HomeLove in the Clouds

Love in the Clouds

Chapter 34: Some Changes

Nanny Xun didn't understand why this spectacle was worth watching. People seeing it would only gossip about her falling out of favor. However, Ming Yi...

Chapter 35: A Good Show

As night fell over Mu Xing City, stars dotted the sky like a sea of lights. Inside Hua Man Lou, the sounds of merriment...

Chapter 36: Men Can’t Be Relied Upon, My Friends!

These words might have worked on Zhang Tai before, but now as she listened, she only wanted to laugh. If he truly cared for...

Chapter 37: The One Who Can Burn Down Houses is Truly Adorable

She used to say this often, but Zhang Tai never took it seriously. He thought money was something men always had, so why should...

Chapter 38: I Didn’t Touch Her

For a moment, Ming Yi thought it was all over. She had been discovered by Ji Bozai, and surely she would be trapped in...

Chapter 39: The Lord’s Unusual Behavior

Six strings of pearls of varying sizes hung at the entrance of Liu Zhao Jun's main chamber. When he touched them, they chimed. Ming Yi...

Chapter 40: Zhangtai Liu

Zhang Tai Liu, Zhang Tai Liu, are they still as graceful as before? The two beautiful daughters of the Zhang family had been trained in...

Chapter 41: Love Spell

Ming Yi was riding her horse along Er Jiu Street, dressed in a long gray dress with an openwork corset, her face hidden by...

Chapter 42: A Little Jealousy

The Second Nine Street bustled with activity, a constant flow of people and vehicles. Ming Yi mounted her horse and quickly disappeared around the...

Chapter 43: Nausea

Ming Yi thought to herself, "What a handsome young man. If only he hadn't opened his mouth." It seemed as if his menstrual blood...

Chapter 44: The Inner Workings of a Spoiled Person

Ming Yi felt a bit guilty. After all, living under someone's roof, it wasn't right to make them lose face so directly. Even if...

Chapter 45: Who Holds Whom in the End is Still Uncertain

Ji Bozai turned his head away. "I don't understand what you're saying. I just woke up early and thought the weather was nice, so...

Chapter 46: A Vase Who Doesn’t Understand Yuan Power

In the realm of Qingyun, most women were timid. Even those raised in noble families and showered with countless favors dared to speak only...

Chapter 47: The Green-Tiled Courtyard

The girls were chattering away, their saliva nearly flying onto the carriage shaft. Ming Yi listened, a cloud of confusion slowly forming in her mind....

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