HomeThe Rise of NingShou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce - Chapter 68

Shou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce – Chapter 68

As the weather grew colder, Lin Hairu’s belly swelled day by day.

Everyone in the household watched over her, cautioning against unnecessary movement. Luo Chengzhang was especially careful, meticulously instructing Ruixiang to take utmost care of Lin Hairu’s daily needs. The closer she got to her due date, the more crucial it was to avoid any mishaps. Confined to her room, Lin Hairu grew bored and increasingly lethargic.

When Yining came to pay her respects that day, Ruixiang informed her that Lin Hairu was still asleep. Yining responded, “Don’t disturb her. Let Mother rest longer.”

Though she had never been pregnant herself, Yining understood the fatigue that came with it.

Yining gathered her writing materials and headed to the Tingfeng Pavilion in the front courtyard, where Master Song was to give her a lesson. Master Song was a teacher who freely drew from a wide range of topics, and his teaching skills were exceptional. Initially, he had agreed to teach Yining partly out of respect for Luo Shen Yuan, but as he continued, he grew fond of this young female student. Although not particularly gifted, she sometimes expressed surprisingly insightful views. Unbound by typical feminine constraints, she could approach issues from unique perspectives, showing a talent for understanding broader implications.

Finding her interesting, Master Song deliberately engaged her in debates during lessons. Today, they were discussing the concept of “repaying evil with kindness.”

From Duke Mu of Qin’s three rescues of Jin without receiving gratitude to Lian Po’s humble apology, the young girl’s viewpoint was clear: one should consider character and stance rather than fixating on kindness and resentment.

Master Song laughed heartily, stroking his beard as he said, “If the Seventh Miss were a man, she could join your third brother in taking the metropolitan examination.”

Yining set down her now-cold tea, smiling as she replied, “Surely you’re teasing me, Master. Perhaps you think this student has too many unconventional ideas?”

Master Song dismissively responded, “Does merely memorizing the Four Books and Five Classics guarantee passing the metropolitan exam? If so, we’d be producing scholars by the basketful every year. Though young, you think more broadly than most girls your age.” He nodded approvingly. “You can proudly say you’re my student; it wouldn’t bring me shame!”

Yining, both amused and exasperated, bid farewell to Master Song. Walking by the lotus pond, she observed the decay and suddenly realized that the spring imperial examinations were just over four months away…

When thousands of willow branches hang down their green silk threads in the capital, would she be able to witness Luo Shen Yuan’s name shaking the world? Here in Baoding, she wouldn’t be able to see him parade on horseback.

Clasping her cold fingers, Yining suddenly recalled the moment when that silent young man had pushed aside the curtain and strode out of the main hall.

Everyone had been watching this young Vice Minister of Personnel, surrounded by his entourage. At that time, she hadn’t known him, and he had been unaware of Luo Yining’s existence. They had never even met.

Now, she could witness his steady ascent to that position, second only to one, above ten thousand others. Fate was indeed a curious thing.

Returning to her room, Yining took a pair of thick winter socks she had made for Luo Shen Yuan and asked her maid to deliver them. Perfect for him to wear after he went to the capital, she thought. After a moment’s consideration, she called the maid back. Since Luo Yixiu was being supervised by Chen Shi in her needlework practice, leaving her too miserable to bother Yining, why not deliver them herself?

When she arrived at Luo Shen Yuan’s courtyard, he wasn’t there. His maid informed Yining that he had gone to see Luo Chengzhang and had been gone for half an hour, likely to return soon. The maid poured Yining a cup of tea, smiling as she said, “Please wait a moment, Seventh Miss. The Third Young Master should be back shortly.”

Yining held the steaming teacup, feeling more comfortable after a sip. The cold weather had made her somewhat sensitive to the chill. After sitting in the armchair for a while, she decided to browse his books. Quietly, she approached the bookshelf in Luo Shen Yuan’s study. Though he usually didn’t allow anyone in, Yining paid no mind to such restrictions. She randomly selected a book and opened it, discovering it was a poetry collection. He seemed to have a habit of annotating his books; the margins were filled with neat, tiny characters. One annotation read: “Thoroughly enjoyed, truly a masterpiece. Failed to recite from memory thrice, both amusing and frustrating.”

Yining’s brow furrowed as she read this. She flipped through a few more poems but found no more mentions of himself.

Did he particularly like this poem? Yining skimmed through it, deciding she should go back and memorize it properly.

Before she could return the book, she heard the maid at the door announce, “Third Young Master.”

Luo Shen Yuan entered with steady steps, noticing Yining browsing his books but saying nothing. Yining put down the book and smiled, “Third Brother, what did Father discuss with you? You were gone so long. Was it about your spring imperial examination next year?”

Luo Shen Yuan sat down to drink tea, glancing at her with a smile as he asked, “What did you come to see me about?”

He didn’t mention his conversation with Luo Chengzhang.

Indeed, Luo Chengzhang had summoned him about the spring examinations, or more precisely, about Master Sun. Master Sun greatly admired Luo Shen Yuan and intended to betroth his youngest daughter to him. He had already written to Luo Chengzhang, proposing that if Luo Shen Yuan passed the imperial examination, the two families should arrange the marriage promptly.

The Sun family was far more prestigious than the Gao family of Baoding. Master Sun was currently Luo Chengzhang’s mentor and had been instrumental in supporting his career. Miss Sun was a legitimate daughter, and though the youngest, she had been raised to be gentle and proper. Known as a talented young lady in the capital, suitors had flocked to propose when she came of age, but Master Sun had found none satisfactory.

By all accounts, Luo Shen Yuan should have agreed.

Luo Chengzhang was genuinely pleased for his eldest son. He knew his mentor’s character well, and Miss Sun was both talented and from a family of deep cultural heritage. This match seemed perfect.

Luo Shen Yuan had met Miss Sun a few times in the capital, recalling only that she indeed had a gentle temperament. Other details remained vague in his memory.

He had little interest in matters of romance, and even less in Miss Sun specifically. His previous reluctance to marry had been calculated; he knew that marrying later would bring him more support in his official career.

He was deeply calculating, even in his personal affairs.

Yining handed him the socks she had made, sitting beside him as she explained, “I added an extra layer of fleece inside. They’ll be very warm.”

Luo Shen Yuan observed her bright, alluring almond eyes and small face, which had grown somewhat thinner, enhancing her ethereal beauty. When she smiled, her eyes seemed to sparkle slightly. She was indeed growing more beautiful with age. He accepted the socks she had made, their fingertips briefly touching before parting.

Yining noticed his fingertips were slightly rough and warmer than hers, but the contact was fleeting.

Luo Shen Yuan examined the socks with a smile. The stitching was quite good, and she had added two layers of fleece, as if worried they wouldn’t be warm enough. His body tended to run hot, and even in winter, he only wore slightly thicker socks than in summer. He would never dare wear these. But how could he refuse the young girl’s kind gesture?

“Well made,” Luo Shen Yuan cleared his throat and said, “As a reward, I’ve just written some calligraphy practice sheets for you. Take them back to practice.”

What kind of reward was that… Yining looked at him, somewhat dejected.

Pretending not to notice her pitiful expression, Luo Shen Yuan called for a maid to set the table. Since Yining was here, he would naturally have some of her favorite dishes prepared.

“I recently acquired several woodblock prints from Xianghe. Would you like to see them?” Luo Shen Yuan asked with a smile. He indulged her, though the young girl herself was unaware of it. Knowing her fondness for woodblock prints, he had collected many for her, nearly filling her storeroom. For a young lady to prefer woodblock prints over poetry or painting was unusual, and collecting them was challenging.

Yining didn’t have many particular interests, but woodblock prints were one of them, especially jade prints, of which she had several treasured pieces. Only Luo Shen Yuan knew of this peculiar hobby.

Hearing about new woodblock prints, she naturally wanted to see them. She stood up, saying, “Of course I want to…” Midway through her sentence, she suddenly felt dizzy, her vision darkening. Yining felt unsteady and reached out to grasp Luo Shen Yuan’s arm for support.

Luo Shen Yuan frowned and immediately steadied her. “Yining, what’s wrong?”

Yining’s face had turned pale, and she felt waves of dull pain emanating from her lower abdomen. The sensation was all too familiar. Unfortunately, her dizziness made it difficult to stand, and she could only manage to say, “Third Brother, take me back…”

Having been treated as a child for so long, she had forgotten about this.

Yining was no longer a little girl; she now reached his shoulder, slender yet shapely. But he was her third brother, and carrying her wouldn’t be inappropriate. Besides, how could a maid support her securely?

“Where does it hurt?” Luo Shen Yuan didn’t hesitate, immediately lifting her into his arms and walking out of the room. Xuezhi and Songzhi, standing guard at the door, were stunned but quickly followed.

Lying in his arms, Yining felt indescribably embarrassed yet completely safe. Since childhood, her third brother had always carried her like this in times of danger. Another wave of pain coursed through her lower abdomen, and she clutched his sleeve tightly, whispering, “It’s alright… Third Brother, it’s alright.”

Luo Shen Yuan, his face grim, strode into Yining’s room and placed her on the daybed. Yining felt increasingly dizzy, the cramping pain in her abdomen leaving her speechless. Luo Shen Yuan glanced back at the maids, his voice cold, “The young miss is unwell. How could none of you attendants notice?”

All the servants in the room knelt, the room falling silent.

Mama Xu immediately sent someone to fetch Qingqu, while Xuezhi hurried forward to hold Yining’s hand, “Miss, is it a headache? How did it come on so suddenly? Did you not cover up enough last night?” Having watched Yining grow up, Xuezhi naturally worried about any signs of illness. Yining curled up in pain, managing to say brokenly, “It’s not… a headache…”

Luo Shen Yuan seemed to hear her words and turned back, sitting on the edge of her bed and lifting her into his arms again. “Yining, what exactly is wrong?”

How could she tell him about such matters? Yining shook her head, beads of sweat forming on her forehead, her grip on Luo Shen Yuan’s hand not loosening.

Luo Shen Yuan looked at Yining. Her jade-like face was pale and delicate, giving her the pitiful appearance of a fragile small animal. Her slender fingers grasped his large hand, her eyes slightly moist, stirring an inexplicable feeling in his heart. How pitiful she looked, her thin white fingers holding his hand without any strength. It seemed as if anything could harm her… yet she had also gained a touch of youthful allure that made him almost unable to look directly at her.

Suddenly understanding, Luo Shen Yuan asked in a low voice, “Is it stomach pain?”

He was so perceptive, he had guessed… Yining felt there was no need to be embarrassed anymore, but when she looked at him again, she found Luo Shen Yuan’s expression somewhat unfamiliar, unlike his usual self, though it disappeared in an instant. She nodded slightly.

Luo Shen Yuan released her soft body and stood up, stepping back as he said, “Take care of the young miss. I’ll… wait outside.”

Only when he reached the outside did his tightly clenched fist slightly relax?

Luo Shen Yuan stood under the corridor, closing his eyes. Others might not know, but he clearly understood what he had been thinking just moments ago. When he had held Yining in that moment of crisis, the long-suppressed emotions in his heart had nearly broken free. He had even been afraid to look directly at her, fearing he might lose control and resort to scheming.

This shouldn’t happen. Even if Yining wasn’t his blood sister, how would others know? How would Yining know? She only saw him as her third brother.

Luo Shen Yuan exhaled softly. When he opened his eyes again, he had reverted to the calm and steady Luo Shen Yuan, the top scholar of North Zhili admired by all, and Luo Yining’s third brother.

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