HomeLove of Nirvana

Love of Nirvana

Chapter 104: Using Another’s Knife to Kill

Moonlight hung from the treetops, its radiance like water. Jiang Ci sat by the well, gazing up at the bright moon overhead, and let...

Chapter 105: Name and Life Intact

A dragon's roar shattered the night sky, accompanied by Pei Yan's angry shout. Even though Yi Han desperately wanted to take Cui Liang's life,...

Chapter 106: So Near, Yet So Far

That night, Cui Liang was explaining the Tianji Formation from the "Tianxuan Art of War" to Pei Yan, Ning Jianyu, and others. Cui Liang...

Chapter 107: Emotions Like Flowing Water

As summer gave way to autumn, the mountain winds grew cooler day by day. Near the military camp, a sweet osmanthus tree slowly released...

Chapter 108: Flowers in the Morning, Moon at Night

Yu Wen Jinglun was unusually troubled that day. Teng Rui also found the situation quite thorny. The Crown Prince had whispered slander to Emperor Huan,...

Chapter 109: In the Same Boat

The autumn rain finally stopped after several days, leaving the maple forest of Yueluo Mountain even more vibrant and lively in its red hues. Clan...

Chapter 110: Autumn Dew in a Perilous City

Wei Zhao slowly pushed a silk scroll towards Pei Yan. Pei Yan smiled as he picked it up and read it carefully. After reading, Pei...

Chapter 111: Cold Iron Armor

The war drums thundered like roaring thunder as the three armies set out together. Pei Yan, clad in a purple robe and silver armor,...

Chapter 112: My Heart Is Not of Stone

As soon as the battle began, Jiang Ci and Physician Ling found themselves overwhelmed with work. Wounded soldiers were constantly being brought in, and...

Chapter 113: What Night Is Tonight

Wei Zhao stood motionless, only his robes rustling in the mountain breeze. Jiang Ci sensed something was amiss. She rushed over and supported Wei Zhao,...

Chapter 114: Flowers Blooming in Pairs

Jiang Ci closed her eyes for a long while. When she didn't hear him getting into bed, she couldn't help but call out, "Wu...

Chapter 115: Joining Hands in Marriage

The day dawned early, and she reluctantly got out of bed. He was still fast asleep, his usually bright eyes now closed. His long, slightly...

Chapter 116: Autumn Wind Sweeps Through

The journey from Yue Luo to Yu Province took more than a day. Uncle Ping prepared two horses for them. Wei Zhao donned a mask...

Chapter 117: A Secret Crossing

Heavy clouds hung in the sky. As the late afternoon approached, accompanied by gusts of cold wind, heavy rain began to fall. Today was the...

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