HomeTrue CardamomShao Hua Ruo Jin - Chapter 16

Shao Hua Ruo Jin – Chapter 16

“As long as it’s not the Ming family’s fourth young lady, this Prince can try for any other woman.”

These words echoed in Shen Yu’s ears. Though each word was clear, strung together they made no sense. “Why… why?” he stammered.

Confused, he took a moment to gather his thoughts. “Your Highness, why not the Ming family’s fourth young lady? Is it because of her family status?”

Jiang Xu looked at him directly, his gaze cool. “This Prince doesn’t need subordinates consumed by personal affairs.”

Shen Yu was baffled. How had he become consumed by personal affairs?

“You lied to me just to see her. How can I be sure you won’t turn your sword against me for her sake in the future?”

Shen Yu was stunned. Did the Prince know about his visit to Lingmiao Temple to see Cousin Tan?

He admitted lying was wrong, but what could make him turn against the Prince for Tan’s sake?

As he tried to explain, Jiang Xu lowered his gaze and said emotionlessly, “Leave.”

“Your Highness, I—”

“Young General Shen, please.” A guard appeared silently, blocking Shen Yu’s attempt to approach with his scabbard.

When Shen Yu returned to the Jing’an Marquis’s mansion, dinner time had passed. Shen Hua, who had specially prepared some snacks for him, found him practicing martial arts in the courtyard, his eyes reddened. She understood the situation somewhat.

“Brother,” she called.

Shen Yu glanced at her, finished his move, sheathed his sword, and walked to the pavilion, slightly out of breath. “Hua, why are you here?”

Shen Hua opened the food box and said softly, “I heard from the maid that you met Ming Chu in the East Garden today.”

Shen Yu nodded and sat down.

Shen Hua sat beside him. “Did she… incite you to do something?”

Shen Yu considered, “Not really.”

Shen Hua wanted to warn him about Ming Chu’s arrogance and impure intentions, but seeing her brother’s expression, she knew he wasn’t in the mood to listen.

Instead, she changed the subject. “I recently heard that both the Empress Dowager and the Emperor have summoned the Marquis for a private audience. It seems they intend to arrange a marriage for the Marquis’s family.”

“Where did you hear this?” Shen Yu was startled.

Shen Hua avoided answering directly and said, “Brother, you must not have feelings for Ming Tan.”

Shen Yu stood up abruptly. “Why does everyone tell me not to care for her? I—”

“Brother!” Shen Hua stood up too, interrupting him. “Is this so hard to understand?”

Shen Yu turned away, his eyes reddened with anger.

“You and Ming Tan are incompatible. You’ve only met her a few times; you’re just infatuated with her appearance. I’ve lived with her for half a year; you can’t grasp her temperament and thoughts at all. You should marry a virtuous wife who can support the Shen family behind the scenes, not bring home an extravagant mistress to pamper!

“Moreover, though I may not understand court politics, I sense that even the Marquis and his wife may not have full control over Ming Tan’s marriage. This isn’t just her marriage; it’s a matter for the entire Jing’an Marquis’s household. Brother, you’re a military man; how can you be so oblivious? If it were mutual affection, fighting for it would be understandable. But she has no interest in you, so why pursue heartache?

“The capital’s families are like a bloodless battlefield. Just by living in the Jing’an Marquis’s mansion, you shouldn’t and can’t have any designs on the Ming family’s daughter. Even if you somehow married Ming Tan, have you considered how people would gossip about you and me behind our backs?”

She imitated the potential gossip: “‘These siblings, living in the Marquis’s mansion, clearly have impure motives and seek to climb socially. The brother married the Marquis’s legitimate daughter; surely the sister is no better, just waiting to make an advantageous match!’

“‘Marrying a distant cousin who lives in one’s household? They must have been secretly involved in some scandal. Didn’t this Ming family young lady’s former fiancé also have an affair with his cousin? How shameless!'”

Shen Yu’s mind went blank. He turned to stare at Shen Hua, dumbfounded.

Shen Hua softened her tone. “Brother, I’m saying this for your good. Worldly infatuations are fleeting, especially when it’s one-sided.

“Remember father’s words: restore the Shen family’s glory and honor our ancestors. A great man will never lack a wife. If you achieve great merit like Prince Bei, you’ll have your pick of women.”

She took out the snacks from the food box, placed them on the stone table, gave Shen Yu one last look, and left with the box.

Shen Yu watched her retreating figure, rooted to the spot.

Shen Hua didn’t want to be so blunt, but her brother was the type who wouldn’t understand or listen unless told directly.

She had long known about Shen Yu’s feelings for Ming Tan, but at that time, Ming Tan was engaged, making any affection futile. Her dislike for Ming Tan was largely due to Shen Yu’s infatuation.

In the past, she might have let her brother learn his lesson the hard way, but ever since overhearing the Marquis and his wife worrying about the palace’s intentions, she had been pondering the situation. She realized that Jing’an Marquis’s family’s marriage wasn’t just about young love; she couldn’t let her brother get entangled and cause trouble.

She suspected that Ming Chu, that vixen, had also heard about the palace’s intention to arrange a marriage from Concubine Liu, and out of spite, didn’t want Ming Tan to marry well.

She didn’t care how that vixen dealt with Ming Tan, but using her brother as a pawn? That was a grudge she would remember.

She stopped outside the courtyard and looked up at the sky.

When they came to the capital last year, she hadn’t noticed how heavy the night was here—no stars, no moon. Those who walked alone had to be careful, lest they fall into the boundless darkness, never to return.

As late spring approached after the spring examinations, invitations for Zhang Hanmiao’s poetry gathering at Ping Guo Gong’s second branch arrived as Zhou Jingwan had mentioned.

However, invitations were sent not only to Ming Tan and Bai Minmin but also to Shen Hua and Ming Chu.

It seemed they had cast a wide net, inviting far and near.

Seeing it was just some insipid poetry gathering, Ming Chu had no desire to go. She couldn’t write poetry and despised the capital’s delicate young ladies who competed at every turn.

Concubine Liu had to persuade her at length to agree. After all, she was of marriageable age, and who knew if a future husband might be some young lady’s cousin or brother?

Besides, there were young women from military families in the capital who practiced martial arts. Going out and socializing couldn’t hurt.

Previously, Lady Pei had told Ming Tan to consult her first about such matters.

So when preparing for the poetry gathering, Ming Tan mentioned Shu Jingran to Lady Pei while choosing clothes: “Mother, do you know about the Shu family’s second son, this year’s third-ranked scholar? On the day of the victory parade, I caught a glimpse of him from afar. Young Master Shu’s bearing and appearance were quite remarkable.”

Lady Pei paused. She had been smiling as she watched Ming Tan select clothes, but her expression cooled slightly at these words. She chose her words carefully: “The Shu family is known for its scholarly reputation. Their children… are naturally outstanding.”

“Yes, I think he’s quite exceptional too,” Ming Tan said cheerfully.

Lady Pei took a sip of tea, feeling somewhat anxious.

During Ming Tan’s stay at the temple for blessings, both the Empress Dowager and the Emperor had summoned the Marquis for casual conversations. Though the Marquis was often absentminded, even he couldn’t miss their hints about arranging marriages. It was clear they intended to suggest a match!

While the Emperor’s choice remained unclear, the Empress Dowager had already offered two options: the position of a commandery princess or the wife of a prince’s heir.

These weren’t just empty titles from a fallen noble house, but they were openly known to be part of the Empress Dowager’s faction. Moreover, Ming Tan had just mentioned Young Master Shu, whose appearance and manner far surpassed those two candidates, even outshining Liang Zixuan. How could she be willing to accept either of them?

“Mother, what’s wrong?” Ming Tan asked.

Lady Pei quickly concealed her concerns with a faint smile. “It’s nothing.”

She probed cautiously, “Tan, do you fancy that Young Master Shu?”

“I wouldn’t say I fancy him,” Ming Tan replied her gaze still on the array of new accessories. “I just think if we were to discuss marriage, Young Master Shu would be quite suitable.”

Lady Pei felt relieved. It was good that Ming Tan wasn’t infatuated. A declaration of “marrying no one but him” would have been truly troublesome.

She decided it was best not to burden Ming Tan with worries about arranged marriages just yet. Tomorrow’s poetry gathering would be a chance for the young lady to enjoy herself. The matter of arranged marriages wasn’t settled, so there was no need to cause unnecessary anxiety.

With this in mind, Lady Pei stood up and helped Ming Tan choose her outfit.

The next morning, carriages waited outside the second gate to take the three young ladies to the Ping Guo Gong’s mansion.

Ming Tingyan had to attend court much earlier than the three. After the court session ended, he was about to leave with Bai Jingyuan when an imperial servant stopped him, saying the Emperor had summoned him to the Imperial Study for an important matter.

Ming Tingyan followed the servant.

Entering the Imperial Study, Ming Tingyan bowed and greeted, “Your subject pays respects to Your Majesty. May Your Majesty be in good health.”

“No need for formalities,” the Kangcheng Emperor waved his hand, returning to his desk. He picked up a scroll of imperial yellow silk and blew on the still-wet ink. “We called you here about the previously mentioned matter of arranging a marriage.”

Hearing this, Ming Tingyan prepared to make excuses.

The Emperor raised an eyebrow and looked at him directly. “Do you know that the Empress Dowager is displeased with your repeated evasions? She’s considering issuing a direct imperial edict.”

Ming Tingyan was stunned. They were bypassing pleasantries and forcing a marriage?

“We won’t stop you, but We can offer you a second choice,” the Emperor tapped the desk, gesturing for him to come forward and look at the imperial edict. “See what We have chosen for your daughter.”

Ming Tingyan thought, “What kind of choice is this? It’s still forcing a marriage.”

He knew that his power was coveted by many, and he had always tried to avoid getting involved in factional disputes. But with the changing political landscape, it seemed he could no longer remain neutral. Even a matter of children’s marriage could trigger various hidden conflicts.

Reluctantly, he stepped forward.

The Emperor stood aside, muttering, “Actually, your children’s marriages don’t necessarily reflect your stance, Ming Tingyan. You needn’t worry too much. We respect your choice. For now, just look at the candidates. How can the Empress Dowager’s choices compare to Our selection?”

Ming Tingyan’s gaze fixed on the imperial edict, incredulous. This candidate? How could it be this person?

“Your subject… may I have some time to consider?” he stammered, shocked.

The Emperor replied, “The Empress Dowager’s edict is already prepared. We’ve only managed to delay it temporarily. We can’t hold it off forever. It might reach your mansion before you even leave the palace. What are you hesitating for? If he hadn’t personally requested it, We wouldn’t have…”

“We’ll accept!” Ming Tingyan blurted out.

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