HomeOceans of Time

Oceans of Time

Our Generation – Chapter 48

If school uniforms don't count as couple outfits, then Olympic commemorative shirts probably don't either. Yet as Jiang Qiaoxi led Lin Yingtao back to...

Our Generation – Chapter 49

Qin Yeyun said, "Did you hear about so-and-so from Class 4? They're going abroad together. The class president from Class 11 is applying for...

Our Generation – Chapter 50

We Will All Be Happy In late November, Du Shang went to Shanghai with his girlfriend. They visited the Bund and made plans to apply...

Our Generation – Chapter 51

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, Qin Yeyun informed Lin Yingtao that a customer who came to buy cigarettes at her...

Our Generation – Chapter 52

Lin Yingtao slipped the key strap around her wrist and gently closed the door behind her. She swiftly descended the stairs. As darkness enveloped both...

Our Generation – Chapter 53

Just before the start of university, Lin Qile's family took a short trip to Qingdao, a coastal city. At the station, they were greeted by...

Our Generation – Chapter 54

Lin Yingtao's romantic experiences were difficult to pinpoint - when they began, how they ended, or how to describe them. The senior students didn't seem...

Our Generation – Chapter 55

In the second semester of her freshman year, Lin Qile joined the university's English Association. Initially, she only intended to improve what she perceived...

Our Generation – Chapter 56

On the National Day holiday in 2010, Lin Yingtao stood in the terminal of Hong Kong International Airport, a backpack on her shoulders and...

Our Generation – Chapter 57

At 4 PM on the National Day holiday, Jiang Qiaoxi left his student's home in Tsim Sha Tsui. Before he departed, the parent asked...

Our Generation – Chapter 58

Lin Yingtao lay feverish, a cooling patch on her forehead. She drifted in and out of consciousness, wrapped tightly in a blanket, occasionally tilting...

Our Generation – Chapter 59

Before coming to Hong Kong, Lin Yingtao had planned to confront Jiang Qiaoxi with some questions face-to-face. For the past three years, or perhaps throughout...

Our Generation – Chapter 60

The taxi was still waiting across the street; the driver had probably agreed on a time with Lin Yingtao. Lin Yingtao entered the elevator,...

Our Generation – Chapter 61

Lin Yingtao was not one to hold grudges. Since childhood, Jiang Qiaoxi had often seen her cry. She would cough as she wept, her shoulders...

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