HomeThe Rise of NingShou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce - Chapter 70

Shou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce – Chapter 70

The next morning, Nanny Xu helped Yining style her hair.

Yining’s hair, though beautiful, wasn’t easy to manage. Lin Hairu’s hair was truly exceptional – thick, black, and easy to style. Yining’s hair was fine and soft, feeling like clouds when held, yet smooth as silk when let down. It shimmered with a slightly lighter hue in the light. While pretty, it was challenging to style.

After Nanny Xu finished styling, she carefully combed through it and asked, “Young Miss, do you like this style?”

Yining examined herself in the mirror. Nanny Xu had styled her hair in a hanging tress bun, which looked light and lively. It suited her well. She knew there were many skilled hairdressers in her household, and her own fine, soft hair was difficult to style. She smiled and said, “Your styling is always beautiful.”

A maid brought in red date porridge and flaky pastries. Though Yining’s pain had subsided, she still felt weak in her waist and knees. Leaning against a pillow, she sipped her porridge and asked, “Did Third Brother send any message after he returned last night?”

Xuezhi shook her head, “No one from the Third Young Master has come.”

Yining found this puzzling. She put down her bowl, recalling the strange, compassionate look on her brother’s face when he saw her yesterday.

After eating a bit of pastry, she couldn’t eat anymore and asked the maid to clear everything away. Just then, Songzhi led in an elderly woman who bowed to Yining and said with a smile, “Seventh Young Miss, I’ve prepared everything as you instructed. We just need to measure the Third Young Master, and then we can start making the clothes.”

This woman was from the sewing room, where all the household’s clothes were made. Yining was preparing clothes for Luo Shenyuan’s trip to the capital. She could knit winter socks for fun, but tailoring clothes was beyond her skills. So she had asked for a skilled seamstress to make several winter outfits for her brother. Yining asked, “Can’t a maid help with the measurements?”

The seamstress shook her head, “Winter clothes need to fit closely to keep warm. I need to measure personally to ensure a proper fit. Maids wouldn’t know the right measurements.”

Yining thought for a moment and said, “Then I’ll take you to him. After you measure Third Brother, please measure Xuezhi as well.” She pointed at Xuezhi, “She needs new clothes too.”

Xuezhi was past the age when servants usually left the household. As Yining’s most prominent maid, Yining hadn’t wanted her to leave when she was younger. But now that Xuezhi was older, it wasn’t appropriate for her to stay. Yining had asked Luo Shenyuan to find her a marriage match – a respectable family in Xuishui County, where the groom even held a xiucai degree. The family was delighted to hear she was a senior maid from the Luo household. Maids from official families often married better than ordinary girls.

Xuezhi had served Yining for many years, and though Yining was reluctant to part with her, she didn’t want to hold her back. Moreover, Xuezhi was satisfied with the match. Yining was already considering how much silver to give as Xuezhi’s dowry.

Xuezhi blushed at Yining’s words and was about to refuse. As a servant, how could she deserve clothes made by the household’s sewing room? But Yining pressed her hand to stop her and said with a smile, “In the future, you’ll have new clothes made here too. You’ll marry in red silk and a cloud-patterned cape, with more than ten chests of dowry!”

The maids in the room all smiled. Xuezhi felt both touched and amused, looking at Yining with extremely soft eyes.

Yining led the seamstress to find Luo Shenyuan. He was surprised to see her bringing someone else. He put down his book and walked over, his thick brows slightly furrowed as he said in a low voice, “Aren’t you feeling unwell? Why are you running around?”

Yining smiled and said, “You said you’d treat me to lunch yesterday but didn’t. I’m here to mooch a meal off you.” Seeing his disapproving expression, Yining took the seamstress’s measuring tape and waved it at him, “I asked the sewing room to make you some winter clothes. I heard the capital is colder, so you’ll need them when you get there. Third Brother, raise your arms so we can measure you.”

Luo Shenyuan looked at her helplessly, “Yining, if you’re bored, I can find you another music teacher.”

Yining just urged him to raise his arms as the seamstress stepped forward to measure him. Luo Shenyuan had no choice but to comply. He was tall, so the seamstress had to stand on tiptoe to measure him. Yining noticed he wasn’t standing straight and reached out to pull at his waist, “Third Brother, stand up straight so the measurements are accurate.”

Her hand barely touched his waist, but she felt his body stiffen.

After the seamstress finished and left, Luo Shenyuan sighed and asked a maid to bring Yining some hot tea. He asked, “Is this why you came to see me?”

Yining smiled, “Didn’t I say I came to mooch a meal?” Noticing Luo Shenyuan sitting far from her, she moved closer and grabbed his hand, “But there’s one more thing. I want Xuezhi to have a grand wedding. I heard you have a house in Xuishui County. Can I borrow it?”

Luo Shenyuan could feel the softness of the hand on his. His whole body tensed. He said in a restrained tone, “Yining, sit properly.”

Yining didn’t understand his reaction and looked up at him, but Luo Shenyuan avoided her gaze. He withdrew his hand and said, “You can borrow it.”

Yining’s eyes were moist, like those of an innocent animal that had been wronged. No one could harden their heart against such a gaze.

Hearing his agreement, Yining didn’t think much of it and said with a smile, “Then I won’t pay you for it!”

Luo Shenyuan’s lips twitched slightly as he said, “Of course, you don’t need to pay.”

Yining waited in his study for lunch while he wrote. She curled up on a chaise lounge, reading a book. She wore a blue short jacket with a plain white skirt hanging down. Sunlight from the window lattice fell on her skirt. Yining looked very focused, as she always did when concentrating on something. Her long eyelashes rested above her clear, bright eyes, seemingly undisturbed by the outside world. When she encountered something puzzling, her brows furrowed slightly, and she unconsciously bit her lip.

This was a bad habit of hers when she was thinking deeply about something.

He remembered when she was a little chubby ball, round and adorable like a doll in a New Year painting. In the blink of an eye, she had grown into a slender young lady. Luo Shenyuan didn’t know when his feelings had started to change. Perhaps it was when he returned from the capital, and the grown-up Yining hugged him from behind, making him suddenly realize she was no longer a child. Or maybe when she fell asleep in his arms, curled up in the crook of his arm, clutching his sleeve with complete dependence and trust.

Or perhaps it was when he heard that Lin Mao intended to propose to her, and he felt an instant tightness and darkness in his heart.

But this was impossible. He was nominally Yining’s brother. Even though he knew they weren’t blood-related and had even secretly investigated her birth father, Yining’s true identity could never be revealed. Even if he wasn’t her brother, he was eight years older than her. He was a young man ready to start a family and career, while Yining was still childlike in many ways.

His hard-won rationality told him he must act as if nothing had changed. But how could this be easily done?

Sensing someone watching her, Yining suddenly looked up and said, “Third Brother—”

Luo Shenyuan had already averted his gaze and said coolly, “What is it?”

She hesitated for a moment before walking to his side, “I don’t understand this part in the book.” Her lips were red from where she had bitten them earlier.

Luo Shenyuan forced himself to focus on where she was pointing and explained, “Zhuangzi is difficult to understand. You’re young, so it’s better not to read too much of it. This ‘Perfect Happiness’ Shou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce – Chapter discusses life, death, and reincarnation, essentially about following the way of heaven…”

Yining listened attentively. Due to her own experiences, she was very interested in this passage. By the time he finished explaining, it was noon, and the kitchen sent word that the meal was ready.

Luo Shenyuan put down the book and led her out. They were met by a hurriedly approaching servant who bowed to Luo Shenyuan and said, “Third Young Master, Concubine Qiao has brought someone into the household, claiming it’s a distant relative of her maid who’s come to visit.”

Yining glanced at him upon hearing this. Had he been monitoring Concubine Qiao all along?

Given Concubine Qiao’s cunning nature, it was natural for him to keep an eye on her. Luo Shenyuan asked as they walked, “What’s going on?”

The servant immediately replied, “I had someone watch, and it was a seriously ill woman being helped into Concubine Qiao’s room. If it were truly a relative visiting, why would they come when they’re practically at death’s door? I found it suspicious, so I came to report to you, Third Young Master.”

Why would Concubine Qiao invite a gravely ill person into the house? Yining was also puzzled. Concubine Qiao had been in poor spirits lately, pushed to the edge by young master Xuan’s situation. But this mysterious behavior made it impossible to guess what she was planning.

Luo Shenyuan stopped, thought for a moment, and said, “Investigate this woman’s identity, but don’t alert the Concubine.”

The servant immediately left to carry out the order.

Yining asked him, “Have you been monitoring Concubine Qiao’s side all along?”

Luo Shenyuan just smiled gently and said, “I’ve asked the kitchen to prepare the cured goose meat you like. You should eat more later.”

Meanwhile, Concubine Qiao paced anxiously in her room.

Luo Yilie sat silently on the couch, thinking her mother had gone mad for her brother’s sake, even believing such nonsense. But whenever she tried to explain, Concubine Qiao would interrupt her. Whether true or false, they had to try to find out. If it was false, so be it, but if it was true… things would certainly get interesting!

Finally, a servant came to report that the person had been brought in and settled in the East Warm Pavilion. Concubine Qiao sighed in relief and said to her daughter, “Yilie, if she’s not your father’s biological child, but an illegitimate child from outside, you’ll be the only young miss of the second branch. Who would dare mistreat you then?”

Luo Yilie didn’t know what to say. Although she and Concubine Qiao were mother and daughter, Concubine Qiao had grown up in the marketplace, while she was a concubine-born young miss of the Luo family. Sometimes she really couldn’t stand some of the words that came out of her mother’s mouth. In her eyes, Luo Yining was indeed her enemy – if not for Yining, how could she have ended up in such a situation? But she would never use words like “illegitimate” to describe her.

Concubine Qiao adjusted her hair and went to the East Warm Pavilion with her maid.

The East Warm Pavilion smelled strongly of medicinal ointments and was dimly lit. The maid announced her arrival, and Concubine Qiao had to squint to see clearly as she entered. On the bed lay a woman with a sallow complexion, dressed in simple clothes. She stared at the face for a long time, trying hard to remember if this person had served Gu Minglan. But after so many years, she could barely remember what Gu Minglan looked like, let alone an unremarkable maid.

Liu An’s wife bowed beside her and said, “Concubine, this is Mrs. Zhang.” She leaned down and patted Mrs. Zhang’s shoulder, “The Concubine has come to see you.”

Mrs. Zhang slowly opened her eyes, looking confused for a moment. Then she saw a beautiful, richly dressed woman sitting on an embroidered stool, watching her. She could vaguely remember this person – it was Concubine Qiao, who hadn’t changed much from over a decade ago. What had changed were people like her – some had grown old, others had died. Mrs. Zhang closed her eyes and began to tremble slightly.

“This servant cannot rise to pay respects. Concubine… please forgive me,” Mrs. Zhang said slowly. “Thank you for sparing Xu Si. I… I will tell you about what happened back then.”

Concubine Qiao felt an eerie silence in the room; no one dared to speak. The East Warm Pavilion, rarely used, smelled of decaying wood. Holding a cup of tea, Concubine Qiao looked at Mrs. Zhang and said, “Go ahead and speak. I’m listening. If what you say is true, not only will I spare Xu Si, but I’ll ensure you both have food and clothing for life.”

Mrs. Zhang’s expression became complex. She slowly recounted the events of that year – how Gu Minglan was abducted from the nunnery, how she gave birth prematurely, and how she died from excessive worry… As she spoke, she choked up, and Concubine Qiao’s expression grew increasingly tense.

She couldn’t help but stand up and walk to the bedside, grabbing Mrs. Zhang’s hand, “Are you saying that Luo Yining is nothing but the daughter of a guard?”

“It should be…” Mrs. Zhang said, “I saw… the waist token he wore… The timing of the Madam’s pregnancy didn’t match up. At the time, Nanny Zheng said she should terminate the pregnancy, but she refused. We knew disaster was coming. The Madam said she didn’t want to live anyway and to protect this child… she was willing to die.”

Concubine Qiao’s hand tightly gripped her handkerchief. She knew Mrs. Zhang was telling the truth – everything matched up, and all her suspicions were explained!

Gu Minglan had given birth after a full-term pregnancy, all the servants who attended her had left the Luo family, and she had died from depression. Luo Yining bore no resemblance to Luo Chengzhang. She even thought of Old Madam Luo’s death – the Old Madam had only met with Nanny Zheng once before falling ill. Could it be that she too had learned the truth and died from the shock?

The more Concubine Qiao thought about it, the more convinced she became! Her eyes gleamed as she sneered, “So she truly is of lowborn blood, and Gu Minglan dared to pass her off as a legitimate young miss!”

How could the daughter of some unknown guard be raised as a young miss? How dare Gu Minglan have the audacity to use such a lowborn child to deceive everyone, allowing her to lord over her for so many years?

Concubine Qiao couldn’t help but feel excited. If she exposed Luo Yining’s true identity, Yining could no longer be the legitimate young miss. With such lowborn blood, she should live a lowborn life – she couldn’t stay in the Luo family anymore, let alone remain a young miss. Without Luo Yining, how could Lin Hairu possibly compete with her? And her son Xuan would surely be returned to her sooner or later!

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