HomeShadow LoveChapter 30

Chapter 30

Three commanders accompanied Li Shuang southward. All were borrowed from the general’s office, and each had a background in the martial arts world. The most capable among them was Fu Changqing, former leader of the Qinglin Sect.

Years ago, when Fu Changqing was pursued by enemies, General Li Lan saved him. At that time, Li Lan was leading troops to the frontier. To repay this life-saving kindness, Fu Changqing joined the military under General Li’s command. Over the years, he followed the General in campaigns across the land, becoming a renowned commander of the Great Jin Dynasty.

When Li Shuang asked Li Lan for help, Fu Changqing volunteered before Li Lan could speak. His former Qinglin Sect was near the southwest, making him most familiar with the area.

Dozens of miles from South Long Mountain, Li Shuang ordered the troops to halt and set up camp. In this southwestern region, the tents were less portable than in the northern frontier, mainly using mosquito nets to guard against snakes, insects, and rodents.

As soon as they stopped, Li Shuang had people burn insect-repelling incense throughout the camp. When Fu Changqing found her, she was lighting incense in her tent.

“General,” Fu Changqing said worriedly, “burning incense on such a large scale might reveal our presence to those watching from South Long Mountain. It seems unwise.”

“It’s fine,” Li Shuang replied, setting down the incense. “The Five Spirits Sect fears insects more than people. It doesn’t matter if they discover us; I don’t intend to fight them.”

Fu Changqing was stunned. “No fighting? Then what about these fifty thousand soldiers?”

Li Shuang waved dismissively, assuring him. She then summoned the other two vice generals and spread a map on the table. “Fu General, you’re familiar with this area. Do you know which mountain the Five Spirits Sect occupies?”

“I’ve never been close to the Five Spirits Sect. They’re incredibly secretive. Few who enter their territory survive. Based on reports from recent years, people who entered these areas rarely returned.”

Li Shuang outlined the region with a thin rod. “All within South Long Mountain?”


Li Shuang pondered for a moment. “The Five Spirits Sect is a martial arts sect that uses insect magic. I’ve seen their methods. It’s unlike conventional combat; our soldiers won’t fare well in close quarters.”

Fu Changqing nodded. “The Five Spirits Sect likely has few members. If we take time to teach our soldiers to avoid and repel insects, we could force our way in…”

“We don’t have that much time, General Fu,” Li Shuang interrupted, pointing at the map. “We’ll divide our fifty thousand troops into three routes. Left General, take twenty thousand east. General Qian, led twenty thousand west. Surround South Long Mountain, cut down trees to isolate it. General Fu, kept ten thousand troops to guard the camp. I’ll negotiate with the Five Spirits Sect leader first. If talks fail…” She pointed at South Long Mountain on the map. “Burn it down.”

The killing intent in Li Shuang’s words startled the three generals.

Fu Changqing realized that Li Shuang’s purpose in bringing fifty thousand soldiers wasn’t to forcefully enter South Long Mountain but to add weight to her negotiations.

The Five Spirits Sect had long been rooted in South Long Mountain; it was their home. Li Shuang was willing to gamble, but the sect might not have the courage to gamble with her. Moreover, by avoiding direct contact with the sect, the safety of the soldiers could be maximized.

It was a brilliant move, worthy of the General’s daughter.

As Fu Changqing pondered this, Li Shuang issued her orders: “Time is of the essence. Start clearing trees tonight. Any objections, generals?”

“We obey!” the three responded in unison before leaving the tent.

Li Shuang gazed into the distance, where the main peak of South Long Mountain stood majestically in the warm southern wind.

This journey from the northern frontier had taken her across the entire Great Jin, leaving behind Li Shuang and welcoming spring winds to arrive in the nearly summer-like south. Yet Li Shuang couldn’t relax. She constantly wondered: Was that person still alive? Still suffering? Or had they been tamed by the Shaman Guide, or even killed?

If he were dead, what would become of her impulsive thousand-mile journey? To whom could she confide her tumultuous emotions?

The warm wind entered the tent, seemingly from the mountaintop, caressing her cheek. Li Shuang suddenly felt an inexplicable flutter in her heart, coming and going so quickly it seemed like a momentary illusion.

In two days, a visible circle had been cleared around the base of South Long Mountain. A messenger was sent to invite the Shaman Guide for a meeting at noon the next day.

To Li Shuang’s surprise, the Shaman Guide arrived with the returning messenger.

Dressed in silk robes, holding a jade fan, his hair loosely tied, the Shaman Guide walked into the military camp with an innocuous expression, following the wooden-faced messenger.

Receiving the news, Li Shuang went out to meet him. Upon seeing her, the Shaman Guide’s eyes lit up with feigned delight, as if encountering an old friend. He closed his fan and waved at Li Shuang. “Oh, General Li, it’s been a while.” He showed no sign of being a person who had harmed others.

The curious soldiers around them scrutinized him.

Knowing the danger this man posed, with his unpredictable insect magic, Li Shuang eyed him coldly, then glanced at the messenger. “Withdraw your insects, and we can talk properly.”

The Shaman Guide chuckled. “Of course. I’m not here to cause harm.” He turned his palm to the messenger’s ear, and soon, a black insect crawled out. The messenger immediately closed his eyes and collapsed with a thud.

The surrounding soldiers gasped in fear. The Shaman Guide retrieved the insect, smiling at Li Shuang with a hint of goodwill.

Li Shuang coldly gestured towards the tent. “Please, come inside.”

Once seated, Li Shuang suppressed her urgency to inquire about the mysterious person and addressed the Shaman Guide: “The Five Spirits Sect leader arrives so promptly, not allowing me to prepare a proper welcome.”

“Aren’t those trenches you dug around South Long Mountain a grand welcome, General Li?”

Li Shuang calmly sipped her tea. “The fire hasn’t been set yet. That’s hardly a welcome.”

The Shaman Guide laughed. “General Li is indeed decisive. I thought you brought fifty thousand men to their deaths, but it seems you intend to slaughter my South Long Mountain.”

“You exaggerate, Sect Leader. I’m only here to find someone,” Li Shuang set down her teacup, her eyes as cold as northern winter blades. “If the person is here, South Long Mountain stands. If not… this mountain of dead trees would be an eyesore.”

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