HomeTrue CardamomShao Hua Ruo Jin – Chapter 30

Shao Hua Ruo Jin – Chapter 30

Previously, Shuiying had found this marriage arrangement rather dull. She assumed the fourth Miss Ming was no different from other well-bred young ladies in the capital—proper and demure, adhering to etiquette to the point of rigidity. Their master was already sufficiently somber and aloof; with another dull and proper mistress, they could hardly expect to see any tender side of their master in this lifetime.

Now, however, Shuiying found this marriage rather intriguing.

Smiling warmly, she poured fruit wine for Ming Tan and Bai Minmin, exchanging pleasantries. The girls accepted the cups but hesitated to drink.

Shuiying, understanding their hesitation, said, “This wine is quite sweet, specially prepared for young ladies. Please, do try it.” She poured herself a cup and drank it.

Seeing no ill intent, Ming Tan sipped lightly.

Shuiying’s smile deepened. “I must dance now, so I won’t disturb you further. I hope my dance will bring smiles to your faces.”

She curtsied gracefully and began to retreat. Halfway out, she seemed to remember something. Leaning close to Ming Tan, she whispered, “I know why you’re here today. Many ladies in the capital have sought my advice on such matters. If you’re interested, watch my dance, then join me in my chambers afterward.

“I’m only performing one dance today. We’ll have our chat before the festivities outside end, so don’t worry. If you’re concerned, have Young Master Bai wait outside. I’m only offering this because I find you agreeable and wish to form a connection. My usual fee for receiving guests is fifty taels of gold per hour; the same will suffice for you.”

Ming Tan was speechless. Fifty taels of gold per hour—Bie Yu Tower’s top courtesan indeed commanded a high price. Of course, fifty taels wasn’t the issue.

After Shuiying left, Ming Tan finally found her voice. “How… how did she know why we came today?”

Bai Minmin, equally shocked, grabbed her dazed brother and demanded, “What exactly did you tell Miss Shuiying?!”

Bai’s brother protested his innocence: “What? I didn’t mention your names. I’m not stupid! I only said you were my sister and cousin!”

Ming Tan realized that was as good as saying her name—she was his only cousin in the capital.

She found herself admiring Shuiying’s acumen. To deduce her identity and purpose from such scant information required intimate knowledge of the capital’s complex family networks. Shuiying’s ability to navigate the city’s romantic intrigues without scandal was truly impressive. Her offer to connect was understandable, given her insight.

Ming Tan pondered, her slender fingers tapping the table lightly.

Outside, the festivities began. Shuiying led a group of dancers in the “Seven Plates Dance,” a graceful yet powerful performance. Shuiying’s rendition was particularly captivating, combining elegance with a unique allure that set her apart.

After watching Shuiying’s mesmerizing dance, Ming Tan made up her mind.

As the celebration continued outside, with lanterns reflecting on the river, two veiled young ladies discreetly left their private room. Led by a servant, they entered Bie Yu Tower through the back door.

Ming Tan and Bai Minmin, never having entered a brothel before, were surprised by Bie Yu Tower’s interior. Instead of the gaudy decor they expected, they found refined elegance. The corridors and courtyards were tastefully decorated, exuding poetic charm. Even the gold and jade embellishments appeared sophisticated rather than vulgar.

The tower was quiet tonight, closed to regular patrons. They saw few people as they ascended to the third floor.

In the VIP room, they finally noticed some brothel-like elements, such as the perfumed curtains and soft bed—features absent in ordinary teahouses.

Bai’s brother, a regular, felt at ease, but Ming Tan and Bai Minmin were uncomfortable. Fortunately, Shuiying soon entered, having changed her clothes.

Shuiying apologized for the wait and then entertained them with music and conversation while watching the performances outside. When the time was right, she excused herself to fetch a pipa.

Ming Tan and Bai Minmin exchanged glances, then Ming Tan stood up. “I need to freshen up,” she announced.

Bai’s brother, slow to catch on, questioned her need to change. Bai Minmin chided him for his obtuseness.

Outside, a servant led Ming Tan to Shuiying’s chambers.

Shuiying was waiting. With a gentle smile, she greeted, “Fourth Miss Ming, please, have a seat.”

As Ming Tan slowly took her seat while surveying Shui Ying’s boudoir, Shui Ying spoke frankly before Ming Tan could utter a word: “Fourth Young Miss, let me be direct. Although Bie Yu Tower claims to sell art, not bodies, in a flower house, all rules are negotiable. Men can control everything except their waistbands.”


Ming Tan was stunned. What had she just heard? This wasn’t what she came to learn!

Seeing Ming Tan’s face turn crimson, Shui Ying covered her mouth and laughed apologetically. “I may have been too blunt. My vulgar words have soiled the Young Miss’s ears. Though you’ll soon be a respectable lady of high status, to win your husband’s favor, you must know a thing or two about these matters.” She glanced meaningfully at the bed.

Ming Tan remained bewildered. Her original intention for tonight was merely to observe why Shui Ying was so captivating, hoping to learn how to initiate conversations and present herself better when alone with her future husband. But now, having been lured into this place, it seemed Shui Ying was suggesting that to capture her husband’s heart, the most crucial aspect was…?!

Shui Ying rose and retrieved a blue-covered booklet from her trunk.

Ming Tan hesitantly turned a page, then tossed it away as if scalded, nearly fainting on the spot.

Shui Ying, accustomed to such reactions, patiently picked up the book. “Young Miss, you’re about to be married. If I don’t show you these things, your family’s Madam surely will before your wedding. But she’ll be too mindful of propriety to teach in detail, and ordinary ‘fire-avoiding’ illustrations are far less comprehensive. If one doesn’t understand the pleasures of marital relations, it can be quite unbearable—” She paused. “I imagine my presence makes the Fourth Young Miss uncomfortable. I’ll go fetch some refreshments.”

With that, Shui Ying quietly withdrew, closing the door behind her.

Meanwhile, in another elegant room of Bie Yu Tower, Jiang Xu suddenly set down his wine cup and glanced at the messenger, saying coolly, “Repeat that.”

The messenger hesitated, breaking into a cold sweat. “Miss Shui Ying said the Fourth Young Miss of… Jing’an Marquis’s household is in her chambers. She didn’t say anything else.”

“Ming family’s Fourth Young Miss came to Bie Yu Tower?” Shu Jingran’s voice was full of surprise, nearly spilling his wine. “What is she doing here?”

The messenger had no further information.

Before Shu Jingran could speak again, Jiang Xu had already risen.

The boudoir was silent save for the faint sound of turning pages.

At first, Ming Tan found these lewd illustrations utterly shameful and unbearable. She hadn’t touched them after Shui Ying left.

But forbidden things are often the most alluring. Her fingers slowly, inch by inch, approached the book. Initially curious to see just one page, she soon found herself leafing through several, one hand turning pages, the other covering her flushed face.

When Jiang Xu pushed open the door, she mistook him for Shui Ying. Hurriedly closing the book, she took a sip of tea to calm herself.

But upon recognizing the visitor, she froze!

Surely this was a hallucination. How could her future husband be here?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Yet Jiang Xu calmly approached, lowering his gaze to take the spring palace book from her hands.

She finally reacted, clutching it tightly and blurting out, “You can’t look!”

Jiang Xu looked at her. “You dare tell me what I cannot do?”

His voice was as melodious as chiming jade, but his words sent a shiver through Ming Tan.

Her mind in chaos, heart racing, she stammered, “That’s not what I meant. Your High- How are you here? Wasn’t there a patrol—”

Realizing her slip, she quickly fell silent.

Jiang Xu, however, didn’t expose her, instead following her lead: “I returned to the capital early.”

Though confused, Ming Tan knew she should explain her presence here.

But Jiang Xu seemed uninterested in why she was here. He casually took the book from her hands, flipped through a couple of pages, then tossed it aside.

“Young Miss need not look at these things. This is no place for you,” he said flatly. “I’ll have someone escort you home.”


Ming Tan felt like crying! She wanted to explain but didn’t know where to begin.

Seeing Jiang Xu turn to leave, she hurriedly blocked his path. “It’s not what you think, I…”

In her panic, she forgot all the rules of propriety between men and women. Unconsciously grabbing Jiang Xu’s robe, she looked up at him with tears welling in her eyes. “Do you think I’m shameless? Do you think I’m…”

Jiang Xu, noticing the tears clinging to her fluttering eyelashes, suddenly interrupted: “Young Miss is fine. I don’t think ill of you at all.”

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