HomeTrue CardamomShao Hua Ruo Jin – Chapter 38

Shao Hua Ruo Jin – Chapter 38

“Has the Princess risen?”

“Not yet.”

“Is the breakfast still warm then?”

“Keep a bowl of porridge simmering. Given the hour, we should start preparing lunch instead.”

As the sun rose, the kitchen staff in the Northern Prince’s mansion repeatedly inquired if the Princess had awakened. From mid-morning to noon, the answer remained negative, causing quite a stir among the servants.

A gossip-monger, hands folded in front, chin slightly raised, spoke with feigned wisdom: “I reckon you needn’t bother with lunch. Best to prepare for dinner directly.”

“Why? Has the Princess left the manor?”

Before the gossip-monger could draw out the suspense, a maid who knew the inside story entered the kitchen with a basket of fresh vegetables. Unable to contain herself, she blurted out, “Haven’t you heard? Last night, Qian Hall called for hot water four or five times! Tsk tsk, they were at it until almost dawn. How could the Princess possibly rise early!”


“Is that so?”

Everyone unconsciously huddled together, ears perked.

The kitchen was full of experienced matrons who loved to gossip shamelessly about bedroom matters, their faces unabashed and rather excited.

“Sister Fu, doesn’t your daughter serve in Qian Hall? Was it really that lively?”

“Indeed it was. Our Prince may look cold, but he certainly puts in the effort upstairs. The Princess has only been here a few days, yet every night there’s a commotion. The whole courtyard can hear it. My daughter was on night duty in the tea room the other day and said she couldn’t sleep all night, just listening to the Princess’s sweet cries and calls.”

“I heard about it too. Especially last night – they called for hot water a full four or five times! I heard the Princess cried bitterly for a while and threw a tantrum, otherwise, it might have gone on even longer.”

“The Princess looks like a celestial maiden, so delicate. What man wouldn’t love her? I can’t take my eyes off her. And that skin of hers, like tender tofu, so fair and smooth. I bet it bruises at the slightest touch. The other day in the garden, under the sunlight, she was dazzlingly white.”

“I also think the Princess is incredibly alluring. No wonder even our Prince, known for his prowess outside, can’t leave the beauty’s couch.”

The maids’ gossip in the kitchen was quite scandalous. The young servant girls who overheard bits and pieces blushed and scurried away. However, what these servants said wasn’t entirely exaggerated.

Last night, the calls for hot water in Qian Hall never ceased. Even Suxin and Lvge, inexperienced as they were, vaguely sensed that His Highness seemed to be… overdoing it a bit.

Their young mistress was fine at first, but midway through, she cried out intensely. Towards the end, she was whimpering, probably hoarse and lacking strength, her voice much softer.

The last time Suxin brought in water, she caught a glimpse of her mistress with disheveled hair, wrapped in blankets and nestled in His Highness’s arms. Like a cornered rabbit, eyes red, she murmured something in a low, hoarse voice before suddenly biting His Highness’s neck fiercely.

Suxin’s knees nearly buckled, almost kneeling to beg mercy for her mistress.

But His Highness didn’t even frown. He simply responded softly, “Alright, let’s rest.”

Though his tone was neutral, given the intimate atmosphere, it seemed somewhat coaxing.

After using the water, His Highness also called for medicine.

The red candle in the room remained lit for a while before being extinguished.

When all fell silent, the sky was already showing a faint, hazy gray light of dawn.

Jiang Xu was in good spirits, rising early without delay to practice swordsmanship, returning to his chambers for breakfast, and then leaving as usual. Ming Tan, however, slept deeply, showing no signs of waking from mid-morning to noon.

It wasn’t until midday that Ming Tan finally stirred. Even then, she remained dazed for a while, half-reclining on the couch, too lethargic to rise.

Just then, Lvge entered with a box of trinkets, curtsying happily: “Miss, you’re awake. Miss Bai sent some gifts. She says they’re curious new items from the Western Regions. Would you like to see them now?”

The mention of Bai Minmin instantly infuriated Ming Tan.

The culprit!



Lvge was stunned, at a loss, thinking she had done something wrong.

Ming Tan, unable to contain her anger, added, “Find that ugly handkerchief Bai Minmin gave me last time, and bring me a pair of scissors.”

Confused, Lvge complied, carefully setting down the box of trinkets and hurrying to find the ugly handkerchief Bai Minmin had embroidered, along with scissors, bringing them to the bedside.

Without hesitation, Ming Tan grabbed the scissors and savagely cut the ugly handkerchief twice, then angrily ordered, “Stuff it into that box and send it back to the Marquis of Chang’s mansion. Tell her I’m ending our handkerchief friendship with Bai Minmin today!”

Lvge: “…?”


At the Marquis of Chang’s mansion, Bai Minmin, forced to practice needlework and currently embroidering mandarin ducks, suddenly sneezed loudly. She rubbed her nose, wondering: Could it be that one of the young masters from recent matchmaking sessions had taken a liking to her?

Whether any young master had taken a liking to Bai Minmin remained uncertain, but recently, it was clear that Lu Ting, the Deputy Commander of the Imperial Guard, had his eye on Miss Zhou Jingwan.

Zhou Jingwan was of marriageable age, gentle and beautiful, and extremely talented. Originally, many promising young men had proposed to the Zhou family, but after Commander Lu made his proposal, those young men mysteriously retreated.

First, a Hanlin Academy Editor was caught visiting a brothel and impeached by a censor for disgracing the academy’s noble reputation, resulting in a demotion.

Then, a minister’s son injured a street vendor while riding recklessly. He was reported to the authorities, paid a hefty fine, and injured his leg, confining him to bed for half a year…

These incidents, while not major, shared one commonality: all involved men who had sought Zhou Jingwan’s hand in marriage.

People seemed to grasp the underlying connection, and gradually, fewer and fewer suitors approached the Zhou family.

Zhou Jingwan’s marriage had been under consideration since Ming Tan’s imperial betrothal. Now that Ming Tan was married, no matter how precious a daughter, it was time to put it on the agenda.

But given the current situation, Madam Zhou, who had been leisurely choosing among suitors, now felt anxious. Zhou Jingwan was even more frightened, worrying daily that no one would propose and she would end up marrying Commander Lu.

April was in full bloom. Ming Tan invited Zhou Jingwan to admire the flowers at her mansion.

She had renovated the prince’s mansion and rebuilt the flower garden. With rare flowers and plants newly arrived, she invited the talented Miss Zhou to compose inscriptions for the garden.

As for Bai Minmin, Ming Tan’s anger hadn’t subsided, so she didn’t send an invitation to the Marquis of Chang’s mansion. However, Bai Minmin came uninvited, hitching a ride on the Zhou family’s carriage.

Zhou Jingwan, already frail, appeared even more gaunt due to recent melancholy.

Only when pressed by Ming Tan and Bai Minmin did she reluctantly speak of her seemingly sabotaged marriage prospects.

“Do you dislike Commander Lu that much?” Bai Minmin asked, puzzled. “I think he’s quite good.”

Zhou Jingwan retorted, “If he’s so good, why don’t you marry him?”

Bai Minmin choked, “But he proposed to you, not me. What does it have to do with me?”

She turned to Ming Tan, “Isn’t your Prince of Beidi close to Commander Lu? Why don’t you ask the Prince what Commander Lu’s intentions are?”

Ming Tan hesitated.

Since that night when she threw a tantrum after being thoroughly exhausted in bed, she and her husband hadn’t spoken properly.

Firstly, her husband was busy with military affairs and rarely home. When he was, he was taciturn. Without her initiating conversation, he could sit silently reading military texts all night.

Secondly, she was menstruating and couldn’t be intimate. A man who only showed emotion in bed seemed rather cold after a few days without intimacy.

Thirdly, she had been somewhat frightened by the intensity and was reluctant to be close to him.

“What are you thinking about?” Bai Minmin waved her hand in front of Ming Tan’s face.

“Nothing,” Ming Tan sipped her tea nonchalantly. “I’ll ask my husband when he returns.”

Bai Minmin, not thinking much of it, continued comforting Zhou Jingwan: “Commander Lu’s actions suggest he’s quite determined. It doesn’t seem to be a passing fancy. In my opinion, you shouldn’t be so resistant. Wait until Ming Tan asks the Prince, and then make your decision after learning more.”

Zhou Jingwan seemed moved by this.

But having taken on this task, Ming Tan felt a bit troubled. Her period had just ended, and asking today felt like walking into a tiger’s den.

She hesitated until Jiang Xu returned and went straight to his study. Ming Tan bit her lip, deciding to take the plunge for Zhou Jingwan’s sake.

She deliberately changed into more modest attire, covering her neck, and brought a bowl of bird’s nest porridge that had been simmering since noon, along with a plate of jade belt cakes, to the study.

“Your Highness, the Princess is here,” a guard announced at the door.

Jiang Xu looked up: “Enter.”

Jiang Xu’s study was spacious and simple, with several bookcases filled with military texts and short weapons. There was also a sand table, a chess table, and a narrow couch for resting.

Ming Tan barely glanced around before approaching the desk, speaking softly and obediently: “I heard my husband was busy with official duties and hadn’t eaten dinner. So I made bird’s nest porridge and jade belt cakes. Please try them, husband. Official duties are important, but your health is even more so.”

Jiang Xu: “…”

After their passionate night a few days ago, his young Princess had been cold towards him, avoiding him for several days. One moment she’d say she felt unwell, the next she was menstruating. Even an accidental touch during rest would earn him a kick. He had ended up sleeping in the study for a few nights.

And now this. He paused, looking at the bowl of bird’s nest porridge and the stack of jade belt cakes.

“You made these?”

Ming Tan nodded, explaining the process in detail: “This bird’s nest porridge is simmered until extremely smooth. It’s been cooking over low heat since noon. Someone must watch it constantly, stirring in the same direction every half hour for a short while. Only then will the porridge melt in your mouth.

“As for the jade belt cakes, they’re made from finely ground glutinous rice flour, sifted three times. After sifting, it’s mixed with water, lard, and white sugar, layered one by one, then steamed. The number of layers and the steaming process are crucial. Otherwise, it won’t be this translucent or have such a fine texture…”

Jiang Xu tasted it, finding it indeed quite different from his usual hastily prepared meals.

He instinctively glanced at Ming Tan’s hands. They were clean and neat, with painted nails, looking nothing like hands that had done any cooking.

He confirmed, “You made these yourself?”

“Yes,” Ming Tan replied matter-of-factly.

Jiang Xu paused for a moment, then put down his porcelain spoon: “You may leave. I have important matters to attend to.”

Ming Tan was confused: “Won’t you eat more? I personally…”

“I don’t like hearing people lie. Please leave first.”


“How have I lied?”

Ming Tan was bewildered.

“You said you made this yourself,” Jiang Xu looked at her, his gaze direct and steady.

Ming Tan met his eyes without hesitation: “I did make it myself. If you don’t believe me, you can ask the kitchen staff. I instructed them on the ingredients and cooking process in detail and even went to the kitchen twice. There are witnesses and evidence!”

Jiang Xu was silent for a moment, realizing they had very different understandings of “personally made”: “By personally made, you mean you cooked it with your own hands?”

“What else could it mean? Did you expect me to roll up my sleeves and knead the dough myself?!”

She was indignant.

Jiang Xu: “…”

Ming Tan felt utterly wronged. This was her unique recipe that she had figured out herself. Although it looked ordinary, the taste was quite different. This boorish man had eaten her porridge and cakes and still accused her of lying! He didn’t deserve it!

Thinking this, she gathered the bowl and spoon, intending to leave with the food box.

“Wait,” Jiang Xu grabbed her wrist.

Ming Tan shook off his hand and walked to the door, pushing it open.

Jiang Xu rose and caught her wrist again, this time with a bit more force. Ming Tan stumbled back a couple of steps, inadvertently turning into his embrace.

The main door of the study had just been pushed open by Ming Tan, allowing the cool spring night breeze to flow in.

Shu Jingran stood outside, and the guard about to announce him stood with his mouth open, unsure what to say.

They had interrupted something.

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