HomeThe Rise of NingShou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce - Chapter 94

Shou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce – Chapter 94

The Conqueror Lays Down His Armor

The drumbeats of war and the melancholic “Songs of Chu” faded away, replaced by the sorrowful notes of a pipa. As the final tones gently fell, fingers lightly plucked and strummed the strings, evoking a battle song rising into the air before gradually settling into dust.

Silence enveloped the flower hall. In the center of the main hall, Yining closed her eyes, a subtle sadness on her face that moved everyone present.

After a moment, Old Madam Wei came to her senses and grasped Yining’s hand, saying softly, “I had no idea you played the pipa so beautifully!”

Yining stood up, cradling the pipa. She recalled her wet nurse’s wistful words: “The old madam doesn’t like instrumental music, so the madam gave up playing. But she was truly gifted. I know learning might not be of much use to you, but I still want to teach you. When you play the pipa in the future, you’ll be able to think of her.”

She would indeed think of her – the birth mother she never met, never even had a chance to embrace. Though she hadn’t personally taught Yining, her influence remained constant.

Old Madam Wei turned to Xie Yun and asked with a smile, “What does Miss Xie think?”

Xie Yun’s gaze was complex as she replied, “I heard someone play this piece when I was young. I thought it was divine and assumed I’d never hear anything so exquisite again. Yining’s rendition captures seven or eight-tenths of that brilliance.” She smiled brightly and added, “Has Yining been learning pipa since childhood?”

“Not at all. Her father found her a pipa teacher just a few months ago. I’ve noticed she doesn’t practice much, so I assumed she was rather inconsistent with it,” Old Madam Wei explained.

“That’s not surprising then,” Xie Yun nodded. “Yining’s fingering is a bit unpracticed, but her talent is astounding. Her interpretation of the melody far surpasses mine.”

Yining knew her lack of practice had inevitably led to a decline in her technique. Her lazy nature meant she rarely practiced, wasting her natural talent.

She didn’t feel particularly regretful about it. If not for encountering Xie Yun today, she might not have even thought to pick up the pipa. Nevertheless, she offered sincere praise to Xie Yun: “Miss Xie also plays exquisitely, though it seems you don’t love the piece you played, which affects its flavor somewhat.”

Xie Yun was slightly taken aback by this comment.

“Was that a piece you love, then?” a voice suddenly called from the doorway.

Everyone turned to look.

Yining turned her head to see a tall figure standing in the doorway, hands clasped behind his back. He wore the official robes typical of a military officer, his expression calm yet carrying a subtle air of authority.

Some present recognized Lu Jiaxue, eliciting a few soft exclamations. Zhao Mingzhu, standing beside Old Madam Wei, brightened visibly. She curtsied and called out happily, “Adoptive Father! What brings you here?”

Attention shifted to Zhao Mingzhu. While it was known that Miss Mingzhu was Lu Jiaxue’s adopted daughter, this was the first time many had seen them together.

Why has he come?

Yining’s fingers tightened slightly on the pipa strings. Her feelings toward Lu Jiaxue were complex, a mix of resentment and fear, though both had faded considerably. She realized she could do nothing against Lu Jiaxue… Suddenly, she felt grateful for her lack of practice, that her playing wasn’t as good as before. Yining curtsied slightly and said, “My teacher only taught me this piece. I can’t say whether I like it or not.” She tried to remain calm, fearing he might notice something amiss, and forced herself not to avoid his gaze.

She could only hope he hadn’t paid close attention when he’d heard it years ago!

Lu Jiaxue watched Yining silently. Wei Ling approached, and seeing the room full of women, told Old Madam Wei that the banquet at Fangshan was ready. He invited everyone to move there.

“It’s been so long since I’ve seen you,” Zhao Mingzhu said cheerfully as she walked over to Lu Jiaxue, linking her arm with his. She had assumed he’d come to see her and was delighted.

Lu Jiaxue merely nodded slightly to Zhao Mingzhu before entering and sitting in the main chair.

The Conqueror Lays Down His Armor – it was impressive that this young girl could capture seven or eight-tenths of its essence. Though she couldn’t compare to that person, it was still quite good.

This girl truly resembled her, even in mannerisms and the way she spoke. She should be grateful she’s Wei Ling’s daughter.

She should also be grateful that he had cultivated self-restraint in recent years.

Lu Jiaxue said calmly, “If it’s not a piece you love, perhaps it’s best played less often.”

Yining clenched her jaw slightly, then looked up with a smile and said, “Lord Commander, I’m afraid how others play is not your concern.”

Old Madam Wei and Zhao Mingzhu were startled – Wei Ling had just left, and no one else would dare speak to Lu Jiaxue this way.

Luo Shenyuan stepped forward and took Yining’s hand. “Lord Commander, Yining is still young.”

Lu Jiaxue raised his head slightly, finally noticing Luo Shenyuan. The young man stood protectively in front of Luo Yining. He recognized Luo Shenyuan and, taking a sip of tea, asked, “The new top-ranked scholar?”

“During the palace examination, His Majesty asked me about you,” Lu Jiaxue continued. “He wondered if your right hand’s inability to flex would prevent you from being named top scholar. I told him it didn’t matter.”

Hearing this, Luo Shenyuan smiled quietly and said, “Then I should thank you, Lord Commander.”

Lu Jiaxue said nothing for a moment. Though their positions were unequal, to Luo Yining watching from the side, there seemed to be an undercurrent of tension. Later, when Luo Shenyuan became Prime Minister, he and Lu Jiaxue would be bitter rivals, their open and covert struggles numerous.

Lu Jiaxue truly didn’t view this young man as a threat, no matter how talented he might be – he was still young. Yining, her hand held by Luo Shenyuan, could feel the rough scars on his palm… all because of little Yining. She looked up at Luo Shenyuan’s customary silence. Though she knew he needed no one’s pity, that he would rise to the highest office and become Lu Jiaxue’s strongest opponent, she couldn’t help feeling… sympathy for him now. “Right-hand disability” – four simple words that would follow him for life. She knew her Third Brother still couldn’t hold a brush with his right hand.

Yining understood Lu Jiaxue’s nature well enough – as long as one didn’t truly anger him, he wouldn’t take it out on the innocent. But others would still worry for her.

She took a deep breath and said to Lu Jiaxue, “If Lord Commander dislikes it, I simply won’t play anymore.”

Hearing this, Lu Jiaxue raised an eyebrow: “When did I say you shouldn’t play?”

Luo Yining felt frustrated – how was it that whether ten years ago or ten years later, he always managed to irritate her?

Wei Ling had returned. Lu Jiaxue naturally stopped teasing her to avoid angering Wei Ling further.

Wei Ling came over and stroked Yining’s head: “Our Yining plays the pipa so well. Next time you must play for Father too!” He had hired a teacher for his daughter but didn’t yet know how well she played.

He also nodded to Luo Shenyuan: “Young Master Luo, please join us at Fangshan as well. At least stay for a meal before leaving.”

“Thank you for your kind invitation, Lord Wei, but I truly cannot delay,” Luo Shenyuan shook his head.

Yining realized then that Third Brother was leaving.

After Luo Shenyuan took his leave from Wei Ling, she accompanied him out of the flower hall. Seeing his nearly expressionless face as they walked, she asked, “Did you think I didn’t play well just now?”

Luo Shenyuan lightly tapped her forehead and said, “You’re just a young girl. In the future, don’t play such mournful tunes.”

Yining rubbed the spot he’d tapped, thinking to herself that this tone-deaf man didn’t understand… It was perhaps his only flaw – a lack of musical sensibility.

As they left the flower hall, Yining asked, “Third Brother, how do you know Xie Yun?”

Luo Shenyuan glanced at her and said, “Last time at Lord Sun’s residence, she posed the first line of a couplet that no one could match. Seeing Lord Sun’s embarrassment, I helped out. Since then, she’s been constantly pestering me.”

Reaching the entrance of Jing’an Residence, he stopped and told her, “I have to visit the Hanlin Academy this afternoon, so I can’t stay long. I’m afraid I’ll have to come see you another day.”

Having just attained the top scholar rank, he must be extremely busy. That he could spare half a day was already quite something.

Yining understood and nodded, saying, “Then shall I see you out to the side gate?”

Luo Shenyuan patted her head, smiling as he said softly, “No need. I’ll come see you another day. You should go back now.”

After bidding farewell to Old Madam Wei, he boarded his carriage. Luo Yining watched his profile, silent and somewhat stern. She felt that Luo Shenyuan had become more distant than before…

Wei Ling and Lu Jiaxue left the flower hall. Seeing Lu Jiaxue’s silence, Wei Ling asked curiously, “What’s the matter?”

Zhao Mingzhu smiled and said, “Adoptive Father was just joking with Yining earlier… It seems to have frightened her a bit.”

Remembering the previous incident, Wei Ling felt uneasy. Although Lu Jiaxue had sent many gifts afterward, which he knew were meant as an apology to Yining, he hadn’t given them to her. Thinking Lu Jiaxue might have upset Yining again, he looked at him and asked, “The Conqueror Lays Down His Armor – you didn’t like it?”

Lu Jiaxue shook his head and after a moment said, “About adopting her as my goddaughter, as you suggested before… I agree. Call her over later to serve me tea, and that will suffice.”

Wei Ling was about to ask why he had changed his mind, but Lu Jiaxue had already turned to leave.

Zhao Mingzhu, standing nearby, paled slightly upon hearing this.

After seeing Luo Shenyuan off, Luo Yining was called over by Wei Ling when she arrived at Fangshan.

“…Lu Jiaxue wants to adopt you as his goddaughter,” Wei Ling said, quite pleased. Having Lu Jiaxue as a godfather would be a strong backing for a girl. “Come with me, just serve him a cup of tea and it’s done!”

Yining was shocked to hear this. Lu Jiaxue wanted to adopt her as his goddaughter.

She did not want to be his goddaughter! While others might consider it an honor, for her… it was certainly not a good thing.

“Come along now,” Wei Ling led the girl into the warm room where Lu Jiaxue was already waiting. Zhao Mingzhu was talking to him, while Lu Jiaxue sat sideways, gazing at the apricot blossoms in full bloom outside the latticed window, seemingly distracted. He only turned his head when he heard her approach.

Luo Yining had never seen Zhao Mingzhu like this before. She was usually somewhat arrogant towards others, but with Lu Jiaxue, she was utterly docile, her little face slightly flushed, eyes moist and shining. Yining stood quietly, watching Zhao Mingzhu as countless images suddenly flashed through her mind.

In her previous life, without a real Wei family daughter returning, Zhao Mingzhu had always been the only pampered young lady of the Wei household. After all, neither family had girls, and she was proud throughout the capital. She remembered seventeen-year-old Zhao Mingzhu standing before her memorial tablet, with that strange, cold gaze.

She even recalled Zhao Mingzhu secretly following behind Lu Jiaxue, the Ning Yuan Marquis’s people wanting to stop her but not daring to. And when she assigned maids to serve Lu Jiaxue, the viciousness and jealousy in her eyes. Even her almost indifferent gaze when facing Cheng Lang.

Now Zhao Mingzhu heard her arrival and turned to look at her.

That gaze was so similar to when she had assigned those maids back then.

Luo Yining seemed to understand something, these doubts flashing through her mind like lightning. The conclusion seemed absurd and shocked her, but the more she thought about it, the more certain she became.

Zhao Mingzhu… it seemed that the one she truly loved wasn’t Cheng Lang at all, but Lu Jiaxue!

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