HomeSki into LoveChapter 48: The Tiger and Elizabeth's Circle

Chapter 48: The Tiger and Elizabeth’s Circle

Dai Duo’s call wasn’t answered by Wei Zhi. During class, she had her phone confiscated like an elementary school student. While still rolling around on the snow trying to change her blade edge, she looked up and saw Shan Chong, who had been by her side, suddenly stop. After a pause, he took her phone from his pocket, glanced at it, and told her: “Jiang Nanfeng.”

Wei Zhi, already aching all over from falling, raised her arms and cheered: “Nanfeng’s calling me for dinner! Class dismissed! Class dismissed!”

Shan Chong gestured with his chin for her to continue changing her blade edge instead of slacking off, then casually answered the phone for her.

Both sides said “Hello” simultaneously, then fell silent at the same time. After a moment, Shan Chong was the first to react, “Dai Duo?”

“Mm,” Dai Duo’s voice sounded nonchalant, “Did yours end up in the hospital too? Why do you have her phone?”

Wei Zhi had her phone confiscated because when Jiang Nanfeng was around, she would use excuses like “I’m waiting for Nanfeng” or “Nanfeng is waiting for me” to rest by herself…

When Jiang Nanfeng wasn’t around, she’d say “My phone rang,” treating every little disturbance as “my phone rang.” Sometimes even a bill message from 10086 was enough for her to sit down by the slope and rest for five minutes.

That’s why her phone was confiscated.

Although Shan Chong didn’t feel the need to explain this to Dai Duo.

“If you can’t speak properly, I suggest you keep your mouth shut,” the man said expressionlessly. “What do you mean by ‘too’?”

Three minutes later, Shan Chong hung up the phone.

Looking up, he saw Wei Zhi attempt a front edge change, only to slap flat onto the snow, kicking up a wall of snow dust. She lay face-down on the slope, sliding down a meter or two before stopping.

After a while, she lifted her snow-covered head from the surface, silently got on her knees, and furtively glanced around. Confirming no one was watching, she supported herself with one hand and rubbed her chest with the other.

Shan Chong: “…”

Pocketing the phone, he slowly slid over to her.

Wei Zhi, hiding behind her face guard, was wincing and thinking how fortunate it was that her chest was real, otherwise, ten of them would have burst from the fall. The next moment, she felt a shadow block the light. Her posture froze as she looked up.

Her gaze traveled from the familiar black Mach board, past his snow pants, and his snow jacket, to his cold and noble jawline… Through the snow goggles, she met the man’s calm eyes, and her face suddenly flushed. She quickly removed her hand from her chest.

“What?” she asked defiantly.

The man stood before her with his hands behind his back, ignoring her false bravado: “Dai Duo just called. He said Jiang Nanfeng hit the net on the advanced slope after colliding with Yu and Lei. He injured his hand and foot, but—”

Before he could finish, the young girl grabbed his pants, pulling herself up forcefully. Without a word, she took off her gloves and reached into his pocket for her phone—

Feeling a pair of small paws rummaging over his body, from waist to chest, the man endured for three seconds before he could bear it no longer. He swatted away her hands, unzipped his chest pocket, took out her phone, and tossed it to her…

As she fumbled to catch the phone, he quickly pulled up his pants.

He silently vowed that in the future, if he had something to say, he’d keep three meters away and just shout it.

Looking down, he watched her frantically redial the previous number. Because of her helmet and face guard, she had to use speakerphone. The phone rang twice before being answered. Dai Duo’s lazy voice came through, his tone not particularly pleasant: “What is it now?”

Hearing his voice, Wei Zhi panicked even more.

Covering her mouth with one hand, she exclaimed in shock: “Why are you answering the phone? Can’t she even speak?”

Shan Chong stood by, coldly watching this girl who hadn’t even let him finish earlier, now performing her “the sky is falling” act. When he got tired of standing and watching, he simply sat down to observe—

He even took off his snow goggles for a clearer view of her flapping about like a bird, on the verge of tears.

At this moment, the person on the other end of the phone was startled by the young girl’s tearful voice. After a three-second silence: “It’s just a sprained muscle, he’ll be fine after resting for two days, it’s not a big deal… What did Shan Chong tell you earlier? Is there a problem with his comprehension or his expression?”

Wei Zhi: “…”


He’ll be fine after resting for two days.

It’s not a big deal.

Hearing Dai Duo say this, Wei Zhi’s heart, which had been on a rollercoaster, suddenly landed. The tears that had been forming in her eyes were swallowed back.

“He didn’t say anything,” she said, her voice still slightly hoarse from the lingering shock. She looked up, glaring at Shan Chong, her face clearly saying: Did you do this on purpose?

Shan Chong had never been so wrongly accused in his life.

He raised an eyebrow, but before he could scold her, the person on the other end of the phone quickly picked up the thread: “Oh, then he must have done it on purpose.”

“…Dai Duo, she’s on speakerphone.”

Sitting on the snow, the man’s voice was cold enough to form icicles. He then turned to Wei Zhi, “I hadn’t finished speaking before you started crying. Did you give me a chance to finish from the moment you started fumbling for your phone?”

Wei Zhi thought about it seriously.

“Ah,” Wei Zhi said.

“Is playing dumb enough?” Shan Chong said, “From the day I was born until now, no one has ever caused me such great injustice.”

“Everyone has to have such a day,” Wei Zhi argued.

Shan Chong silently looked at her.

She quietly put away her phone: “I was wrong. Next time I’ll let you finish speaking.”

Shan Chong stood up, supporting himself on the ground, looking down at her: “Take off your board, I’ll take you down the mountain.”

Wei Zhi reflexively followed the order, sat down to remove her board, and stood up holding it. She watched as the man casually took her board, then told her to take off her “turtle” too, before she realized: “You’re taking me down?”

“By the time you fumble your way down, Jiang Nanfeng’s injury will have healed,” the man tucked her board under his arm, swaying his board left and right as he moved in front of her. “Sit.”

Wei Zhi took off her “turtle,” hanging both it and her board on him, and skillfully climbed onto his board between the two bindings, hugging his legs as she sat down.

After a thought, she suddenly looked up: “Can I—”

She was about to ask if she could go down the mountain in a more elegant posture.

Before she could finish, she heard a sharp intake of breath from above.

She quickly grabbed his leg and asked “What’s wrong?” As she spoke, she saw the man’s face change dramatically from the intense pain. He bent over, clutching a certain area below, the muscles of the leg she was holding suddenly tensing. Even through the snow goggles, she could feel his face turning ashen!

“You didn’t take off your helmet! What are you raising your head for?!”

He used an unprecedentedly sharp tone!

Wei Zhi was startled. She stared at him blankly, taking a moment to realize what had happened. She let out an “Ah” and instinctively wanted to reach out to rub the painful area for him…

Her hand stretched out stiffly.

Just as her gloved hand was about to make contact, she suddenly realized that wasn’t a place she could casually “rub.” She pulled her hand back as if burned. “S-sorry!”

She hesitated for three seconds, her hand frozen in mid-air, itching to do something: “Do you want to rub it yourself?”

She paused again: “Or…?”

That infinitely suggestive “Or…”

Shan Chong endured the pain, staring at her with his expressionless black eyes for three seconds—

Confirming that she had genuinely asked such a question, his temple throbbed.

“…Wei Zhi.”


“Shut up, don’t anger me anymore.”


Hugging his thigh down to the equipment hall, Wei Zhi tumbled off Shan Chong’s board, grabbed her board, and was about to rush out when Shan Chong pulled her back.

“Slow down,” he said, “If you fall too, we’ll have two cripples. Want to go to dinner every day shoulder to shoulder, three-legged race style?”


How can such a good mouth not speak human words?

Just as Wei Zhi was about to say something, Shan Chong sighed: “I’ll go with you to take a look.”

The young girl in his grasp turned back, looking at him warily, her round eyes full of confusion, as if to say, what are you going for? Are you worried that a good Olympic prospect might get injured?

Her expression was quite animated. Shan Chong found it amusing, his perpetual poker face showing a hint of a smile. He raised his hand and patted her forehead: “I answered the phone, so out of courtesy I should also visit… Are you jealous of this too?”

Wei Zhi felt like she had gone mad.

Covering her forehead, she complained, “It’s all your fault, you started it.”

Shan Chong kindly refrained from arguing about who had started spouting nonsense first. Instead, he lightly reprimanded her in a tone that was unclear whether it was serious or joking: “This won’t do either. Although you’re the youngest, there are over a hundred fellow disciples in the group. If you’re used to monopolizing the master like this, you’ll be ganged up on in the future.”

Wei Zhi: “…”

His statement had a very player-like vibe and might have even contained a hint of warning mixed in with truth and jest.


When he referred to himself as “master,” her face still turned red uncontrollably. She felt that when he said these two words with a smile in his voice, it sounded so incredibly attractive, earth-shatteringly charming.

A dog’s mouth might spit out ivory.

Perhaps it was the rush of emotions or a surge of courage, but relying on her face guard for cover, Wei Zhi stared into his eyes: “Let them gang up then.”

Indirectly, she was admitting her possessiveness. After speaking, she nervously swallowed, making a gulping sound. She waited for a while but only heard the man chuckle, causing her faceguard to move slightly. She paused, then couldn’t help but stare at him again.

Until his slightly curved eyes gradually straightened: “What?”

“I’ve never seen you laugh properly,” she said, averting her gaze. She cleared her throat, almost as if trying to cover up her embarrassment, and adjusted her tightly secured face guard. Pretending to be nonchalant, she muttered, “That sarcastic laugh meant to scare people doesn’t count—”

“Have you considered that maybe I just can’t laugh when I’m with you?”

“Why? I’ve learned to change edges very well today.”

“You fall once every two S-turns. Tomorrow, the snow groomer won’t even need to come to work.”

As they talked, they walked back. The man had already taken off his gloves and was holding Wei Zhi’s hoodie like a leash. Their pace was slow despite wanting to move faster.

When they reached the equipment hall, she felt the pull on her hood loosen.

She made a questioning sound and turned her head like an obedient pet, only to see the man make a turn at the door, picking up a Mach board identical to the one he was carrying. He looked at it, then casually tucked it under his arm.

Wei Zhi: “?”

Shan Chong walked over, probably noticing Wei Zhi’s curious gaze, and said: “Dog’s board.”

Wei Zhi: “Who? Oh, Dai Duo… Why is his board here?”

Shan Chong: “He probably rushed to take Jiang Nanfeng back to the hotel and left it here. He might be insane… Just because nobody takes regular boards doesn’t mean no one will take a Mach board left here. Last year there were blind spots in the resort’s surveillance cameras, don’t know if they’ve improved this year—”

Wei Zhi looked at the two identical black Mach boards in the man’s hands, the same brand and model… She hesitated, then asked: “How do you know this is Dai Duo’s board?”

Shan Chong flipped the board over, pointing with his chin for her to look—unlike Shan Chong’s clean board with nothing on it, Dai Duo’s board was covered with various custom stickers: from ski equipment stores nationwide (sponsors), amateur skiing organizations, or brand logos…

It was completely covered.

Shan Chong: “It’s his.”

Wei Zhi: “He just left such an expensive board on the ground? Couldn’t he have asked a friend to come and collect it before going down the mountain…”

Shan Chong: “That would require having friends.”

Wei Zhi: “?”

Shan Chong: “With that mouth of his, I doubt he has any friends.”

Wei Zhi: “…”

You’re not much better.

As Wei Zhi was thinking this to herself, they walked side by side into the equipment hall, preparing to pass through to return to the hotel. Shan Chong was lowering his head to ask the young girl beside him if she wanted to loosen her ski boots first…

At that moment, a black shadow darted out from the side, snatching the Mach board from Shan Chong’s hand—

The man didn’t even have time to react.

He felt the board being forcefully pulled away, the metal edge of the board scraping across his palm, causing a searing pain!

Immediately after, he heard the young girl beside him scream. In the next second, she stepped forward quickly, catching the board with both hands as the person was about to slam it on the ground: “Lao Yan, what are you doing?! Have you gone mad?!”

In her urgency, her voice was both sharp and shrill. Calling out the person’s name, her small frame supporting the board, her hands gripping the edges tightly to prevent it from being smashed, the scene looked absurd—as if she might be flattened at any moment.

She nervously stared at Lao Yan’s grim face, never imagining such a cold and frenzied expression could appear on his face. It was as if he didn’t recognize anyone, his eyes red.

She gripped the board’s edges tightly, neither of them letting go. The sharp edges pressed into her fair palms, turning them bright red—

Lao Yan, originally glaring fiercely, caught a glimpse of Wei Zhi’s hands from the corner of his eye. He hesitated, his gaze flickering, and finally spoke in a hoarse voice: “Get out of the way, don’t meddle in other people’s business.”

He was still aggressive, showing no intention of letting go…

But he also wasn’t forcibly trying to take the board from her anymore.

Wei Zhi was furious at this point and of course, wouldn’t back down: “Are you insane? If you have something to be angry about, can’t you just say it? Why do you have to smash someone else’s board? Do you know how expensive this board is?!”

Lao Yan sneered: “So what if it’s expensive? You think I can’t afford to pay for it?”

Wei Zhi: “Is that the point?! The point is why are you smashing someone else’s board!”

By now, a crowd had gathered in the equipment hall, watching a tall young man and a small girl fighting over a 160cm wide snowboard…

The snowboard was longer than the girl; she was barely managing to support it in a lunge position to keep it from falling to the ground.

Lao Yan was somewhat of a celebrity in the skiing circle, with several hundred thousand followers on short video platforms. Seeing him cause such a scene, the surrounding people were discussing what might have happened—

Half of them guessed it was a romantic dispute.

A few people, seeing Wei Zhi about to be crushed by the snowboard, were about to step in to help. At that moment, a hand reached out from the side, gripping the tail of the Mach board from behind Wei Zhi.

“Have you made enough of a spectacle?”

A low, slightly hoarse voice sounded from behind.

Wei Zhi turned her head and was startled by the person behind her.

Without a doubt, Shan Chong was extremely good-looking, but at this moment she suddenly realized that sometimes, his handsome face could become secondary—

Like when he was angry.

A chilling aura and a lofty, arrogant pressure easily spread around him, making those nearby feel suffocated.

Wei Zhi had never seen him truly angry before. His eyes were like a cold pond, bottomless and icy.

It wasn’t for nothing that Shan Chong could have so many disciples, all respectful towards him.

At this moment, as the man’s sharp black eyes swept over, it seemed as if the air around them had been sucked out. The people who had been whispering around them fell silent, not daring to breathe—

Including Lao Yan.

Locked in that emotionless gaze, Lao Yan froze, instinctively loosening his grip on the snowboard.

The heavy snowboard fell, and if the man hadn’t been standing behind to catch it, it would have hit Wei Zhi on the head… She let out an “Ouch” as her hands supported the board, taking most of the weight. She looked back at the man standing behind her. Seeing that she had a firm grip on the board, he let go and said, looking down: “Put it aside.”

Wei Zhi obeyed, struggling to carry the board that was longer than she was tall to put it aside.

Shan Chong’s gaze returned to Lao Yan.

“What did I tell you before? Aren’t you ashamed with all these eyes watching? What will people say? Two well-known skiers in the circle making such a scene over a student, does that sound good? Will it bring glory to either of you?”

The man’s voice was icy and emotionless. “…Chong ge.”

Lao Yan cowered, not even daring to call him “master.” He hesitantly glanced at the man, saw how displeased he looked, and knew that if he didn’t explain clearly today, he wouldn’t be able to get past this.

So, gritting his teeth, his face ashen, he said: “Don’t speak for that trash Dai Duo. How did he beg you back then, and how did he treat you now? He’s just a scumbag! I don’t look down on him because of the teaching thing. I know you’re right, it’s Jiang Nanfeng’s freedom to choose who teaches her, but there was no need to teach on the first day to—”

The bedroom.

With so many people watching in public, Lao Yan considered that in his haste he had mentioned Jiang Nanfeng’s name, and forcibly swallowed the last three words.

But at the mention of Dai Duo, his gaze became even more disgusted… That face, not yet fully shed of its youthful college student appearance, wiped clean of its usual smile, was filled with contempt.

“Smashing his board is nothing. If he were in front of me, I could tear him apart.”

As Lao Yan finished speaking, Wei Zhi, who had just dragged Dai Duo’s board to the side, heard his statement and was completely confused—

Nanfeng had been injured by the smoke bombs, and Dai Duo had sent her back to the hotel and even called to inform her. She couldn’t thank him enough…

What was Lao Yan angry about?

Was he angry for nothing?

Was he angry that Dai Duo had taken too good care of Jiang Nanfeng and hadn’t let her die on the net?

She couldn’t understand at all.

Struggling to push through the crowd that had gathered again, she was about to say something to ask Lao Yan what exactly was wrong that made him so angry. At that moment, from the corner of her eye, she noticed the man standing there in his all-black snow gear, his right hand slightly curled unnaturally.

Earlier, when he caught the snowboard, he had used this hand, and as soon as he confirmed that Wei Zhi wouldn’t be hit by the board, he had withdrawn his hand.

It didn’t take much effort to realize that the man had been holding Dai Duo’s board with this hand when Lao Yan appeared and snatched it away forcefully…

Wei Zhi suddenly had a bad feeling.

Her heart rate accelerated.

Her small frame desperately pushed through the people blocking her, re-entering the center of the incident. She didn’t even spare a glance at Lao Yan, rushing to the man’s side in a few steps. She grabbed his right hand with both of hers, lifted it, and pried it open—

The deep, blood-red wound on the man’s palm shocked her eyes.

Her mind buzzing, she saw the torn flesh and blood flowing all over his hand…

Even if she hadn’t noticed something was wrong, in two more seconds, the blood would have dripped to the ground.

Wei Zhi blinked rapidly twice, momentarily stunned. She looked up helplessly, just as he lowered his gaze to meet hers.

“It’s nothing,” the man said softly, trying to pull his hand away. “I’ll bandage it in a bit.”

Wei Zhi held onto his fingers, refusing to let go.

She turned back and shouted at her senior: “Lao Yan! Are you rabid? Can’t you talk things out properly? Look what you’ve done! Come here and see your master’s hand!”

The young girl’s shout was full-throated, her fierce yet childish voice echoing throughout the equipment hall—

Everyone was stunned, and the entire hall fell silent.

Amidst Wei Zhi’s fury, Lao Yan finally saw the crimson on the man’s palm. He suddenly realized he had done something incredibly stupid. He deflated completely…

Whether it was about Dai Duo or not didn’t matter anymore.

He had injured his master.

That was enough to make his world collapse.

He didn’t know what to say, standing there in a daze… He looked up to see his junior sister pulling the man’s arm, trying to take him to the infirmary. The man had shed his earlier coldness and low pressure, looking down and speaking gently to her—

“Let go, I’m fine.”

“What do you mean fine! This needs stitches!”

“What stitches for a palm-sized wound?”

“Is something wrong with your eyes? The flesh is visible! Look at it yourself… Never mind, don’t look, it’ll hurt more if you do.”

“Let’s resolve Lao Yan’s issue first.”

“Forget about them,” Wei Zhi held the man’s hand, not letting go. Hearing that he still wanted to resolve these young people’s problems first, she turned back and gave Lao Yan a cold glance. “If they’re so happy to argue, let them argue to their heart’s content. If that’s not enough, let them fight. Whoever dies, bury them.”

She was so angry that she reverted to childish language.

Realizing this, she abruptly closed her mouth.

Her heart pounding anxiously, she bit her lower lip and looked up at him, calling out in a careful voice: “Let’s go to the infirmary first, okay?”

As she spoke, she gently tugged at his fingertips.

She didn’t dare use force, afraid of hurting him.

The usually argumentative young girl now had her lower lip bitten red as if about to bleed… She stared at him with her rabbit-like eyes, speaking with a nasal tone, unprecedentedly obedient—

Shan Chong only hesitated for three seconds.

She was the youngest, his little disciple. Although usually a bit foolish and argumentative, enough to drive one mad, at critical moments she knew how to be coy.

As the lofty master, he seemed unable to refuse her.

The man’s Adam’s apple moved slowly. After what seemed like an eternity to Wei Zhi, his shoulders relaxed, and he no longer tried to pull his hand away…

Lowering his eyes to hide his emotions, amidst the shocked gazes of those around, he said: “Alright.”

It was like a tiger in the mountain forest, one moment about to smash a giant boulder with its paw, showing its might, and the next moment lowering its head, willingly allowing someone to put an Elizabethan collar on it. (*Elizabethan collar: A protective medical device worn by animals to prevent them from licking or scratching at injuries or wounds. It resembles a lampshade or a funnel collar, also known as the “cone of shame.”)

The dramatic scene concluded with the infirmary as its final stage.

The young girl vigilantly watched the man enter the infirmary. Fortunately, the doctor hadn’t left yet. Seeing the wound, the doctor exclaimed “Oh my, oh my,” and scolded these skiers: “Wear gloves when handling boards! Is this your first-day skiing? Haven’t you heard that even experienced drivers can crash?”

Shan Chong could only rub his nose as he was lectured.

Wei Zhi opened the infirmary door and walked out. She saw Lao Yan crouching outside like a stray dog. After some thought, she said softly to him: “I don’t know what you’re going crazy about, but today Nanfeng was caught in the net by Yu and Lei. She injured her hand and foot, and Dai Duo sent her back to the hotel… I’m very grateful to him.”

Wei Zhi finished speaking in a few sentences, watching Lao Yan’s face change from white to red to green, and finally to a completely bloodless pale.

She guessed he had misunderstood something, but she didn’t bother to ask. She turned away and took out her phone to call Jiang Nanfeng.

The call was answered, this time by Jiang Nanfeng herself. Her voice sounded lazy, not much different from usual. She started with a barrage of scolding: “Where are you? Why aren’t you back to take care of me yet? Last time when you fell, I threw down my board and ran to find you… Can’t you show the same consideration?”

Hearing her scold with such vigor, Wei Zhi first felt relieved.

She then gripped the phone tightly, glancing at the soul-departed Lao Yan crouching by the wall behind her, and said softly into the phone: “I was about to come back, but at the equipment hall, Lao Yan and Shan Chong suddenly got into a fight over Dai Duo’s snowboard…”

There was a three-second silence on the other end of the phone, clearly trying to digest this sentence that contained three names and a complex, confusing situation.

After a while, Jiang Nanfeng dropped her joking tone and asked in bewilderment: “Aren’t Shan Chong and Lao Yan always together, practically joined at the hip? Don’t they both dislike Dai Duo? Do they get into a fight over the snowboard of someone they both dislike? How? Why? Are relationships in the snow circle this chaotic?”

Wei Zhi couldn’t answer either; it was too complicated. She’d have to explain to Jiang Nanfeng that Lao Yan was essentially upset because she took Dai Duo’s class…

“How are you now?” She changed to a topic she cared about.

“I used some Yunnan Baiyao, I’m quite alright. My hand is gradually able to move a bit, just a little swollen. Bring me something to eat when you come back,” Jiang Nanfeng said, then paused, suddenly remembering to ask, “It’s dark outside now, where are you?”

“At the infirmary.”

“The infirmary? Who’s injured?”

“Shan Chong.”

Her mood dropped again, her voice very hoarse, “Lao Yan grabbed Dai Duo’s board, he was holding it, and the board edge cut his hand, there was so much blood—”

“Wei Zhi, did you cry earlier when you heard from Dai Duo that I fell?”


“That’s more like it,” Jiang Nanfeng said. “Don’t cry now. Even if the board edge is sharp, it’s not a kitchen knife. No matter how deep the wound is, stitches will fix it. Don’t crouch beside him dripping tears, adding to his burden—”

Wei Zhi rubbed her eyes, her voice extremely hoarse: “I’m not crying.”

She sounded even more pitiful than if she were crying.

“Nanfeng, his hand bled so much, can I stay here to watch him finish bandaging before coming back to see you?”

The young girl pleaded pitifully and humbly, “I’ll even feed you dinner, just wait for me another thirty minutes…!”

“You called just to say this?” Jiang Nanfeng was puzzled. “Didn’t Dai Duo tell you I’m fine… Wei Zhi, can you please stop crying? I’m not dead, and neither is the Chong god.”

“I’m not crying!” Wei Zhi crouched outside the infirmary. “I just worried you might be inconvenienced waiting for me to return to the hotel…”

“There’s no need,” Jiang Nanfeng said seriously. “You want to wait on me?”

“Well, I feel like both sides are equally important—”

Wei Zhi said softly, genuinely feeling that this was a damn difficult problem, torn between a friend and the person she liked…

As she crouched on the ground, deeply troubled, wishing it was herself lying in the hospital bed instead.

Just then, the man’s voice suddenly sounded from behind: “Hm?”

Wei Zhi was stunned for a moment, thinking her ears were playing tricks on her.

Maintaining her position with the phone pressed to her ear, crouched into a ball, she slowly shuffled her feet to turn around. Looking up, she saw the man leaning against the infirmary doorframe, wearing his snow jacket, his hand wrapped in thick bandages.

His gaze lacked its previous sharpness, perhaps due to fatigue, appearing somewhat lazy.

Meeting his junior disciple’s bewildered gaze, he asked: “Who are you talking to? Jiang Nanfeng?”


Wei Zhi continued to be dumbfounded, eventually squeezing out an “Mm” from her nose.

She saw the man smile, his tone very gentle: “So, is the master the palm or the back of the hand?”



Forget it.

Can the Earth just explode?

Don’t wait even a second longer.

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