Chapter 3

Jin’an began training alongside other young recruits in the military camp. Their tasks were considerably lighter than those of adult soldiers, consisting mainly of simple physical exercises and helping with miscellaneous chores.

Having finished the drills assigned by the squad leader early, Jin’an sat idly, gazing towards Li Shuang’s tent. His mind wandered as he contemplated his evening task: stealing clothes for his adult self.

Suddenly, a presence approached from behind. Jin’an’s eyes sharpened as he sensed a hand reaching for his neck. Swiftly, he bent his elbow and struck backward, hitting his assailant squarely in the chest. A pained cry echoed as the attacker fell heavily to the ground.

Turning around, Jin’an recognized the familiar face of Li Ting.

Always restless, Li Ting had grown bored listening to Li Shuang’s meetings with the general. Today, he had evaded his attendants to wander the camp aimlessly. Spotting Jin’an alone while other recruits were running, he decided to test the boy’s skills.

Rubbing his chest and struggling to breathe, Li Ting grudgingly admired Jin’an’s prowess. “Kid, do you have eyes in the back of your head?” he wheezed, unable to sit up. “Help me up, will you?”

Jin’an merely stared coldly, neither responding nor moving.

After an awkward moment, Li Ting gritted his teeth and stood up on his own. Instead of leaving, he lingered, studying Jin’an before asking sheepishly, “You’re quite skilled. Who’s your master? Could they teach me too?”

“Don’t know,” Jin’an replied curtly, resuming his vigil in Li Shuang’s tent.

Li Ting persisted, sitting beside him. “Well… how about you teach me instead?”

Met with silence, Li Ting observed Jin’an’s gaze and hatched a plan. “I grew up with my sister. I know everything about her,” he offered slyly.

Jin’an’s eyes flickered with interest.

“If you teach me martial arts, I might share some things about my sister. Like her favorite foods and interests,” Li Ting continued, flashing a charming smile.

Jin’an agreed.

It wasn’t until ten days later that Li Shuang discovered Li Ting was learning from Jin’an. She was both amused and exasperated.

Their family had hired the best martial arts instructor in the Great Jin Dynasty Li Ting. Yet here he was, abandoning his studies in the capital to learn from a mere child in this northern frontier. If their instructor found out, he’d die of shame in their general’s mansion.

Li Ting had wisely kept it secret until now. Li Shuang only learned of it because Li Ting had beaten up a fellow recruit for bullying Jin’an.

Facing the three adolescents, Li Shuang massaged her temples before addressing Li Ting. She struck his palms ten times, asking, “Do you know why I’m punishing you?”

Li Ting replied contritely, “I’ve caused trouble for you, sister, making you deal with such trivial matters in the military camp.”

“Good that you understand,” Li Shuang nodded.

Indeed, it was a minor issue any squad leader could have handled, but who else dared discipline the son of the Grand Marshal?

Li Shuang then turned to the bully, administering the same punishment. “Do you know why I’m punishing you?” she asked.

Pale with fear, the young soldier stammered, “B-because I led others in bullying the recruit and… poured water on his bed. I’m sorry, General.”

“Good that you understand,” Li Shuang repeated.

Finally, she approached Jin’an, who hesitated before extending his hands. He deliberately delayed, savoring Li Shuang’s attention.

Li Shuang struck his palms ten times without hesitation. “Do you know why I’m punishing you?” she asked.

“No,” Jin’an replied candidly.

Taken aback by his frankness, Li Shuang paused before saying, “If you don’t know, extend your hands again.”

Jin’an received another ten strikes.

“Do you understand now?” Li Shuang asked.

Jin’an shook his head. “No.”

Li Shuang took a deep breath, her patience wearing thin.

Li Ting, unable to watch any longer, quickly intervened. “Jin’an, Jin’an, you’re somewhat wrong for having conflicts with seniors without knowing how to resolve them, being arrogant, and secretly skipping training to teach me.” He turned to Li Shuang, “Sister, he understands his mistakes now.”

However, Jin’an unexpectedly undermined Li Ting’s efforts. “I have no conflicts with them. They simply dislike me, which is irrelevant to me.”

Li Ting coughed, taken aback.

Jin’an continued candidly, “I’ve completed all my training, never skipped any. There’s nothing wrong with teaching him. I don’t know what I’ve done wrong.” He looked up at Li Shuang, his gaze clear and calm. He wasn’t challenging her, merely stating facts. “But if striking my palms makes you happy, you can continue. As long as it makes you happy.”

Both Li Ting and Li Shuang were at a loss for words. Li Shuang massaged her temples, thinking to herself how difficult children were becoming these days.

She waved her hand dismissively. “All right, all right, all of you, out.”

Just then, Qin Lan entered, barely glancing at the three youths. “General, a small village thirty li north of Lu City has requested grain due to recent heavy snowfall. The city guard asked to borrow troops to escort the supplies.”

Li Shuang quickly decided, “It’s not far from here. Send thirty men led by a squad leader.”

As Qin Lan acknowledged the order, Li Ting exclaimed, “Let me go too! I’ve been here for over ten days and haven’t done anything interesting. Sister, let me help escort the grain. I want to gain some experience.”

After a moment’s consideration, Li Shuang agreed, “Fine, but stay with the troops, don’t wander off, and obey the squad leader’s orders.”

“Great!” Li Ting cheerfully tugged at Jin’an. “Let’s go, little master.”

However, Jin’an remained motionless. “I’m not going.”

Surprised, Li Ting asked, “Why not?”

“I’ll stay in the camp,” Jin’an replied, looking at Li Shuang. “I don’t want to go anywhere.”

Li Ting shrugged it off and happily bounded out alone.

Jin’an remained standing. Li Shuang asked, “Anything else?”

Jin’an shook his head but, sensing her dismissive tone, reluctantly left. He lingered at the doorway, gazing at Li Shuang before reluctantly letting the curtain fall.

After Jin’an left, Li Shuang mused to herself, “Do I resemble this child’s mother… or father?”

As evening approached and the grain escort hadn’t returned, Li Shuang grew uneasy. Suddenly, a lookout reported billowing smoke from the village thirty li north of Lu City.

Li Shuang immediately sensed trouble.

She summoned Luo Teng: “Have the Western Rong troops moved?”

“No,” Luo Teng replied, “but our spies have noticed bandits stirring at the Western Rong border recently.”

“Get armored. Prepare a thousand troops. We leave for thirty li north of Lu City in half an incense stick’s time.”

As they prepared to depart, one of the thirty soldiers sent to escort the grain stumbled back, falling before Li Shuang’s horse. “General,” he croaked, “Western Rong bandits have captured the young master. They’re demanding five thousand shi of grain in exchange!”

Li Shuang’s face turned icy. “Where are the bandits now?”

“They’ve taken the young master to a stone fortress fifty to sixty li further north…”

Qin Lan’s expression was grave. He urged his horse closer to Li Shuang. “General, with a stone fortress, a frontal assault would be risky. We can replenish the grain, but we can’t risk the young master’s safety.”

Li Shuang, the adopted daughter of General Li Wei, knew that Li Ting was the general’s cherished son and hope for the future. If anything happened to Li Ting under her watch, she couldn’t face the old man.

After a moment of contemplation, Li Shuang spoke, “This harsh winter has only begun to reveal grain shortages. If mere bandits can hold a prince of Great Jin for ransom, we face a difficult winter indeed. We cannot risk Li Ting’s safety, nor can we simply hand over five thousand shi of grain.”

“What do you propose, General?”

“Select ten men trained in internal martial arts to accompany me tonight.”

Qin Lan was shocked. “General…”

Li Shuang gazed northwest, her eyes sharp as blades. “I’ll bring him back myself.”

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