HomeFight For LoveShan He Zhen - Chapter 159

Shan He Zhen – Chapter 159

As the carriage headed towards the Gu residence, Wei Yun had already captured the last city in Qingzhou.

After the fall of Yuishui, Qingzhou had no more heavenly defenses. Wei Yun knew that Zhao Yue didn’t truly intend to attack Bailing, so he didn’t withdraw his troops at all. Instead, before Zhao Yue’s letter arrived, he launched a swift attack, dividing his forces with Shen You and Qin Shiyue into three routes, taking over the entire Qingzhou. At the same time, he sent a message to Chu Linyang in Luozhou, asking him to bring troops.

By the time Zhao Yue’s letter arrived, Qingzhou had already fallen entirely into Wei Yun’s hands. Wei Yun looked at Zhao Yue’s letter, and Qin Shiyue anxiously asked, “Your Highness, what does Zhao Yue say?”

“He wants us to withdraw to Yuishui,” Wei Yun said coldly, clutching the letter. “Starting from the day we receive the letter, for every day we’re late, he’ll send back one of the First Madam’s fingers.”

Qin Shiyue gasped, “What should we do? Should we withdraw?”

“How long until Brother Chu arrives?”

“His message said he’d be here by noon today.”

“Prepare to break camp. When Brother Chu arrives, give him all of Qingzhou west of Yuishui. We’ll withdraw to Yuishui. Have someone watch Zhao Yue’s messenger, don’t let them send carrier pigeons. Shoot down any pigeons that fly out.”

Zhao Yue’s demand for withdrawal was expected. Calling Chu Linyang to Yuishui would count as fulfilling the withdrawal. Without carrier pigeons, it would take nearly half a month for Zhao Yue’s second letter to arrive.

And that half a month should be enough for Gu Chusheng to gain control of the situation in the capital. According to their original estimates, Zhao Yue’s poison should be taking effect soon. It should only be a matter of days before Gu Chusheng and the Princess gain control of Huajing.

Wei Yun reassessed the current situation once more, then said, “After withdrawing to defend Yuishui, lead troops into Kunzhou at the same time.”

“Your Highness plans to attack Huajing as soon as Gu Chusheng gains control of the military situation?”

Wei Yun nodded. He looked towards Huajing, his gaze carrying a hint of warmth. “I can’t let the First Madam and the young heir stay there for too long. I need to go take care of her.”

Hearing this, Qin Shiyue was taken aback, then he smiled, “Come to think of it, the young Marquis is already a father now.”

Hearing these words, Wei Yun pursed his lips, unable to suppress a smile.

He wrapped his sleeves around himself and gazed into the distance. After a long while, he finally said, “Indeed.”

He too was now a father.

While Wei Yun made all the preparations, Gu Chusheng respectfully escorted the Princess to the Gu residence. After having all his private soldiers ready, he sat in the room waiting for Zhao Yue.

By now, dawn had broken. Zhao Yue was removing the medicinal pack, his blurry eyes gradually clearing. Zhang Hui saw focus return to his eyes and happily said, “Your Majesty, can you see now?”

Zhao Yue took a moment to adjust. He had been unable to see for a long time, and suddenly regaining sight today improved his mood. He said in a loud voice, “Richly reward Lady Yu!”

As he spoke, he stood up and walked briskly towards the Princess’s palace, asking happily, “Has Consort Mei risen yet?”

Just as he asked, he saw a palace maid rush in frantically, exclaiming, “Your Majesty!”

“Insolent!” Zhang Hui reprimanded, “Such haste, where are your manners?”

“Your Majesty,” the palace maid ignored Zhang Hui and said anxiously, “Consort Mei is missing!”

Zhao Yue’s face darkened. Zhang Hui hesitantly stepped forward, “Shall we send people to search…”

“Close the city gates. From today, without imperial edict, no one is allowed to leave the city,” Zhao Yue said coldly. Then he walked towards the imperial study, ordering, “Summon Grand Scholar Gu Chusheng to the palace for an audience.”

Gu Chusheng had been waiting for Zhao Yue’s words. He changed into his official robes and entered the palace with a composed demeanor, bowing and saying, “Greetings to Your Majesty.”

Zhao Yue dismissed everyone else and got straight to the point, “Where is the Princess?”

Gu Chusheng raised his head, showing a puzzled expression, “What does Your Majesty mean?”

“Stop pretending!” Zhao Yue roared angrily, “Where have you taken her?!”

“Your Majesty speaks strangely. How would this humble servant know where Consort Mei is?”

Zhao Yue didn’t speak. He stared at Gu Chusheng, breathing slightly heavily, “I’ll let you see Chu Yu. I promise Chu Yu is safe. You return the Princess to me.”

“Your Majesty wants to exchange a person with me, yet only offers a mere visit in return?” Gu Chusheng said with a smile, not beating around the bush with Zhao Yue. Zhao Yue tapped on his golden throne, saying coldly, “You know at what great cost I exchanged for Chu Yu. Do you think I would release Chu Yu just because you’ve kidnapped Consort Mei?”

“Your Majesty captured Miss Chu to use her as a hostage to threaten Wei Yun. As long as Miss Chu is in Huajing, making Wei Yun feel threatened, that’s enough. Why must she be in Your Majesty’s hands?”

Gu Chusheng looked at Zhao Yue and sighed, “Your Majesty, I do not wish to be your enemy. I am merely concerned for Miss Chu. She is now with her child, already in a dangerous time. I just want to take care of her.”

“You have deep feelings for her,” Zhao Yue spoke mockingly, “but she may not appreciate it. She’s now Wei Yun’s woman. Are you still willing to confront me like this for her sake?!”

“Back then, Consort Mei already had a Prince Consort,” Gu Chusheng calmly looked at Zhao Yue. “Did you let go?”

These words startled Zhao Yue. He looked at Gu Chusheng before him, suddenly realizing.

Gu Chusheng couldn’t possibly be working with Wei Yun…

Zhao Yue knew all too well that Gu Chusheng was just like him. Back then, he had wanted to devour Mei Hanxue. Now, Gu Chusheng probably longed to kill Wei Yun. How could they possibly work together?

He hesitated for a moment. Gu Chusheng let out a light laugh, “I won’t speak in riddles with Your Majesty. In my heart, there are only three things: the common people, imperial power, and Chu Yu. For the sake of the people, I seized Yao Yong’s grain and fodder. Don’t force my hand. Surely you don’t want us to start an internal struggle here in Huajing?”

“Are you threatening me?”

“It is Your Majesty who is threatening me!” Gu Chusheng suddenly raised his voice. “Which of my requests has hindered Your Majesty’s plans?! She has been pampered since childhood, and now she’s with a child. If you keep her locked up and something happens to her, what am I to do?!”

“Put yourself in my shoes. Consort Mei is in my hands,” Gu Chusheng looked coldly at Zhao Yue. “For every day I don’t see Chu Yu, you won’t see Consort Mei. If Chu Yu loses a single hair, I’ll make the Princess pay tenfold!”

“You dare!” Zhao Yue slammed the table and stood up. “If you dare touch a single finger of hers, I’ll cut the child from Chu Yu’s belly and give it to you. Surely Master Gu would be delighted to see Wei Yun’s child.”

Hearing this, Gu Chusheng smiled, “Your Majesty speaks truly. I would indeed be delighted to see Wei Yun’s child. I wonder, would Your Majesty be happy to see your child?”

Zhao Yue’s face turned pale. Gu Chusheng laughed loudly and turned to leave.

Seeing his nonchalant manner, Zhao Yue finally couldn’t help but speak, “Do you truly care for Chu Yu?”

Gu Chusheng stopped in his tracks. After a long while, he sighed lightly.

“If I didn’t care for her, why would I argue with Your Majesty to this extent?”

Neither of them spoke for a long time. Finally, Zhao Yue said, “I’ll have her sent to the Gu residence. From now on, you’ll be under house arrest together.”

“Your Maj…”

“This is my bottom line!” Zhao Yue raised his voice. Gu Chusheng remained silent, considered for a moment, and then nodded, “Very well. Send her to the Gu residence. Once I see her, I’ll send Consort Mei back.”

With that, Gu Chusheng strode out.

After he left, Zhao Yue kicked over the table in anger. Zhang Hui hurried out, saying, “Your Majesty, please calm your anger!”

“Too much…” Zhao Yue’s voice trembled. “This is too much!”

“Your Majesty,” Zhang Hui said softly, “Why don’t this slave lead some men to follow them? As soon as the Consort is free, this slave will immediately…”

As he spoke, Zhang Hui made a throat-slitting gesture. Zhao Yue laughed coldly, “Kill Gu Chusheng in the capital? Do you know how many people he has buried in Huajing?”

“If he truly rebels,” Zhao Yue’s expression turned cold, “who knows who will kill whom.”

“Then Your Majesty… you’re just going to endure this?” Zhang Hui asked hesitantly.

Zhao Yue didn’t speak for a long time. Finally, he slowly began to smile, “Endure?”

A bloodthirsty ferocity appeared in his eyes, “How much have I endured in this life? I’m about to die now, and I still have to endure them? Don’t they care about this Great Chu, this world, these people?”

Zhao Yue felt his blood surging. He supported himself on his knees, breathing heavily, “If I can’t be well, none of them will be! Do they think I’m bad now? Ha!” Zhao Yue laughed, “I’ll show them just how bad a person can be! Zhang Hui, pass down my orders,” Zhao Yue beckoned Zhang Hui back to his side and whispered, “Have Jiang Bai’s soldiers throw all the plague corpses into the river.”

“Your Majesty?!” Zhang Hui cried out in horror, “You… you…”

“What’s wrong, Zhang Hui?” Zhao Yue smiled and leaned back in his chair, “Do you also think I’ve gone mad?”

“Your Majesty…” Zhang Hui didn’t know how to persuade him. Zhao Yue propped his head with one hand, smiling as he said, “I want to do another thing. Send more people to the Northern Di, tell Su Cha that I’ll cooperate with him from within, pincer attack Baizhou, and separately clear a path for him from Qingzhou, letting him directly take Huajing, gifting him Yanzhou. Tell the Chen Kingdom the same thing, and let them pincer attack Luozhou. This Great Chu empire, whichever country can take it down, I’ll sign treaties giving it all to them! If they lack food now, I’ll give them food. If they lack soldiers, I’ll give them soldiers. I have only one demand,” Zhao Yue smiled, “Tear Wei Yun, Song Shilan, Chu Linyang, and all these treasonous rebels to pieces for me!”

“Your Majesty…” Zhang Hui’s lips trembled, “You’ve gone mad…”

“I’ve gone mad?” Hearing this, Zhao Yue burst into laughter, “Yes, I’ve gone mad! But so what?!”

Zhao Yue stood up, throwing his sleeves behind him in anger, “I’ve gone mad, but I’m still the emperor of this Great Chu! They drove me to this! When I was young, the whole world bullied me. I went through countless hardships, finally becoming emperor, and now they plot so meticulously to rebel against me. What did I do wrong? I expended so much effort, and made so many sacrifices to finally ascend the throne. What’s wrong with me building a Star-Plucking Tower for the Princess? I imposed heavy taxes, but wasn’t that to guard against them? If they had no thoughts of rebellion, would I need to be so cautious? I am the Son of Heaven, the sovereign, and they are subjects! Slaves! Yet they push me like this…”

Zhao Yue’s voice gradually lowered, “If they want to kill me, so be it… But they even want to instigate the only person who’s been good to me to kill me… This world has already taken everything I have, and now they want to snatch away the Princess, my only and most important person. Tell me,” Zhao Yue looked up at Zhang Hui, “Am I wrong to do these things?”

“They treat me like this, and I’m not allowed to retaliate?! From the day they forced me, they should have known what price they would pay!”

Zhang Hui remained silent. Zhao Yue calmly looked at him, “Zhang Hui, if you’re unwilling, I won’t force you. Just leave. You’ve served me for many years; I won’t do anything to you.”

With that, Zhao Yue turned away, not looking at Zhang Hui. However, after a long while, he heard Zhang Hui’s voice from behind, “This servant obeys the order.”

Zhao Yue closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

He waved his hand, “Send Chu Yu away, go receive the Consort, then send people to surround the Gu residence.”

Zhang Hui went down and led people to the dungeon. When they arrived, Chu Yu was still sleeping groggily. In the dungeon, there was no distinction between day and night, and she didn’t know if she was awake or asleep. Zhang Hui looked at her and said with an unfriendly face, “Come out, follow me.”

Chu Yu’s heart settled a bit, knowing that either Wei Yun or Gu Chusheng had come to rescue her.

She smiled and stretched lazily, getting off the bed and saying, “Eunuch Zhang personally coming to escort me, Chu Yu is truly flattered.”

Zhang Hui ignored her, leading Chu Yu out. After binding her, he put her in a carriage. Chu Yu counted in the carriage, counting for about half an hour before the carriage finally stopped. Then she heard Zhang Hui say, “Get out.”

As he spoke, Chu Yu felt the curtain in front of her being lifted. She looked up and saw Gu Chusheng standing outside the carriage. His expression was calm, showing no surprise at her appearance. Chu Yu, however, was startled for a moment before happily exclaiming, “Gu Chusheng?”

Gu Chusheng smiled lightly. He extended his scholarly hand and said gently, “I’ve come to pick you up. Come down, walk slowly.”

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