HomeSerendipityChapter 47: Restraint

Chapter 47: Restraint

After the imperial examination, it would take three to five days for the results to be announced. This period was the most anxious yet hopeful time for all candidates in the city. Lu Chang, however, remained calm, carrying on as usual. The Lu family began receiving more invitations – to banquets, poetry gatherings, and garden parties – many from high-ranking officials. Lu Chang rarely went out, attending only two gatherings with his fellow examinees and spending most of his time at home with his mother.

Besides invitations, neighbors started visiting more frequently, all curious about Lu Chang and Ming Shu’s marriage prospects. The Lu family’s doorstep was nearly worn out from visitors. Finally, Lu Chang took drastic action, closing the main gate and refusing all guests, restoring peace to the household.

“Brother, are you already tired of this commotion?” Ming Shu teased, holding the noticeably plumper Zhao Bao. “You’d better be careful on the day the results are posted. I’ve heard that bride-catching under the bulletin board in the capital can be quite fierce. Don’t let yourself get caught!”

The phrase “bride-catching under the bulletin board” reminded Lu Chang of Old Master Jian from Jiangning, causing him to lose focus momentarily.

“Then again, if some high-ranking official’s family catches you and you become their son-in-law, it might help your career,” Ming Shu added thoughtfully.

“That won’t happen,” Lu Chang firmly stated. “I will never trade a wife for career advancement. A wife is a life partner, not a bargaining chip.”

It had always been this way and would never change. For him, love was love – not born from gratitude, not bent by societal norms, not swayed by wealth or status, not altered for career prospects. What he wanted was mutual affection.

This was the first time Ming Shu had heard Lu Chang speak about his marriage. She felt a slight stirring in her heart, though she couldn’t explain why. She had only been joking, but his response was unexpectedly serious.

“Well said! That’s my brother!” Ming Shu put down Zhao Bao and raised her fist. “I’ll accompany you on the day the results are posted. I’ll be your bodyguard. Anyone who tries to catch you will have to deal with me!”

“You can come with me, but there’s no need for you to intervene,” Lu Chang said, lowering her fist.

“Alright,” Ming Shu smiled.

Lu Chang turned to the table and asked, “What are you writing?”

The table was covered with papers full of writing, surrounded by brush holders, inkstones, and other writing implements. Ming Shu had been scribbling since early morning at the dining table, only stopping when Lu Chang came down.

“I’m trying to come up with a shop name,” Ming Shu frowned, staring at the list of names she had written.

She had already told Lu Chang about opening a shop with Wen An and Yin Shujun. Lu Chang hadn’t expressed an opinion, which Ming Shu took as tacit approval. So she now openly discussed her plans in front of him.

She had completed most of the necessary arrangements while Lu Chang was away. Now she was writing detailed plans for the shop’s establishment to share with Wen An and Yin Shujun. She had everything figured out except for the name.

Lu Chang glanced at the paper, which listed names like “Gold and Jade Prosperity,” “Exquisite Pavilion,” and “Golden Fortune Tower.” Ming Shu felt embarrassed as he looked, saying, “These names are quite tacky.”

“Sometimes the most common is the most elegant. For a shop in a busy area, it should appeal to both refined and ordinary tastes. A name that brings good fortune is best; no need to be too literary,” Lu Chang pointed at “Gold and Jade Prosperity” and said, “This one is not bad.”

Ming Shu stood beside him, looking down at the paper. “The shop sells gold and jade, so this name is too obvious.”

“Gold and Jade Prosperity, Prosperity Brings Radiance. If you think it’s too obvious, how about…”

“Hall of Radiance?”

“Hall of Radiance!”

The siblings spoke in unison again. Surprised, they looked at each other and burst into laughter.

Ming Shu took a fresh sheet of paper, pushing aside the messy one. She eagerly picked up the brush, and dipped it in ink, ready to write the name. But as she was about to start, she hesitated. She wasn’t a calligraphy master; her writing was merely delicate. Her wrist trembled slightly as it hovered over the paper.

In that moment of hesitation, Lu Chang stood behind her and placed his hand over hers, pressing down firmly.

Ming Shu’s hand was held tightly in his as the ink-soaked brush tip touched the paper, the force visible on the back of the sheet.

The three characters for “Hall of Radiance” were written in one vigorous stroke.

Ming Shu blinked, looking at the powerful, magnificent handwriting. She was overjoyed.

Although Lu Chang rarely spoke, he always showed his support through his actions.

“Thank you, Brother!” She turned her head, her face beaming with gratitude.

Lu Chang was just behind her, slightly to the side. Though they were still about a fist’s width apart, his left hand rested on the table near her left waist. When Ming Shu turned, Lu Chang hadn’t yet moved his hand, creating a near-embrace.

The main door was tightly shut, with only a soft light filtering through the paper windows, gently illuminating them both. Their mingled breaths made their hearts inexplicably warm. As their eyes met, both froze. Lu Chang’s gaze seemed to solidify on Ming Shu’s face, burning like sparks. He appeared to have something to say, but the words caught in his throat, held back by numerous barriers…

“Brother!” Ming Shu’s clear voice brought them both back to their senses.

Lu Chang quickly let go and stepped back, uncomfortably averting his gaze from the window. “It’s a bit stuffy in here. I’m going for a walk,” he said. With that, he strode to the door and opened it with a creak.

Outside, the sunlight was mild, casting shadows on the ground. A gentle breeze passed by, but it couldn’t dispel the lingering tenderness in the air.

He stood holding the door – he had almost failed to control his emotions.

He had almost forgotten their current relationship.

Looking at that smile as radiant as spring, he wanted… wanted…

His hand tightened on the door as he quickly walked out. He couldn’t allow himself to think further.

On the doorframe, faint finger marks remained.

Ming Shu moved quickly. After finalizing the name of the shop, she detailed the plans for the new shop, copied them twice, and sent them to Wen An and Yin Shujun. Wen An’s reply arrived first, in the form of an invitation.

According to the custom in Bianjing, after the imperial examination, it was popular for both the examinees and the women of their families to go to Fantai to enjoy the spring and hold spring banquets. Wen An’s invitation was for her to join in the spring festivities at Fantai. Attached to the invitation was a brief note with just one sentence:

“Let’s meet and enjoy the spring, discuss business while we play.”

This was typical of Wen An, who never let business interfere with fun.

Ming Shu couldn’t help but laugh. Just then, Lu Chang returned from outside and saw her smile. “What are you grinning about?” he asked.

“Brother, the county mistress invited me to go to Fantai to enjoy the spring the day after tomorrow,” Ming Shu said, waving the invitation.

“Do you want to go?” Lu Chang asked.

“Yes.” Ming Shu nodded.

Lu Chang took out an invitation from his sleeve. “I’ll go with you.”

Thinking back, since they arrived in the capital, he had been busy with the examinations and hadn’t taken Ming Shu around Bianjing. Now that he had some free time, he wanted to take her out.

Ming Shu had only intended to inform him, not expecting he had also received an invitation and was planning to accompany her. Her eyes lit up. “Thank you, Brother! I’ll prepare some food to take with us tomorrow!”

Lu Chang nodded without speaking.

The next day, while Ming Shu was helping Lady Zeng prepare snacks for the spring outing, Lu Chang came in carrying a bundle of bamboo strips, along with glue, ink, paper, and other supplies. He sat at the table and started working. Ming Shu, curious, peeked over.

“Brother, what are you doing?” she asked as she saw him grinding ink.

“Guess,” Lu Chang replied playfully.

Looking at the bamboo strips and glue, Ming Shu had a happy suspicion. “Are you making a kite for me?”

“What kind do you want?” Lu Chang asked a faint smile on his lips.

Delighted, Ming Shu quickly grabbed a small stool and sat next to him. “I want a beauty! Brother, draw a beauty for me! I’ll help you, and you can teach me.”

“Alright,” Lu Chang agreed readily and started drawing skillfully.

In less than half an hour, the beauty was finished.

“This beauty looks familiar,” Ming Shu said, holding up the drawing. The more she looked, the more familiar it seemed.

Lady Zeng, who was passing by with snacks for them, glanced at it and said, “Isn’t that you?”

Ming Shu looked at her attire, then at the painting—the lively young girl in the drawing did resemble her.

Lu Chang had drawn her.

“You asked for a beauty, but I don’t know any other beauties,” Lu Chang said casually, putting away the ink.

“My brother, have you sweetened your words with honey?” Ming Shu said, staring at him in surprise.

Lu Chang lowered his head, focusing on the bamboo strips, without replying.

There may be many beauties in the world, but the only one who caught his eye was her. Who else could he draw?

Today, the Junwang Fei (Princess Consort) returned to her parental home. The Guogong (Duke’s) residence hosted a family banquet in the rear courtyard. After the meal, the eldest daughter-in-law of the Guogong residence accompanied the Junwang Fei for a stroll in the garden to aid digestion, with Wen An also joining them.

The conversation between the sisters-in-law revolved around Song Qingzhao’s imperial examination and the marriage prospects of their children. Wen An, finding the topic dull, slowed her pace and distanced herself, engaging in playful banter with a maid.

“County Princess Wen An,” a clear male voice called from behind.

Wen An stopped and turned around, seeing Song Qingzhao standing five steps away, bowing to her.

“Cousin, there’s no need for such formalities. We’re family; just call me by my name,” she said lazily.

Song Qingzhao smiled and asked, “County Princess, are you going to Fantai to enjoy the spring tomorrow?”

From a young age, Wen An had never liked this cousin. Song Qingzhao always seemed cold and aloof, yet everyone praised him, including her parents. This reverse psychology made her look unfavorably at him.

Hearing his question, she answered casually, “Yes, my mother, aunt, and all the sisters at home will be going…” She paused, sensing something amiss. “Why are you asking?”

Song Qingzhao rarely involved himself in women’s affairs, so why was he asking now?

“Well…” Song Qingzhao hesitated unusually.

“Could it be you want to know if my friend is going? Are you asking about Ming Shu?” Wen An’s interest was piqued, her lazy demeanor vanishing.

Song Qingzhao nodded candidly. “Last time, she asked you to give me an amulet. I wanted to thank her.”

Wen An snickered. “Cousin, that’s a poor excuse. If you want to see her, just say so. What’s with the amulet excuse? If it were from any other girl, you’d have tossed it already. Why go out of your way to thank her?”

Her words hit the mark, causing Song Qingzhao to blush slightly. He didn’t respond.

“She gave you that amulet out of courtesy, nothing more. Don’t read too much into it. You’re the legitimate second son of the Guogong family and will soon be listed on the honor roll, making you highly esteemed. Aunt is already seeking a suitable match for you among noble families. Ming Shu isn’t suitable for you, so don’t harm her,” Wen An said quickly.

She instinctively felt that her aunt wouldn’t want Ming Shu as a daughter-in-law, and Ming Shu might not want to marry into the Guogong family either. Their family backgrounds were too different, and the Guogong family’s status was too high. It wasn’t that Ming Shu was unworthy, but marrying into the Guogong family meant conforming to strict traditions, and from what she knew of Ming Shu, she wasn’t one to be confined to the rear courtyard for life. From any perspective, Ming Shu and Song Qingzhao were not a good match.

Perhaps Wen An’s words were too blunt, as Song Qingzhao’s face gradually darkened. He didn’t want to argue with her, but he couldn’t hold back after hearing her last few sentences.

“How do you know we’re not suitable? I wouldn’t harm her.”

This time, Wen An was truly surprised. She had only intended to give Song Qingzhao a wake-up call, not expecting to provoke such a genuine response from him.

“You…” Wen An stared at him in disbelief.

Realizing he had misspoken, Song Qingzhao bowed to her and left coldly.

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