HomeOceans of Time

Oceans of Time

Our Generation – Chapter 62

At eighteen, Jiang Qiaoxi realized that life was unpredictable. Even his cousin, who had always been like a lighthouse guiding his path forward, could collapse...

Our Generation – Chapter 63

Lin Qile dreamed of Hong Kong. She lay beside Jiang Qiaoxi, listening to the sound of trams passing outside the window. The cheap apartment...

Our Generation – Chapter 64

Lin Qile hadn't seen Yu Qiao in a long time. Their falling out happened during the summer break after freshman year. In the blink...

Our Generation – Chapter 65

A light rain fell over Hong Kong. Lin Yingtao hadn't even had the chance to remove her down jacket from northern China before tightly embracing...

Our Generation – Chapter 66

Lin Yingtao remembered when she was little, Jiang Qiaoxi lifted her mosquito net and suddenly squeezed into her small world. Later, he kissed her...

Our Generation – Chapter 67

From a very young age, Lin Yingtao realized she was a girl. As girls grow up, they inevitably face increasing pain. Lin Yingtao sat in her...

Our Generation – Chapter 68

It had been three days since Lin Yingtao arrived in Hong Kong, and she only ventured out occasionally for meals. Most of the time, she...

Our Generation – Chapter 69

During her internship, Lin Yingtao heard a kindergarten teacher say: "We don't always have to accept gifts from parents. But you know, young lady,...

Our Generation – Chapter 70

On the morning of Chinese New Year's Eve, Lin Yingtao used Jiang Qiaoxi's computer to send photos to her mother. In Hong Kong, Lin Yingtao...

Our Generation – Chapter 71

After returning from Hong Kong, Lin Qile's mood remained afloat, like a feather carried by the wind. Away from Jiang Qiaoxi, she drifted, waiting...

Our Generation – Chapter 72

In May, the small-time leader from Jiang Qiaoxi's family flew to Hong Kong for a "work inspection." Her ear piercings, inflamed for a month,...

Our Generation – Chapter 73

Out of 365 days a year, Lin Yingtao and Jiang Qiaoxi spent less than 50 days together. Feelings of insecurity occasionally surfaced. In the summer of...

Our Generation – Chapter 74

On New Year's Eve, Lin Yingtao joined Jiang Qiaoxi for dinner at his cousin's house. With the hospital's permission, his cousin was briefly discharged,...

Our Generation – Chapter 75

Jiang Qiaoxi hadn't returned to the provincial capital in four years. The city where he was born and raised had undergone rapid changes during...

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