HomeYou Are My Lover FriendChapter 56: Tell (Part 1)

Chapter 56: Tell (Part 1)

After their childish argument and teenage-like fireworks display in the park, the couple became exceptionally affectionate.

Jiang Shiyan carried Tang Yang on his back as they walked home. Tang Yang, perched on Jiang’s back, sang off-key pop songs, her slender legs swinging in rhythm from his arms.

Once home, Tang Yang pinned Jiang Shiyan against the door, standing on his feet as she tentatively wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

Jiang Shiyan’s eyes darkened slightly, his lips curling into a smile as he reversed their positions, pressing Tang Yang against the door. His thin lips traced from her forehead to her eyebrows, nose, lips, and then her ear. He planted a series of kisses behind her ear, his warm breath like the sudden heat wave upon exiting a mall in summer, washing over her entire body. Tang Yang’s eyelashes fluttered as she couldn’t help but let out a soft moan. Jiang Shiyan chuckled lowly, his moist lips and tongue trailing down her neck.

Tang Yang’s chin tilted up slightly in response to his actions. Jiang Shiyan held both her hands above her head with one hand, pinning them to the door, while his other arm encircled her waist.

Her bra had been unhooked and pushed up at some point, and Tang Yang’s throat unconsciously bobbed. Jiang Shiyan, with a husky laugh, buried his head in her chest. With only a thin linen dress between them, he traced the shapes beneath the fabric with his tongue. The fabric, dampened by his lips and tongue, clung to her fair skin, with two rosy peaks faintly visible beneath.

This process was half urgent, half teasing, mixed with their competitive, alternating breaths.

Jiang Shiyan, panting, mischievously pressed forward. Tang Yang’s entire body flushed red as she instinctively brought her legs together…

Just before entering, Jiang Shiyan nestled in the crook of her neck, his hot breath fanning over her skin as he repeatedly called her “baby.”

Tang Yang’s fingers ran through his black hair.

Jiang Shiyan moved up slightly to nibble on her earlobe, his voice hoarse: “You’re in your safe period… Can I… inside… hm?”

The final syllable was half playful, half naughty, laced with seduction. Tang Yang’s face instantly turned scarlet: “You’re so annoying!”

She pushed at him in embarrassment but without force. Jiang Shiyan laughed softly as he sank.

Over the next few days, Tang Yang was on vacation while Jiang Shiyan still had to work. Especially in the latter half of the year with more holidays, One Leisure had numerous strategic proposals, keeping him quite busy.

After lounging at home for a day, Tang Yang decided to accompany him at One Leisure. While he worked in his office, she busied herself with her tasks nearby. When he had meetings or went out for negotiations, she chatted with the secretaries in the outer office.

Tang Yang had previously won the secretaries’ favor by treating them to afternoon tea. They had thought Deputy Tang was a cold, academic type, but it turned out she also followed dramas, watched anime, and fussed over cosmetics. If you called Deputy Tang a young girl, she could still occasionally answer one or two media-related professional questions.

As they interacted more, the secretaries grew quite fond of Tang Yang, sharing office gossip and snacks with her.

One secretary brought some spicy rabbit meat, fragrant with its mala flavor.

Tang Yang had a sensitive stomach, and Jiang Shiyan had instructed the secretaries not to let her eat it. As soon as Jiang Shiyan got in the elevator for a meeting, Tang Yang began coaxing them softly: “He’s making a big deal out of nothing. My stomach is fine… This looks so delicious, even better than what I’ve had before… Your aunt made it herself? No wonder.”

Tang Yang and the secretaries couldn’t stop eating.

At 4 PM, the elevator chimed.

A secretary ran in from outside: “CEO Jiang is back! CEO Jiang is back!”

Tang Yang quickly swept the empty bags on the table into the trash can, while the other secretaries hurriedly cleaned up the napkins.

“We can’t compromise on copyright issues. ‘The Lost Pearl’ isn’t following a commercial route to begin with. We’re sticking to ten percent, no reduction…” Jiang Shiyan was talking to his assistant as they walked over, stopping beside Tang Yang.

The secretaries greeted in unison: “CEO Jiang.”

Jiang Shiyan glanced at Tang Yang.

Tang Yang clasped her hands behind her back, stammering: “I didn’t eat anything I shouldn’t. I was just chatting with them about CHANEL’s airport show. I just learned that a fashion blogger I’ve always liked is known as the walking CHANEL…”

Jiang Shiyan reached out to cup Tang Yang’s chin, his thumb slowly wiping the corner of her lips.

Tang Yang froze.

“Next time, remember to wipe your mouth clean,” Jiang Shiyan said expressionlessly. After wiping, he walked straight into his office without a sideways glance.

Although the gesture wasn’t particularly intimate, under the teasing gazes of the surrounding secretaries, Tang Yang watched his tall, straight figure cast a shadow on the floor and couldn’t help but blush. She then obediently followed him.

As soon as his assistant left and the office door closed, CEO Jiang immediately dropped his formal demeanor.

Deputy Tang had to swear, kiss, and even “voluntarily” write an 800-word self-criticism before Jiang Shiyan was satisfied. He carefully folded the self-criticism and placed it in his shirt’s breast pocket.

At around 5 PM, as they were leaving work, Jiang Shiyan drove while Tang Yang sat in the passenger seat, answering a call from Fan Linlang.

Fan Linlang inquired about Tang Yang’s health, and Tang Yang responded politely but vaguely.

After the call ended, Jiang Shiyan leaned over to fasten Tang Yang’s seatbelt: “I have a feeling Fan Linlang doesn’t have good intentions.”

Long ago, when Tang Yang had just transferred back to the Credit Review Department in A City, and Jiang Shiyan was driving her to South Jin Street to find Zhang Zhilan, he had directly said that Gan Yiming was very sleazy. Facts proved that he was more than just sleazy.

Although Fan Linlang hadn’t done anything particularly wrong besides helping Gan Yiming book hotel rooms, and she had even spoken up for Tang Yang in front of other colleagues, Tang Yang naturally took Jiang Shiyan’s words to heart since he said Fan Linlang wasn’t good. She jokingly asked, “Is it because Fan Linlang, like Gan Yiming, makes phone calls after work hours?”

“That’s one reason,” Jiang Shiyan said as he turned the key to start the car. “Haven’t you noticed that Gan Yiming’s name means ‘make a name for oneself’ and Fan Linlang’s name means ‘a dazzling array’? It just feels odd that two people in the same department have names that are the first two characters of idioms.”

Tang Yang had thought he was going to say something more profound and couldn’t help but laugh: “How can you be so simple and crude?”

“Oh?” Jiang Shiyan deliberately misinterpreted her words, leaning over again. He gently stroked her lips with his index and middle fingers, with a hint of deeper meaning: “I thought Yang Yang liked me being simple and crude.”

His beautifully shaped thin lips, accompanied by his low voice, pressed closer. Tang Yang thought he was going to kiss her and softly whimpered, clutching at the hem of his shirt.

Jiang Shiyan’s lips lightly touched her eyes, as gentle as a feather.

Well, if he wants to kiss her eyes, so be it.

Tang Yang’s eyes fluttered, and Jiang Shiyan’s next kiss landed on her cheek.

Tang Yang thought Jiang Shiyan would kiss her right cheek after the left, but he kissed the corner of her mouth instead. Just as she thought he was going to kiss her properly, his lips landed on the tip of her nose.

It was like a game of hide-and-seek. Tang Yang’s eyelashes quivered slightly, while Jiang Shiyan’s lips held a smile.

Tang Yang blushed, wanting a proper kiss, but Jiang Shiyan deliberately denied her, kissing here and there until Tang Yang was about to explode. Only then did Jiang Shiyan, in a good mood, pull her into his arms, squeezing and cuddling her, coaxing and kissing her until his little girlfriend was giggling uncontrollably.

May 16th, Monday.

After nearly two weeks of consecutive holidays, Tang Yang returned to work at Huishang.

At the start of the week, everyone was in good spirits. As Tang Yang came down from the top floor, she ran into Fan Linlang, who complimented her on looking even more beautiful. Although petite, Tang Yang had a graceful figure, bright eyes, and fair, tight skin. If it weren’t for her black shirt dress and 10cm stilettos, she wouldn’t look like someone approaching 30 at all.

Tang Yang didn’t act coy, instead striking an exaggerated pose with her hands on her hips, making everyone laugh.

Tang Yang treated everyone to takeout lunch. After eating with her colleagues upstairs, she went downstairs and got into Jiang Shiyan’s car, cuddling with her boyfriend while enjoying a loving dessert.

Returning upstairs just before 2 PM, with few people around, Tang Yang twirled in front of the elevator, imagining herself holding a skirt. She smiled sweetly at the model on the advertisement screen before entering the elevator.

Back at the Credit Review Department, some colleagues were napping at their desks, some were chatting quietly, and others were rushing to finish reports left over from the morning.

The durian crepe at the dessert shop Jiang Shiyan visited today was delicious. Earlier, when he told Tang Yang he was going there, she remembered a young colleague who loved durian and asked him to bring back two extra crepes. Tang Yang walked around with the desserts, finally finding Ao Siqie in the break room, apparently listening to music.

It’s not easy for college graduates just entering the workforce, and Tang Yang had been through it herself. As long as the person wasn’t arrogant or bad-tempered, she couldn’t help but show some care.

For instance, if she happened to see snacks the person liked, she’d buy a bit extra. Or if there was a late-night meeting, considering the young girl’s rented place was far and the subway would stop running, she’d tacitly allow her to leave early.

Tang Yang was generally kind to other colleagues as well, so no one said anything about it.

“Did BTS release a new album? You seem so engrossed,” Tang Yang approached, waving the dessert in front of the young girl.

Startled by the sudden voice, Ao Siqie jumped. Seeing it was Tang Yang, she patted her chest and said, “Yang-Jie, no, it’s not that.”

Tang Yang placed the box on the coffee table and sat on another sofa, giving the young girl some space.

Ao Siqie looked Tang Yang over, then glanced outside. She licked her lips, got up to close the door, then crouched beside Tang Yang.

“Yang-Jie, do you know to what extent people are going to gossip?” Ao Siqie said.

Tang Yang turned off her phone screen. “Huh?”

“Last week, no, the week before, when Director Gan was taken away, and you happened to be on leave, many people were discussing it. At first, when CEO Jiang sent fruit baskets, everyone stopped talking. But then last week, something else happened, and people started gossiping again,” Ao Siqie glanced at Tang Yang and lowered her voice. “A few people in the office created a small group chat, afraid of screenshots, so they sent voice messages. One of the girls is a senior I’m close to – please don’t reveal who if you figure it out,” Ao Siqie continued, “She played the group’s voice messages on her tablet and used her phone to record and compress them into MP3s, then sent them to me.”

Tang Yang: “WeChat and QQ can directly convert voice to text, can’t they?”

“They were speaking in dialect. Ah, that’s not important,” Ao Siqie boldly scratched Tang Yang’s hand and directly handed her the earphones.

Tang Yang skeptically put on the earphones, instantly understanding why Ao Siqie had been so cautious with her long preamble.

Because the topic of discussion in the earphones was herself.

The sound was grainy due to re-recording, but Tang Yang could hear the content and identify the sources.

One person said: “I heard that Gan Yiming’s personal asset situation was initially just an excuse from upstairs, but unexpectedly when the Banking Regulatory Commission investigated, there was an issue. It seems to be an eight-figure sum. Who knows how many years he’ll be sentenced to.”

Another person said: “An eight-figure sum is nothing compared to his wife’s wealth, right? And isn’t Gan Yiming’s rumored backer in the industry his sister-in-law from the Banking Regulatory Commission? Also, if someone reported him, why weren’t Qin Yue and the other one reported? It feels like Gan Yiming was in someone’s way, and that person had an even more powerful backer. Gan Yiming’s wife and Huishang were wary but couldn’t do anything, so they went after Gan Yiming.”

Wei Changqiu had visited the Credit Review Department a few times as Gan Yiming’s wife. Rather than a normal, equal marital relationship, people felt that Gan Yiming’s relationship with Wei Changqiu was more about possession. Such an assumption was entirely plausible.

Another person timidly said: “I don’t think that’s it. I think it might be sexual harassment. That day, I was attending a lecture but had to leave halfway due to a family matter. I went upstairs to collect my things and then to the bathroom. At the bathroom door, I saw Deputy Tang crying while fixing her clothes at the sink, with CEO Jiang standing next to her looking furious. They didn’t see me, and I didn’t dare to disturb them.”

Then came the voice of Ao Siqie’s senior: “Deputy Tang is quite nice, and her abilities are higher than Gan Yiming’s. Even with Gan Yiming around, it was only a matter of time before Deputy Tang moved up.”

Some people accused Tang Yang of “pretending,” and others agreed.

Then came Fan Linlang’s rather emotional voice: “If it weren’t for Jiang Shiyan, Tang Yang might have ended up like Xu Shanshan.”

This name was taboo, and the group fell silent for a while before someone changed the subject.

The rest was irrelevant content. Tang Yang returned the earphones to Ao Siqie, who glanced at her, unsure if she had done the right thing.

Tang Yang put her index finger to her lips, making a “shh” gesture, then slowly nodded.

Ao Siqie sighed in relief, feeling reassured.

Xu Shanshan.

Tang Yang suddenly heard this name and felt it was familiar. It was like when classmates or seniors introduced themselves during a meal together, and someone said their name was “Xu Shanshan” – that kind of familiarity. But after thinking for a while, Tang Yang still couldn’t recall.

Back at the office, Tang Yang searched online for “Xu Shanshan,” “Xu Shanshan,” and “Xu Shanshan.” The top result showed how many people in the country shared this name.

Tang Yang thoroughly searched her memory for a long time but still came up empty. Just then, a colleague handed her a stack of documents, and as Tang Yang spoke, she let the matter drop.

At four in the afternoon, there was a knock on the office door.

Tang Yang tilted her head away from the computer to look, and her eyes brightened when she saw who it was. “Why are you…”

Back at this time? Weren’t you on a business trip?

“I heard there’s supposed to be a personnel change announcement on the intranet this afternoon,” Qin Yue skillfully found a small pair of scissors on Tang Yang’s desk and cut open the coffee bag in her hand. She returned the scissors, saying, “Thank you, Director Tang.”

Qin Yue was half-joking, half-serious.

The office desk that Jiang Shiyan had replaced for Tang Yang was just the right height for Qin Yue to lean against the corner.

With the door slightly ajar, Tang Yang continued the conversation: “I feel like it might be you, or maybe someone parachuting in.”

“I’m perfectly content in this Deputy Director position. My parents have put in a word with the higher-ups, and the top floor knows I’m not stable enough, always traveling around on business trips just to have fun,” Qin Yue helped herself to a cup of hot water from Tang Yang’s thermos. “It doesn’t seem like there are any suitable candidates to parachute in, right? Or maybe someone from B City? But that’s not very likely.”

Tang Yang rubbed her temples. “If it’s me, it might be quite awkward.”

Everyone knew that Zhou Zisheng was wary of Wei Changqiu and Wei Changdong from the Banking Regulatory Commission. Plus, there hadn’t been any news of Wei Changqiu and Gan Yiming divorcing.

Tang Yang wasn’t sure how many people present that day knew she was pretending. But if Gan Yiming stepped down and she immediately took his position, it would be like slapping Gan Yiming in the face. On the other hand, it might seem as if Wei Changqiu wanted to curry favor with Tang Yang because of the Jiujiang case, using the Director position to make amends.

If Wei Changqiu’s sister, Wei Changdong, whispered in the ear of the top brass, and they decided to appoint Tang Yang as Director, it wasn’t impossible.

“In my eyes, you should be the super confident type. Why would you think like this?” Qin Yue was quite surprised.

Tang Yang didn’t understand.

Qin Yue explained, “You applied for a transfer last November, came over in December, and now it’s May. From November to May is exactly a half-year cycle, right?”

The rotation period for management trainees ranged from 3 months to 2 years, with half a year being a quick but normal average.

Tang Yang thought about it and realized it made sense.

She smiled and lightly pushed Qin Yue. “You lack ambition.”

Qin Yue’s coffee sloshed in her cup. “Little one, you don’t understand,” Qin Yue stretched her neck. “When a person reaches thirty, at least when I reached thirty, life becomes lazy and comfortable. You don’t want to make any changes,” she casually changed the subject, “Besides, my sister is so independent and awesome. Aren’t my parents’ mountains of gold and silver left for me to squander?”

Qin Yue always spoke and acted with a carefree “I’m a rich kid,” “too much money,” and “working just for fun” attitude, yet people found her straightforward and lovable.

Tang Yang held back a laugh and pushed her. “You just love that feeling of people not liking you but not being able to do anything about it.”

Qin Yue suddenly made an “uh” sound, stared at Tang Yang for three seconds, then scurried away with her tail between her legs.

Ahem, that ungrateful little one inside probably didn’t know: the last time Jiang Shiyan found out it was her who took people to the bar, Jiang Shiyan didn’t act himself, but Cheng Siran and the others kept inviting Qin Yue to play mahjong. Qin Yue had bad luck and poor skills, but she couldn’t resist a game of mahjong. After half a month, she lost so much she was crying for her parents. Then Feng Weiran and the others cruelly banded together to buy a private jet. It was ruthless and bloody.


Qin Yue had returned as a candidate waiting for an appointment, and Tang Yang was also waiting as a candidate.

But the more they waited, the more the appointment was delayed. Even by Friday, nothing had shown up on the intranet.

It would probably come out on Monday.

For the past two weeks, with Gan Yiming absent, Tang Yang away, and Qin Yue intermittently on business trips, the Credit Review Department had barely managed to function with Fan Linlang and a few old employees. But Fan Linlang and the others had limited abilities and authority, so a pile of work had accumulated.

This week, with Tang Yang back on duty, everyone found their mainstay, and all uncertainties were brought to Tang Yang.

Jiang Shiyan, who last week was still a winner in life with a cute girlfriend by his side, instantly turned into a takeout delivery boy rushing to meetings every day this week. After returning home, he became a handsome little chef, occasionally serving as a clear water masseur.

Finally, on Friday, Tang Yang arrived home full of energy, without even touching the bed before wanting to sleep.

Jiang Shiyan was overjoyed inside but maintained a calm exterior as he cooked dinner and cleared the table afterward.

Tang Yang had brought home a gift box from Qin Yue’s business trip. When opened, the contents were varied and quite revealing. Tang Yang was embarrassed, Jiang Shiyan secretly delighted, and both of them became flustered.

Undeniably, that night, the two were particularly passionate.

In the night, the frost on the shrub leaves seeped into the soil, the veins of the leaves they passed through were wet to the point of transparency, and the sound of water was lingering and entangled.

Jiang Shiyan’s hair was already damp with sweat. He clung to Tang Yang, calling out wildly again and again, “Yang Yang,” “so soft,” “not dirty,” “sweet”…

Tang Yang’s face was red, her ears were red, and her body was red, burning hot like a little furnace. But the little furnace was soft and wet all over like she had been fished out of water. She was nearly driven to tears, her mind in a haze, scratching and biting Jiang Shiyan, calling him “shameless.”

In the end, it seemed real tears came out. Jiang Shiyan was both distressed and unable to hold back, comforting her with “sweetheart” and “baby,” both tender and forceful.


The next day was Saturday. It was eight in the morning, and they had only been asleep for a short while.

Tang Yang had forgotten to turn off her alarm. Jiang Shiyan reached over her to turn it off. He was also dead tired, but remembering something, he still got up, tiptoed to the kitchen, and mixed a bowl of cereal porridge that Mama Jiang had sent over, saying it was good for the stomach. Then he brought it to Tang Yang in the bedroom.

The little soft cat on the bed was whimpering, unable to open her eyes.

Jiang Shiyan cursed himself as a beast while unable to stop smiling. He held her in his arms and fed her spoonful by spoonful.

When the two finally and thoroughly woke up, it was already eleven o’clock.

Tang Yang lay in bed holding her phone, habitually scrolling through the intranet.

Cheng Siran’s cousin was getting married today. Tang Yang didn’t want to go, but Jiang Shiyan had to make an appearance. As he dressed, he frowned, “Stop looking. You just woke up. Looking at your phone will hurt your eyes. They definitely won’t release any announcements on the weekend.” Who works on weekends anyway?

Tang Yang, her little trick exposed, sheepishly rubbed her nose. “How do you know what I’m looking at? Do I look that concerned? Am I such a shallow person…”

As she spoke, her voice trailed off.

The expression on her face also slowly froze.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

In the pin-drop silence, the “click” of Jiang Shiyan fastening his belt seemed earth-shattering.

Startled by the sound, Jiang Shiyan was about to call out to her.

Tang Yang slowly came back to her senses, her face showing disbelief but also acceptance of what had happened. She said seriously, “Jiang Shiyan, I have two pieces of news to tell you.”

Jiang Shiyan inhaled, exhaled, and nervously followed, “Tell me the bad one first.”

Tang Yang made an “um” sound. “One good news and one even better news.”

Jiang Shiyan was stunned for a moment, then laughed. He wanted to pinch this person into a tiny doll and put her in his pocket to see how she could still be mischievous.

Tang Yang was still deadpan and serious: “The good news is I got an excellence award for the New Thunder Project, called something like ‘New Thunder Pacesetter.’ There’s even a certificate. Although the name sounds corny, I ranked first in total scores across eight subjects,” Tang Yang sat up happily. “Jiang Shiyan, can you imagine? I ran 800 meters in five minutes and thirty seconds, and it was the first place among women! Those uncles and aunties must have poor physical fitness.”

“The even better news is.” Tang Yang paused.

Jiang Shiyan stood by the bed. Tang Yang sat up, wrapping herself in the quilt. She hugged the man’s slim waist, looking up with a sweet smile: “From now on, you’ll have to call me Director Tang.”

More than the promotion itself, Tang Yang was happier that her management trainee system score had increased by one. And the first time the appointment was drafted was before Gan Yiming’s incident.

So it had nothing to do with Gan Yiming. This position was rightfully hers.

Tang Yang loved this feeling immensely. What she wanted, she worked hard for, and she got it.

Jiang Shiyan smiled but didn’t make a sound.

Tang Yang looked at him, blinking.

This was an ordinary Saturday. Outside the window, there were bird calls and the sound of passing cars. Even the sunlight was the same as always, cutting through the window and falling, highlighting the bright edges, landing next to the round, chubby little head of the succulent on the center of the coffee table.

On the bed, a small, soft bundle hugged him. She wasn’t fully awake yet, with faint dark circles under her eyes. She looked up at him, her eyes curved, seeming to hold clear springs, transparent and bright.

This was his Yang Ge, his Yang Jie, and then, she became his Yang Yang.

Jiang Shiyan looked into her eyes.

A few seconds later.

“Director Tang.” He called out, obedient and gentle, leaning down to kiss her.

Director Tang was very well-behaved, hugging him back and returning the kiss.

In that long moment of realization just now, Jiang Shiyan naturally understood one thing.

As long as Tang Yang wanted, then in the future, at any time, he would willingly prostrate himself on the ground, shield her from thorns, and let her step on his back, to pluck stars from the sky.

Just like all the heroines who have fought bloody battles on the battlefield, behind them always follows a knight in armor, holding a long halberd.

He is loyal and devoted.

He doesn’t look back.

He would lay down his life.

But right now, the heroine needed to solve the lunch problem.

Director Tang, held in the arms of the great Jiang, said in a soft voice, “I think takeout isn’t healthy. We can’t see how the restaurant prepares it. Why don’t you buy something and bring it back? I’m not very hungry now, I can hold out until one or two in the afternoon.”

That’s because you’re too lazy to take it, too lazy to open the door, oh no, too lazy to get out of bed.

These officials are different now, they’ve learned to speak officially.

But Jiang Shiyan didn’t expose her. He stroked her hair. “What do you want to eat?”

Tang Yang: “Maocai? Pizza? Dry pot?” She didn’t seem very interested in any of them, and they all needed to be cooked.

“I can eat anything,” Tang Yang thought for a moment. “Why don’t you eat whatever you want, and I’ll have the same?” She looked at him and suggested, “You can just pack up some leftovers from your banquet for me. I don’t mind.”

But if someone honestly packed up just a little…

Thinking of this, Tang Yang cleared her throat lightly. She tugged at Jiang Shiyan’s clothes, her right thumb pressing against the tip of her little finger, and very quietly corrected, “Pack up a bit more.”

Jiang Shiyan could see right through what Tang Yang was thinking.

He didn’t want to laugh, and he knew he shouldn’t laugh, but he couldn’t hold it back. After glancing at his little girlfriend’s red ear tips for a few seconds, Jiang Shiyan turned his face away and let out a “pfft” of laughter.

Laugh? He laughed?! Is he mocking my appetite?!

Tang Yang’s eyes were full of disbelief. She froze for a moment, then violently pushed Jiang Shiyan away and sprang up on the bed. “Why do you have the face to laugh? Why can’t the culprit still haha? I used to eat so little before, I couldn’t even finish a pack of instant noodles before. Now I eat so much, shouldn’t I blame you?”

The more Tang Yang spoke, the more aggrieved she felt. Her eyes opened and closed, nearly in tears as she accused, “Who makes breakfast in the morning, sends desserts in the afternoon, and still has to cook dinner! I said so many times I don’t want to eat dinner, I don’t want to eat, I don’t want to eat! Who the hell said not eating would make me hungry, and being hungry is uncomfortable? I said it’s fine, who the hell put sweet and sour spare ribs in front of me, chopsticks waving it by my mouth, and using rib meat too, so fragrant, that sauce so thick, made with ketchup, sweet and sour, just smelling it…”

As Tang Yang was crying out her grievances, she couldn’t help but swallow.


Jiang Shiyan was afraid she might fall, so his arms were loosely circled behind her, not making a sound.

Tang Yang had a premonition and lowered her gaze. Sure enough, she saw Jiang Shiyan biting his lip to hold back laughter. She collapsed onto the bed with a “wah,” her composure completely gone. “It’s also you who stops me from dieting every day! You prevent me from getting thinner!” Tang Yang scratched and clawed at Jiang Shiyan. “It’s you who fattened me up and then laughed at me! Jiang Shiyan, you jerk! Jiang Shiyan, you big pig’s trotter!” How can men be so bad? So bad! Wuwuwu!

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