HomeShadow LoveChapter 17

Chapter 17

When Li Shuang awoke, she found herself lying on the bed, cradling the still-sleeping Jin’an. She was momentarily stunned. Had she really slept so deeply that she didn’t even remember getting into bed?

Still, Li Shuang had to admit that last night was the most peaceful sleep she’d had in a long time, perhaps even years. Her whole body felt warm, completely shielded from the northern cold.

Jin’an stirred in her arms. Looking down, Li Shuang saw a faint smile on the young boy’s face, as if he were dreaming of the sweetest candy.

It was rare to see such an innocent, childlike expression on him. Li Shuang’s lips curved into a smile as she playfully pinched his nose, then checked his forehead.

He had recovered quickly; the fever had subsided. Whether it was the doctor’s medicine or Jin’an’s own resilience, he seemed to be out of danger.

Li Shuang lifted the blanket and got out of bed. She glanced back at the still-sleeping Jin’an but didn’t wake him. After washing up, she left the tent.

Today, Luchen’s gates were wide open. Civilians who had fled due to the conflict were gradually returning. Li Shuang had assigned many soldiers to check the incoming residents, wary of spies from other northern countries or tribes sneaking in.

When Li Shuang arrived, the gates were heavily guarded, with a long queue of people waiting to be screened. Qin Lan greeted her with a salute. “What brings you here, General?”

“Just checking. Any issues?”

“We’ve caught two spies,” Qin Lan replied, gesturing to the side.

Li Shuang looked where he indicated. Two wooden cages each held a prisoner. One was dressed as a Luchen resident, but his features clearly resembled those from beyond the frontier. He sat hunched in his cage, looking frustrated and dejected. Likely a spy from another tribe.

The other, however, was strange.

Li Shuang examined him closely. He wore silk robes that she estimated would cost at least a hundred gold pieces. A white jade hairpin adorned his head, made of the finest mutton-fat jade. His appearance seemed far too conspicuous for a spy.

Moreover, his face was as beautiful as jade, with delicate features and a gentle demeanor. He sat cross-legged in his cage, meditating like a Daoist priest or Buddhist monk.

Li Shuang raised an eyebrow and turned to Qin Lan. “A spy?”

“We’re not sure,” Qin Lan admitted. “He won’t answer questions about his background or purpose in Luchen. Given the current situation, his behavior is suspicious, so we detained him for further questioning.”

“He looks like he’s from the south, with that delicate appearance,” Li Shuang observed, approaching the cage.

The meditating man seemed to sense her presence. His long lashes fluttered, and he raised his eyes, gazing softly at Li Shuang. His dark pupils reflected her image as he studied her for a moment before smiling. “What a spirited young lady.”

Was he trying to flirt?

Li Shuang raised an eyebrow. “My subordinate said you wouldn’t answer any questions, yet you can speak after all.”

“I only speak to those with whom I have a connection,” he replied.

What an enigmatic pretty boy.

At least he was talking now. Li Shuang pressed on, “My Changfeng Camp never detains innocent people. State your background and purpose, show your identification, and if there’s no problem, we can release you now. Otherwise…”

“Otherwise what?” he asked.

“What do you think? You’ll be sent to the county jail, questioned later, and if you still don’t answer, you’ll stay locked up.”

“The county jail?” The man pondered for a moment. “I’ve never been. It could be an interesting experience.” He looked up at Li Shuang with a gentle smile. “Go ahead and lock me up. Don’t worry about me.”

Li Shuang was speechless.

She encountered strange people every year, but this year seemed to have an unusually high number. And they were all uniquely odd.

“We’re short on food this winter. If you want to stay in jail, you’ll have to pay for your meals.”

“I see,” the man nodded, as if this made perfect sense. He patted his clothes. “It seems I’ve lost my money pouch.” After a moment’s thought, he reached up and pulled out his white jade hairpin. His black hair fell loose, making his face appear even more gentle than a woman’s. He smiled at Li Shuang, “Here, this pin should cover a few meals.”

This pin could probably cover his meals in Luchen’s jail for a lifetime.

Li Shuang silently regarded him, then took the pin without hesitation. “As you wish.”

As she turned to leave, the man called out softly, “Young lady.” Li Shuang looked back to see him smiling innocently. “You’re in danger of bloodshed soon. Please take care of yourself.”

Li Shuang paused, then shrugged it off. “There’s hardly a day when I’m not surrounded by bloodshed.”

As Li Shuang walked away, Qin Lan glanced at the smiling man in the cage before following her. “General, this man is truly strange…”

“Once he’s in jail, no matter how odd he is, he can’t cause much trouble,” Li Shuang said, toying with the hairpin. “Assign extra guards to watch him after he’s locked up.”

“Yes, General.”

After monitoring the gate for a while longer without incident, Li Shuang headed back. On the way, she overheard reunited citizens expressing their relief: “I never thought we’d be back in the city for the festival. How fortunate!”

Li Shuang suddenly realized that with all the recent turmoil, the Clear Snow Festival in Luchen was fast approaching.

The Clear Snow Festival was the last major celebration before the New Year in this region. After this festival, the northern frontier entered the depths of winter. Howling winds would force people to stay indoors, halting farming and trade. This period of rest lasted until after the New Year, with work resuming in March when the cold began to break.

As such, the Clear Snow Festival was crucial in Luchen. People honored their ancestors, lit sky lanterns, and prepared for the coming three months.

Li Shuang recalled Li Ting mentioning before he left that she should try to visit home if she had the chance. But the northern winter always brought tense situations, leaving little free time. Even if she did have the opportunity, Li Shuang wasn’t sure she’d want to return.

The capital was too refined and complex, with relationships that required careful maintenance. It lacked the rugged freedom of the north. It wasn’t really a place suited for her.

When Li Shuang returned to her tent, she saw Jin’an coming out. His eyes immediately found her through the crowd, and he walked towards her. Li Shuang crouched down, naturally scooping him up as he approached. “You didn’t go report to your Black Armored Warrior today?” she teased.

Jin’an considered this seriously. “If I did report to him, would you be angry?”

Li Shuang thought for a moment. “Before, I might have been. But now…” She smiled lightly. “He’s become a benefactor to Luchen. Though some of his actions were excessive, they didn’t harm the country. In fact… he protected my nation. I can’t be angry with him anymore. If you’re reporting to someone like that, I probably can’t be angry about that either.”

“Then would you marry him?” Jin’an asked abruptly.


This child’s thought process was as unpredictable as the Black Armored Warrior’s.

“That’s a different matter entirely.”

Jin’an frowned. “You don’t want to marry him? Why? Do you dislike him? His appearance? His body? Or is he not capable enough?”


She found herself at a loss for words, challenged by a child’s questions.

“I just… don’t know him,” she finally answered, then paused, realizing she’d been led by a child’s questioning. She glanced at Jin’an and set him down. “Go on, if you’re feeling better, get back to your training.”

As she turned to leave, a deputy approached to discuss business. They entered the main tent together. Outside, Jin’an watched her go, saying earnestly, “You will get to know him.”

He would make sure she got to know him.

His appearance, his body, everything – he was willing to show her, to let her understand. All she had to do was say she wanted to know.

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