HomeTrue CardamomShao Hua Ruo Jin - Chapter 71

Shao Hua Ruo Jin – Chapter 71

Two days later, the Lingzhou affair concluded.

The Maritime Trade Commission clarified the case of Zhou Baoping’s sudden death, presenting it to the Emperor. Emperor Chengkang issued an edict posthumously clearing Zhou’s name, providing an official funeral, and granting consolation money to his family.

Publicly, this was the best redress the Emperor could offer. Privately, he would ensure additional care for Zhou’s family, guaranteeing their lifelong prosperity. If their descendants proved capable, they would benefit from this imperial favor, paving the way for bright futures.

As for the Lingzhou port tax collection, making up for two years of unpaid taxes with added interest was undoubtedly a significant blow to the Maritime Trade Commission.

Jiang Xu offered no room for compromise. In the capital, Empress Dowager Su and Emperor Chengkang had a private confrontation, with the Emperor indicating that the Prince of Beiding’s will was his own.

In truth, Emperor Chengkang had initially intended only to warn the Su family. He could temporarily turn a blind eye to their control over Bombay and official-private maritime trade, but if they continued to brazenly manipulate tax collection, he wouldn’t hesitate to confront them directly, willing to suffer great losses to inflict even greater damage on his enemies. He hadn’t even considered the repayment of nearly two years’ worth of taxes plus interest, but once Jiang Qizhi brought it up, he found the idea quite appealing.

This aimed to hurt the Su family financially, but not to the point of mutual destruction. If the evidence were revealed, the entire Maritime Trade Commission would face a complete reshuffle, including several implicated Lingzhou officials and even the Su family faction in the capital.

They could amputate and regenerate, promoting new people to power, but the Su family wasn’t uniformly united. If sacrifices were made, the affected branches would inevitably harbor resentment. The officials and retainers dependent on the Su family would also have their considerations. At such a time of instability, Emperor Chengkang might find an opportunity to insert his chess pieces and cultivate power in Lingzhou. Compared to this, repaying a huge sum in taxes became more acceptable.

As expected, despite their reluctance, the Su family eventually agreed to repay the tax arrears and interest. They requested time until the end of the year to gather the funds.

Jiang Xu was accommodating, stating he would hand over the evidence when the taxes were paid. The Su family, feeling cornered, changed their stance and promised to pay in full within a month.

With the tax amount settled, Jiang Xu requested three-tenths of the Northern garrison’s provisions. With this substantial increase to the national treasury, even the notoriously stingy and perpetually “poor” Minister of Revenue showed rare generosity, readily agreeing to the arrangement.

With matters concluded, Jiang Xu’s party didn’t linger in Lingzhou. The Lingzhou officials, who had been on edge for days, respectfully saw them off, finally breathing a sigh of relief.

Even the Su family, despite being heavily fleeced, showed no signs of resentment, only hoping for the “King of Hell” to leave quickly, preventing any further incidents in Lingzhou.

Ming Tan assumed they would return directly to the capital after Jiang Xu’s mission. However, the day before departure, she learned that Jiang Xu planned to visit Tonggang in Quan Prefecture.

“You and Shu Jingran go ahead. I’ll catch up as soon as possible. If I can’t, just return to the capital first.”

Ming Tan couldn’t help but tug at his sleeve. “Can’t I come along?”

“Do you know what kind of place Tonggang is?”

Ming Tan shook her head. Quan Prefecture wasn’t a place of great importance; how could she know about some obscure town within it?

“Tonggang is remote and backward. Even bathing is difficult there. It’s not much better than camping in the forest,” Jiang Xu explained patiently.

Ming Tan was puzzled. “Isn’t Tonggang by the sea? Why would bathing be difficult?”

Jiang Xu paused. “Seawater is salty and bitter. It’s undrinkable and unsuitable for bathing.”

Raised in seclusion, Ming Tan had never seen the sea. Her knowledge was limited; she had always thought the sea was just an endless river. She didn’t know there was such a difference.

She realized, “No wonder Lingzhou experienced droughts. I heard the Prefect’s wife mention that the Lingyu River was named for praying for rain. I found it odd at first, thinking, ‘Lingzhou is near the sea, why would they need to pray for rain?’ Now I understand…”

Jiang Xu nodded. “So, you should return to the capital with Shu Jingran first.”

But Ming Tan, coming back to her senses, was still reluctant. She moved closer, hugging his arm and coaxing, “My lord… I don’t want to go back to the capital first. I’m not afraid of hardship. If we can’t bathe… I can endure for a few days. Please take me along. I want to see what the sea looks like.”

For some reason, Jiang Xu was unusually agreeable this time. After a brief contemplation, he said, “Don’t change your mind once we set out. I won’t delay for you.”

“Mm-hmm, I won’t delay your important business!” Ming Tan immediately straightened up, raising three fingers to swear.

Jiang Xu chose to believe her for now.

However, despite her promise not to cause delays, shortly after leaving Quancheng, Ming Tan tentatively made a request: “My lord, I just looked at the map. It seems we could take the route through Li County. It would only take half a day at most to return to our original route. Li County is more prosperous than Cheng County… I’d like to go there to get some additional things, so we’re not short of supplies in Tonggang.”

“Didn’t we stock up in Quancheng?”

“What we got earlier… might not be enough.” Ming Tan racked her brains for an excuse, risking his displeasure. “Besides, when we passed through Li County before, didn’t we eat some delicious pastries? I’d like to buy some more.”

Jiang Xu put down his military book and looked at her steadily.

Ming Tan thought: Oh no, he’s going to scold me without mercy now.

Her face tightened with anxiety, but after a moment, Jiang Xu, without shifting his gaze, simply said to those outside the carriage, “Take the route through Li County.”

Did he agree just like that? My lord is being unusually accommodating today, isn’t he?

Ming Tan discreetly observed him, but his expression remained normal as he lowered his eyes and continued reading his military book.

Li County in Lingzhou was known as the land of fireworks, prosperous due to its production of various firecrackers and fireworks.

Walking through Li County’s streets, at least seven out of ten shops dealt in fireworks. Even the fireworks used for imperial celebrations were mostly sourced from Li County.

During their earlier journey to Quancheng, they had stayed overnight in Li County. This time, Ming Tan had expected to pass through on their return journey, so she had sent Yun Yi ahead to make some preparations. Unexpectedly having to detour to Tonggang, she could only steel herself and try some seemingly unreasonable excuses.

Upon reaching Li County, they lodged at the same inn as before.

When Jiang Xu wasn’t paying attention, Ming Tan quietly asked Yun Yi, “Is everything ready?”

Yun Yi nodded efficiently, exuding an air of “You can count on me, my lady.”

Ming Tan followed Jiang Xu back to their room, freshened up a bit, and then put on an act of asking him to accompany her to buy pastries.

Throughout their journey, Ming Tan usually went out accompanied by Yun Yi, with Jiang Xu accompanying her only once.

This wasn’t because Jiang Xu was unwilling, but because Ming Tan disliked his company.

When out shopping with him, if she didn’t speak, he wouldn’t say a word. If she asked if something looked good, he’d say everything looked good. If she asked which to buy, he’d tell her to buy them all… He was like a walking wooden block. Although he didn’t express opinions, he always gave off a sense of urgency, as if saying, “Are we done? If we’re done, let’s hurry back.” It was more enjoyable to shop alone.

Now, out together, it was the same. Though they were side by side, Ming Tan inexplicably felt lonely. After buying the pastries, she lost interest and wandered. If not for waiting for nightfall, she would have wanted to return to the inn to rest.

Just as she was bored enough to look up at the sky every three steps, the silent wooden block beside her came to life.

Jiang Xu suddenly stopped and asked, “How much are these sugar figurines?”

“Ah, honored guest, these pre-made ones are five wen each, your choice. If you want one made on the spot, it’s eight wen,” the vendor responded enthusiastically.

“Can you make one of my wife?”

Hearing this, Ming Tan glanced at him, feeling as if the sun had risen in the west.

“Of course I can! Your wife must be a heavenly beauty, sir. You’re a lucky man!” With business at hand, the vendor’s mouth ran enthusiastically, praising her as a celestial beauty despite her face being veiled. “Would the sir like one of himself too? I’ll make it fifteen wen for two, how’s that?”

Jiang Xu was about to decline, but Ming Tan quickly agreed, “Alright, then make one of each of us.”

“Ah, excellent! A match made in heaven, good things come in pairs!”

Hearing this, Jiang Xu didn’t say anything more.

The vendor’s tongue was quicker than his craftsmanship. The sugar figurines he made of the couple, apart from matching the colors of their clothes, bore no other resemblance.

After paying, Ming Tan looked at Jiang Xu’s figurine and laughed, “How did he make this? I understand not capturing my features due to my veil, but my lord is so handsome, yet he’s been rendered like this. Look, the face is twice as wide, and these eyebrows, this mouth…”

As she spoke, she held the figurine up next to Jiang Xu’s face to compare, “Tsk, it’s too ugly. If my lord truly looked like this, I’m afraid I would have slit my own throat on the first day I entered the Prince of Beiding’s manor.”

Jiang Xu: “…”

As Ming Tan continued to mutter about how ugly it was here and there, the person beside her suddenly snatched the figurine from her hand and, without changing his expression, bit off its head.


Ming Tan froze for a moment.

These sugar figurines were mostly for looking at, not eating. Her husband was being too cruel, eating even himself when ugly!

Thinking this, she instinctively looked at the veiled figurine of herself in Jiang Xu’s hand.

Jiang Xu also looked at the veiled sugar figurine in his hand, twirling it by its stick a couple of times before making a gesture as if to eat it.

Ming Tan’s eyes widened!

Only his was ugly, why did he have to bite off her head too?

But as the figurine approached his mouth, it didn’t meet the instant decapitation Ming Tan had imagined. He lowered his gaze and just lightly licked it.


Ming Tan’s ears burned. Forgetting her usual public composure, she stepped on his boot.

Lecher! Rogue! Scoundrel!!!

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