HomeFlourished PeonyChapter 147: Not My Fault

Chapter 147: Not My Fault

The Old Madam remained silent for a moment before speaking gravely, “Zhong’er doesn’t often go out to socialize. You’ve been very cautious these years and haven’t made enemies. I don’t believe he could have offended someone so severely that they’d go against the Zhu Guogong Manor. This is a calculated move by someone intentionally, aiming to thoroughly disgrace him and ruin his reputation…” Seeing Zhu Guogong frowning and looking somewhat confused, she paused before pointing out, “With a ruined reputation, which family would be willing to marry their good daughter to him? His future would be uncertain. Who stands to gain the most from his downfall?”

Zhu Guogong finally understood her meaning and angrily replied, “Mother, are you saying Dalang did this? He’s not that kind of person.”

The Old Madam shook her head. “I’m not saying it was Dalang. I just feel that this matter must be thoroughly investigated, and we must find a way to salvage the child’s reputation. We can’t let things slide, or it will affect the other two children. As for Dalang, since he returned from Anxi Protectorate, he hasn’t come to see me once, nor has he set foot in this manor. He likely harbors resentment. People change. You and I don’t know what his mother has been telling him all these years. The Dalang we know is the child from before, not the current Dalang. We must be clear about some things.”

Zhu Guogong frowned, remaining silent for a long while before saying, “The position of heir should have been his. He’s my eldest legitimate son, and he’s accomplished. He recently received an imperial reward, becoming a Mingwei General of the lower fourth rank. He was awarded two gold knives and various gold, silver, and silk fabrics. In terms of ability and vision, the other two children are far from comparable to him.”

The Old Madam disagreed, “These two children are still young, and their experiences are different. They have their strengths. Put aside your temper and guide them well. Given time, they will surely progress. I’ve heard that Dalang’s temper is just like his mother’s, stubborn and difficult. What he did during the Dragon Boat Festival, only he would do such a thing. If he continues like this, he’ll suffer greatly sooner or later.” She paused before continuing, “He offended the imperial clan. This incident might be the consequence of that matter…”

Zhu Guogong sighed, “Your prejudice against Ayou runs too deep. She’s not that kind of person. Although her temper is bad and she’s stubborn, she understands right from wrong. Dalang isn’t foolish either. He knows what he’s doing. I’ve heard several princes tried to win him over, but he ignored them all. The Emperor has praised him to me several times.”

“That’s exactly it. This might be a warning,” the Old Madam’s face darkened. “Speaking of that woman, are you still blaming me? What’s wrong with Lady Du? She’s gentle and virtuous. If it weren’t for her cutting her flesh to make medicine for me back then, I would have died long ago. How could I have lived until today? All these years, she has been filial to me and accommodating to you in every way. She’s virtuous and magnanimous, managing this household impeccably. That woman is about to marry another high official. How could she still have any feelings for the past? You should give up on that idea early.”

Seeing their views didn’t align, Zhu Guogong didn’t wish to discuss the matter further. He stood up and said, “You’ve had a tiring day. Rest a while. I’ll go see that unfilial son.”

The Old Madam hurriedly said, “Don’t beat the child. It’s because you beat him too harshly that he developed that personality. The more you force him, the more you harm him. He’s still young and impulsive. Who doesn’t make mistakes? After this incident, he won’t do it again.”

Zhu Guogong nodded noncommittally, but the Old Madam persisted, grabbing his sleeve. “You must promise me today, or you’ll be the death of me. I’ve already lost my eldest grandson. I can’t let you have your way with this one.”

Zhu Guogong had to patiently coax her, “I promise you.”

The Old Madam continued, “Go tell Dalang to be more cautious and steady in his actions. Don’t let him be ignorant of his limits and offend those he shouldn’t. Also, have him come back in a few days, no matter what, to have a good talk with his brothers. As for that Xiao family girl, have someone investigate her again. How could she have entangled with Zhong’er and then with members of the imperial clan? We mustn’t bring in someone of improper conduct.”

Zhu Guogong responded sullenly and headed towards Lady Du’s courtyard. As he reached the entrance, he saw Jiang Zhangzhong kneeling in the courtyard, wearing only his undergarments, his hair disheveled, and his face pale. Lady Du, dressed in plain clothes, stood calmly nearby. Seeing him approach, she came forward to greet him.

Zhu Guogong, feeling angry, ignored Lady Du and looked at Jiang Zhangzhong with a cold expression. Jiang Zhangzhong trembled, kowtowing desperately, his pale lips quivering, unable to speak.

Seeing his cowardly appearance, Zhu Guogong’s anger flared. He stepped forward, poking Jiang Zhangzhong’s forehead, and berated him, “You unfilial wretch! You’ve outdone yourself this time! You dare to commit such a disgraceful act and then try to push the blame onto your brother? I think the whipping last time wasn’t harsh enough to teach you a lesson!”

Lady Du’s face turned extremely unpleasant. The truth hadn’t been uncovered yet, so how could he immediately assume it had nothing to do with Jiang Zhangyang? Jiang Zhangzhong might be foolish, but if someone hadn’t deliberately set a trap, how could things have ended up like this? After so many years, even a stone would have warmed up, how could he be so heartless? Her heart grew cold, followed by a feeling of resentment and unwillingness. She didn’t step forward to persuade him, just quietly watching from the side to see how far he would go.

As for Jiang Zhangzhong, seeing Zhu Guogong’s iron-gray face, murderous eyes, and index finger as thick as two of his fingers put together, with Lady Du watching silently from the side, he felt both anxious and afraid. Worst of all, a sudden cramping pain gripped his stomach. The two urgencies combined, and he couldn’t hold it in. He desperately clenched his buttocks, shaking all over, and barely managed to cry out, “Son knows he was wrong. Father, please spare me!”

Zhu Guogong gritted his teeth and said, “You dare to have your grandmother plead for you. Today, I must teach you a lesson you’ll remember, otherwise, I fear you’ll become even more brazen and shameless in the future. Someone come and tie up this unfilial wretch!”

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Zhangzhong cried out pitifully, “Mother, save me!” Then his eyes rolled back, his body went limp, and he collapsed to the ground. Immediately, a foul odor spread.

Seeing this, Lady Du felt a pain in her heart. Disregarding the filth and stench, she quickly went forward to pinch Jiang Zhangzhong’s philtrum, anxiously calling, “Zhong’er, my Zhong’er!” She also called out repeatedly, “Quickly carry the young master inside and clean him up. Go fetch a doctor!”

Zhu Guogong was stunned, followed by a deep feeling of disgust and sadness. How could such a person be his son? He glared at Lady Du, “Get away! Do you still want to coddle him at a time like this? It would be cleaner if this unfilial son died! No one is to touch him. Let him fend for himself!” He kicked away Bai Xiang, who had come forward to help Jiang Zhangzhong.

Lady Du looked at the gloomy sky, years of resentment suddenly erupting. Throwing caution to the wind, she stepped forward and grabbed Zhu Guogong’s sleeve, her beautiful eyes wide open, fiercely saying, “Jiang Zhong, how cruel you are! Your son has ended up like this, don’t you bear any responsibility? Do you only blame me for spoiling him? All these years, you’ve been frequently away. How much have you managed him? Look around the capital, which family’s son would be so terrified of their father? Do you want his life? Do you want us, mother and son, to make way for someone else? Fine, kill him first, then kill me. Get it over with. Yes, you’re unhappy, but all these years, I’ve been completely obedient to you, asking for nothing. Are you still not satisfied? If you’re so cruel, you should have refused to marry me back then!”

Lady Du had always been gentle, noble, and elegant, never showing such a shrewish and fierce side. But in this state, she possessed a different kind of beauty. Zhu Guogong looked at her all-too-familiar face, recalling the Old Madam’s words earlier. Years ago, when the Old Madam was gravely ill and needed human flesh for medicine, the delicate Lady Du cut a piece of flesh from her arm without hesitation, leaving a large scar to this day.

She had been completely obedient to him, kind and friendly to the family’s concubines, children, servants, and even his comrades who came to visit. Everything about her was good, except that she hadn’t raised their son well… But as she said, how could it be solely her fault? The father who doesn’t teach is also at fault… That person was about to marry someone else. The past could never return, it couldn’t be changed.

His gaze gradually softened. After a long while, he let out a deep sigh and said, “Have someone clean him up. Tomorrow, I’ll send him to the army.”

It was like a bolt from the blue. Lady Du couldn’t believe her ears. She cried out hoarsely, “What did you say? Send who to the army?”

Zhu Guogong said gravely, “He’s caused such a great scandal. Even if I try my best to cover it up, it won’t escape the notice of those who are paying attention. His future and marriage prospects will all be problematic. Moreover, if he continues like this, he’ll never amount to anything in his life. He might even bring about a fatal disaster and harm the family. If you truly want him to become a proper person, listen to my arrangements. Only blood can truly make him a man.”

Lady Du was dumbstruck. With her son sent away, what use were all her careful plans? When would her son return? It would be too late by then. She wasn’t willing to accept this. With a mix of pleading and weakness, she stepped forward, pale-faced, and clung to Zhu Guogong’s arm, saying mournfully, “Azhong, Azhong, the frontier has been harsh and unstable recently. He’s never suffered hardships before. He’ll lose his life. I beg you, it’s all my fault. I’ll guide him well, talk to him, make him mend his ways. Or, you could give him a good beating? I beg you…”

Hearing her call him by his youthful nickname, Zhu Guogong looked at her with pity, but his tone remained firm, “It’s not possible. Other people’s sons can go to the battlefield, and so can mine. I’d rather he die on the battlefield than continue like this. I’ve been soft for too long, thinking I could teach him well, but ended up harming him instead. If you truly care for him, you shouldn’t spoil him anymore. That’s harming him.” Only by leaving these two women at home and the group of flatterers around him, letting Jiang Zhangzhong experience life in the army, was there hope of turning him around.

Lady Du’s elegance and shrewishness all disappeared. She covered her face, sobbing so hard she couldn’t speak, “It’s all my fault. I didn’t teach him well. I shouldn’t have let him go hunting. Then this incident wouldn’t have happened and disgraced the manor. Blame me, but don’t send him away. He’s just a spoiled child who doesn’t understand anything.”

“It’s precisely because he doesn’t understand that he needs to learn,” Zhu Guogong sighed. “I’m certainly angry that he’s disgraced me, but he’s still my flesh and blood. I always have his best interests at heart. Don’t cry anymore. After a few years, when he returns, if he’s fortunate enough to earn some merit and obtain an official position, won’t that be much better than now? It’s decided. You can say what you need to say to him tonight. Early tomorrow morning, I’ll send him off. Now, I’ll go request a leave of absence.”

Seeing Lady Du was about to speak again, he said coldly, “If you disagree, there’s another option. Tomorrow, I’ll take him to apologize door to door, admitting to his disgraceful actions, and asking everyone to forget about this incident considering his youthful ignorance, giving him another chance. What do you think?”

How was that any different from directly ruining Jiang Zhangzhong? Lady Du watched desperately as Zhu Guogong walked further away, covering her mouth to stifle her sobs. Bai Xiang directed people to carry Jiang Zhangzhong inside, then turned back to see Lady Du still standing motionless. Worried, she approached to advise, “Madam, should we inform the Old Madam? Perhaps only she can change the Guogong’s mind now.”

Lady Du turned around, the tears on her face had dried, replaced by calm composure. She looked up at the leafless cherry tree behind Bai Xiang and said quietly, “There’s no need. He’s made up his mind, and no one can change it. Not even the Old Madam.” If she wasn’t mistaken, before Zhu Guogong came, the Old Madam must have already pleaded for Jiang Zhangzhong, and this was the best outcome possible. Her further protests and struggles would be futile, only irritating him more, making him think she had harmed their son and becoming even less willing to consult her on matters in the future.

Knowing Lady Du was certainly unwilling to let Jiang Zhangzhong suffer hardships at the frontier, Bai Xiang frowned and asked, “Then what should we do? Are we just going to…”

Lady Du said indifferently, “Going to the army might not be a bad path.” She entered the room and instructed Bai Xiang to prepare ink and paper. She began writing a letter, and after a moment, carefully dried and sealed it, then handed it to Bai Xiang. “Go out immediately and deliver this letter to my uncle.”

Bai Xiang agreed, carefully tucking the letter into her bosom. As she was about to leave, Lady Du raised her eyelids slightly and said, “On your way back, stop by the Lotus Garden at Qujiang Pool and see if Yi’er is still there. If he is, ask him to come back and bid farewell to his brother. If not…” She didn’t finish her sentence.

Bai Xiang didn’t ask about the unfinished part, bowed, and quietly withdrew.

Lady Du sat for a moment longer, then called out, “Someone come and help me freshen up.” Soon after, she had changed into exquisite and luxurious attire. She walked steadily to Jiang Zhangzhong’s bedside, sat down, and said softly, “Zhong’er.”

Jiang Zhangzhong had already woken up, but the recent events left him too ashamed to face anyone. He wished he were dead and lay motionless, pretending to be asleep. Hearing Lady Du’s voice, his eyelashes fluttered, but he refused to turn around or make a sound.

Lady Du, regardless of whether he was truly asleep or awake, gently reached out to touch his forehead and said softly, “Zhong’er, your father just said he wants to send you to the army for two years of training…”

Before she could finish, Jiang Zhangzhong suddenly sat up, screaming, “I won’t go! I won’t go! I don’t want to be with those sweaty, lice-ridden brutes!” As he spoke, he threw the porcelain pillow beside him to the ground, raving, “This is a conspiracy! He’s driving me away so everything will be his! Mother, you must expose his true face, we can’t swallow this insult!”

Lady Du sadly rubbed her forehead, “There’s no room for negotiation on this matter. Don’t be afraid, I’ve already written to your uncle. He’ll take care of you, and you won’t be in any danger. Stay there peacefully for two years, work hard to improve yourself, and it will only benefit you in the future…”

Hearing her seemingly side with Zhu Guogong, Jiang Zhangzhong immediately jumped out of bed, barefoot, and rushed towards the door. “I’ll die there! I’m going to find Grandmother. She won’t let me suffer like this or allow people to bully me!”

Lady Du shouted coldly, “Stop him!”

Several old women immediately appeared and blocked Jiang Zhangzhong. He kicked and hit them wildly. Lady Du stepped forward and slapped him with all her might, scolding, “You useless thing! Are you trying to kill me? I only regret spoiling you too much before, or we wouldn’t have ended up in this situation. Fine, I won’t stop you, and I won’t take care of you anymore. Let your father do whatever he wants with you. Go on, go!”

Jiang Zhangzhong mumbled, “Grandmother…”

Lady Du sneered, “Grandmother? She’s not just your grandmother. If she could help you, she would have done so already.”

Jiang Zhangzhong’s eyes reddened, “Maternal grandmother, if she were still alive, I…”

Lady Du’s nose stung, her voice becoming shriller, “Your maternal grandmother is dead!”

Jiang Zhangzhong stood with his neck stiff for a moment, then slowly deflated. Lady Du let out a long sigh and said, “You’re useless, now we can only take a step back. Be patient, there’s still a long way to go… The key is that you must make something of yourself, don’t let people look down on you anymore. Otherwise, you’ll never inherit the title in this lifetime. He and I have a deep grudge. If he inherits the title, you can expect him to trample us, mother and son, underfoot forever, never to rise again.”

Hearing her confident tone and recalling Jiang Zhangyang’s face, so similar to Zhu Guogong’s, cold and expressionless, Jiang Zhangzhong shuddered violently. “Mother, I’ll do everything you say.”

Lady Du spoke slowly, “Very well. If you still want to keep your life and the title, you must listen to me. When your father returns, tell him you’re willing to go to the army. Even if your grandmother is reluctant to let you go, you must personally tell her that you’ve disgraced the family and want to learn real skills. Say it’s your own choice.” Did they think that pushing people away would give them a chance? She had plenty of ways to delay the matter of appointing the heir. As long as Jiang Zhangzhong showed promise, she would eventually turn the tables.

At the Lotus Garden by Qujiang Pool, Zhu Guogong, accompanied by only one attendant, rode slowly towards Jiang Zhangyang’s residence. At the gate, the attendant knocked. The gatekeeper peeked out, hurriedly opened the main door to invite Zhu Guogong in, and then rushed inside to report.

Jiang Zhangyang was listening to Wu San: “Miss He arrived at noon today. I’ve already had someone tell her to go to the West Market tomorrow to see people. A private room has also been reserved at the Wuming Restaurant.”

Jiang Zhangyang smiled slightly and was about to speak when someone came to report, “The Guogong has arrived.”

He frowned and rose to greet him.

Zhu Guogong stood in the main hall, hands behind his back, staring intently at a six-panel silver-inlaid folding screen depicting butterflies resting on pinks. He was so absorbed that he only noticed when Jiang Zhangyang was beside him, hastily coming back to his senses.

The father and son didn’t exchange pleasantries or greetings. They each found a place to sit. Jiang Zhangyang watched as servants served tea before asking, “What brings you here?”

Zhu Guogong disliked his attitude and tone but could do nothing about it. After a moment of silence, he said, “A couple of days ago, your second brother went hunting and did something shameful.”

Jiang Zhangyang gently blew on the hot tea, “Not too shameful.”

Zhu Guogong asked, “You’ve heard about it?”

Jiang Zhangyang didn’t pretend to be confused and nodded, “I’ve heard.” He offered no further comment and showed no schadenfreude on his face.

Zhu Guogong spoke with some difficulty, “What’s your view on this? For instance, how do you think this matter should be handled best?”

Jiang Zhangyang was silent for a moment before saying, “It’s none of my business.”

Zhu Guogong was stunned and then became furious. He stood up abruptly, his hands clenched into fists. Jiang Zhangyang watched him impassively. Zhu Guogong sat down very slowly, his shoulders sagging, “You say it’s none of your business?”

Jiang Zhangyang said indifferently, “Of course, it’s none of my business. Firstly, I didn’t do it. Secondly, it’s still none of my business.”

Zhu Guogong was somewhat surprised by Jiang Zhangyang’s acuity. He turned to look at Jiang Zhangyang, meeting his calm, open eyes that neither avoided nor flinched. He completely believed that Jiang Zhangyang had nothing to do with this matter. Recalling the Old Madam’s words, perhaps someone was using this to give the Zhu Guogong Manor a warning. He chose his words carefully, speaking somewhat cautiously, “Whether you accept it or not, blood ties can’t be severed. You’re my eldest son, he’s your brother, and in the future, you’ll have to…”

Jiang Zhangyang interrupted him, “I have an appointment. It’s an important matter, and I’m about to leave.” He emphasized the words “important matter.”

Zhu Guogong took a deep breath, grabbed his horsewhip, and stood up. “Be careful in your actions, don’t get involved. Your grandmother misses you. See when you have time to visit her.” Seeing Jiang Zhangyang remain silent, he said emphatically, “You must go, or I’ll tell the Emperor you’re greatly unfilial.”

Jiang Zhangyang said indifferently, “I understand. When will you be there?”

“I won’t be around lately. I’m sending your second brother to the army tomorrow. When I return, I’ll send someone to fetch you.” Zhu Guogong sighed in relief. He had thought Jiang Zhangyang wouldn’t agree, but to his surprise, Jiang Zhangyang agreed so easily. He looked at Jiang Zhangyang suspiciously, wondering what he was up to.

Jiang Zhangyang said no more, not even asking a single question about Jiang Zhangzhong. Zhu Guogong had no choice but to leave.

After Zhu Guogong and his servant had gone far, Wu San approached and asked, “Young Master, do you plan to go to the Guogong Manor?”

Jiang Zhangyang said, “We’ll go after meeting Miss He tomorrow.”

Wu San asked, “Aren’t you waiting for the Guogong to be home?”

Jiang Zhangyang smiled, “It’s better to act when he’s not there. With that boy gone to the army, things will be peaceful for a while. Go and see who’s behind this good deed.”

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