HomeTrue CardamomShao Hua Ruo Jin – Chapter 100

Shao Hua Ruo Jin – Chapter 100

The wind ceased and the trees stilled overnight. Early the next morning, Jiang Xu and his party accompanied Emperor Cheng Kang as they ventured deeper into the dense forest for the hunt.

Ming Tan lacked the energy to fuss today. She didn’t even change into her riding attire. After seeing Jiang Xu off, she crawled back into bed, only to be woken by Princess Six’s chatter outside the tent. The princess insisted that Lü’e wake Ming Tan.

Lü’e, being sensible, refused to disturb her mistress. However, the commotion outside had already roused Ming Tan from her slumber.

She gazed blankly at the tent ceiling for a moment before propping herself up against the silk pillows. “Let Princess Six in,” she called out.

The noise outside finally ceased.

As Lü’e ushered Princess Six into the tent, the princess, upon seeing Ming Tan still drowsy in bed, finally felt a twinge of guilt. “Did I disturb your rest?”

“You just realized that?” Ming Tan cast a sleepy glance at her.

Princess Six wrinkled her nose, her embarrassment lasting only a moment before she brazenly sat on the edge of Ming Tan’s bed. She tugged at Ming Tan’s arm, urging, “Well, since you’re awake, you might as well get up.”

Feeling dizzy from the jostling, Ming Tan called for her to stop. She sighed, “Alright, alright. I’m getting up.”

Hearing this, Lü’e curtsied slightly and quietly withdrew.

Soon after, she returned with four young maids to assist with Ming Tan’s morning routine.

Princess Six made room, expecting Ming Tan to be ready in no more than a quarter-hour. However, one-quarter hour passed, then another… An entire hour went by, during which the princess had grown so bored that she returned to her tent to change into a more comfortable pair of old boots. Yet Ming Tan was still at her toilette!

Princess Six was bewildered. Why did hands need to be soaked in sheep’s milk? Why were flower petals added to the milk? What was that balm applied afterward? Why was it washed off with clear water after a while? And what was being applied after the rinse?

“Princess Six may not know, but our lady must soak her jade hands in fresh sheep’s milk every morning and night,” Lü’e explained as she styled Ming Tan’s hair. “The milk must be no more than two hours fresh, strained before use. Then, a thick layer of jade cream is applied, washed off, and followed by dew-made honey essence. This daily care keeps her hands soft, smooth, and free of fine lines.”

As Lü’e finished the intricate hairstyle and set down the comb, she turned slightly to curtsy to Princess Six. “We’re away from home and don’t have all our usual supplies. Please pardon our simplicity.”

Princess Six was dumbfounded. She had indeed witnessed it but found nothing to laugh about.

“Do… do all women in Great Xian…”

Ming Tan yawned lazily behind her hand. “Not all. The lady you met yesterday, my cousin, is quite quick with her morning routine.”

This somewhat comforted Princess Six, who had begun to wonder if she or the women of Great Xian were living more like true princesses.

Lost in thought, Princess Six forgot that she had come early to teach Ming Tan horseback riding and archery, hoping to show off her skills. When Ming Tan finally finished her preparations, the princess noticed, “Why haven’t you changed into riding clothes?!”

“Why should I? I was too tired yesterday. I don’t want to go into the dense forest again today.”


Princess Six was confused. How could Ming Tan be tired from just burying rabbits at the forest’s edge yesterday? The main camp was just a few steps away – hardly a “dense forest”!

Ming Tan gestured for Lü’e to massage her neck, then said languidly, “Besides, there’s a riding and archery competition tomorrow that will last half the day. I need to rest well in camp today to conserve my energy. Oh, and I’ve invited some people to play liubo. Would you like to join?”


“I think I’ll go hunt some game first,” Princess Six pouted. “My royal brother’s riding and archery skills are quite poor. If we return with a pitiful catch, it would damage Southern Lu’s reputation!”

Ming Tan gazed at her for a long moment with an admiring look that seemed to say, “I didn’t know you were like this, Princess Six.” This made the princess uncomfortable. She blurted out, “What are you looking at?” before dashing out of the tent.

After leaving Ming Tan’s tent, Princess Six wasted no time. She mounted her horse and rode into the dense forest alone.

Though her riding and archery skills were impressive, venturing deeper into the forest necessitated the company of guards.

Annoyed by the guards trailing behind, she cracked her whip and shouted, “Hiya!” leaving them far behind.

As she galloped through the forest, she suddenly spotted a white figure leaping swiftly by.

Could it be a white fox?

She pursued it—

Indeed, it was a white fox.

The fox stopped to rest by the roots of a large tree, its tail swaying gently.

Suddenly, Princess Six thought how beautiful the fox’s fur would look as a cape for an embroidered pillow.

With this in mind, she reined in her horse and drew her bow, focusing intently on the unsuspecting white fox in the distance. But her horse, seemingly bitten by some forest insect, suddenly raised its hoof and shook restlessly.

This sudden movement nearly unseated Princess Six, who had loosened her grip on the reins. The arrow, already nocked, flew off course, disappearing into the forest!


The sound of an arrow being deflected rang out from ahead.

Before Princess Six could look, she was preoccupied with pulling on the reins. Amidst a blur of white light and tree shadows, someone wrapped an arm around her waist, lifting her from her increasingly agitated mount. Within moments, she found herself safely seated on another horse.

Her heart raced from the sudden turn of events. Still dazed, all she could see was a broad, straight back in front of her.

The guards quickly caught up. The new horse moved forward a short distance before stopping. The person sitting in front of her swiftly dismounted, bowed with clasped hands, and apologized, “My lady, I acted hastily due to the urgency of the situation. Please forgive my rudeness.”

“Princess Six!” the guards called from behind.

The man paused briefly, then added, “Greetings, Princess Six.”

By now, Princess Six had regained her composure, though her heart continued to race. She stared intently at the man standing beside the horse.

This man possessed exceptional martial skills and a strikingly handsome face, exuding youthful vigor.

After a moment, she asked, “Who are you?”

“I am Shen Yu.”

The approaching guards, recognizing Shen Yu, quickly knelt on one knee and greeted him, “Young General Shen.”

Princess Six grew more curious. “You’re a general from Great Xian?”

Shen Yu, ever mindful of the etiquette Cousin Tan had taught him, already felt extremely uncomfortable about having held the princess’s waist. Now, he didn’t even dare to raise his head to look at her. He merely nodded slightly in response.

Princess Six wanted to ask more, but Shen Yu was eager to leave. Before she could speak, he bowed again. “It’s safer for Princess Six to hunt with guards in the dense forest. If there’s nothing else, this humble officer will take his leave.”

Princess Six hesitated, watching his retreating figure. Suddenly realizing something, she called out, “Hey! Don’t go! This princess still has matters to discuss!”

Shen Yu walked even faster.

“Your horse!”

But Shen Yu had already vanished from sight.

Princess Six felt inexplicably annoyed. Looking at the horse beneath her, she muttered to herself, “Why are all the people from Great Xian so strange? If he wants to leave, fine, but to abandon his horse too? What a fool!”

She gently patted the horse’s head, then murmured after a while, “Still, this fool is no worse than Prince Ding Bei. I wonder if he’s betrothed… He’d make a suitable consort, certainly better than the one Father has in mind.”

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