HomeThe Rise of NingShou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce - Chapter 91

Shou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce – Chapter 91

Yi Ning remained silent after hearing the second Miss He’s words.

She knew Cheng Lang wouldn’t marry Zhao Mingzhu. If her memory served her correctly, Cheng Lang eventually married a legitimate daughter from a prestigious family. She couldn’t recall exactly who, but the bride was genuinely from a high-ranking family, with the pride to match her status, talent, and position.

As the second Miss He continued talking, Wei Old Madam sent someone to summon Yi Ning.

Mingzhu was speaking with Wei Old Madam when Yi Ning arrived. The old lady pulled Yi Ning to her side and said with a smile, “… Our household might soon have joyous news.”

Mingzhu turned to look at Yi Ning. Though Yi Ning dressed simply, her Hetian jade accessories and blue gold-threaded satin were worth thousands. Raised in luxury in the Duke of Ying’s household, her complexion was flawless. While not arrogant, she carried herself with natural dignity.

Zhao Mingzhu recalled seeing Yi Ning speaking with Cheng Lang and leaving him to tutor Ting’er. She thought of the humiliation she had endured recently. Her smile widened slightly as she coyly said, “Grandmother, why are you mentioning this?”

Yi Ning had always avoided conflicts with Zhao Mingzhu, seeing no need for it. As the biological daughter, engaging with the foster child would be beneath her. Besides, Zhao Mingzhu’s relationship with Cheng Lang was none of her concern. She asked, “What joyous news are you referring to, Grandmother?”

Just then, Cheng Lang entered. He favored moon-white robes, which accentuated his elegant demeanor. While others couldn’t pull off this color, it made him appear even more handsome. With his silver hairpin, he was a striking sight. He approached with a faint smile and said, “I heard from Nanny Song that you were looking for me. Is there something urgent?”

Cheng Lang’s mother was a concubine’s daughter. Given the Duke of Ying’s limited offspring, Lu Jiaxue had arranged for Cheng Lang to recognize the old Duke of Ying as his maternal grandfather, officially recorded in the family genealogy. Zhao Mingzhu’s recognition of Lu Jiaxue as her adoptive father was requested by Wei Old Madam, but it held little significance beyond Lu Jiaxue’s sending her gifts on major holidays.

Yi Ning had rarely seen Cheng Lang since their last encounter, as he was busy with court affairs. Once, she had seen him standing tall in Ting’er’s study, idly playing with a grasshopper tied to a small basket. Ting’er had said to him, “My sister folded this for me. Isn’t it pretty? If you like it, I can ask her to make one for you too.”

“Mingzhu?” Cheng Lang had asked.

Ting’er shook his head, “Mingzhu is Sister Mingzhu. Sister is just Sister.”

Cheng Lang had smiled and declined, “No need…” No matter how well-made, if it wasn’t from that person, it held no meaning for him.

Since then, his attitude towards Yi Ning has changed slightly. He saw some resemblance to that person in her and became more polite, refraining from frivolous behavior out of respect. But having no intention of using Yi Ning, he naturally had little interest in befriending a young girl and became more distant.

Cheng Lang saw Yi Ning sitting beside Wei Old Madam and called her “Cousin Yi Ning.” Yi Ning, noticing his improved attitude, finally responded with a warm smile.

Zhao Mingzhu, perceiving his coolness towards Yi Ning, said, “Brother Cheng, you mentioned liking the cosmetics from Bilo Pavilion and gave me a box. Why didn’t you give one to Sister Yi Ning? That’s favoritism. You shouldn’t be so biased; you should give Sister Yi Ning one too.”

Cheng Lang felt a twinge of mockery hearing this, understanding Zhao Mingzhu’s intentions. What Zhao Mingzhu didn’t know was that Wei Ling doted on his daughter excessively, filling her room with precious items. The cosmetics and fragrances Yi Ning used were top-quality tributes from the palace, though Yi Ning herself might not have realized this. He said to Yi Ning, “If Cousin Yi Ning wants some, I’ll send them over in a couple of days.”

“I don’t mind. Since you gave them to Sister Mingzhu, it’s her good fortune,” Yi Ning replied, genuinely unaware of the quality of her usual cosmetics, only caring that they worked well.

Wei Old Madam grew increasingly pleased with Cheng Lang. Hearing their conversation, she became more convinced of his interest in Mingzhu. She smiled and said, “Mingzhu, why don’t you and your Sister Yi Ning go to the side room for a while?”

It seemed she was clearing the room.

Yi Ning, indifferent and knowing this match wouldn’t work out, felt lazy. Moreover, she was on her monthly cycle and feeling unwell. She had her maid help her to the side room to rest. Zhao Mingzhu entered and began whispering with her maid, Suxi. Qingqu brought medicine for Yi Ning and said softly, “I’ve finally managed to improve your condition… but you’ve been neglecting your medicine, thinking you’re fine. Now you’re uncomfortable again, aren’t you?”

Yi Ning had previously suffered from menstrual cramps, which Qingqu had treated for a long time before seeing improvement.

Qingqu’s manner of speaking to Yi Ning wasn’t always respectful, which Zhenzu and the others had grown accustomed to. But Zhao Mingzhu, overhearing, took notice. She observed that this tall, sturdy maid Yi Ning had brought back was indeed unusual. After drinking the medicine, Yi Ning handed the cup back to Qingqu, frowning, “Why aren’t there any plums to eat?” The medicine was bitter, and plums helped mask the taste.

Qingqu raised an eyebrow and said, “Plums would interfere with the medicine’s effects. You can’t have them.”

If such a maid were in her service, she would have been dismissed long ago! Zhao Mingzhu thought to herself. But she saw Yi Ning merely pursed her lips, showing a rare hint of petulance towards this maid: “Fine, no plums. But I can at least have some water, right?”

Qingqu finally nodded, “You may.” She took the medicine cup, poured hot water into it, and handed it back to Yi Ning.

Yi Ning, at a loss for words, drank it anyway. After all, Qingqu held authority in her chambers. Recently, when Daimao had suffered from chest pains, Qingqu treated it with a few doses of medicine. Now Daimao looked up to her. All the maids in Yi Ning’s room said, “Whatever Miss Qingqu says is right. She’s capable, and you should listen to her.”

Zhao Mingzhu turned her attention away from Yi Ning and her maid. She felt nervous, considering this was about her lifelong happiness.

In the East Warm Chamber, Wei Old Madam had a maid pour tea for Cheng Lang. She began, “…Lang’er, I’ve watched you grow up. You and Mingzhu share a childhood bond, and I can see how well you treat her. She’s been raised by my side, perhaps a bit spoiled, but she has a good nature. You’ve achieved success at a young age, and I intend for you to marry Mingzhu. This should have been decided earlier, but I, this old woman, have been considering it for a long time. If you marry Mingzhu, I’ll provide a substantial dowry. Although Mingzhu isn’t officially the Duke of Ying’s daughter, she can marry from this household with the same treatment. You’re of age now, and marriage would settle you. I don’t expect anything from you, but of course, the occasion for Mingzhu shouldn’t be too modest. I want her to have a grand wedding.”

As Cheng Lang listened, his smile deepened, his heart growing more scornful. Wei Old Madam had overestimated Zhao Mingzhu’s value. Did she think everyone would treasure what she held dear? And she wanted a grand occasion?

Cheng Lang slowly set down his teacup and said coolly, “Grandmother, as you’ve said yourself, Mingzhu isn’t the Duke of Ying’s legitimate daughter. So why should I marry her? Though I don’t hold a title, I am the legitimate son of the Cheng family and a fifth-rank official in the Ministry of Personnel. Why should I compromise by marrying a pretend lady?”

Wei Old Madam, hearing Cheng Lang’s words, was completely taken aback. Her face changed immediately. She asked, “You’re saying… you’re unwilling to marry Mingzhu?” She had always assumed Cheng Lang liked Zhao Mingzhu.

“What qualities does she possess that makes her worth marrying?” At this point, Cheng Lang wasn’t afraid of offending Wei Old Madam, as he was certain he wouldn’t marry Zhao Mingzhu. He continued slowly, “Besides being arrogant due to your indulgence, what outstanding qualities does she have? In terms of education, she’s ignorant; in personality, she’s narrow-minded; in social situations, she requires constant flattery. You may find these traits endearing, viewing them as sincerity, but others don’t see it that way. If she’s to marry, she should return to the Zhao family and wed someone of matching status. Keeping her here as a young lady of the Duke of Ying’s household is truly an undeserved elevation on your part.”

Wei Old Madam had never before thought Cheng Lang to be particularly eloquent. Blocked by his words, her face turned ashen. It wasn’t entirely anger, but a sense of discomfort at being so directly opposed. He had blatantly refused her! He didn’t like Mingzhu at all.

“If I were to marry, it should be Uncle’s biological daughter, Yi Ning,” Cheng Lang stood up, his tone respectful but firm. “I’ve offended you today, but in the future, Grandmother, it’s best not to play matchmaker carelessly.”

With that, he took his leave. Wei Old Madam was both angry and stunned, at a loss for words.

But hearing Cheng Lang’s parting words, she realized there was some truth to them. If he wanted to marry, why couldn’t he marry Yi Ning? Why did it have to be Zhao Mingzhu?

Nanny Song looked at her worriedly and poured her some tea, “Old Madam… don’t let this upset you. If the young master is unwilling, we can’t blame him.”

Wei Old Madam fell silent, pondering Cheng Lang’s words.

Zhao Mingzhu saw Cheng Lang leaving the East Warm Chamber. He still appeared as usual, his eyes and brows gentle. She hurriedly ran out, calling, “Cousin Cheng!” Cheng Lang turned to look at her and smiled slightly, “Cousin Mingzhu, do you need something?”

Zhao Mingzhu found herself at a loss for words. After a long pause, she could only let Cheng Lang leave. When she returned to the East Warm Chamber with a slightly flushed face, she saw Wei Old Madam leaning against a pillow, lost in thought. She approached, “Grandmother, what’s wrong?”

Wei Old Madam turned to look at her. Zhao Mingzhu was still unaware, even smiling. Wei Old Madam felt a dull pain in her heart and said, “Your Cousin Cheng… refused this marriage proposal.” She quickly added, “Don’t be upset. Grandmother will find you someone better in the future, even better than your Cousin Cheng.” She refrained from mentioning anything Cheng Lang had said.

Zhao Mingzhu’s eyes widened in disbelief. After a moment, she collapsed into a chair, feeling cold all over. In her confusion, she recalled Cheng Lang’s recent smile and his past kindnesses. Her face burned with embarrassment. She had always thought Cheng Lang harbored some affection for her… but in his eyes, she was no different from other girls! Just something to amuse himself within his idle moments.

Cheng Lang disdained her; he was unwilling to marry her. All his kindness had been mere pretense!

Zhao Mingzhu was speechless for a long time, biting her lip and trembling. The pride nurtured since childhood kept her back straight, but tears gradually welled up in her eyes.

The room fell silent. The twilight was descending, and the lively poetry gathering had dispersed.

Lady Fu’s carriage finally entered the Duke of Ying’s mansion, reaching the entrance of Jing’an Residence within a quarter of an hour.

Hearing of Lady Fu’s visit, Wei Old Madam composed herself to receive her, asking Zhao Mingzhu to retire to the inner room for now.

Lady Fu was older than Wei Old Madam but still sprightly, walking with vigor. Upon entering Wei Old Madam’s room, she took her hand and began talking. Wei Old Madam, not having seen her old friend for a long time, felt her earlier discomfort fade as they chatted. She relaxed and called for maids to bring peach cakes, asking, “What brings you here today? Isn’t your family quite busy now?”

Lady Fu smiled and said, “I’ve come on someone else’s behalf. Your young lady is growing up, and I’m here to propose marriage for someone.”

Wei Old Madam thought she had misheard, “You’re here to propose marriage?”

Just as Zhao Mingzhu and Cheng Lang’s engagement had fallen through, another proposal had arrived.

Yi Ning, feeling unwell, had returned to the East Garden. She was now curled up in bed, hugging a hand warmer and dozing off. She could only hear the sound of Zhenzu boiling water for tea. After a while, Songzhi helped her sit up and gave her a bowl of poached eggs in brown sugar. The brown sugar had been slowly melted over low heat, water was added to poach the egg, with a spoonful of fermented rice was added for fragrance. Yi Ning took a bite of the egg and found it delicious, confirming that Songzhi’s poached eggs were indeed the best.

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