HomeTrue CardamomShao Hua Ruo Jin - Chapter 68

Shao Hua Ruo Jin – Chapter 68

The next day, Yu Bozhong sent a visiting card, using the pretext of a welcoming banquet to invite the Prince of Dingbei and Second Young Master Shu to the Hui Tower for drinks and entertainment.

Before leaving this time, Jiang Xu took care to say a few extra words to reassure Ming Tan.

Now aware of the power play at hand, Ming Tan could deduce that the Xiu family likely wouldn’t harm him.

However, she had just heard from the Prefect’s wife that the women at Quancheng’s Hui Tower were comparable to Yangzhou’s famed courtesans, quite different from the ordinary girls in the pleasure boats. Many had become concubines in the homes of high officials and nobles.

Ming Tan felt uneasy but couldn’t say much. She only grumbled softly, “If they’re inviting people, they could at least find a more believable excuse. What ‘welcoming banquet’? We’ve been in Lingzhou for days. Is my husband a feather duster, collecting dust everywhere?”

As she muttered, she helped him dress, dawdling with downcast eyes. After hanging the jade pendant, she surreptitiously attached a dark-colored sachet embroidered with mandarin ducks at play.

Jiang Xu only noticed the sachet’s subdued color, not examining the embroidery closely. After dressing, he gave Ming Tan a few instructions and casually ruffled her hair before departing with Shu Jingran.

Since Yu Bozhong’s banquet was ostensibly to welcome the Prince of Dingbei, he had invited several officials to accompany them. Besides the Prefect, other high-ranking local officials like the Deputy Prefect were all present.

After Yu Bozhong’s greetings, everyone took turns toasting Jiang Xu.

Seeing the Prince more amenable today than yesterday, Yu Bozhong felt less anxious. After drinking, he ventured some pleasantries: “Your Highness and Second Young Master Shu have been in Lingzhou for several days. This humble official should have welcomed you earlier, but I was delayed by some matters. My apologies for the inadequate hospitality.”

Jiang Xu toyed with his wine cup, then said coolly, “Official Yu, what are you saying? It’s not your place to offer hospitality.”

Everyone: “…”

Indeed, with the Prefect and Deputy Prefect still very much alive, how could a mere Maritime Trade Commissioner presume to play host? Even if Lingzhou was Xiu’s family territory, his words were excessively presumptuous.

Yu Bozhong’s face stiffened slightly, the fear from yesterday’s intimidation resurging. Cold sweat broke out on his back as he hastily smiled, “Yes, yes, of course. With the Prefect and Deputy Prefect here, it’s not my place to host first. I merely wished to do my small part, having long admired Your Highness’s reputation.”

Jiang Xu didn’t respond.

Yu Bozhong wiped the sweat from his brow and cautiously exchanged pleasantries with Shu Jingran. Fortunately, Shu Jingran’s agreeable manner somewhat eased his anxiety.

After several rounds of drinks, Yu Bozhong finally broached the main topic: “By the way, Your Highness, I have a matter to report. Regarding the death of Zhou Baoping, the Maritime Trade Commission Inspector, our commission and the prefectural office have investigated thoroughly. In my opinion, Inspector Zhou was known for his integrity and diligence. He was certainly not the type to indulge in courtesans and pleasure-seeking.”

Jiang Xu and Shu Jingran listened silently, while others nodded, playing along with Yu Bozhong’s performance.

“Everyone agrees that Inspector Zhou’s sudden death seems suspicious. We investigated for a long time without results. Knowing that Inspector Zhou was valued by His Majesty, I didn’t dare conceal or delay and immediately sent a memorial to the capital reporting his apparent cause of death. However, in recent days, we’ve finally uncovered the true cause of Inspector Zhou’s demise.”

Yu Bozhong continued without a hint of shame: “It turns out that a shipping clerk in the Maritime Trade Commission had long-standing conflicts with Inspector Zhou. This clerk had formed factions within the commission, colluding with lower officials like clerks, registrars, and archivists to embezzle funds privately. Unfortunately, Inspector Zhou discovered this. Being upright, he refused to be implicated. When attempts to win him over failed, the clerk and his associates murdered him to silence him, deliberately framing him to tarnish his posthumous reputation!”

Jiang Xu’s expression remained unchanged. Shu Jingran lowered his gaze and sipped his wine, thinking: This Official Yu has gone to great lengths, sacrificing so many people to accompany Zhou Baoping in death.

“The individuals involved have all been sent to the prefectural office. These people harmed their colleagues and abused their positions. They deserve no pity and await escort to the capital for judgment. However, Inspector Zhou served the Maritime Trade Commission with utmost dedication. His character and abilities were widely recognized. His untimely death was truly unjust. I hope that upon Your Highness’s return to the capital, you can petition His Majesty on behalf of Lingzhou’s Maritime Trade Commission to clear Inspector Zhou’s name, allowing this loyal official to rest in peace.”

After Yu Bozhong finished speaking, others chimed in:

“Indeed, indeed.”

“How innocent Inspector Zhou was.”

“What a pity.”

Jiang Xu seemed lost in thought and didn’t react after hearing this account.

Yu Bozhong grew anxious, carefully reviewing his words for any misstep, wondering if the Prince was still unsatisfied with this revised version.

After a long while, Jiang Xu finally grunted an “Mm” and poured himself another cup of wine.

Was this “Mm” a sign of approval?

Yu Bozhong cautiously observed Jiang Xu’s expression. After a while, he finally relaxed and clapped his hands, summoning a group of graceful young women.

Soon, a line of elegant ladies entered, curtsying in unison: “Greetings to His Highness the Prince of Dingbei and all the officials.”

Even Shu Jingran was momentarily stunned. These women seemed even more captivating than those he had seen in Xianquan Ward. Each was uniquely beautiful, rivaling the imperial consorts in appearance.

These were carefully trained ladies from Hui Tower, far superior to ordinary courtesans. Each was a top-tier beauty, skilled in the four arts, with manners rivaling noble ladies but possessing certain desirable qualities that couldn’t be learned. Several were being kept by the Xiu family elders, originally intended for their use, but now reluctantly offered to entertain this “King of Hell.”

Jiang Xu scanned the group, his gaze lingering slightly longer on the second lady to the right.

Yu Bozhong, adept at reading the room, quickly gestured for that lady to come forward and attend to Jiang Xu.

The other ladies quietly withdrew without approaching the other men, replaced by a few attractive but less outstanding girls to serve as attendants.

The lady assigned to Jiang Xu wore a crimson jacket and skirt, with skin like snow and captivating eyes.

She curtsied and demurely took her seat beside Jiang Xu, maintaining a proper distance. She picked up the jade chopsticks and added some bamboo shoots to Jiang Xu’s plate, her voice soft and clear: “Lingzhou’s bamboo shoots are crisp and fresh. They’re best when lightly stir-fried. Would Your Highness like to try some?”

Everyone was watching Jiang Xu’s reaction, including Shu Jingran. This lady was extremely beautiful, but something about her features seemed familiar to him. She resembled… resembled… He pondered but couldn’t quite place it.

Jiang Xu didn’t look at the lady, but after a moment, he picked up his chopsticks and took the bamboo shoot she had offered.

Yu Bozhong felt greatly relieved. Even heroes fall for beautiful women, he thought. He knew that despite the Prince of Dingbei’s cold exterior, he had taken a woman in his study. Surely he wouldn’t refuse the ladies from Hui Tower. This move had indeed been the right one!

Meanwhile, at the Prefect’s residence, Ming Tan was sampling Lingzhou delicacies specially prepared by the Prefect’s wife.

Lingzhou was prosperous, and its cuisine was refined and exquisite. Ming Tan had tried several novel desserts and was discussing with the Prefect’s wife her intention to hire a Lingzhou chef for their household upon returning to the capital when someone suddenly reported: “Princess, Madam, Official Yu has sent several ladies from Hui Tower, saying… saying they are to be presented to His Highness the Prince of Dingbei.”

Ming Tan’s smile froze. After a moment, she set down her chopsticks and stood up, asking, “What did you say?”

The servant trembled as they repeated the message, adding, “The ladies are waiting outside the reception hall…”

Ming Tan stood silently for a moment, then calmly instructed, “Bring them in.”

She turned and took her seat at the head of the reception hall, while the Prefect’s wife sat beside her, barely daring to breathe.

The Hui Tower ladies entered gracefully, lining up to pay their respects to Ming Tan and the Prefect’s wife.

Ming Tan examined each one, her anger silently rising. She clenched her jade-like hands imperceptibly and asked, “Ladies from Hui Tower, does the Prince know of this?”

The ladies exchanged glances, unsure. When they left, the Prince hadn’t known, but whether he knew now, they couldn’t say.

Seeing their expressions, Ming Tan relaxed slightly. She then asked, “Where is the Prince?”

One quick-witted lady, thinking that as the Prince’s future consort, she should curry favor with the Princess to secure her position and avoid being cast aside, stepped forward and curtsied gracefully. She answered respectfully, “Your Highness when we left, the Prince was still drinking and conversing with the officials. The Prince only allowed Qingyu to attend him; we don’t know about the others.”

Ming Tan paused slightly, “Qingyu?”

“Yes. Qingyu is the finest lady in Hui Tower, the most favored by our instructor. We others can hardly compare to her.”

Ming Tan could easily detect the attempt to sow discord, but she was too preoccupied to care about this woman’s scheming. The news that the Prince had specifically requested a lady to attend him was enough to fill her with anxiety.

Back at Hui Tower, after more songs and dances, someone came to inform Yu Bozhong that the ladies had been successfully delivered to the residence.

Yu Bozhong nodded with satisfaction. He set down his wine cup and carefully broached the subject: “Your Highness, is Lady Qingyu’s service to your liking?”

Although the Prince of Dingbei had only eaten a single bamboo shoot and hadn’t even properly looked at the lady, Yu Bozhong understood the unspoken language between men. Wasn’t non-refusal a form of acceptance?

He continued with a smile, “Your Highness, being away from home, you need some caring attendants. How can rough guards and maids compare to the gentle touch of beautiful women? However, I thought that Lady Qingyu alone might be overwhelmed, so I’ve sent the other ladies to your residence to await your return.”

Yu Bozhong was quite pleased with his thoughtful arrangement and eagerly used this to segue into the matter of tax allocations: “…However, regarding the matter of repaying the tax allocations that Your Highness mentioned earlier, to be frank, there have been many storms at sea in recent years, causing severe losses to our fleets. The Maritime Trade Commission is currently in dire straits. As for repaying the past two years’ allocations, perhaps we could…”

Jiang Xu suddenly interrupted: “You sent people to the prefectural office?”

His voice suddenly turned cold, causing Qingyu, who was about to pour him wine, to tremble, spilling wine drops onto his sachet.

She panicked slightly and instinctively reached for her handkerchief to wipe it, but Jiang Xu quickly covered the sachet: “Don’t touch it.”

He stood up, brushing off the wine drops from the sachet, finally noticing the intricate embroidery.

Qingyu: “Your Highness…”

“Step aside.”

Jiang Xu didn’t even glance at her as he prepared to leave, with Shu Jingran also standing up.

Yu Bozhong was bewildered, not understanding what had gone wrong: “Your Highness, Your Highness, I…”

Jiang Xu paused briefly: “If Official Yu can afford to spend lavishly on numerous beauties, it seems the Maritime Trade Commission’s coffers are quite full. Repaying the past two years’ sea trade allocations shouldn’t be difficult. In that case, please have Official Yu repay the principal along with interest at the market rate of 20%, to enrich the national treasury and benefit the people of Daxian.”

Yu Bozhong: “…?”

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