HomeLove of NirvanaChapter 115: Joining Hands in Marriage

Chapter 115: Joining Hands in Marriage

The day dawned early, and she reluctantly got out of bed.

He was still fast asleep, his usually bright eyes now closed. His long, slightly curled eyelashes trembled with each breath, accentuating his jade-like complexion. She couldn’t help but hold her breath and slowly lower her head, gently brushing her lips against his eyelashes.

He remained asleep, and she smiled triumphantly. She dressed quietly and slipped out of the room.

After preparing breakfast, he still hadn’t risen. Jiang Ci couldn’t bear to wake him. Noticing the weeds growing around the Yujia flowers planted in front of the house, she found a home and carefully removed them.

A faint footstep sounded, and Jiang Ci’s heart leaped with joy. However, she soon realized the footsteps were coming from the mountain path to the left of the stone house. She quickly looked up, and the joy of the past few days suddenly faded. She slowly stepped back, her lips pressed together.

Xiao Li and Uncle Ping approached slowly. Xiao Li stared at her for a moment, inwardly sighing, and asked softly, “Is the Sect Leader here?”

Jiang Ci remained silent, her lips pressed together. Inside the room, Wei Zhao suddenly sat up, remained silent for a long while, then dressed and came out, saying calmly, “What’s happened?” Jiang Ci slowly retreated, hiding behind him.

Xiao Li and Uncle Ping knelt in greeting. Wei Zhao said, “Stand up, both of you.”

Uncle Ping looked up at him, but Wei Zhao avoided his gaze, turning to enter the house, and saying, “Come inside to talk.”

Uncle Ping and Xiao Li entered side by side. The long-uninhabited room had been tidied up, looking fresh and clean, as if its old master had never left in over a decade. Uncle Ping looked up again, just in time to see Jiang Ci tugging at Wei Zhao’s sleeve, while Wei Zhao gently patted her hand.

His heart suddenly ached, and he lowered his head. Xiao Li had already said, “News has arrived. Pei Yan has recaptured Yun Zhou and Gong’an, and is now pursuing the Huan army towards Yu Zhou and Cheng County.”

Wei Zhao smiled slightly, “That’s faster than I expected.”

“Yes, Sect Leader. What do you think—”

Wei Zhao could hear her soft breathing behind him as if he could sense her reluctance to part. Fortifying his resolve, he said, “It seems I need to hurry over. Feigning injury can only last for so long; I must eventually reappear in public.”

Jiang Ci’s heart sank. She gazed at his straight back, trying to calm herself. She turned and went to the kitchen, bringing out the prepared meal. With a smile, she said, “Let’s eat before discussing business.”

Seeing that no one moved, she tugged at Wei Zhao’s sleeve. Wei Zhao sat down at the table, and Jiang Ci smiled at Uncle Ping and Xiao Li, “Uncle Ping, Fourth Uncle, please join us.”

Uncle Ping and Xiao Li exchanged glances. They had arrived at Star Moon Valley last night but decided to wait until daybreak to climb the mountain. Seeing their suspicions confirmed, they felt conflicted.

Wei Zhao looked up, “Please, eat with us.”

Uncle Ping and Xiao Li sat down, and Jiang Ci was delighted, serving them rice. Xiao Li looked at the dishes on the table and couldn’t help but smile, “The valley has been talking about a thief in the kitchen, with things disappearing every day. So this is where it all went.”

Jiang Ci coughed and slipped back to the kitchen with her rice bowl.

Wei Zhao ate quietly, then after a while asked, “How is the Clan Leader?”

“He’s doing well, always pestering Su Jun. He’s eager to learn, and is currently studying ‘The Strategies of the Warring States’,” Xiao Li replied, quickly adding, “The girl’s cooking skills are really good.”

He continued, “Sect Leader, will you go back to see the Clan Leader?”

Wei Zhao’s chopsticks paused for a moment. “No, he’s very perceptive. I’m afraid he might notice something amiss. Besides, I need to hurry to Cheng County. There’s still a crucial task to be done.”

Xiao Li was silent for a moment, then said, “I see.” After a pause, he added, “We received a message from Yingying yesterday.”

“What did she say?” Wei Zhao looked up.

“Consort Tan is also with child,” Xiao Li said softly after some hesitation.

Wei Zhao frowned slightly, “This complicates matters.”

“Yes, the young Prince of Qingde has struggled with heirs. Among his many consorts, there’s only one daughter. We were hoping Yingying might bear a son. Even if she doesn’t, we could arrange for a boy to be brought in. This way, if anything were to happen to the young Prince of Qingde, this child would be the sole heir to the title. But now, with Consort Tan also pregnant, and her being the principal wife—” Xiao Li explained.

Wei Zhao thought for a moment, then said, “I’ve heard that the Crown Prince’s cousin has always been in poor health. If she were to have a fall and lose the child, it wouldn’t be unusual.”


“Tell Yingying that after dealing with Consort Tan, she should focus on obtaining the troop deployment map of the Yujian Prefecture from the young Prince of Qingde. Uncle Ping, send someone to retrieve it and quickly deliver it to the capital.”

“Yes, I’ll send the message to her right away,” Uncle Ping respectfully replied.

Wei Zhao took out a token and handed it to Uncle Ping. “We have a batch of weapons stored in our residence at the Yao Family Village in Hexi. Uncle Ping, take some men to transport them back. This is Pei Yan’s token. You can use it if you encounter any checkpoints.”


The three fell silent and finished their meal. After some contemplation, Wei Zhao stood up and said, “Fourth Uncle, come with me.”

The autumn sun cast faint, dappled shadows through the forest as Xiao Li followed Wei Zhao along the mountain path toward the peak. This mountain peak, located deep within Star Moon Valley, was quite high. As it was a clear autumn day, when the two reached the summit, they were greeted with a breathtaking view. Distant mountain ranges, nearby forests and valleys, and the entire landscape of Moon Fall spread out before them.

The mountain wind billowed, causing their robes to flutter wildly. Wei Zhao remained silent, and Xiao Li didn’t ask any questions. They stood quietly, savoring the boundless autumn atmosphere.

Many years ago, Moon Fall Mountain had worn the same autumn colors. Today, the scenery remained unchanged, but old friends were long gone. Of those who had once stood side by side admiring the autumn view, apart from one whose whereabouts were unknown, the rest had been swept away by the autumn wind into the dust. Xiao Li sighed silently.

Wei Zhao’s expression held a hint of melancholy. “Uncle, I don’t know when I’ll be able to return here.”

Knowing that Wei Zhao was about to embark on a long journey, facing dangers at every turn in the tiger’s den and that he must now entrust various matters to him, Xiao Li bowed deeply and said, “Please give your instructions, Sect Leader. Xiao Li is willing to risk life and limb, and face death a thousand times over.”

“Uncle, when I go to Cheng County this time if the Huan army is defeated and the battle is settled, as soon as the Crown Prince issues the edict, Pei Yan and I will have to return to the capital immediately.”

“Return to the capital?” Xiao Li’s words carried a hint of contemplation.

Wei Zhao understood his thoughts and sighed, “Yes, we’re returning to the capital voluntarily, not marching back with an army in rebellion.”

Xiao Li said, “Hasn’t Pei Yan always wanted to seize power and take the throne? When you initially cooperated with him, Sect Leader, wasn’t it also to give him a boost?”

“My initial cooperation with him was partly due to my identity being exposed and his coercion, and partly because I recognized his exceptional talent and intelligence, and his grand ambition to bring peace and prosperity to the realm. That’s why I agreed to help him. Pei Yan originally planned to first seize military power, control half of the Hua Dynasty’s northern territories, and then find an opportunity to overthrow the old scoundrel. But the old scoundrel has made thorough preparations before allowing Pei Yan to regain military power. The Pei and Rong clans are under close surveillance, and the families of the Changfeng Cavalry soldiers are still in Nan’an Prefecture and Xiang Province. Although he’s gravely ill now, people like Dong Fang haven’t been idle.”

“Indeed, Pei Yan would have to think twice before raising an army.”

Wei Zhao gazed at the rolling mountains under the autumn sky and slowly said, “There’s an even more important point.”

“Please enlighten me, Sect Leader.”

“Since ancient times, those who win the hearts of the people in the world. During this campaign in Hexi, I witnessed Cui Ziming’s clever strategy of utilizing the power of the common people to defeat the Huan army. It left a deep impression on me.”

Xiao Li sighed, “The will of the people is like water, capable of both supporting and overturning a boat.”

“Pei Yan, under the banner of loyalty to the country and expelling the Huan rebels, relied on the power of the people to settle the war. Now that the great battle has just ended and people yearn for peace, if he were to openly rebel and reignite the flames of war, wouldn’t that be like a thief crying ‘stop thief’? What could Pei Yan use to rally the world and win over the hearts of the people?”

“Yes, the timing is wrong, and there’s no justification. Without righteousness, words carry no weight.”

Wei Zhao continued, “Since raising an army carries great risks, and the situation in the capital has changed significantly, Pei Yan has come up with a new plan.”

“Hmm… Instead of risking rebellion, why not install a puppet emperor and gradually expand his influence? When the time is right, he can then replace the Xie clan?”

“Exactly, that’s his current strategy, and he wants me to continue helping him. But I’ve thought it through carefully. Once he’s in that position, whether he’ll keep his word is uncertain. In the struggle between the snipe and the clam, the fisherman benefits. If Pei Yan is the snipe, we need to provide him with a clam. This way, we can force him to fulfill his promises.”

Xiao Li thought for a moment and asked, “Does the Sect Leader plan to support Prince Zhuang?”

“Pei Yan wants to force Prince Zhuang into rebellion, eliminate the Crown Prince, and use the opportunity to put Prince Jing on the throne. I’ve outwardly agreed, but when the time comes, I’ll find a way to ensure Prince Zhuang’s victory. With both Pei Yan’s promise and Prince Zhuang’s support, establishing our domain shouldn’t be a problem. Prince Zhuang is currently in a weak position, and as long as we have control over the young Prince of Qingde, he will naturally comply.”

Xiao Li remained silent for a while, then looked at Wei Zhao’s profile, as beautiful as a celestial being, and said softly, “But this means you’ll have to continue maneuvering among them, Sect Leader.”

Wei Zhao turned his head away and said calmly, “If it can secure a few decades of peace for our Moon Fall, it’s not a bad outcome.”

Xiao Li’s emotions surged, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he choked up slightly. Wei Zhao heard it clearly and turned to look at him with a smile, “Master used to say you were the most composed in any situation.”

Xiao Li couldn’t speak. Wei Zhao’s expression turned solemn as he said, “Xiao Li.”

“Yes, Sect Leader.”

“Remember, the will of the people is the foundation, and it cannot be defied. When governing, you must listen to the opinions of our clan members. Never alienate them, and do not harm or disturb the people. Only when the entire clan is united can Moon Fall have hope for greatness.”

Xiao Li bowed deeply, “Xiao Li will remember the Sect Leader’s instructions.”

“Additionally, I’ve already arranged for embroidery shops to be set up in various parts of the Hua Dynasty. Select some eloquent embroiderers to go there. In the future, the income from these shops will be used to establish schools and develop tea plantations and good farmland.”


“Starting this year, select a group of gifted young children from the entire clan. Gather them in Mountain Sea Valley to study literature and practice martial arts. You will personally teach them. When they’re older, send them to participate in the imperial examinations for both civil and military positions in the Hua Dynasty.” Wei Zhao paused, then added, “However, their families will need to be watched discreetly.”

“Yes, Sect Leader.”

Wei Zhao thought for a moment and said, “That’s all.” He stepped back and bowed deeply, “I’ll trouble you with everything, Uncle.”

Xiao Li helped Wei Zhao up, no longer able to control his emotions, and suddenly embraced his shoulders. Wei Zhao was half a head taller than Xiao Li, but at this moment, Xiao Li felt as if he was hugging the same pure, innocent child from years ago.

Wei Zhao allowed himself to be embraced, and after a while, said softly, “Uncle, don’t worry. I will return one day.”

Xiao Li’s eyes moistened, and he could only manage to say, “Wu Xia, take care of yourself.”

Wei Zhao and Xiao Li came out of the house, and Uncle Ping turned to stare at Jiang Ci without a word. Jiang Ci smiled at him, then quickly ran off, returning shortly with a cup of tea, which she offered to Uncle Ping with both hands, “Uncle Ping, please have some tea.”

Uncle Ping was about to refuse, but the aroma of the tea made him pause, and he accepted it. Looking down at the tea, he exclaimed angrily, “You—”

Jiang Ci giggled, “I didn’t take it. Wu Xia went to your room to get it. He said the best tea in the valley must be in Uncle Ping’s room.”

Before Uncle Ping could speak, Jiang Ci, with a slightly coquettish expression, said, “Uncle Ping, Wu Xia said we’ll bring you the best Yunjiang tea from Hua Dynasty next time, guaranteed to be better than this. Please don’t be angry.”

Uncle Ping sat down at the table with the teacup and looked at Jiang Ci a few times, but remained silent. Jiang Ci quickly sat down beside him and pleaded, “Uncle Ping, I want to ask you something.”

“What is it?” Uncle Ping said coldly.

“Could you tell me about Wu Xia when he was little?”

As Wei Zhao and Xiao Li came down from the mountain and approached the back of the stone house, they heard laughter coming from inside – the voices of Uncle Ping and Jiang Ci. Both of them were startled, and Xiao Li smiled, “It’s rare to hear Ping Wushang laugh.”

Hearing Jiang Ci’s laughter, Wei Zhao’s lips curved into an involuntary smile. Xiao Li saw it clearly and felt a pang in his heart, lowering his head.

Seeing the two enter the house, Uncle Ping quickly stood up. Wei Zhao said calmly, “Wait for me outside.”

He walked into the room on the right, and Jiang Ci followed, silently nestling into his embrace. They looked around the room – the quilt still warm, a lingering fragrance in the air. The past few days had been like a dream, passionate and hazy, but it was time to wake up.

Wei Zhao lowered his head and said softly, “You should stay here.”

Jiang Ci shook her head vigorously and pinched his chest, reminding him of the vow he had made. Still, he whispered in her ear, trying to persuade her, “I still have several important matters to attend to. You following me for thousands of miles—”

She looked up at him, her eyes wide, trying hard not to let tears fall, and choked out, “Wherever you go, I’ll go. Don’t you dare leave me behind?”

He held her close, his gaze fixed on the window. The fluttering yellow leaves danced in the final rays of the autumn sun. He could even hear the soft rustle as the leaves fell to the ground. A sparrow landed on the windowsill, and soon another sparrow joined it. After a brief moment, both birds flew off together.

Gently cupping her face, he kissed away her tears and said, “Alright, wherever I go, you shall go with me.”

Jiang Ci managed a smile through her tears and followed him out of the room.

The path down the mountain was overgrown with weeds, so Wei Zhao simply took Jiang Ci’s hand. Xiao Li and Ping Shu walked ahead silently, unwilling to look back.

When they reached the crevice, Wei Zhao stopped. Ping Shu approached and bowed his head, asking, “Shall we bid farewell?”

Noticing that Wei Zhao’s hand was trembling slightly as he held hers, Jiang Ci looked up at him. Dressed in white, he looked like jade, and his gaze was as tender as spring willow. She softly said, “You should go and pay your respects to Father and Sister.”

Wei Zhao tightened his grip on her hand and turned to Xiao Li and Ping Shu, saying, “Fourth Uncle, Ping Shu.”

“Here,” both men responded, bowing.

“No need for formalities; you are elders. Today, I wish to have you witness this moment,” Wei Zhao said, glancing at Jiang Ci with a voice that was gentle yet resolute.

Xiao Li felt a mix of deep sorrow and joy, while Ping Shu, recalling the near completion of their grand plan and the demon’s grave illness, felt a sense of happiness for this kind-hearted woman. Both nodded in agreement.

Jiang Ci, unsure of Wei Zhao’s intent, looked to him for guidance. He smiled at her and led her to the right side of the crevice. Upon reaching the grave, Wei Zhao guided her to kneel. He gazed at the inscription on the stone tablet, his eyes reddening and his hands trembling slightly.

Xiao Li sighed deeply, walked to the grave, and performed a deep bow before gently brushing the stone tablet. “Senior Brother, we are unable to have our wedding here today. Please accept our three bows and bless this union.”

Jiang Ci’s eyes quickly filled with tears again. She turned to Wei Zhao, whose smile under the autumn sun was as tender as ever. He slowly reached out, wiping her tears away. Following his lead, she bowed three times, praying that in this lifetime, she and Wei Zhao would be blessed by Father and Sister, never to be separated again.

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