HomeTrue CardamomShao Hua Ruo Jin – Chapter 25

Shao Hua Ruo Jin – Chapter 25

As Mingtan’s mind went blank from the sudden, shocking turn of events, she failed to stop Ming Chu in time. Though Shen Hua denied the accusations and tried to rebuke Ming Chu with platitudes about discretion, Ming Chu’s incessant chatter proved unstoppable. For every point Shen Hua made, Ming Chu had ten rebuttals.

Completely disregarding the principle of not meddling in others’ affairs, Ming Chu constantly dragged Mingtan into the conversation. Within moments, she painted Mingtan as two-faced – a flirtatious vixen who put on airs to attract attention.

“You think your subservience will make her truly regard you?” Ming Chu sneered. “Look at how she’s dolled up today. She doesn’t need to be matched, so why dress up to visit a temple? It’s clearly to catch the eye of our suitors and sabotage our marriages.”

The tranquil mountainside amplified Ming Chu’s clear, grating voice. Mingtan’s mind buzzed as she realized her carefully cultivated image of beauty, grace, and propriety was crumbling before her future husband. Worse still, her usually quick mind failed to conjure any way to salvage the situation.

It wasn’t until Ming Chu mentioned Princess Fengzhao that Mingtan recalled her previous strategy – fainting was the best option!


“Mingtan, are you alright?”

As Mingtan swayed and pressed a hand to her forehead in feigned dizziness, Bai Minmin and Zhou Jingwan hurried to support her. Mindful of Zhou Jingwan’s frail constitution, Mingtan steeled herself and collapsed directly onto Bai Minmin, squeezing her eyes shut in committed pretense.

Jiang Xu: “…”

Zhang Huaiyu, Shu Jingran, and the seemingly invisible Lu Ting all twitched their lips in unison.

Bai Minmin hesitated, unsure if Mingtan was truly unconscious. Given Mingtan’s pride, fainting from anger after being humiliated before her fiancé wasn’t implausible.

Hearing the commotion, Ming Chu finally ceased her tirade. She rushed over to find Mingtan limp in Bai Minmin’s arms, surrounded by anxious calls of “Mingtan” and “Young Miss.” If not for the four composed strangers nearby, she might have thought heaven had struck down the vixen on the spot.

Amused, Ming Chu blurted, “She’s faking again.”

The “unconscious” Mingtan: “…”

As Ming Chu moved to get a closer look, the man in the pine-green brocade robe spoke: “Zhuiying.”

A shadowy figure materialized, bowing respectfully.

The man continued, “Fetch a physician. It’s heatstroke.”

“What heatstroke? She’s faking,” Ming Chu retorted, her tone less brash as she appraised the handsome stranger. “Who might you be, and why are you here?”

Still feigning unconsciousness, Mingtan detected interest in Ming Chu’s voice. She nearly bolted upright from Bai Minmin’s embrace. How careless! She’d been so preoccupied with the betrothal that she’d neglected to deal with this fool Ming Chu. The idiot had grown too comfortable and dared to eye her man!

Fortunately, her man didn’t respond.

The fool persisted: “My fourth sister’s condition doesn’t require your concern, sir. Besides, she’s betrothed. Your involvement could damage her reputation. I think-“

Mid-sentence, Ming Chu’s voice abruptly cut off.

Having learned some martial arts, she realized her mute acupoint had been struck. Clutching her throat, she looked around in bewilderment, then back at the man before her. Impossible – she hadn’t even seen him move!

Nearby, Zhang Huaiyu fanned himself, musing that for once, he wasn’t on the receiving end of such treatment.

Mingtan, eyes still closed, sensed the sudden silence but couldn’t risk peeking without giving herself away.

Zhou Jingwan, ever observant, whispered in her ear, “I think your future husband struck her mute acupoint.”

Mute acupoint? Instinctively, Mingtan squeezed what she thought was Bai Minmin’s hand.

However, she’d mistakenly grabbed a maid’s hand instead. The maid exclaimed excitedly, “The Fourth Young Miss moved!”


I did not.

Hearing this, Jiang Xu glanced at her briefly before shifting his gaze to Shu Jingran.

As the commotion subsided, Mingtan feigned waking up and sat up from Bai Minmin’s embrace. She gazed at the retreating figures of Jiang Xu’s group, lost in thought. Suddenly, she stood up and wordlessly returned to her room.

Concerned, Bai Minmin and Zhou Jingwan followed her. Once inside, Mingtan paced frantically around the table, then sat down to gulp a cup of tea before lying down on the couch, hands folded on her stomach.

“Let me be for a moment,” she said.

Bai Minmin and Zhou Jingwan exchanged worried glances.

Though outwardly calm, Mingtan’s mind raced, wondering about her future husband’s impression of her and whether she’d receive a marriage annulment. But she reassured herself that the Emperor’s word was final – the marriage would proceed.

Still, the embarrassment was overwhelming. Mingtan covered her face and rolled on the couch, unable to relive the mortifying scene.

Meanwhile, Ming Chu regained her voice. Learning that the handsome stranger was Mingtan’s fiancé, the Northern Prince, she was consumed by jealousy. Abandoning reason, she lashed out with her whip against a tree, suddenly changing her plans.

Eager to leave the temple, Mingtan’s group prepared to return to the Jingan Marquis Manor after lunch. To avoid the midday heat, they took a shaded, less-traveled path at the coachman’s suggestion.

During the journey, Shen Hua explained to Mingtan the matchmaking incident that had occurred earlier. She revealed how Ming Chu’s schemes had backfired, with Shen Hua managing to captivate both potential suitors instead.

As they conversed, sudden shouts erupted outside. Peering out, they saw a group of burly bandits emerging from the forest.

“Fools! Do you know whose carriage this is? Do you have a death wish?” a guard shouted, brandishing his sword.

The bandit leader sneered, “We’re after riches, not lives! Hand over your valuables if you’re smart!”

The Jingan Manor guards, no pushovers themselves, engaged the bandits. However, they soon realized these weren’t ordinary ruffians – their fighting skills were surprisingly refined.

After a brief skirmish, the bandit leader signaled, and a group suddenly converged on Shen Hua and Mingtan’s carriage. A sword slashed through the curtain, startling both women.

The bandit, momentarily confused about which girl to kidnap, grabbed Mingtan, deeming her the more attractive one. He tossed her onto a horse, but Mingtan’s panicked attempt to stab him with a hairpin only spooked the animal.

As the rearing horse threatened to throw Mingtan, a fabric band suddenly wrapped around her waist. In a whirlwind moment, she caught a whiff of sandalwood and glimpsed a figure in pine-green.

Finding herself in an unfamiliar embrace, Mingtan instinctively clung on. She noticed the intricate silver embroidery on the two-finger-wide band around her waist – a familiar pattern.

Memories of the Lantern Festival night and her near-drowning flashed through her mind.

Still shaken, Mingtan looked up into a pair of cool eyes. She swallowed hard and whispered, “H-husband, is that you?”

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