HomeTrue CardamomShao Hua Ruo Jin – Chapter 28

Shao Hua Ruo Jin – Chapter 28

When Ming Tan realized there might be an issue with the waistband she had gifted, several days had already passed since Jiang Xu had worn that oddly scented accessory, causing quite a stir among the officers in the capital’s military camp.

Ming Tan rarely repeated outfits in summer. After discovering the insect-repelling properties of the perfumed clothes, she stopped wearing them. However, when Lüe opened the chest to organize the garments sometime later, she was shocked to find the entire box of clothing emitting a peculiar odor!

Bewildered, Ming Tan investigated and finally learned that two ingredients in the insect-repelling fragrance would react, producing an unpleasant smell after the initial scent faded.

Anxiously, she prayed her future husband hadn’t used it. If only he had discarded it upon receipt, deeming it too old!

However, Shen Hua shattered her hopes completely.

While embroidering sachets together in the courtyard, Shen Hua kept glancing at Ming Tan, seemingly hesitant to speak.

Ming Tan noticed and asked, “Cousin, do you have something to say?”

Shen Hua paused, then carefully said, “Yesterday evening, when I brought my brother his dinner, he mentioned rumors circulating in the army about Prince Dingbei…”

Ming Tan’s ears perked up at the mention of “Prince Dingbei.”

“They’re saying Prince Dingbei dislikes bathing and smells… Some even claim he has a unique preference for certain scents,” Shen Hua explained delicately.

Ming Tan froze momentarily before a sudden realization dawned on her.

It was over.

She was done for!

Would her future husband think she intentionally sabotaged him out of displeasure?

First, she had improperly sneaked into the military camp to catch a glimpse of him. Now, her attempt to return the waistband infused with insect-repelling fragrance had backfired spectacularly. Despite the summer heat, Ming Tan felt a chill run down her spine.

Ming Tan wished to explain and apologize to her future husband, but as a young lady, she had no reason to visit him uninvited. Moreover, Shen Hua soon informed her that Prince Dingbei had left to inspect the northern troops and wouldn’t return to the capital until the New Year.

Upon hearing this news, Ming Tan felt dejected for days. She had hoped to catch a glimpse of her future husband at the Dragon Boat Festival races on the Xian River, where many nobles would gather. She had even considered creating an opportunity to briefly explain the situation. Now, that chance was gone.

Fortunately, her future husband hadn’t called off the engagement. Instead, the Ministry of Rites sent someone to announce that the wedding date had been set. Once the ceremonial procedures were complete, they could marry in the early spring of the following year.

After days of despondency, Ming Tan’s spirits finally lifted!

With the wedding date set, the ceremonial procedures began in an orderly fashion.

The palace sent waves of gifts for the future Princess Dingbei. Tailors visited five times to take measurements and prepare her ceremonial attire. Empress Zhang even dispatched instructors to teach her royal etiquette.

Ming Tan had always excelled at learning etiquette, barely breaking a sweat. However, she didn’t become complacent due to her proficiency. Instead, she remained humble, showing utmost respect to her instructors.

Empress Zhang was pleased upon hearing this. She had taken a liking to Ming Tan during their encounter at Yong Garden and now felt her judgment was impeccable.

While learning rules and etiquette from the instructors, Ming Tan also began a six-month regimen of meticulous self-care.

She carefully monitored her food intake to maintain a slim figure and learned how to keep her skin soft and radiant all over her body.

Though she had always paid attention to these matters, she now held herself to an even higher standard. After all, she was determined to become the most beautiful bride and change her future husband’s perception of her. There was no room for error!

As Ming Tan busied herself daily, others weren’t idle either.

The young women around her were all of marriageable age, with their families busy arranging engagements. During this period, joyous wedding celebrations were frequent in the capital.

Shen Hua was quite satisfied with the second son of Minister Li, whom she had met earlier. The Li family had a good social standing, though not so high as to be completely out of reach. Moreover, Minister Li had a good reputation and was likely to be promoted soon. Most importantly, when they met at the Great Xiangguo Temple, Shen Hua observed that the young man possessed upright character and ambition.

So, Shen Hua gave her approval, and with Madam Pei’s arrangements, the engagement was settled smoothly.

As it wasn’t a royal wedding, the ceremonial procedures progressed much faster. The Li family also valued Shen Hua highly, sparing no expense in the betrothal gifts.

In addition to Shen Hua’s engagement, Madam Pei quietly arranged a marriage for Ming Chu.

The groom Madam Pei chose for Ming Chu was the third son of General Feng, the Xuanwei General. As a fifth-rank dispersed official, the General’s rank wasn’t high, and his residence wasn’t in the capital, fully meeting Ming Tingyan’s earlier requirements.

Ming Tingyan had interacted with General Feng before and had a good impression of him. He also inquired and learned that all of the Feng sons were quite decent.

The third son, in particular, seemed to take after his father. Despite his youth, he had already become a battalion commander in the Hezhou garrison. So when Madam Pei presented this marriage proposal, Ming Tingyan approved it without much deliberation.

As a man, Ming Tingyan could only pay attention to the character of the groom’s father and brothers, unable to consider other factors. However, Ming Tan and Shen Hua soon discovered through inquiries that Ming Chu was unlikely to cause much trouble in the Feng household.

The Feng family’s matriarch ruled with an iron fist and had quite a temper. In the previous generation, the Feng family had experienced conflicts that led to the division of the household. While most families would try to keep such scandals hidden, the Feng matriarch was different. Instead of concealing it, she had made a public spectacle, even taking the matter to court to demand justice, making quite a name for herself in Hezhou.

Moreover, by marrying into the Feng family, Ming Chu would gain two sisters-in-law from military backgrounds. These women were true daughters of a military family, likely far more skilled in martial arts than Ming Chu’s superficial skills with the soft whip.

Thus, Ming Chu would have no opportunity to throw her weight around in her marital home, relying on her background from the Jingan Marquis’s household.

When Ming Chu first learned of the marriage arrangement in the ancestral hall, she threw quite a tantrum, crying, smashing things, and even threatening a hunger strike. However, these tactics were ineffective against Madam Pei.

Madam Pei had previously been reluctant to manage Ming Chu, but now that she decided to take charge, she was determined to make her comply.

As soon as Ming Chu started her hunger strike, Madam Pei used the excuse of “Third Miss’s dedication to Taoist fasting practices” to cut off her food supply. When Ming Chu finally gave in, Madam Pei employed various tactics invoking ancestral laws and filial piety. Before long, peace was restored in the ancestral hall, and Ming Chu’s cries of refusal to marry were no longer heard in the household.

While the two marriages in the Jingan Marquis’s household proceeded smoothly overall, the situation in the Changguo Duke’s household was less favorable.

The Duke and Duchess of Changguo had long ago pre-selected a match for Bai Minmin. Although they hadn’t formally exchanged betrothal gifts, both families were well aware of the arrangement. However, at this crucial moment in the marriage negotiations, the other family unexpectedly aligned themselves with the Sujun Prince’s household, becoming engaged to County Princess Qingyao without any prior notice!

Bai Jingxuan was furious, throwing a massive tantrum in the household.

This time, Bai Minmin remained surprisingly calm, neither crying nor getting angry. After all, she wasn’t particularly eager to get married, and while her parents had favored that family, she didn’t have strong feelings about it. Fortunately, since they hadn’t formally exchanged betrothal gifts, she was free to consider other potential matches at any time.

Zhou Jingwan had also reached marriageable age. However, the Zhou clan was known for their literary heritage, producing many famous scholars and ministers. The young ladies of the Zhou family had excellent reputations, so there was no shortage of suitors.

Matchmakers had worn out the threshold of the Zhou household, but her parents hadn’t given anyone a definite answer, saying there was no rush and that their Jingwan was still young, so they would take their time in considering matches.

However, Zhou Jingwan herself accidentally learned that among the suitors was the infamous Deputy Commander of the Imperial Guard, Lu Ting. This news terrified her, and she couldn’t sleep peacefully for several days, hoping her parents would quickly reject the ice-cold man sent by Commander Lu.

“Commander Lu?” Ming Tan exclaimed in surprise. “Why would Commander Lu propose to you? Do you know each other?”

Zhou Jingwan shook her head and said softly, “No, I don’t know him. I’m not sure why he proposed.”

Bai Minmin pondered for a moment, then teased with her chin resting on her hand, “I bet Commander Lu fell in love with you, at first sight, that day at the Great Xiangguo Temple!”

“Don’t talk nonsense!” Zhou Jingwan retorted, her face flushed with embarrassment.

“How is it nonsense? You only met that one time, so if it’s not love at first sight, what else could it be?” Bai Minmin persisted. “What’s wrong with Commander Lu? He’s the Deputy Commander of the Imperial Guard. The Commander position is now just a nominal one, so Commander Lu is actually in charge of the Imperial Guard. At such a young age, he already holds such a high position with great power. His prospects are limitless!”

Bai Minmin grew more enthusiastic as she continued, “Although Commander Lu has a fearsome reputation when we saw him at the Great Xiangguo Temple, he didn’t seem as scary as the rumors suggest. They say he’s ruthless and kills without mercy, but isn’t Prince Dingbei supposed to be even worse?

“Yet we’ve all seen Prince Dingbei in person and heard him speak. He may be a bit cold, but he’s incredibly handsome and very polite. So you see, these rumors are all biased!”

Ming Tan cupped her face, nodding in strong agreement.

Bai Minmin continued, “Moreover, Commander Lu is close friends with Prince Dingbei and the Second Young Master Shu. Even if you don’t trust Prince Dingbei, surely you can trust the Second Young Master Shu, whose noble character is well-known throughout the capital?”

“…?” Ming Tan, who had been nodding in agreement just moments ago, objected, “How can you say my future husband can’t be trusted?”

Author’s Note: Ming Tan: I am the number one fan of Prince Dingbei.

Jiang Qizhi:?

Jiang Qizhi: Isn’t my tarnished reputation my wife’s fault?

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