HomeTrue CardamomShao Hua Ruo Jin – Chapter 31

Shao Hua Ruo Jin – Chapter 31

The journey back to the manor was silent. The Qixi crescent moon hung low, casting a serene glow like still water. Ming Tan, wearing a veiled hat, followed Jiang Xu at a distance of about ten feet.

Initially, Jiang Xu had said he would send someone to escort her home. Somehow, upon leaving Bieyu Tower, he ended up personally accompanying her. Though it was called an escort, it felt more like he was simply leading the way.

They maintained a respectful distance, adhering to propriety. Midway through the journey, Jiang Xu noticed Ming Tan struggling to keep pace. He paused briefly but otherwise didn’t look back or utter a word.

Ming Tan endured the silence until they reached the back gate of the Jing’an Marquis Manor. Her legs felt ready to give out, and her feet burned with pain. She couldn’t help but mutter inwardly, “Brute!”

After all, who could have imagined that His Highness, the illustrious Prince of Dingbei, would escort someone on foot? No carriage, not even a horse. The walk from Bieyu Tower to the Jing’an Marquis Manor spanned several li, a distance she’d normally cover over several months.

“Thank you for the escort, Your Highness,” Ming Tan said softly, curtsying from a distance despite her aching legs.

Jiang Xu nodded slightly, preparing to leave.

“Your Highness…” Ming Tan called out impulsively.

“What is it?” Jiang Xu paused.

Ming Tan had intended to explain the misunderstanding from earlier that night but found it too embarrassing. Instead, she said, “It’s nothing. I just… remembered that you also came to my aid during the Lantern Festival, sending someone to escort me to the back gate. I’m deeply grateful.”

This prompted Jiang Xu to raise an eyebrow. “How did you know it was I who helped you that night?”

Ming Tan was puzzled. Hadn’t she asked, “Husband, was it you?” in the forest last time? Had he not heard?

Jiang Xu had indeed heard, but at the time, he assumed the Fourth Young Lady was merely surprised by his sudden appearance.

Ming Tan privately felt relieved, thinking it better he hadn’t heard. After all, that premature “husband” was just as embarrassing as today’s incident with the book of intimate illustrations.

She hastily explained, “When Your Highness came to my aid in the forest, you used a similar sash. Though the color differed, the material, weave, and hidden patterns were identical. If I’m not mistaken, it’s made from the new tribute silk from Suzhou, Zhiwu Jin. The hidden pattern on the Lantern Festival sash used dark gold thread, while the one in the forest used dark silver. The embroidery techniques included the San Cuo needle, Ke Lin needle, and Bing Wen needle… Zhiwu Jin is rare, with only a dozen or so bolts offered as tribute each year, usually reserved for imperial use. Father once received a bolt as a reward from the palace, so I’ve seen it before.”

Jiang Xu paused. He hadn’t realized a simple sash could be so intricate. The young lady of the Ming family seemed to have studied it thoroughly.

Ming Tan realized she had said too much. Moreover, mentioning the sash reminded her of another embarrassing incident with her future husband.

Her ears burned even hotter. She hadn’t explained today’s misunderstanding, and now she’d brought up a previous one. Unable to face her future husband any longer, she lowered her eyes and said hurriedly, “In any case, thank you for coming to my aid and for escorting me tonight. I’ll head in now. Please take care on your way back, Your Highness.”

The heat in Ming Tan’s face didn’t subside as she made her way back to her quarters. Only when Su Xin brought a cool, damp cloth for her face did she begin to calm down.

After washing up and getting into bed, Ming Tan tossed and turned all night, unable to sleep.

She was mortified. She was supposed to be a graceful and demure young lady from a noble family. How had she managed to embarrass herself repeatedly in front of her future husband? With this image, she felt she couldn’t go on living! After marrying him, she should virtuously find him a few concubines and request to live separately to avoid offending his eyes! His words, “Young Lady is fine, I didn’t think that way,” must have been to spare her feelings. He probably thought her shameless and lacking in modesty!

She clutched her blanket to her face, berating herself for her foolishness while marveling at her future husband’s kindness.

The night guard, a new little maid, was at a loss as Ming Tan startled awake throughout the night. At the third watch, she nervously went to fetch Su Xin.

Su Xin, throwing on a robe, arrived just in time to hear Ming Tan whimper. She gently knocked on the door and asked worriedly, “Young Lady? It’s me. Are you alright?”

“It’s nothing. You all should go rest,” Ming Tan replied glumly, peeking out from under her silk quilt.

Despite claiming “It’s nothing,” Ming Tan appeared deflated after the Qixi Festival. She no longer busied herself with various activities as she had before, feeling it was useless to try to salvage her repeatedly tarnished image.

After Qixi came the Ghost Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, and Double Ninth Festival, followed by the Winter Solstice, the Emperor’s birthday, and New Year’s Eve. Despite the succession of important dates, Ming Tan rarely went out. She only made appearances when her sisters, Shen Hua and Ming Chu, got married.

Ming Chu married and moved to Hezhou, unable to return home for three days—essentially married off and out of sight.

Shen Hua’s wedding procession departed from the Jing’an Marquis Manor, as she married within the capital. Her return visit was naturally to the Jing’an Marquis Manor. Seeing Shen Hua in good spirits during her visit, with an attentive husband, Ming Tan felt even more troubled.

Shen Hua noticed Ming Tan’s unusual behavior, but when asked, Ming Tan didn’t know where to begin. She could hardly explain that she had already embarrassed herself thoroughly in front of her future husband before even marrying him, so she simply said nothing.

As autumn gave way to winter and firecrackers heralded the new year, the wedding date Ming Tan had once eagerly anticipated drew ever closer.

The closer the date, the busier the Jing’an Marquis Manor became.

In early spring, the Ministry of Rites, on behalf of the Prince of Dingbei’s household, sent the betrothal gifts. Six palace eunuchs came to announce the gifts, their voices growing hoarse as they called out from morning till night. Crowds of onlookers outside South Magpie Street cycled through in waves, watching the endless stream of gifts being carried into the manor.

Though princely weddings and imperial daughters’ marriages weren’t uncommon in the capital, none had been this grand.

As dusk fell and the gift-giving concluded, the lead eunuch, wiping sweat and speaking hoarsely, respectfully presented the gift list to the Marquis and his wife. “My Lord, My Lady, the betrothal gifts are listed in two parts. One follows the standard for a prince’s consort, while the other comprises additional gifts from the Prince of Dingbei’s household—a total of 128 sets. This clearly shows the Prince’s high regard for his future wife and your family.”

Ming Tingyu stroked his short beard, beaming with pride. Lady Pei’s face couldn’t hide her joy as she hurriedly called for tea and personally gave the eunuchs their reward money. “Thank you for your hard work, gentlemen.”

The gift list was indeed substantial. They had expected the Prince to add perhaps 48 or 68 sets to the standard princely allotment, but 128 sets! It was a tremendous honor for both Ming Tan and the Jing’an Marquis Manor.

By custom, an imperial princess’s dowry consisted of 188 sets. They had planned to prepare 128 sets for Ming Tan, considering it quite grand. But with the Prince’s betrothal gifts being so lavish, they felt compelled to increase Ming Tan’s dowry to at least 168 sets.

The entire household was elated. The gifts filled the back rooms of the main courtyard. Ming Tan, upon seeing them, felt a surge of happiness. It seemed her image in her future husband’s eyes was still salvageable!

However, her joy was short-lived as she once again fell into worry.

When Bai Minmin visited her to discuss their trip to Bieyu Tower during the Qixi Festival, Ming Tan suddenly realized something she hadn’t considered before—

Her presence at Bieyu Tower that day was inappropriate.

But was the Prince of Dingbei’s presence there any more proper?

Why was he there? The tower was closed to visitors that day, yet he was inside, clearly a VIP guest. He even entered Shui Ying’s chambers without knocking, suggesting a close familiarity! Thinking back, Shui Ying’s eagerness to befriend her might have been because she knew Ming Tan was the future Princess of Dingbei and wanted to secure a place in the household after the marriage. The more Ming Tan thought about it, the colder she felt.

Had she, Ming Tan, shown such poor judgment?

Had she fallen for another handsome face who frequented brothels?

With less than half a month until the wedding, the princess consort’s ceremonial robes and headdress had already been delivered to the Jing’an Marquis Manor. Yet Ming Tan remained listless, causing concern for Ming Tingyu and Lady Pei despite their joy.

One day at lunch, seeing Ming Tan’s birdlike appetite barely touching her food before claiming fullness, Lady Pei exchanged a glance with Ming Tingyu. They carefully voiced the question they had discussed the previous night: “Tan’er, are you dissatisfied with this marriage arrangement?”

“I have no objections, Mother,” Ming Tan replied.

Ming Tingyu set down his chopsticks and said after a long pause, “Tan’er, you can speak your mind. If you don’t want to marry, even though the betrothal gifts have been exchanged, I would risk losing my title and position…”


“Daughter has no wish to cancel the marriage. Father needn’t risk his position.”

Ming Tan was indeed conflicted. She had a favorable impression of the Prince of Dingbei, but the doubt about his relationship with Shui Ying weighed heavily on her mind.

However, a marriage decreed by the Emperor wasn’t something one could simply refuse. Her father might be willing to lose his position, but the Emperor would likely demand the entire family’s execution.

Hearing her response, Ming Tingyu relaxed, leaving the rest of his prepared speech unsaid. He had intended to add that even risking his position couldn’t undo the marriage at this point.

Ming Tan misunderstood, thinking her father was willing to defy the imperial decree for her sake. She was touched. She decided that if she had misjudged the Prince of Dingbei, she would steel herself and marry him for the sake of her family, fulfilling her filial duty.

Moved by this thought, she ate half a bowl more and kept adding dishes to her father’s plate. Ming Tingyu accepted happily, though he sheepishly rubbed his nose.

The eighth day of the third month was deemed auspicious for marriage by the Imperial Astronomers and the Ministry of Rites. It was set on the wedding day of the Prince of Dingbei. During this time, Jiang Xu had gone north to handle military affairs, returning to the capital only on the eve of his wedding.

Under Uncle Fu’s management, the Prince of Dingbei’s residence was adorned with lanterns and decorations, awash in celebratory red.

As Jiang Xu dismounted and entered the residence, Uncle Fu’s anxious heart finally settled. He had worried that the Prince might miss his wedding due to military duties.

Shu Jingran, knowing Jiang Xu would return that night, had waited for him with warm wine. However, Jiang Xu coldly declined, “No need. I must visit the Ministry of Justice prison.”

“…?” Shu Jingran laughed in disbelief. “You’re getting married tomorrow, yet you still want to interrogate prisoners tonight?”

“It’s just a wedding. What does it have to do with interrogations?” Jiang Xu said dismissively.

Shu Jingran couldn’t understand. “Since you’re marrying, shouldn’t you show your wife proper respect? Do you plan to appear at the Marquis’s house tomorrow with dark circles under your eyes? Or will you maintain that cold expression in the bridal chamber, or perhaps leave your new wife aside to catch up on sleep?”

Jiang Xu remained unmoved.

Shu Jingran continued, “I’ve just learned that the Ming family’s fourth young lady has been troubled lately. She seems to have misunderstood your presence at Bieyu Tower, thinking you have some relationship with Miss Shui Ying. Didn’t you go to see her last time? You didn’t explain why you were at Bieyu Tower. Since she’s done you a favor and you want to marry her and treat her well, there’s no reason to keep the Bieyu Tower incident a secret, is there? Besides, interrogating prisoners is trivial compared to your wedding tomorrow. I think you’d be better off resting well tonight.”

Shu Jingran had unexpectedly encountered Bai Minmin at Bieyu Tower last time, and they met again at a recent polo party at the Pingguo Manor. Bai Minmin had indirectly inquired about his and the Prince’s reasons for being at Bieyu Tower, allowing him to guess the situation.

Hearing this, Jiang Xu seemed lost in thought, his expression unreadable.

After a while, he suddenly walked out, ignoring Shu Jingran’s calls.

Shu Jingran shook his head, assuming the stubborn prince had indeed gone to interrogate prisoners at the Ministry of Justice.

As night fell, the Jing’an Marquis Manor remained awash in red, even the lanterns casting a soft red glow—a perfect image of wedding joy. Ming Tan, still awake, leaned by the window, gazing absently at the moonlight.

She would be married tomorrow.

Would he be her ideal partner?

She had been certain before but now doubts crept in.

Feeling tired, she closed her eyes to rest.

Suddenly, a faint scent of sandalwood reached her.

She opened her eyes slowly, first seeing a jade pendant, then gradually raising her gaze—


Surely this was an illusion.

She instinctively rubbed her eyes.

“The young lady is not mistaken. It is I,” the man said, standing by the window, looking down at her. “I’ve come unannounced to tell you that Bieyu Tower serves as a secret outpost for the Prince of Dingbei’s household. My relationship with Shui Ying is strictly that of superior and subordinate, nothing more. Tomorrow, I will personally come to the Jing’an Marquis Manor to escort you. Please rest well.”

The man’s voice was neither loud nor soft. Standing tall by the window, he seemed to blend perfectly with the moonlight.

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