Extra Chapter Two

Sensing that his beautiful mother had endured a lot of suffering while pregnant with him, Jiang Xiaogou didn’t cause much trouble in the later stages.

It was certainly painful, but overall, the delivery process went relatively smoothly.

Jiang Shiyan accompanied Tang Yang in the operating room. Seeing her face contorted in pain, he didn’t hold back and scolded Jiang Xiaogou’s parents and all their ancestors. When Tang Yang let out a groan, he hurriedly leaned down to comfort her, clumsily wiping the sweat from her forehead.

The doctors and nurses, having worked in the field for many years, had never seen a soon-to-be father scold himself so fluently.

Once the surgery was over, they couldn’t stop laughing in the office, marveling, “Jiang and Tang don’t seem like a business marriage… Can a marriage turn out like this? But Jiang’s face is handsome, and that little look in his eyes…”

“The truth is often revealed when the facts are overturned twice,” another doctor recalled the news from a few days ago—Zhou Zixing, a senior executive involved in a financial scandal, had been accused of accepting nearly four hundred million in bribes, only for it to be revealed that the funds were all used for charitable projects. Then, it was disclosed that Zhou had anonymously provided clues to relevant agencies long ago, balancing his merits and faults.

If the same principle applied to Tang Yang and Jiang Shiyan, the first overturn would be “the two are in love,” and the second would reveal that they had loved each other for many, many years.

The doctors watched as Jiang Shiyan held Tang Yang’s hand, unable to resist touching her hand affectionately.

They couldn’t help but laugh… How old are they?


Although Jiang Shiyan was initially the most disdainful of Jiang Xiaogou’s birth, he ended up taking care of him the most afterward.

Worried that Jiang Xiaogou’s crying would disturb Tang Yang’s sleep, Jiang Shiyan developed the skill of getting up immediately at the slightest sound from his son. Since Tang Yang was already working hard, during the time Jiang Xiaogou was weaned early, Jiang Shiyan would wake up at six every morning to prepare egg custard and rice porridge for him, and then make a hearty breakfast for Tang Yang.

After Tang Yang finished her makeup and got ready, Jiang Shiyan was nearly done. After breakfast, he would take Tang Yang to work, occasionally dropping Jiang Xiaogou off at preschool, sometimes at Jiang Mama’s, and occasionally taking him to the top floor of Yixiu.

Both Jiang Shiyan and Tang Yang were exceptionally good-looking, and Jiang Xiaogou inherited their traits. Once his eyes opened, he had rosy lips and bright eyes, resembling a delicate porcelain doll from a traditional Chinese painting.

The employees joked, “Can we take him away?”

Jiang Shiyan was particularly pleased: “Is he the kind you won’t return?”

“…” The employees shivered, and an assistant quietly called Tang Yang to report. Tang Yang couldn’t help but laugh.

Soon, it was Jiang Xiaogou’s first birthday, and Jiang Mama arranged several tables at Yuyuan.

Although the guests were all friends and family, the name “Jiang Weitang” inevitably trended on social media—Jiang Mama gifted her grandson a playground, and Chen Qiang fulfilled his promise by giving Jiang Xiaogou thirty percent of the original shares. Xiao Qin, who played an indispensable role in the tug-of-war with the headquarters when Tang Yang first took office, also brought toys to congratulate them, along with a large group of uncles and aunts who doted on the little boy.

Netizens exclaimed, “The early days of the domineering CEO,” and “A winner in life.”

As Tang Yang scrolled through the comments filled with declarations from “mom fans” and “wife fans,” she couldn’t help but laugh and said to Qin Yue, “If you and your child don’t get together soon, my son might find a daughter-in-law first.”

“Well, the child has to be on board too,” Qin Yue replied angrily. “With my looks, even a rock would blush, but what about the child?” She banged her chopsticks against the bowl’s edge, “Meteorite!”

Others turned to look, and Tang Yang quickly laughed to cover for Qin Yue.

After a busy day, that evening, Tang Yang mentioned this to Jiang Shiyan, puzzled: “Shi Jin can even go to the airport to pick up Qin Yue. Does that mean he doesn’t like her?”

Both had taken a shower, and the scent of shampoo lingered in the air.

Snuggling in Jiang Shiyan’s arms, Tang Yang whispered, “And last time, when Qin Yue was sick and confused, she accidentally dialed Shi Jin’s number. Even though his dorm was locked, he climbed over the wall to find her. How can that not be love?”

When did my little girl start playing matchmaker?

Jiang Shiyan gently tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, his voice low: “Everyone has a different understanding of love, and the levels of affection vary,” he patiently explained. “Perhaps in Shi Jin’s mind, love has a hundred levels, and he can only express it when it reaches sixty. His feelings for Qin Yue might just be at fifty-nine.”

Tang Yang wrapped her hands around his long fingers: “So when did your feelings for me reach the level of expression?”

“Do we have to be so strict?” Jiang Shiyan asked.

Tang Yang nodded.

Jiang Shiyan thought seriously for a moment but didn’t answer. Tang Yang assumed he hadn’t considered the question and didn’t press further.

With Jiang Xiaogou taken away by Jiang Mama, the couple finally enjoyed a rare moment alone together.

Later, as night fell, the clouds turned a dark gray, and the sounds of insects mingled with the scattered lights in the grass. A small gap in the curtains let in a sliver of light.

Jiang Shiyan carried Tang Yang to take a shower again, and when they returned to bed, Tang Yang’s eyes were barely open. Jiang Shiyan pulled her closer, feeling it wasn’t intimate enough, so he wrapped her arms around his waist.

“If we have to categorize our feelings, then every level has you,” he said.

Tang Yang hummed softly, and Jiang Shiyan’s mind filled with images of her standing on the top floor of Huishang in a suit, barefoot on a plush carpet, cradling Jiang Xiaogou to sleep, and wearing her school uniform, graduation gown, and wedding dress.

“But you also have to take responsibility,” Jiang Shiyan said, fully aware of the principle of shared responsibility in marriage. He kissed the top of Tang Yang’s head, his voice low and gentle, “Why do you hide in all the moments that make my heart flutter?”

**[There will always be roses blooming in the knight’s heart, dressed in fine clothes and riding a spirited horse, pursuing a bright future.]**

**[They share day and night, kitchens, mist, and flowing clouds, walking through bright daylight, finally resting together in the deep night, hand in hand.]**

**(The End)**


**[Easter Egg One]**

On Weibo, a marketing account organized a topic: “What’s the person you liked at seventeen doing now?”

Tang Yang sat in front of her vanity, applying a face mask, while Jiang Shiyan secretly logged into a secondary account: “She’s in the same room as me now; I can feel her breathing.”

A flood of comments asked, “How did you ask out your first love?” Jiang Shiyan completely forgot how he had been a coward and cried like a baby. He glanced at the comments and casually replied, “It’s not a one-night stand; she’s my wife. We’ve been married for three years, and our relationship is great. She’s beautiful, talented, gentle, and has her own opinions…”

He went on to praise her for five hundred words without repeating himself.

The atmosphere fell silent.

Yet, Jiang Shiyan pretended not to notice and continued, “What? Hasn’t everyone ended up with their first love from when they were seventeen?”

Some mutual followers blocked each other, and netizens reported the post.

Jiang Shiyan clicked his tongue, feeling fortunate.

**[Easter Egg Two]**

When Jiang Xiaogou was five years old, he attended a logic tutoring class but stopped going after just one day.

Tang Yang gently asked him why.

Jiang Xiaogou, with his hands behind his back, frowned: “Those kids just cry and have runny noses. They’re so silly and dirty.”

Jiang Xiaogou resembled Tang Papa, speaking little but loving to study models, with a slight obsession with cleanliness.

After understanding the situation, Tang Yang didn’t say it was good or bad. After dinner, she took Jiang Xiaogou and some vegetables for a walk downstairs.

The neighborhood wasn’t large, and the neighbors were familiar with each other. Jiang Xiaogou had good manners and would call out to Grandpa Zhang and Grandma Li without needing Tang Yang to prompt him. The mother and son walked for a while and waited for Jiang Shiyan to come home on a bench by the street.

The sunset painted the sky, and Tang Yang watched as the little one played with a Rubik’s Cube.

Jiang Xiaogou aligned all six sides, his eyes sparkling as he looked up at Tang Yang, his voice bright: “Mom!”

He was seeking praise.

Tang Yang smiled and patted his head: “Great job.”

After playing for a while, Tang Yang softly asked, “Weitang, do Grandpa Zhang and Grandma Li know how to play with a Rubik’s Cube?”

Jiang Xiaogou thought seriously for a moment and shook his head.

Tang Yang continued, “Do Grandpa Zhang and Grandma Li know how to skateboard?”

Jiang Xiaogou shook his head again.

Tang Yang asked, “Do you like Grandpa Zhang and Grandma Li?”

Grandpa Zhang had taught Weitang calligraphy, and Grandma Li could embroider beautiful patterns. Although Jiang Xiaogou didn’t quite understand Tang Yang’s meaning, he still nodded.

Tang Yang reached out and hugged Jiang Xiaogou, speaking softly: “Grandpa Zhang and Grandma Li may not know how to do the things you like, but that doesn’t stop you from liking them. Just like you don’t know how to cook or do laundry, that doesn’t stop them from liking you.”

Jiang Xiaogou remained silent.

Tang Yang continued, “We live in an environment with many people—children, middle-aged people, and the elderly. Each person is of a different age, has different circumstances, and does different things. Some people are teachers, some are taxi drivers, some build beautiful houses, and some work in offices like your dad and mom… Everyone has different jobs, but they are all equally important. Without any one of them, it wouldn’t be complete. Everyone grows from a child to an adult to an elderly person. The process of growing up is also a process of self-selection and career choice.”

Jiang Xiaogou seemed to understand: “Are you saying that the kids in the logic class will drive cool taxis in the future and that I should be friendly with them?”

The city’s taxis, painted in bright colors, were everywhere, holding a mysterious allure for Jiang Xiaogou at his age.

Jiang Xiaogou frowned.

Tang Yang smoothed his brow: “No,” she said, “I want to tell you that we should be tolerant and respectful of differences. When we receive a lot, we should also understand how to give and shoulder equality,” Tang Yang pondered, “like your dad?”

Jiang Xiaogou was not convinced by this example. “Jiang Shiyan often bullies me,” he pouted. “At dinner, I want to sit next to Mom, but he says sitting next to her will make me short and makes me sit across from her… During the kindergarten parent-child activity, Mom played the princess, and he had to play the most handsome prince, but I wanted to be the prince too, and he scared me… But he’s also so silly,” Jiang Xiaogou complained. “The sweetest part of the watermelon is in the middle, but he always eats the edges, letting me and Mom eat the middle… He’s good at peeling shrimp, but he doesn’t like to eat them… And.”

Jiang Xiaogou blinked and whispered, “Last time we traveled, he told me that Yang Yang was his favorite girl classmate and asked me to protect her.”

Jiang Xiaogou coolly said “Of course,” scratching his curly hair, and added, “But Mom, you’re not in school anymore… Is he silly?”

“He is.” Tang Yang smiled, just about to say something when she caught sight of a familiar figure getting out of a car not far away, tossing a suitcase to an assistant, and walking toward her and Jiang Xiaogou.

Tang Yang watched the familiar silhouette and couldn’t help but laugh: “Why did you come back from a business trip with a buzz cut? Hahaha!”

Jiang Shiyan picked up Jiang Xiaogou with one arm and ruffled his hair with the other. “What? Doesn’t it look good? Didn’t you say you hadn’t seen me with a buzz cut that day?”

“No, no, it looks great,” Tang Yang linked her arm with her husband’s, walking alongside him while sincerely praising, “No wonder they say a buzz cut is a test of looks; it does look good. It’s so different from before, and you look particularly energetic and robust, perfectly fitting my aesthetic. Of course, you looked great before too.”

Jiang Xiaogou was used to his parents’ mutual flattery and instead gazed up at the passing airplane.

With her eyebrows curved, Yang Yang spoke as if she were surrounded by a clear light, her cheeks dimpled, and her words seemed to shimmer.

Tang Yang softly said, “But I guess everyone will laugh when you return to Yixiu tomorrow, but you have to believe that everyone’s smiles are well-meaning…”

Suddenly, Jiang Shiyan lowered his head, leaving Tang Yang momentarily stunned.

His lips brushed against hers, just once.

Seeing that Jiang Xiaogou hadn’t noticed, Jiang Shiyan wrapped his arms around Yang Yang’s waist, smiling as he stole another kiss.

“Very sweet,” he whispered in her ear, his eyes filled with tenderness, and he chuckled softly, “I like it a lot too.”

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