HomeTrue CardamomShao Hua Ruo Jin - Chapter 21

Shao Hua Ruo Jin – Chapter 21

Jiang Xu was the only prince with a two-character title in the Da Xian dynasty. Born as the crown prince’s son with a silver spoon in his mouth, he lost his father, Crown Prince Minzong, to an accident before his first birthday.

The previous emperor ascended the throne as Emperor Chunxing but reigned for only about a decade before passing away due to illness. The current emperor, then the crown prince, succeeded to the throne with the reign name Chengkang.

As the former crown prince’s son, Jiang Xu’s position was originally very awkward. Logically, surviving and growing up through multiple power transitions was lucky enough. Once grown, he should have been given the title of commandery prince and sent to some remote corner, out of sight and mind.

However, when he came of age, the current emperor elevated him to the rank of prince. A prince’s rank was already the highest possible yet after Jiang Xu’s legendary victory with 3,000 elite troops, the emperor personally went to the city gates to welcome him back and bestowed upon him the additional title “Dingbei” (Pacifier of the North). This unprecedented honor, adding military achievement to a prince’s title, was the highest glory for a military official.

Indeed, His Highness the Prince of Dingbei was extremely noble.

After pondering over the Prince of Dingbei’s biography that Bai Minmin had found, Ming Tan unconsciously nodded.

So the question was, where could they secretly observe this incredibly noble and powerful Prince of Dingbei? Besides these biographical details, his appearance, stature, habits, and preferences seemed to be largely unknown.

At dinner time, Ming Tan again barely ate a few bites before putting down her chopsticks.

As the weather grew warmer, her appetite worsened. She had even stopped using incense in her room these days, only placing a jar of fresh Buddha’s hand citron in the outer chamber. Its faint fruity fragrance helped to dispel some of her melancholy.

Seeing Ming Tan eat so little, with her small face noticeably thinner in recent days, Suchin felt concerned. After clearing away the dinner, she went to the kitchen and rolled up her sleeves to prepare some food herself.

Ming Tan usually loved the almond milk pudding Suchin made. To make it, almonds had to be ground and sieved, mixed with water into a paste, strained again, and then cooked with rice flour and white sugar over low heat, stirring constantly to achieve a smooth, creamy texture.

After the almond milk pudding cooled, Suchin chilled it along with the bowl for a while, then sprinkled some crushed almonds on top before bringing it back to Zhaoshui Courtyard.

Seeing the chilled dessert, Ming Tan’s appetite did improve somewhat. Suchin had made two portions, and after finishing one, Ming Tan wanted to start on the other.

But Suchin wouldn’t allow it, gently advising, “Young Miss, eating too much cold food will upset your stomach. You haven’t been out for days. Why don’t you take this portion of the study to greet the Marquis? It’ll be good to stretch your legs. After you’ve digested the cold pudding, this servant will make you some chicken soup noodles. The chicken soup is simmering now, with a maid watching the fire.”

Ming Tan thought for a moment and agreed it was a good idea. She hadn’t been out for several days. However, she decided to skip visiting her father, not wanting to hear him boast again about the Prince of Dingbei’s bloody military exploits.

She had Lü’e help her freshen up and change, then took the chilled almond milk pudding to Lanxin Hall.

After delivering the dessert and chatting with Lady Pei in the flower hall for a while, a household steward came to report accounts, so Ming Tan took her leave.

As she passed through the East Garden on her way back, she caught sight of Shen Hua picking flowers with her maids. After a moment’s hesitation, she decided to approach.

In truth, she understood that Shen Hua’s words at the Duke of Ping’s residence weren’t meant to defend her but to protect herself.

Shen Hua was staying at the Marquis’s household in her pre-marriage year to gain a reputation for being well-educated by the Marchioness. If Ming Chu had ruined her reputation, it would have tarnished Shen Hua’s as well.

Conversely, Ming Chu’s reputation wasn’t as crucial to Shen Hua. Everyone knew she was a concubine’s daughter raised in the borderlands who had only recently returned to the capital. Even if she proved foolish or malicious, no one would blame it on poor education by the Marchioness or, by extension, question Shen Hua’s conduct.

But regardless of Shen Hua’s motives, she had genuinely helped Ming Tan, who felt she should express her gratitude.

“Cousin,” Ming Tan approached.

“Fourth Sister,” Shen Hua wasn’t surprised to see Ming Tan. She adjusted the peonies in her basket and spoke casually, “Coming from Lanxin Hall?”

Ming Tan gave a soft affirmative, then curtsied slightly and said, “I want to thank you for speaking up for me at the poetry gathering. If there’s anything I can do for you, please don’t hesitate to ask.”

“I was merely stating the truth. There’s no need for Fourth Sister to worry about it,” Shen Hua made a gesture of support, knowing that Ming Tan’s acknowledgment of the favor was enough without needing to elaborate further. “Oh, by the way, I haven’t seen you in recent days and haven’t had the chance to congratulate you on your excellent match.”

Ming Tan smiled faintly without speaking, quietly observing Shen Hua.

She recalled how rumors once circulated that Shen Hua might be elevated to become the Prince of Dingbei’s secondary consort. At the Lantern Festival palace banquet, Shen Hua’s attire and demeanor clearly show her aspirations for that position. Yet now she seemed to be offering sincere congratulations without a hint of sourness.

Being clever herself, Shen Hua naturally understood what Ming Tan was thinking. She plucked a peony and changed the subject: “You just said that if I needed anything, I could speak freely. There is something I need.

“Although your wedding date hasn’t been set, it’s likely not far off. According to family traditions, my sister and I should marry before you. So the matter of my marriage will surely be on the agenda soon. I hope you can put in a good word for me with the Marchioness, so she’ll choose a suitable husband for me.”

This statement indicated that she no longer had any intention of becoming a high-ranking concubine.

Ming Tan nodded: “Of course. With your beauty and talents, Cousin, you’ll surely find a good match even without my help.”

Shen Hua replied modestly: “I’m still not as accomplished as you, Fourth Sister.”

At the Lantern Festival banquet, when the palace hosted female relatives to select consorts for the Prince of Dingbei, Shen Hua had indeed considered the possibility of being chosen as a secondary consort. But at that time, she knew little about the noble families and royal relatives in the capital and had overestimated herself.

The Jing’an Marquis’s household, despite its prominence, barely managed to be seated at the palace hall doors. The seemingly endless row of seats outside the palace gates, accompanied by the biting cold wind, seemed to stretch on forever. Moreover, at the banquet, the Prince of Dingbei had shown no regard even for the Jade Consort’s sister, the Cheng’en Marquis’s daughter. As soon as she left the palace gates, Shen Hua abandoned her unrealistic aspirations and refocused on her marriage prospects.

Now that such an honor had fallen to her Fourth Sister, she noticed that Ming Tan didn’t seem particularly happy about it.

“The Prince of Dingbei is renowned for his brilliance and is truly a great match. What’s the matter, Fourth Sister? You seem troubled.”

“Renowned for his brilliance?” Ming Tan seized on the key point. “How do you know he’s brilliant and outstanding?”

Shen Hua paused: “My brother mentioned it once, saying that the Prince of Dingbei is a military genius, brilliant and outstanding.”

This was just a common praise for military talent, nothing particularly insightful. But wait her Fourth Sister… seemed especially concerned about the words “brilliant” and “outstanding.”

Realizing something, Shen Hua suddenly laughed behind her handkerchief: “Since my brother praised him as ‘brilliant’ rather than just ‘valiant,’ I imagine the Prince of Dingbei, if not handsome, must at least be of proper appearance.

“For ordinary families, it’s common to arrange a meeting before engagement. But since yours is an imperial marriage decreed by His Majesty, there’s naturally no such arrangement. However, there’s nothing wrong with Fourth Sister taking a private look.”

Ming Tan nodded slightly, then said with some embarrassment and restraint: “The Prince of Dingbei’s whereabouts are unpredictable. How could one casually arrange a private viewing?”

That was true.

Shen Hua thought for a moment: “If Fourth Sister trusts me, I have a way for you to see him privately once.”

Her brother was quite simple-minded; getting information about the Prince’s whereabouts from him would be easier than picking flowers to make wine. Moreover, Ming Tan’s marriage going smoothly would only benefit her, so she was willing to help.

Three days later, at noon, Shen Hua prepared a basket of lunch and headed straight to the capital’s military camp with two young maids.

At the camp entrance, when the guard stopped them, Shen Hua curtsied gently and showed the token Shen Yu had given her. She explained that she was Young General Shen’s sister, bringing light refreshments for her brother in the hot weather. The guard, his ears reddening, rubbed his nose and promptly let her in.

Once inside the camp, the two young maids who had kept their heads down behind her quietly raised their faces. They were none other than Ming Tan and Bai Minmin, who had come along for the excitement.

When they reached a quiet spot, Shen Hua instructed: “Wait here for a while. I’ll deliver the meal to my brother and then find a way to get him to agree to send the extra lotus leaf porridge to Prince Dingbei.”

Shen Hua knew her brother like the back of her hand. He was still struggling to accept Ming Tan’s betrothal to the Prince of Dingbei.

Yet he also deeply respected the Prince, leaving him conflicted and troubled. She figured he would be willing to share the porridge but wouldn’t want to deliver it himself. This way, with a bit of persuasion, she could get Shen Yu to casually instruct a soldier to let her maid deliver the porridge.

Everything went smoothly. In less than a quarter of an hour, Shen Hua emerged from the tent and instructed Ming Tan and Bai Minmin, who were waiting outside: “You two, follow this young soldier to the Prince’s tent and deliver some lotus leaf porridge.”

Both girls curtsied in acknowledgment.

However, when they reached Prince Dingbei’s tent, the guard wasn’t as accommodating. He looked the two up and down and said gruffly, “Just hand the porridge to me, young ladies.”


That wouldn’t do at all!

Seeing the soldier about to take the food box, Ming Tan thought quickly and earnestly: “Sir, you may not know, but this lotus leaf porridge is kept cool in a special ice container. Our household’s ice containers are specially made and very intricate. I’m afraid you might not know how to open it properly, and spilling it would be a shame.”

Oh, so she was worried that their rough hands might damage their… ice… ice container?

But indeed, he didn’t know what this thing was. These rich folks sure were particular about their food.

He reluctantly stepped back half a step and lifted the tent flap: “Then only one young lady should go in. Please deliver it quickly and come out promptly, so as not to disturb the Prince’s work.”

Ming Tan and Bai Minmin exchanged glances, with Bai Minmin gesturing for her to go in.

Going in with Bai Minmin wouldn’t have been so nerve-wracking. Going alone was really…

But they had come all this way, and it wouldn’t make sense to let Bai Minmin go in to look for her. Besides, Bai Minmin’s judgment was questionable – she found everyone from the Second Young Master Shu to Ming Tan’s father imposing.

With this in mind, Ming Tan curtsied: “Thank you for your understanding, sir.”

Entering the tent, Ming Tan felt an overwhelming silence.

The prince’s tent was noticeably larger than other officers’ tents from the outside, and the interior was quite comfortably arranged. She vaguely glimpsed a dark figure standing by the military sand table, causing her heart to race. Not daring to look directly, she kept her eyes lowered and walked to the table, controlling her voice to sound normal as she curtsied and said, “Your Highness, Young General Shen sent this servant to deliver some porridge. The lotus leaf porridge is still chilled, perfect for cooling off in this heat.”

Jiang Xu: “…”

That voice.

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