a moment’s consideration, Qingqu tucked the handkerchief into her bodice.

Yining had already returned to her room. Lady Lin had been busy lately and excused the children from their morning and evening greetings. Yining practiced calligraphy every morning after waking up. Last night, after Xuezhi had carried her back from her Third Brother’s quarters, she had slept soundly and woken up early this morning.

Yining vaguely remembered Luo Shenyuan saying something to her, but she couldn’t distinguish whether it had been a dream or reality. She had only heard that Luo Shenyuan had risen early to pay respects to their father before leaving to attend to business.

Today, she sat by the window in her study. Just as she had settled down to write a few characters, someone suddenly knocked on her desk.

Yining looked up to see Lin Mao standing with his hands behind his back, nodding as he surveyed her study. “Your room is quite elegantly arranged.”

Yining set down her brush and asked him, “Cousin Mao, do you have nothing to do today?”

Yining felt she was being quite tactful. Lin Mao seemed to have nothing to do not just today, but every day.

Lin Mao narrowed his long phoenix eyes. He was still wearing his Taoist robe, appearing otherworldly and graceful. He stated firmly, “I do have something to do.”

Yining assumed an attentive posture, waiting for him to continue.

His tone slowed as he asked, “Cousin Yining, are you twelve years old this year?”

Yining was puzzled by his question but shook her head. “I’m still five months short of that—Cousin Mao, if you have nothing to do, I heard it’s quite lively at Eldest Brother’s place. Would you like to go there?”

Lin Mao gave her a long, penetrating look before his lips curved into a smile. “No need. I’ll take my leave now.”

With that, he bid her farewell and left her room. Yining was bewildered by his behavior. She firmly decided not to try to fathom what these people were thinking—be it Luo Shenyuan or Lin Mao. The former’s thoughts were too deep, while the latter’s… were simply too different from normal people.

Yining called Xuezhi in and asked her to send a servant to follow Lin Mao, lest he wander around the Luo residence and get lost without realizing it. Xuezhi soon returned, informing Yining, “…The young master refused to let anyone follow him.”

Lin Mao went to see Lady Lin, who had just met with a servant to confirm the gift list from the second branch of the family. Seeing Lin Mao enter, she took a sip of tea and said, “You’ve come at the right time. Your mother wrote asking if you had arrived. You should write her a reply. Don’t always be so impatient with her; she’s just concerned about you. I heard she merely wanted to discuss a potential marriage for you—the daughter of the Deputy Commissioner of Yangzhou. You heard about it and ran off to practice alchemy instead. You’re not getting any younger. We don’t interfere with what you do anymore, but can’t you let your family worry a little less?”

Lin Mao sat down and took a sip of tea. After listening to Lady Lin for a while, he finally spoke, “Aunt, I want to marry Cousin Yining.”

Upon hearing that he wanted to marry, Lady Lin finally smiled at her nephew. “That’s more like it! Your sixth cousin from the other branch is already busy arranging his marriage. How could he possibly get married before you if you don’t hurry? I’ll write to your mother immediately. Who did you say you want to marry?”

“Cousin Yining,” Lin Mao repeated.

Lady Lin’s eyes widened.

As if hearing something terrifying, she struggled to process it. After a moment, she stammered, “Are you… joking?”

But she saw that her usually smiling nephew now wore a solemn expression, without any hint of playfulness. He looked at her seriously and said, “Marriage is not a matter to be taken lightly. I want to marry Cousin Yining. She’s too young now, so we’d have to wait three or four years. But that’s fine; we could exchange betrothal gifts first. If you agree, I’ll ask my mother to come and make the proposal.”

Lady Lin felt an overwhelming urge to slap him.

“Lin Mao, it’s one thing for you to be unconventional in your daily life, but you can’t joke about such matters. Yining is far too young! If word of this gets out, what will people think of you? Moreover, Yining’s marriage isn’t something I alone can decide—”

Lady Lin didn’t continue. She knew that Luo Yihui would certainly not stand idly by regarding Yining’s marriage, and Luo Shenyuan would also want a say. Although the Lin family’s wealth couldn’t compare to the Luo family’s, the Luo family’s position in officialdom was still higher than the Lin family’s… In short, she definitely wouldn’t agree!

Lin Mao finally allowed a hint of a smile to return to his face. “Aunt, don’t be alarmed. I know Cousin Yining is still young. I’ll have to marry eventually, and it’s not that I have any particular feelings for Cousin Yining right now. I just don’t dislike her; she’s quite amusing.”

Lady Lin had always hoped Lin Mao would become more serious, and his sudden solemnity had startled her. She felt more at ease seeing his familiar smile. She sighed slightly and asked, “Is this some ploy you’ve concocted to delay your marriage by a few years?”

Lin Mao shook his head and picked up his teacup. “If she were of marriageable age now, what would be the harm in marrying her immediately?”

Then he could pinch her cheeks every day and keep her as a pet, he thought to himself.

Seeing his aunt’s uncertain expression, Lin Mao leaned closer to persuade her. “Aunt, when Yining grows up, she’ll have to marry someone. You know me well and marrying into the Lin family wouldn’t be a bad match for her. Although our family is larger and livelier, everyone has a good temperament. My mother has long been eager for me to bring home a daughter-in-law. I know you care deeply for Cousin Yining, so wouldn’t it be best for her to join our family?”

Hearing Lin Mao’s words, Lady Lin found herself somewhat tempted.

Indeed, her elder brother and sister-in-law were kind-hearted, and the relations between the sisters-in-law in the Lin family were warm and friendly. Moreover, marrying Yining into the Lin family meant she would still be in familiar territory. With Lin Mao there, who held considerable sway in the family, Yining would be well-protected.

“That may be true, but…” Lady Lin’s lips felt dry; it still seemed too sudden. She had thought that Yining’s cousin Gu Jingming might be a better match. The Gu family’s social status was slightly higher than the Luo family’s, and more importantly, Gu Jingming seemed much more reliable.

“If only you had Jingming’s steadiness, I wouldn’t worry so much.”

Lin Mao’s brow furrowed slightly. He knew that Gu Jingming was popular among girls—both of the Luo family’s daughters admired him, whether for his looks or his family background. When he was in Yangzhou, many girls liked him too, but they were all put off by his capricious nature. He had always felt comfortable with his free-spirited lifestyle, but when it came to settling down and starting a family, people inevitably found him lacking in stability.

What was so great about Gu Jingming? Always smiling and was gentle with everyone, never revealing his disdain or contempt for others.

“There’s no rush now,” Lady Lin said, seeing him deep in thought. She racked her brains to advise her clever nephew. “Why don’t we wait three years? If you truly want to marry Yining, you should earn some academic honors or accomplish something—Yining’s third brother is a top scholar, and her father is a jinshi. Do you think they’d approve of someone who hasn’t achieved anything? If you still want to marry her then, I’ll believe you’re sincere and will certainly agree.”

The phrase “hasn’t achieved anything” usually didn’t affect Lin Mao, but hearing it today made his brow twitch.

It wasn’t that he couldn’t study; he was born into wealth and privilege, and his intelligence had always led to him being indulged. As a result, he had lost interest in such pursuits.

His aunt, who usually seemed muddled, had made a surprisingly good point. If he returned with an official title to marry Yining, his future brother-in-law and others would likely not object.

After some thought, Lin Mao nodded. “In that case, let’s wait two years.”

Lady Lin was delighted to hear this. She had long known of Lin Mao’s intelligence; if he truly applied himself to his studies, passing the provincial examinations would certainly not be a problem! If her sister-in-law learned that she had persuaded Lin Mao to return to his studies, she would probably want to send her a golden Buddha statue in gratitude. Excitedly, she asked, “So, will you start studying now?”

Lin Mao glanced at his aunt and replied languidly, “Who said I was going to study? Ten years of hardship just to become a minor official. Besides, I don’t have Luo Shenyuan’s natural talent. I have my plans.” He set down his teacup. “Thank you for the tea, Aunt. I’ll come back in three years to propose marriage. It’s best not to tell Cousin Yining about this; we wouldn’t want to frighten her.”

Lady Lin silently thought to herself that of course, she wouldn’t mention it to anyone. She watched as Lin Mao took his leave.

When Yining came to have lunch with Lady Lin, she noticed her stepmother scrutinizing her up and down. Puzzled, she asked, “Mother… what are you looking at?”

Lady Lin, having examined her several times, managed a forced smile. “Nothing. I’ve had a steamed pear prepared for you at lunch. I’ll have it brought to you. This afternoon, we’ll go together to see your eldest brother’s wedding gifts.”

The steamed pear was served on a white porcelain plate, filled with glutinous rice, fritillary bulb, and wolfberries, drizzled with two spoonfuls of honey. It smelled sweet and delicious.

Just after lunch, Luo Yiliang arrived with young Master Xuan, intending to accompany them to the main branch of the family.

Holding his sister’s hand, Xuan smiled and said, “…Father asked me about my studies, and I told him that Sister has been teaching me to recite poems. Father was so pleased!” He chattered as they entered the room.

As Xuan grew older, it became apparent that he didn’t resemble Concubine Qiao. Instead, he looked like a younger version of Luo Chengzhang.

Lady Lin felt somewhat uncomfortable seeing this and hearing their talk of paternal affection and filial piety. She calmly instructed Luo Yiliang to sit down with her brother while she went to the inner chamber to change her clothes before they left together.

Luo Yiliang stroked her brother’s head, which made him even happier. She then said slowly, “Xuan, why haven’t you greeted Seventh Sister?”

Xuan seemed to notice Yining for the first time. At Luo Yiliang’s prompting, he called out, “Seventh Sister!”

Yining put down her spoon and smiled at him. “Xuan seems to have grown taller.”

Xuan nodded. Tugging at Luo Yiliang’s hand, he craned his neck to look into the inner chamber. Spotting a Guanyin statue on the long table in the western side room, he asked Luo Yiliang, “Sister, is that the Guanyin Bodhisattva?”

Luo Yiliang rubbed her brother’s back and answered softly, “This is the Child-Giving Guanyin, who will bring Xuan a little brother. In the future, the Madam will give Xuan a little brother.”

Xuan wrinkled his nose and suddenly exclaimed, “I don’t want a little brother! I don’t like little brothers!”

Yining’s smile remained unchanged. Xuan was just a child; it would be wrong of her to take offense at his words.

Luo Yiliang also seemed to realize he had said something inappropriate. She set him down to play nearby and said with a smile, “Please don’t mind him, Seventh Sister. Xuan was just joking.”

“I’m his sister too. It’s fine,” Yining said, nodding to Xuezhi. “Give Xuan some walnuts to eat.”

In the afternoon, they went together to the main branch of the family, which was preparing the wedding gifts—a full twenty loads to be carried to the bride’s family.

Luo Huaiyuan, who was about to marry the eldest daughter of Magistrate Zhou from neighboring Xuishui County, had retreated to the front courtyard, perhaps feeling nervous before the wedding. In the main hall, Madam Chen and other ladies were chatting cheerfully.

Seeing Lady Lin arrive with the children from the second branch, Madam Chen specially called Yining over and introduced her to the ladies, “This is Yining. Shenyuan is her third brother.”

Upon hearing Luo Shenyuan’s name, the ladies’ eyes lit up. Yining noticed this, especially among those with unmarried daughters.

She wanted to tell these ladies not to get their hopes up. Someone like her Third Brother wouldn’t marry before becoming a jinshi. Moreover, once Luo Shenyuan passed the spring imperial examinations the next year and became a jinshi, marriage proposals would flood in like a tidal wave. Luo Shenyuan undoubtedly understood this and had no intention of marrying now.

The ladies pulled Yining over and showered her with compliments. Luo Yiliang sat to the side, sipping tea with a stiff smile.

Madam Chen wouldn’t introduce a concubine-born girl from another branch to these distinguished ladies.

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