HomeThe Rise of NingShou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce - Chapter 6

Shou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce – Chapter 6

Yining realized that Old Madam Luo also had a temper. If she defended Luo Shenyuan too much, the old lady would be displeased.

That night, Yining’s indigestion led to vomiting all over her bed. Old Madam Luo, both angry and amused, called for maids to change the bedding and gave her water to rinse her mouth, saying, “If you can’t eat, don’t force yourself. I wouldn’t make you eat.”

After recovering, Yining snuggled in Old Madam Luo’s arms and asked, “Grandmother, why do you dislike Third Brother so much? You won’t even accept his gifts.”

Old Madam Luo stroked Yining’s hair and sighed slowly, “When I say your Third Brother isn’t a kind person, you think I’m joking? You’re too young to understand. I wasn’t always like this with him, but later I grew to despise his ways, and my dislike for him increased.”

Yining asked, “What exactly did Third Brother do before?”

Old Madam Luo then recounted an incident.

“…Three years ago, your eldest brother noticed he had few servants, so he sent a maid to serve Luo Shenyuan. The maid was reluctant when she learned she’d be serving him and didn’t work diligently. Later, she even spoke disrespectfully to your Third Brother. When I found out, I summoned him and punished the maid. She felt guilty and promised to serve him well from then on. I advised him to let it go, and he agreed willingly, showing no signs of discontent. But then he bought a vicious dog from outside. The dog accidentally escaped its cage and mauled the maid to death…”

“Seeing the maid’s bloodied body, I felt chilled to the bone. I called him to kneel before me and asked why he had to be so cruel. Do you know what your Third Brother said?”

Yining looked at Old Madam Luo, who paused before continuing, “He said, ‘Grandmother, what do you think Eldest Brother intended by placing this maid by my side?’ I was so angry I slapped him and told him to get out. He was still young then, only twelve, and didn’t know how to restrain himself. Over the years, he’s become more reserved, and who knows what he’s thinking or plotting…”

Yining was shocked. Indeed, this was befitting of the future Grand Secretary – such ruthless methods… It was truly bloodthirsty.

That night, she kept dreaming of Luo Shenyuan with blood-stained hands.

The next day, Luo Yixiu came early to fetch Yining for their lessons.

The female tutor teaching Yining and Yixiu was quite renowned. Her father had been a jinshi degree holder, famous for his talent in Baoding. However, their family had fallen on hard times, and being proud, she refused to marry beneath her station. Thus, she remained single into middle age, making a living by teaching young ladies in noble families. It was Yining’s father who, hearing of her reputation, invited her to their household to properly educate his daughter.

Young Yining greatly disliked this tutor, who was truly indifferent to fame and treated everyone equally. Having witnessed how young Yining punished erring maids, she strongly disapproved of the girl’s arrogant behavior and often punished her. During lessons, her eyes were always fixed on Yining.

Young Yining couldn’t throw tantrums at this tutor. While she could disrespect anyone else, this female teacher was the exception. Even Old Madam Luo, who doted on her, didn’t take Yining’s side in this matter. It was the Luo family tradition to respect teachers and value education, which could not be violated.

On the first day of class, Yining sensed the maids’ nervousness – Songzhi adjusted her collar three times on the way.

The lessons took place in the Tingfeng Pavilion in the front courtyard. The front section was the Luo family’s clan school, attended not only by Luo family children but also by young masters from other noble families in the neighborhood. The back section, where Yining and the others studied, was accessed through a side door and was well separated from the front.

A screen divided the side room from the main hall, with long tables set up with writing implements. After Yining and Luo Yixiu arrived, Yilie also came in late. Yuyu was being kept by Madam Chen to learn etiquette and couldn’t come. Once the three were seated, the female tutor entered through the side door. She appeared to be in her forties, with her hair in a small bun, and wearing a blue jacket. Her face was thin, with tightly pressed lips.

They all stood to greet Teacher Gu.

Teacher Gu began lecturing on the “Standards for Being a Good Student and Child.” Yining, of course, knew it by heart.

However, she didn’t dare relax in front of this tutor. She sat up straight, focusing intently on Teacher Gu’s lesson.

Luo Yixiu, sitting behind her, poked her and whispered, “Yining, lend me your book. I forgot mine, and you know it by heart anyway. My maid brought crab roe pastries. I’ll share them with you at lunch, okay?”

Just as Yining turned her head, Teacher Gu noticed. She stared at them both and said sternly, “Seventh Miss, what are you doing?”

Yining answered honestly, “Fifth Sister was asking to borrow my book.”

Teacher Gu glanced at her and said coolly, “Seventh Miss, I know your father is a high official and your sister is a marquis’s wife. Your status is high, but even if you don’t follow the rules in my class, please don’t disturb others. And don’t make excuses.”

Yining was bewildered. It was Luo Yixiu asking to borrow her book!

Luo Yixiu, also afraid of Teacher Gu, had already ducked her head back.

Yining took a deep breath, finally understanding why young Yining disliked this tutor. She tried her best to sit properly and listen attentively to the lesson. Luo Yixiu didn’t dare call out to her again.

Teacher Gu stopped paying attention to Yining. She disliked both Yining and Luo Yixiu, focusing mainly on teaching Luo Yilie.

Yilie respected her teachers greatly, her small face following Teacher Gu’s every move. Although she was born of a concubine, she was cultured and well-mannered, appearing even more like a legitimate daughter than Yining.

As noon approached, Teacher Gu finished her lesson and went to rest.

Yining and Luo Yixiu went to the east wing of Tingfeng Pavilion for lunch.

The maids brought in dishes, and Luo Yixiu’s maid opened her food box, taking out several snacks. Yining ate the crab roe pastry Luo Yixiu offered her and said helplessly, “Fifth Sister, please don’t talk to me during class. The teacher will scold me.”

Luo Yixiu pouted and said, “When does she not scold you?”

Xuezhi brought a cup of tea for Yining and smiled, saying, “Miss, you must endure. Teacher Gu was invited by the Second Master. Our Luo family values education above all.”

Luo Yixiu leaned in to whisper to Yining, “You don’t know, I heard that Teacher Gu’s family fell on hard times because some official’s son, relying on family connections, took her father’s position. That’s why they gradually declined. So she doesn’t like people like us. Look at her face, it’s really…”

Just as Luo Yixiu was about to launch into a long critique, her maid quickly tugged her sleeve, pulling her back to her seat.

Yining could only console herself, thinking she’d just have to be more obedient in class to avoid punishment from the teacher. Indeed, for the rest of the afternoon, Teacher Gu didn’t say a word to her, only stopping her as they were leaving.

“Seventh Miss, I’ve looked at the book you copied last time,” Teacher Gu said coolly. “Your handwriting is too sloppy. You must practice diligently.”

Yining didn’t say anything, just nodding in agreement.

Teacher Gu continued, “Your writing is quite poor. You should practice with copybooks. There’s no need to trace the regular script written by scholars. You could try practicing some plum blossom small regular script.”

“Thank you for your guidance, Teacher,” Yining curtseyed before letting Xuezhi and Songzhi gather her things to leave.

As they exited the side door, she saw her eldest brother Luo Huaiyuan in the distance, talking with an elderly gentleman. The old man wore plain clothes and had a grizzled beard, looking kind and gentle.

Yining stopped, intending to wait for Luo Huaiyuan to pass before continuing. Xuezhi looked at Yining in confusion. Usually, upon seeing Luo Huaiyuan, Yining would eagerly rush to greet him.

Noticing Xuezhi’s gaze, Yining smiled and said, “Big Brother is talking with someone. We shouldn’t disturb him.” Seeing that Luo Huaiyuan had walked away, Yining started to move, but from the corner of her eye, she thought she saw someone.

After walking a few steps, Yining suddenly realized and looked back. Luo Shenyuan was standing by a latticed window, quietly waiting for her to pass.

She had been waiting for others to pass, not realizing he too was waiting for her to leave, also avoiding an encounter.

Seeing her look back, Luo Shenyuan’s expression remained unchanged. He said softly to his servant, “Never mind, let’s go.”

Though the weather had turned warm, he might not have fully recovered and was wearing a cloak. As Luo Shenyuan walked past her, he coughed a few times into his fist.

Yining asked with concern, “Third Brother, are you still unwell?”

Luo Shenyuan looked at her for a long moment, his gaze complex and unreadable. Yining felt a bit uneasy under his scrutiny. She had only meant to be friendly…

After a while, Luo Shenyuan finally said coolly, “It’s nothing.”

Yining walked alongside him, but Luo Shenyuan was tall, and she barely reached his waist. Even with the same pace, he walked much faster than her. Yining had to take small quick steps to keep up, which was quite tiring.

Yining said, “I saw Big Brother walking with an old gentleman earlier, but I didn’t know who he was. Do you know, Third Brother?”

After a long pause, Luo Shenyuan replied, “He’s a teacher from the clan school.”

Yining made a sound of acknowledgment, thinking she was grasping at straws for conversation and now didn’t know what else to say.

Remembering Teacher Gu’s instruction to practice calligraphy, Yining found a new topic. She took a few more steps to catch up with him and said, “Third Brother… Teacher Gu told me to practice writing, but I don’t have a copybook for plum blossom’s small regular script. Do you have one? Could I borrow it? I’ll return it after I’m done practicing.”

Luo Shenyuan remained silent for a long time, then turned to look at her with an even more complex gaze. “Seventh Sister, what are you up to now? If you want to borrow a copybook, you could easily ask Big Brother or Second Brother. Why come to me? I don’t have anything good.”

Yining was at a loss for words.

Young Yining had never been kind to Luo Shenyuan before. She was even closer to her cousins than to him. This quiet Third Brother was merely someone she toyed with when bored, casually teasing him. When had she ever truly cared for him?

Feeling guilty under his gaze, Yining could only say softly, “I just want to borrow the copybook…”

Luo Shenyuan seemed about to speak but stopped himself. He closed his eyes briefly before calmly saying, “…If you want it, I’ll give it to you tomorrow.”

Yining watched Luo Shenyuan walk away, his figure slender and solitary. Remembering Old Madam Luo’s words about his gloomy nature, she felt even more pity for him.

Suddenly, she felt the spring breeze was still cold, chilling her to the bone.

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