HomeTrue CardamomShao Hua Ruo Jin - Chapter 1

Shao Hua Ruo Jin – Chapter 1

As winter reached its peak, snow fell like goose feathers in the capital. The frigid night wind swirled around the lanterns hanging from the eaves of the corridors. By the fifth watch, a silvery-white blanket had already blanketed the world outside.

In the Jing’an Marquis Manor, fresh snow dusted the green plum branches in the Zhao Shui Courtyard. The once-disruptive night watchman’s clappers had faded into the distance, replaced by the hurried footsteps of servants and maids echoing through the silent night.

Soon, two soft knocks sounded at the main room’s door, followed by a gentle call: “Young Miss.” It was Zhang Mama, who served the Marchioness.

As Su Xin prepared breakfast, she noticed Ming Tan sitting silently. She exchanged a glance with Lü’e, who stood behind Ming Tan.

Understanding the signal, Lü’e set down the comb she was holding and gracefully went to greet the visitors in the outer room. By the time she arrived, Zhang Mama had already entered with a seamstress from Jinxiu Workshop and a line of young maids carrying boxes.

Through the dim candlelight, the pale green skirts of the Jing’an Manor’s second-tier maids seemed to form a uniform arc near the door.

“Zhang Mama,” Lü’e greeted cheerfully with a curtsy.

Zhang Mama gently chided her haste and reached out to steady her, then glanced towards the screen. Lü’e’s presence meant the Young Miss wouldn’t be coming out.

Familiar with Lü’e, Zhang Mama exchanged pleasantries before introducing the seamstress from Jinxiu Workshop, who presented the newly made clothes and accessories for the upcoming palace banquet.

“…The fur the Marchioness sent is glossy, smooth, and flawless—truly a rare, top-quality item. I heard it was a gift from the Imperial hunt. It would’ve been a great sin not to do it justice. Our master was beside himself with worry!

“After much deliberation, he invited Madam Zhang to oversee the needlework. As you know, Lü’e, Madam Zhang rarely sews since her marriage. It took quite some effort to secure her services. Please, look at the embroidery and stitching.”

As the seamstress explained, young maids presented a neatly pressed silver fox cape for Lü’e’s inspection.

Lü’e leaned in, examining it closely. Her eyes revealed a hint of admiration. “It’s full embroidery, and the silver satin complements the fur perfectly. You’ve done justice to this pelt.”

After a thorough inspection inside and out, she nodded with satisfaction. “Given how suddenly this palace banquet was announced, the fact that you’ve created something so exquisite while working by lamplight shows your master’s dedication.”

The seamstress hurriedly offered humble thanks, finally feeling at ease.

Lü’e served Ming Tan, the cherished youngest daughter of the Jing’an Marquis. Raised amid luxury and showered with affection, Ming Tan had seen many fine things and was notoriously picky. Even gaining Lü’e’s approval for ordinary items was no easy feat.

As it happened, the Young Miss had once done a favor for the workshop’s master. Before dawn, he had sent the seamstress to deliver the Jing’an Manor’s garments, specifically instructing her to personally attend to the Young Miss.

Receiving Lü’e’s praise for their “dedication” meant the seamstress could return and report success, finally able to rest easy.

After Lü’e accepted the garments and provided a generous tip, she politely escorted Zhang Mama’s group out of the flower-draped gate.

Meanwhile, in the Feng He Courtyard, another group delivering clothes and accessories had just entered the main room, delayed by their slower pace.

Huang Mama, who also served the Marchioness, bowed and introduced the garments and jewelry to Shen Hua, the Marquis’s niece residing in the manor.

Shen Hua listened, glancing at the brocade clothes and jeweled hairpins in the boxes. Finally, she curtsied gracefully and said softly, “Thank you for your trouble, Huang Mama. Please convey my gratitude to the Marchioness.”

She then signaled to her maid with her eyes.

Understanding, the maid stepped forward and handed Huang Mama an intricately embroidered purse.

Though beautifully crafted, the purse contained only a modest tip.

Leaving Feng He Courtyard, Huang Mama discreetly felt the weight of the purse in her sleeve.

She didn’t particularly care about the small reward, but as she encountered Zhang Mama’s group leaving Zhao Shui Courtyard—with whom she didn’t get along—the difference became apparent.

“I’d heard that running errands for the Young Miss brings generous rewards. It’s true! I can finally buy that rouge I saw at Lan Cui Pavilion next time I’m out,” a round-faced maid, newly promoted to second-tier and visiting Zhao Shui Courtyard for the first time, chatted with her companion.

Overhearing this, a tall maid behind Huang Mama scoffed, “It’s just an ordinary tip. When you go to buy your rouge, don’t mention you’re from our manor. We wouldn’t want people thinking everyone from Jing’an Marquis Manor is so easily impressed.”

The round-faced maid, having risen quickly from third to second tier in just half a year, was equally sharp-tongued. She feigned surprise, “If this is just an ordinary tip… does that mean the reward from the Young Lady could buy an entire rouge shop?”

“You—!” the tall maid began but was interrupted.

“Let it go,” someone held her back. “We’re all from the Marchioness’s household. Our job is to complete tasks smoothly. The rest doesn’t matter.”

Calming down, the tall maid found a new angle, smirking, “Indeed, it’s all about smooth task completion. And in this entire manor, no tasks run more smoothly than those for the Young Lady.”

She didn’t mention the complexity of errands for the Young Miss, and the round-faced maid pretended not to notice, remaining silent.

The tall maid continued, “It’s truly rare to find someone like the Young Lady—beautiful, talented, and so kind to servants.”

“I think what’s rarer is having such a good brother,” another maid chimed in.

The tall maid agreed, “Exactly. With Young General Shen around, the Young Lady’s future is surely bright.”

The round-faced maid smiled, “You two seem very concerned. Remember, the Marchioness and Young Miss are our true mistresses. The Young Lady’s future is her fortune and has little to do with you.”

Without hesitation, the tall maid retorted, “The Young Lady resides in our manor. Her success reflects well on us all. Why shouldn’t we care? Who knows, after today, she might be moving up in the world, perhaps even to Changyu Street.”

A sudden chill seemed to sweep through the corridor. The once-lively East Garden gallery fell silent at these words—

Everyone in the capital knew that Changyu Street housed only one mansion.

Its occupant was not someone to be casually mentioned in Da Xian.

The two mama who had been ignoring the maids’ bickering suddenly stopped and turned back, scolding harshly, “What nonsense are you spouting? How dare you gossip about the residents of Changyu Street! Where did you find such audacity to wag your tongues like this?”

The maids, startled, realized their mistake. They hung their heads, wishing they could shrink into the ground. The maid who had mentioned Changyu Street turned pale with fright, her sandalwood tray shaking visibly.

“…When Changyu Street was mentioned, both mamas became furious. As we passed through the East Garden, I feared being discovered and dared not follow further,” concluded the servant’s report.

In Feng He Courtyard, Shen Hua stood by the main room’s window, listening to her maid’s report on the overheard conversation. As she finished, a slight smirk played on Shen Hua’s lips. Gazing towards Zhao Shui Courtyard, her eyes revealed a hint of contempt uncharacteristic of her usual gentle demeanor.

Meanwhile, in Zhao Shui Courtyard, Ming Tan sat at the table, chin resting on her hand, leisurely recounting, “So, I’m not gentle or beautiful, less talented than her, and not kind enough to you all. Oh, and my brother isn’t as brave or promising as Young General Shen.”

The delicate aroma of silver-tip tea blended subtly with the breakfast fragrance. Ming Tan’s face, fair as jade, was partially obscured by the rising steam from the boiling tea water.

“Please don’t take those gossipy maids’ nonsense to heart, Young Miss. Your beauty and character are unmatched among the capital’s young ladies,” Lü’e interjected, trying to change the subject. “By the way, Young Miss, I’ve checked the items the Marchioness sent. How about wearing this outfit to the palace today?”

Lü’e, responsible for clothing in Zhao Shui Courtyard, had a keen eye for fashion. She described everything from the jade hairpin with Ming Tan’s name subtly engraved to the white fox silver satin cape with full embroidery.

Receiving no response, Lü’e cautiously glanced up. “Young Miss?” Her voice betrayed a hint of concern.

Su Xin, serving the meal, placed a bowl of white porridge before Ming Tan and gently reminded, “Young Miss, would you like to look at the clothes?”

Ming Tan briefly glanced at the tray in Lü’e’s hands. “This set will do. It doesn’t matter what I wear.” She switched hands supporting her chin, idly toying with the porcelain spoon in her porridge bowl.

Awake since the fifth watch, she wore a pear blossom white nightgown with subtle floral embroidery, draped in a soft fox fur coat. Her cascading black hair reached her waist, with a stray lock resting on her slender cheek.

Lost in thought, her lashes fluttered like raven feathers, seemingly in sync with the flickering candlelight reflected in her bowl. She exuded a delicate charm, like a jade beauty.

Unfortunately, her appetite was poor. The white porridge cooled untouched.

Seeing this, even the usually quiet Su Xin spoke up. “Bai porridge is good for the stomach, Young Miss. Please eat a bit more. You have to go to the palace today.”

Palace banquets were formal affairs, unlike the comfort of dining at home. Su Xin meant well, but the mention of the palace only made Ming Tan feel more uneasy.

Typically, there was no palace banquet for the Lantern Festival. Everyone in noble families knew the real reason behind this special banquet. Yet the palace maintained the pretense, inviting even those like her who were already betrothed.

Ordinarily, she might have enjoyed the occasion, but her mind was consumed by thoughts of her fiancé’s affair with his cousin and their secret love child!

Though this scandal was tightly concealed, even from her maids, the child was already two years old and could call his father “Papa.” Regardless of the outcome, this would be irrefutable proof of her betrothed’s betrayal of the Ming family’s young miss.

Thinking about how this once-envied engagement might end so disgracefully, Ming Tan alternated between feeling a burning rage in her core and a chill that spread from her throat to her heart.

“I’m done,” she said irritably, setting down her spoon and heading to the inner room.

Su Xin sighed at her retreating figure and instructed the young maids to clear the barely touched breakfast.

“What’s wrong with the Young Miss these days?” Lü’e whispered to Su Xin. “If she’s upset about the maids gossiping, we could report it to the Marchioness and have them dismissed. It’s not like her to ignore even her clothes.”

Su Xin shook her head. “I asked last night when I was on duty, but she didn’t say. Maybe she just needs some quiet time. I’ll go to the kitchen to prepare some chicken soup. The Young Miss needs to eat something before going to the palace. Don’t disturb her.”

As the older and more composed of the two, Su Xin was highly regarded by Ming Tan. Lü’e pouted but didn’t argue, watching Su Xin leave through the flower-draped gate.

As soon as Su Xin was out of sight, Lü’e tiptoed into the inner room.

Zhao Shui Courtyard’s inner room was elegantly furnished. From the intricately carved bed to the silver hooks, each item had its own story. Even the incense varied with the seasons and weather.

Today, a faint pear fragrance lingered in the air, sweet yet cool. Ming Tan sat at her dressing table, still resting her head on her hand, looking listless.

“Young Miss, shall I continue styling your hair?” Lü’e asked cautiously, approaching.

Taking Ming Tan’s silence as consent, Lü’e began combing her hair while trying to comfort her: “Are you worried about the Young Lady also attending the palace banquet? Don’t worry, Young Miss. Given his status, how could he truly be interested in her? Even if he were, with her family background, she’d barely qualify as a concubine. She can’t compare to you, the future Duchess of the Guo’s estate.”

Ming Tan remained silent.

“Besides, our young duke is handsome and talented. Everyone in the capital envies your perfect match!” Lü’e added in a low, proud voice.

To Ming Tan, these words felt like needles in her ears. Who wanted to be a perfect match with that shameless man? He didn’t deserve it!

Fearing she might become ill with anger if this girl continued, Ming Tan closed her eyes briefly and raised her hand to stop her. “Bring me the mirror.”

Unaware of her misstep, Lü’e quickly fetched the small bronze mirror, wisely changing the subject to praise Ming Tan’s breathtaking beauty.

Ming Tan examined her reflection closely, not responding to Lü’e’s compliments. However, her gradually upturning lips suggested she agreed with the praise.

Lü’e might be impulsive and sometimes hurtful, but she was right about one thing: with a face like this, even plain rice would be more appetizing.

After admiring herself for a while, Ming Tan’s anger mysteriously subsided, leaving her with one thought: How can I be so beautiful?

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