HomeTrue CardamomShao Hua Ruo Jin – Chapter 40

Shao Hua Ruo Jin – Chapter 40

Indeed, on closer inspection, Princess Fengzhao and Countess Yongle were a year or two older than Ming Tan. Despite being married and wearing her hair up, Ming Tan still appeared quite youthful. Neither of them had expected her to suddenly assert her authority as an elder.

Of course, the main issue was that the late emperor and Crown Prince Minzong were half-brothers, while the Prince of Yi and Emperor Chengkang were not born of the same mother. The Empress Dowager was the late emperor’s subsequent empress consort. Tracing blood relations between their generation and the Prince of Beidi’s household was tenuous at best. The terms “aunt” and “uncle” were indeed quite loosely applied.

Perhaps still in shock, the two were led away before they could protest.

After a brief silence, some quickly seized the opportunity to flatter Ming Tan, praising her for handling the situation with grace and poise, demonstrating the demeanor of a true princess consort. They also brought up the embarrassing incident involving Princess Fengzhao at the Pingguo Manor last year.

That scandal was well-known among the capital’s noble ladies. With just a mention, knowing smiles and suppressed laughter spread through the crowd.

Others, refraining from directly criticizing Fengzhao, sweetly complimented Ming Tan on how well her peony-patterned dress and phoenix hairpin with peony and spring sleep tassels suited her.

As for Countess Yongle, she was relatively unknown in the capital, having been absent for some time. However, not everyone was entirely ignorant of her reputation.

Someone mentioned that Countess Yongle, relying on the Empress Dowager’s favor, had always been arrogant and disrespectful, lacking the propriety expected of a young lady.

It was rumored that she had once caught a glimpse of the Prince of Beidi and fallen in love at first sight, leading her to follow her father on the northern campaign without hesitation. She had even disguised herself to enter the military camp, disrupting order just to see the prince. Upon learning that the Emperor and Empress were selecting a bride for the Prince of Beidi, she had reportedly begged Princess Wenhuichang and Empress Dowager to intervene on her behalf, though the reason for their failure to do so remained unknown.

“How bold of this Countess Yongle!”

“Disguising herself to enter a military camp and disrupt order just to see the prince? How could a young lady behave so improperly? It’s shocking!”

“No wonder she wasn’t chosen as the princess consort. The prince is a member of the imperial family, well-versed in propriety. He naturally prefers a well-educated and refined young lady like our princess consort, not someone so reckless and improper.”

Ming Tan: “…”

Improper and shocking behavior.

She felt vaguely offended.

Feeling uneasy from the praise, she quickly cleared her throat and changed the subject: “The wind is strong outside. Let’s go in. Master Yuanming should be ready to start the sermon.”

As Ming Tan led the group back into the hall, she instinctively glanced at Zhou Jingwan.

Understanding the signal, Zhou Jingwan excused herself to freshen up and headed towards the release pond with her maid.

Today being the Buddha’s Birthday, the Great Xiangguo Temple was even more lively than usual. At the release pond, people tossed coins and fish food, making wishes and prayers. Children laughed as they followed the koi fish swimming about.

Zhou Jingwan found a shady spot and stood quietly, waiting.

Unexpectedly, a child chasing a spinning top came running wildly towards her. Absorbed in play, the child didn’t notice her standing there, and the whip for the top was about to strike her.

Zhou Jingwan couldn’t dodge in time. Just as she was about to be hit, a blade flashed, swiftly cutting the whipcord that was about to harm her.

The child froze, staring at the cleanly cut whipcord in confusion. Looking up at the tall man, the child suddenly burst into tears and ran away, leaving the top behind.

Zhou Jingwan, already frail and timid, was still recovering from the shock when the child’s cry startled her further. She instinctively paled, clutching her chest and taking half a step back.

This Marshal Lu was truly terrifying.

Brandishing weapons at the slightest provocation.

No wonder he had a reputation for frightening even crying children into silence.

Nevertheless, she had to curtsy and force herself to say, “Thank you, Marshal Lu.”

“It’s nothing, Miss Zhou. No need for formalities.”

Indeed, it was nothing. Killing a person or two probably wouldn’t be a big deal to him either.

At this thought, Zhou Jingwan’s back stiffened, and she didn’t dare look up at Lu Ting. Even from a distance, she felt the murderous aura emanating from the man before her was suffocating.

After a long moment, she gathered her courage and asked softly, “May I ask if Marshal Lu has heard of ‘Zhuangzi and Huizi Discuss Fish’?”

Lu Ting glanced at the koi swimming in the release pond and tried to answer elegantly, “I’ve heard of it.”

Zhou Jingwan continued, “Zhuangzi said, ‘See how the minnows come out and dart around where they please! That’s what fish enjoy!’ Huizi replied, ‘You’re not a fish — how do you know what fish enjoy?'”

Lu Ting’s familiarity with the story ended there, but Zhou Jingwan wasn’t finished. “Zhuangzi said, ‘You’re not me, so how do you know I don’t know what fish enjoy?’ Huizi responded, ‘I’m not you, so I certainly don’t know about you. But you’re certainly not a fish — so you’re not knowing what fish enjoy is complete.'”

The latter part that Zhou Jingwan recited eloquently became a jumble in Lu Ting’s ears: “You’re not me… fish enjoy… I’m not you… not a fish… fish enjoy…”

Before Lu Ting could make sense of it, Zhou Jingwan curtsied gracefully and said with lowered eyes, “What if Jingwan could understand fish and knew they were not happy?”

A moment of silence fell by the release pond, as willow catkins drifted gently in the breeze.

Zhou Jingwan was nervous, her hands clammy with sweat. She wasn’t sure if expressing her unwillingness and displeasure about the forced marriage proposal so clearly would anger Marshal Lu.

Lu Ting was left speechless, completely failing to understand Zhou Jingwan’s meaning. After a moment’s hesitation, he uncertainly suggested, “Then… feed them more fish food?”

Zhou Jingwan’s lips paled further, and she swayed slightly.

Did he think that more betrothal gifts would make her willing? But what did this have to do with betrothal gifts? Was she, Zhou Jingwan, such a short-sighted person who only cared for wealth and status, deserving to be belittled by him like this?

“Fish may be lowly creatures, but they are living beings with their thoughts. If unhappy, they would rather starve than eat mindlessly,” Zhou Jingwan’s voice was soft and trembling, her head bowed low with tears welling in her eyes. She finished by saying, “Jingwan must return to hear the master’s sermon and cannot stay longer. My decision is final. I hope Marshal Lu will reconsider.” With that, she curtsied and prepared to leave.

As Zhou Jingwan hurriedly departed, Lu Ting suddenly asked his attendant, “What did she mean by all that just now?”

The attendant answered honestly, “I don’t know, sir. As expected of a young lady from a scholarly family, I didn’t understand a word she said. But I’ve memorized it all. Perhaps we could ask the Prince or Young Master Shu when we return?”

Lu Ting nodded.

The attendant wiped his brow, worrying that if his master truly married this Miss Zhou, their job would become quite difficult. They might not even understand her instructions.

Meanwhile, two hours had passed unnoticed.

Princess Fengzhao and Countess Yongle emerged from the east and west sides of the small Buddha hall respectively. They each heard from their servants about what others had said about the other party after they were taken away.

When they encountered each other outside the hall, another round of mutual taunting ensued:

“They say you don’t know your place and have no manners. I didn’t expect you to be truly so improper, even disguising yourself to sneak into a military camp. Oh, and crying and threatening suicide to marry the Prince of Beidi? How laughable. If you wanted to hang yourself, how are you still standing here? Shameless and indecent!” Princess Fengzhao’s words were laced with venom.

Zhai Nianci retorted, “I’m standing here thanks to the Empress Dowager’s blessing. As for you, for all your talk of hierarchy, you’ve offended both the Princess Consort of Beidi and the Empress and were ordered by the Empress to reflect at home. With all your knowledge, why didn’t I see you composing peony poems or picking peony flowers today?”


“Besides, so what if I didn’t marry the Prince of Beidi? With the Empress Dowager’s protection, I can find any husband I want. You’re the one at the end of your rope yet still so arrogant. Marrying someone like the Marquis of Jiangyang? In the future, you won’t even be fit to hold my shoes!”

Fengzhao’s earlier advantage came from her unexpected physical attack. In a battle of words, Zhai Nianci seemed to have the upper hand.

Moreover, Zhai Nianci had hit Fengzhao’s sore spot. Fengzhao’s eyes widened, but she couldn’t muster a retort.

Seeing Fengzhao’s expression, Zhai Nianci grew bolder, smirking as she continued to dig at Fengzhao’s wounds: “Don’t blame me for not giving you face. After the spring poetry gathering incident, who in the capital would give you face? Everyone treats you as a joke. Surely you know that?

“Besides, I’m not the one who made you a laughingstock. The person who did that to you is now living a grand life, even calling herself your aunt. Forget about not being fit to hold my shoes in the future, you’re already not fit to hold hers now. And you’re going to marry the Marquis of Jiangyang? Tsk.”

“Shut up!”

Fengzhao’s hands turned white from clenching them in anger. Though she knew Zhai Nianci was deliberately provoking her, she couldn’t help but follow the train of thought:

That worthless girl from the Ming family, whom she once considered unfit to hold her shoes, was now the Princess Consort of Beidi, living a comfortable life and daring to flaunt herself in peony-patterned clothes.

She, a princess, had become the laughingstock of the entire capital because of that worthless girl. If not for this, her royal parents might not have decided to marry her off to distant Sichuan as a second wife to the debaucherous Marquis of Jiangyang.

This resentment was too much to bear. How could she endure it?

Fengzhao turned to leave but after a few steps, she suddenly turned back, staring at Zhai Nianci with scorn: “So what if I became a joke? At least she didn’t steal the one I loved. She stole the man you cried and begged for, and now she’s living grandly, even calling herself your aunt. Do you still have the face to flaunt the Empress Dowager’s name? You’ve truly disgraced the old lady. Just wait and see!”

On the back hill of the Great Xiangguo Temple, after the Buddha-bathing ceremony, Ming Tan and Bai Minmin had been accompanying Zhou Jingwan.

“Did he say that? Could there be some misunderstanding?” Ming Tan asked, puzzled after hearing Zhou Jingwan’s account of their meeting.

Zhou Jingwan choked up, “What… what misunderstanding could there be?”

Bai Minmin was furious, “I misjudged this Marshal Lu. How could he be so frivolous, thinking he could marry Jingwan just by adding more betrothal gifts? Who does he think he’s toying with!”

Zhou Jingwan seemed deeply hurt, her tears falling incessantly. She even stubbornly declared that she would take her own life if forced to marry. Hearing this, Ming Tan and Bai Minmin grew very worried. Given her weak constitution, they feared she might faint if she continued crying like this.

Ming Tan felt something was amiss but couldn’t pinpoint what. She could only try to comfort Zhou Jingwan, “Don’t cry. There must be a way to resolve this. Let’s think about it together.”

Bai Minmin agreed, “Yes, worst case, we can have Tan’er ask the Prince. There’s nothing he wouldn’t do if Tan’er asks.”

Ming Tan: “…”

That wasn’t exactly the solution she had in mind.

Her legs were still trembling from their last encounter!

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