HomeFlourished PeonyChapter 146: Mother and Son

Chapter 146: Mother and Son

As Liu Chang and Princess Qinghua were passing by, Jiang Er Gong Jiang Changzhong stood dejectedly at the entrance of Zhu Guo Gong’s mansion, hesitating. He wasn’t sure whether to enter or not. The day’s events couldn’t possibly be kept secret; within two days, they would spread throughout the capital’s upper circles. If his father found out, he would certainly face severe punishment. Just thinking about being whipped made certain parts of his body ache again. The taste of the whip was truly unbearable.

He began to feel resentful. It was the people from Jiang Changyang’s estate who didn’t respect him and deliberately provoked him last time. Jiang Changyang wasn’t a good person, he was treacherous and despicable. It was normal for such things to happen. If his father wasn’t so biased, he wouldn’t have been so angry. He had grown up in front of his father for so many years, being filial, pleasing him, and taking the most whippings. Why should Jiang Changyang get all the benefits in the end? Even riding an old horse out for a stroll would earn him a whipping. He felt bitter and sad. In his father’s heart, was he worth less than one of Jiang Changyang’s horses? How could his father treat him like this?

From childhood, his father’s favorite form of punishment was to make him squat in a horse stance, and hold wine cups, and it even developed to the point where kissing a maid would result in a whipping. Whip, whip, whip. Thinking of the whistling sound of the whip cutting through the air and his father’s angry, disappointed gaze, his calves involuntarily twitched, and his palms broke out in a cold sweat, almost unable to hold the whip steady. He turned to Que’er Duo and said, “I don’t want to go back. Let’s go stay at the estate for a while.”

Que’er Duo knew he was starting to have second thoughts again. You can’t escape the inevitable; how could this matter be avoided? If the Second Young Master fled in panic, he would have to follow, and if they were caught by the Duke later, they might be driven out. It would be better to go in quickly and find the Old Madam and Madam to intercede, letting them find a way to resolve this matter. That would be the most appropriate course of action. Thinking of this, Que’er Duo carefully reminded him, “Young Master, there’s still the Old Madam and Madam. If we go to the estate, the Old Madam is elderly and frail, she might not be able to keep up.”

Sooner or later, he would be caught by his father. Jiang Changzhong did not doubt that even if he fled to the ends of the earth, his father would ride a horse to catch him. The only plan now was to rely on his grandmother. In the past, how many times had he escaped from his father’s clutches thanks to her? Jiang Changzhong sighed, then glared fiercely at Que’er Duo, “It was you, your dog of a slave, who gave me this rotten idea. I said it wouldn’t work, but you insisted it would. If I don’t fare well this time, don’t think you’ll escape either.”

It was the Young Master who didn’t listen and insisted on rushing to make a name for himself, then couldn’t keep his composure afterward, causing this big trouble. Now it had become his fault. Que’er Duo grumbled inwardly but didn’t dare show it on his face. He had to find a way to coax this troublemaker into the mansion first. He frowned and admitted fault, “It’s all this lowly one’s fault.” Then he leaned close to Jiang Er Gong’s ear and whispered a few words.

Although Jiang Changzhong nodded, he felt as if his feet were weighed down by a thousand pounds, unable to take that step. He turned back fiercely to look at the attendants behind him, who didn’t dare breathe, and roared, “No one can escape from today’s events. How dare you betray your master! If I find out who did this, I’ll make sure they die without a burial place! Zhengde, go in and lock them all up for me!”

The group was angry but didn’t dare speak. Pleading now would only add fuel to the fire, so they all lowered their heads deeply. Only the leopard called Jingfeng, having been caged for a long time and very impatient, paced back and forth in its cage, occasionally baring its teeth and emitting low growls.

Zhengde was also somewhat impatient and frowned slightly, “Young Master, the Duke will be home soon.”

Jiang Changzhong’s backside immediately felt as if it were on fire. Not bothering to deal with the internal traitors, he quickly entered the mansion gates and headed to the back hall to find Old Madam Zhongyong. He didn’t need to work up any emotions; just thinking of Zhu Guo Gong’s ferocious face was enough to make his eyes redden and his expression appear both desperate and frightened.

Like many noble ladies, the seventy-year-old Old Madam was also very devout in her Buddhist faith. She sat in the Buddhist hall with her eyes closed, seriously and earnestly tapping the wooden fish and chanting sutras, praying to the Guanyin Bodhisattva for the prosperity and flourishing of the Zhu Guo Gong family, for thriving descendants and success in all endeavors. Suddenly, she heard a wail from outside the hall, “Grandmother! Save me! Your grandson is about to die!”

The Old Madam was so startled that she missed a beat with her wooden mallet. She opened her already cloudy old eyes and turned her head towards the door. The dark blue curtain was lifted high, and standing at the door was her most beloved grandson. Jiang Changzhong’s eyes were red, his delicate face still bearing faint pink scars from his previous injury, his bright red lips slightly pouting, his expression both shocked and pitiful.

The Old Madam tremblingly reached out to Jiang Changzhong, “Come here, good child, tell grandmother what’s wrong?”

Upon hearing this gentle voice, Jiang Changzhong’s eyes reddened even more. His nose stung, and he suddenly lunged forward, falling to his knees in front of the Old Madam, burying his head in her bosom, nuzzling and wailing loudly, “Grandmother, save me! Your grandson has been framed! You must uphold justice for your grandson!”

The Old Madam patted his shoulder vigorously, comforting him, “Don’t cry, don’t cry, quickly tell me what happened?”

Jiang Changzhong licked his lips and first praised himself a bit, “Your grandson went hunting and caught two deer yesterday. No one did better than me.”

The Old Madam praised, “Good! My grandson did well.”

“But some people can’t stand to see your grandson do well! They want to humiliate me and shame the Zhu Guo Gong family.” Jiang Changzhong angrily recounted the general course of events, omitting his misdeeds and focusing on how Jiu Lang framed him and how everyone let him down and mocked him. Finally, he concluded, “Your grandson has been wronged! It’s someone who deliberately bribed the hunters in the mountains to frame me. Those people were jealous that I made them lose face, so they came to step on me! I have no way to explain myself clearly. I wanted to settle accounts with Jiu Lang, but Zhengde told me he’s a clan member and not easily provoked. If I had acted, it would have caused trouble for the family. Your grandson had no choice but to swallow this bitter pill and endure the insult.”

This loss of face was indeed significant, but now was not the time to investigate what exactly he had done, but rather to see who was causing trouble behind the scenes. The Old Madam’s expression changed several times before she slowly said, “Who have you offended recently?”

Jiang Changzhong almost blurted out that it was Jiang Changyang, that bastard, but he caught himself in time and said, “Grandson has been following father’s teachings since returning from elder brother’s estate, staying at home, focusing on studying and horseback archery. I’ve seen very few people during this time, how could I have offended anyone? Grandson truly doesn’t understand who would go to such lengths to cause me trouble.”

The Old Madam was silent for a while, then raised her voice, “Are you sure you haven’t offended anyone? Without any reason, why would Jiu Lang treat you like this?”

Jiang Changzhong shrank his neck and said softly, “Xiao Xuexi spoke to me a bit more.”

The Old Madam’s eyebrows suddenly raised, “Xiao Xuexi spoke to you more? She was there too?”

Jiang Changzhong puffed out his chest, “Yes, she often comes to talk to me. Perhaps that’s the reason. I overheard Jiu Lang and the others privately discussing that we, the Zhu Guo Gong family, are mere warriors and unworthy.”

The Old Madam sighed and waved her hand, “You go down first.”

Jiang Changzhong panicked, his eyes quickly reddening again, “Grandmother, if Father finds out, he will surely beat me to death. I’m truly wronged, what should I do?”

The Old Madam frowned, a glint of light flashing in her eyes, “When your father was your age, he had already been fighting on the battlefield for several years. Stop crying immediately! I have my plans for this matter. You go honestly stay in your courtyard and wait for your father’s summons.”

Jiang Changzhong held back his tears and tightly hugged her knees, “I won’t go. Father won’t listen to my explanation; he’ll just start whipping me to death directly. I’ll stay here with you, serve you. Grandmother, please don’t abandon your grandson.”

Since losing her eldest grandson, this child had been in her arms since birth. She had watched his hair change from yellow to black, from sparse to thick, his teeth grow one by one, and his height increase bit by bit. She had placed countless hopes on him, but how had he turned out like this? The Old Madam thought to herself, but the bond between grandmother and grandson was indeed extraordinary. Seeing his pitiful state, she couldn’t help but think that her son was indeed heavy-handed when punishing the child, and perhaps this child had become this way because he had been beaten into fear.

Thinking of this, the Old Madam helplessly instructed her most trusted maid, Ye Mama, “Go and invite the Madam here.” Then she scolded Jiang Changzhong in a not-so-stern voice, “Get up! Wipe your face, change your clothes. Look at yourself, do you look anything like a young master of the Duke’s household?”

Jiang Changzhong wasn’t afraid of her at all. Thinking that with her and Madam Du’s protection, his backside would at least not be torn open, at most just bruised, he gathered his spirits and went to the next room, spreading his hands to let the maids attend to him. The Old Madam picked up the wooden mallet and continued to tap the wooden fish and chant sutras.

Not long after, Madam Du, wearing a five-colored brocade robe with silver patterns, her hair in a high bun adorned with gold flower hairpins and step-shakes, nearing forty yet still beautiful, walked in steadily. Seeing the Old Madam still chanting sutras, she quietly stood aside with her hands folded, waiting. When the Old Madam opened her eyes, she then stepped forward gracefully to support the Old Madam, smiling, “I wonder what instructions Mother has?”

The Old Madam glanced at her and said sternly, “You don’t know?”

Madam Du had already been informed by Que’er Duo and knew very well, but she was well-versed in the Old Madam’s temperament and would not admit to already knowing. She just smiled lightly and shook her head, “Mother jests. How would this daughter-in-law know?”

The Old Madam glared at her fiercely, “You’ve done well!”

Lady Du looked surprised and aggrieved, but her tone remained gentle. “Please instruct me, Mother.”

The Old Madam settled on the couch and took the ginseng tea Lady Du offered with both hands. She sipped it lightly, but for some reason, the familiar tea tasted unusually bitter today. Her mood worsened. She set the teacup down forcefully on the low table and asked, “Why did you let Zhong’er approach the Xiao family’s daughter?”

Lady Du’s face showed genuine surprise. “Mother, what do you mean? Has Zhong’er met Xiao family’s Xuexi?”

The Old Madam gave her a cold glance. “Stop pretending to be confused. Don’t think I’m unaware of your schemes. You spoke nicely in front of me, but you knew that was the girl the Gong Ye intended for the eldest son. Yet you still let Zhong’er pursue her. Are you trying to pit the brothers against each other? Is this your idea of being a virtuous wife? This time, your plan backfired. Not only did you harm Zhong’er, but you’ve also tarnished the Guogong Manor’s reputation, making us a laughingstock. Are you satisfied now?”

Lady Du was stunned momentarily, then tears streamed down her face as she knelt. “Mother, if Zhong’er has done wrong, it’s because I failed to guide him properly. Please punish me as you see fit. I won’t utter a word of complaint. But what exactly has Zhong’er done? Please tell me so I can try to remedy the situation. Then I’ll accept whatever punishment you deem appropriate.”

She didn’t argue or protest, immediately admitting fault and addressing the core issue. The Old Madam had to admit there was little to criticize about this daughter-in-law’s response. She rubbed her forehead, no longer interested in investigating whether Lady Du had intentionally sent Jiang Zhangzhong to cause trouble. She recounted the incident directly and said, “Zhong’er fell into someone’s trap. He’s thoroughly disgraced himself and can’t even defend his actions. I doubt he’ll have the face to go out in public for some time. Even his younger brother and sister-in-law will likely be ridiculed.”

Lady Du wiped her tears and said, “Mother, if you say I had selfish motives, I won’t deny it. I thought the boy was becoming too withdrawn from being overly controlled. He’s naive and kind-hearted, unaware of life’s complexities. I feared this wasn’t sustainable. When I heard about the hunting party with military families attending, I thought it would be good for him to socialize and gain some life experience. How could I have known Xiao Xuexi and members of the imperial clan would be there? Otherwise, I would never have let him mingle with such people and cause this trouble.

As for the eldest son, I feel nothing but guilt towards him. I wish I could find a way to make it up to him. I hope he won’t resent us and will still show filial piety to you and the Guogong, as well as love his brothers. How could I intentionally sabotage his affairs? You know the Guogong’s long-held wishes. How dare I displease him? For years, I’ve barely associated with my relatives, all to make him happy. How could I do such a foolish thing?” She finished speaking, tears flowing like a spring, deeply hurt.

The Old Madam remained silent.

As Jiang Zhangzhong was changing clothes, a maid from the Old Madam’s household entered, dismissing his attendant with an excuse. She whispered, “Young Master, the Madam knows. She says when you go out, don’t manage anything, just admit your fault.” She then quietly instructed Jiang Zhangzhong further.

Jiang Zhangzhong changed and went out. Seeing his mother crying profusely, he immediately knelt and wailed, “Mother, it’s all my fault for being unfilial. I’ve caused you trouble.”

Lady Du, tears still flowing, pushed him away harshly and scolded, “You unworthy creature! You useless thing! How dare you commit such a shameless act! There’s no need to wait for your father’s return. I’ll deal with you first! Then everyone can have peace!” Unlike Jiang Zhangzhong’s plan to deny everything, she knew clearly that his actions couldn’t be hidden. A simple investigation would reveal the truth. Rather than covering for him now only to be exposed later and further humiliated, dragging her down with him, it was better to show her righteous stance now and win over the Old Madam.

Hearing his mother immediately assume he had done something dishonorable, Jiang Zhangzhong exclaimed, “Mother, I truly didn’t do it! I’m wrongly accused!”

Lady Du, exasperated, slapped him across the face. “Shut up! You wretch! You dare to quibble! There’s no smoke without fire. If you had listened to your father’s teachings and my words, behaving properly, how could you have suffered such humiliation? Those who don’t respect themselves invite disgrace. Do you dare to claim innocence? Do you dare to deceive your grandmother? Now you’ve tarnished the whole family’s reputation, you unfilial, disloyal creature! I’ll beat you to death!” She continued to strike Jiang Zhangzhong while shedding bitter tears.

Jiang Zhangzhong lay on the ground, sobbing uncontrollably. “I know I was wrong. I won’t dare do it again. It’s just that I’ve never been respected by Father. They all mock me, saying I’m not as good as Big Brother, calling me a coward. I was confused and wanted to show them my worth. I never expected to fall into someone’s trap…”

The Old Madam, her old wounds reopened by Lady Du’s confession and the mother-son pair’s crying, felt a sharp pain in her heart. She struggled to shout, “Both of you, be quiet! Now is not the time for crying!”

Lady Du and Jiang Zhangzhong fell silent, turning to look at the Old Madam. She spoke calmly, “The most urgent matter now is to immediately visit Jiulang to apologize. If he’s willing to clarify that this was a misunderstanding, that would be best. Even if he won’t, we mustn’t let this grudge deepen further. As long as he keeps quiet, it’s fine. Secondly, we need to investigate who’s behind this mischief. Lock up everyone who went with Zhong’er and don’t release them until we get to the bottom of this. Thirdly, Zhong’er, you must recount everything that happened in the past few days without any omissions.”

Seeing the Old Madam take charge, Lady Du secretly sighed in relief. She had thought of these steps, but given the Old Madam’s strong personality and her suspicion, no matter what she said or did, it wouldn’t sit well with Zhu Guogong. It was better for the Old Madam to oversee the arrangements. Whoever was found to be behind this, would have nothing to do with her.

Jiang Zhangzhong knelt on the ground, adding only slightly to his previous version. He concealed everything he could, including using the leopard to frighten people, conspiring with Mudan against Jiang Zhangyang and Xiao Xuexi, and actively pursuing Xiao Xuexi. The Old Madam, tired of listening, closed her eyes. “You may go. I need to rest. When the Guogong returns, tell him to come to me immediately.” She didn’t keep Jiang Zhangzhong there any longer.

As Jiang Zhangzhong was about to speak, Lady Du gave him a look and glared at him. “You unworthy child, you’ve upset your grandmother. Quickly come back with me and let her have some peace.”

Jiang Zhangzhong dared not say more. He followed Lady Du meekly, bowing to take their leave. Lady Du exchanged a glance with one of the Old Madam’s maids before turning to go. If she wasn’t mistaken, the Old Madam intended to discuss Jiang Zhangyang’s matter with Zhu Guogong behind their backs. The Old Madam must have her suspicions as well.

The Old Madam’s fondness for her eldest grandson, Jiang Zhangyang, was undeniable, but so was her hatred and unforgiveness towards Madam Wang. Perhaps she wanted to make amends to Jiang Zhangyang and admired his capabilities, but she would certainly not favor someone who had been away for over a decade, returned full of resentment, and immediately threw the entire household into chaos. This person was no longer on their side. Lady Du straightened Jiang Zhangzhong’s hair and sighed. She couldn’t believe that this child, practically raised by the Old Madam, would be less important to her than the stranger that was Jiang Zhangyang.

As mother and son left the Old Madam’s quarters and walked through the holly-lined path towards Lady Du’s courtyard, they encountered a handsome, tall, and slender youth with scholarly manners. Seeing them, the young man immediately smiled, approaching them warmly and respectfully to greet them. “Peace to you, Mother. Hello, Brother. Have you just come from Grandmother’s?” It was Jiang Zhangyi, the second son of the Jiang family.

Lady Du looked at him with a gentle smile. “Where are you headed, Yi’er?”

Jiang Zhangzhong also tugged at his clothes. “Bookworm, where are you going dressed like that?”

Jiang Zhangyi smiled and said, “I’ve arranged to meet some classmates for boating and poetry recitation at the Lotus Garden in Qujiang Pool. I came specially to bid farewell to Mother. I heard you were at Grandmother’s and was about to go there.” He noticed Jiang Zhangzhong’s reddened eyes but didn’t inquire about it.

Lady Du sighed, “My good child, you’re so thoughtful. If only your brother were half as sensible as you, I wouldn’t have to worry so much.”

Jiang Zhangyi looked at Lady Du puzzled, then at Jiang Zhangzhong. After a moment’s hesitation, he carefully said, “Brother is much better than me. Our Zhu Guogong Manor rose to prominence through military achievements, yet I can’t even draw the most basic bow, let alone anything else…”

Lady Du sighed, “Never mind. Off you go, but be careful. It’s chilly on the lake, remember to bring a thick cloak.”

Jiang Zhangyi agreed but didn’t hurry away. Instead, he stood watching as Lady Du and Jiang Zhangzhong entered the courtyard. He remained there silently for a moment before turning to leave.

As soon as Lady Du entered the courtyard, her most trusted maid, Bai Xiang, approached and said, “Madam, Concubine Xian is ill again.”

Lady Du’s face twitched slightly. She looked towards where Jiang Zhangyi had disappeared, lost in thought, and said, “Why haven’t you called for a doctor yet?” Bai Xiang accepted the order and left. Lady Du turned to Jiang Zhangzhong with a stern look. “Now, tell me everything that happened these past few days. If you omit even a single word, I won’t help you.”

After hearing Jiang Zhangzhong’s account, including his encounter with Mudan, using the leopard to frighten her, and the conversation he had with her, Lady Du’s expression grew grave. She thought for a long time before saying quietly, “You’ve truly been foolish. I don’t know how I raised such a son. I’ll have to personally apologize on your behalf, and take the opportunity to meet this He Mudan…”

Meanwhile, Zhu Guogong listened to the Old Madam’s account with a grim expression. He clenched his iron fist, trembling with anger, and said, “This cowardly wretch… He’s disgraced our entire generation… What’s there to investigate? There’s no need to cover it up. If he had conducted himself properly, how could anyone have taken advantage of him? Mother, you need not concern yourself with this matter any further. I’ll handle it.”

The Old Madam sighed, “I’m old now, and both sides are dear to me. I don’t want to see the tragedy of brothers turning against each other. We must establish some rules to prevent this.”

Zhu Guogong’s eyes widened suddenly. “Mother, what do you mean by that?”

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