HomeSpring BanquetChapter 30: The Third Young Master Hid a Woman!

Chapter 30: The Third Young Master Hid a Woman!

“Madam Jiang Qi and the late Madam Bai Feng of Bai Manor were close, having exchanged handkerchiefs, cementing a deep bond. It was for this reason that Yan’er and the Fourth Miss were betrothed since childhood. Now that the Fourth Miss is no longer naive, marrying someone else in Yan’er’s place would tarnish Madam Jiang Qi’s reputation as untrustworthy.”

Jiang Xuanjin turned to the elderly patriarch, stating, “Madam Jiang Qi managed the Jiang household for many years, raising her eldest grandson with great merit. Can we so easily disregard her dying wish?”

Rarely verbose, Jiang Er Gongzi, who had been lost in thought, glanced at him in surprise.

What’s the fuss? It’s not even his wedding, so why the insistence that Jiang Yan marry the Fourth Miss Bai?

Mentioning the late Madam Jiang Qi cast a solemn pall over the room. Jiang Chong furrowed his brow and bowed to the elderly patriarch, “Father, I’ve met the Fourth Miss Bai. She carries herself gracefully and is extraordinarily elegant. If Yan’er can marry her, it would indeed be his good fortune.”

Ba Dezhong ng was somewhat taken aback, “General, you’ve met the Fourth daughter?”

“Yes,” Jiang Chong nodded, “Today, she greeted guests outside the manor. Despite coming alone, she displayed impeccable manners.”

Bai Zhuji at Jiang Manor?! Ba Dezhong ng’s face turned pale; how could she have the audacity? Coming alone and expecting entry? She must have already tarnished the Bai family’s reputation once before.

“Don’t be alarmed, Lord Bai,” Jiang Chong chuckled, “I speak no falsehoods. The Fourth Miss’s beauty and grace, coupled with her impeccable etiquette, left Yan’er awestruck at first sight.”

“Oh?” The elderly patriarch Jiang was surprised, “Why was I not informed of this?”

“Today has been eventful, Father, and I’ve yet to inform you,” Jiang Chong explained, “But everything I’ve said is true. Sir Bai, you underestimate this Fourth Miss.”

Ba Dezhong ng hesitated, recalling his encounter with Bai Zhuji at Bai Manor, shivering involuntarily and shaking his head repeatedly.

“Impeccable etiquette? That’s non-existent! That girl has caused enough chaos at Jiang Manor to undo all the ancestral virtues of the Bai family!”

“Since Big Brother mentioned it, I’m rather curious to meet this Fourth Miss Bai,” Jiang Shen smiled, “She’s come to Jiang Manor, hasn’t she? Send someone to invite her over.”

Jiang Xuanjin’s fingers paused on the prayer beads, his face stiffening slightly. “What’s the rush to meet her now? We should first discuss the wedding date.”

“If neither elder has met her, how can they discuss?” Jiang Shen countered.

“This marriage is already set. There’s nothing inappropriate about the Fourth Miss Bai; we should discuss the wedding date.”

“But we need to see her to know if she’s suitable,” Jiang Shen raised an eyebrow, glancing at Jiang Xuanjin, stroking his chin. “Third Brother seems rather strange today.”

Jiang Xuanjin fell silent. He couldn’t possibly allow someone to fetch Fourth Miss Bai to his Mo Residence. It would cause a tumult.

“That settles it,” Jiang’s elderly patriarch decided, “Shen’er, you go and find Fourth Miss Bai.”

“Alright.” Jiang Shen smiled, rising to his feet, his green bamboo robe swaying. He cast a glance at Jiang Xuanjin and headed out.

Jiang Xuanjin clenched the prayer beads in his sleeve, his knuckles turning white.

“Cheng Xu,” he whispered, turning his head to speak softly, “Find a way to bring Fourth Miss Bai here.”

Cheng Xu wanted to protest: the Second Young Master had already gone; what more was there for him to do? Yet, when he saw his master’s slightly tense jaw, Cheng Xu was startled into silence.

“Is it possible… she’s at the Mo Residence?!”

“Hurry,” Jiang Xuanjin glanced at him.

Cheng Xu understood and quietly slipped away, feeling a mix of amusement and incredulity. Fourth Miss Bai was truly remarkable; she had persuaded their master to fetch her and take her to the Mo Residence. In all his life, Cheng Xu had only ever obeyed his master, and now he couldn’t help but admire Fourth Miss Bai. It was unbelievable; how had she managed it?!

Qijin headed westward, searching. It didn’t take long to find the “friend” mentioned by Fourth Miss Bai, smiling as he informed him that she was resting at the Mo Residence due to an injury.

Lu Jingxing carefully folded his folding fan step by step, smiling slightly at her. “I understand.”

Li Huaiyu had already done the most she could, leaving the rest to him.

From a distance, a group of ten servants walked out of the front courtyard carrying tea, and the leader glanced in his direction. Lu Jingxing nodded, and the man nodded in understanding and led the others toward the Mo Residence.

Using her cane for support, she rummaged through a low cabinet nearby and found a matchstick.

The courtyard was heavily guarded, with numerous hidden guards in the main building. If she didn’t create a distraction, even if Lujing’s people were killed, they wouldn’t succeed.

Gritting her teeth, Huaiyu glanced at the incense burner beside her, picked it up, and carefully placed it on the low table near the soft couch. She then opened the lid shaped like a beast’s head, lit the incense, and casually tossed the still-burning matchstick onto the floor.

The attic was carpeted with woven silk tapestries, so the matchstick didn’t catch fire immediately. Patiently, Huaiyu held onto the matchstick to light the tapestry. Once the tapestry caught fire, she placed the matchstick on the floor, quickly lay back on the soft couch, closed her eyes, and pretended to sleep.

The room had many curtains and sheer drapes, and soon the fire on the tapestry fulfilled her expectations, spreading to the sheets hanging from the soft couch. Thick smoke billowed up in no time.

Sensing the fire was spreading enough, Li Huaiyu sat up abruptly, half-asleep, and yelled, “Help! Help!”

Outside, Yufeng sensed something amiss and heard her voice. Without hesitation, he pushed open the door and rushed in, only to turn pale at the sight before him.

The floor was on fire, and so was the soft couch. Thick smoke enveloped Fourth Miss Bai, making it seem as though she was ablaze!

“Miss Fourth!”

“Quick, save me! I can’t walk!” Huaiyu screamed desperately.

Looking around, Yufeng tore down a partition curtain and swiftly smothered the flames. The ashes scattered as he beat out the fire, making it hard for Huaiyu to breathe. She coughed violently a few times before falling silent.

Yufeng panicked. Stepping over the smoldering heap, he lifted her and broke through the window.

Cheng Xu hurried to the Mo Residence, pondering how to discreetly extract Fourth Miss Bai, when suddenly cries of alarm echoed around him.

Startled, he looked up and saw Yufeng leaping down from the two-story guest attic, burdened with a bundle of silk and embroidery, his appearance disheveled. Flames soared behind him, drawing the attention of countless servants who stopped to watch.

“Another fire! It’s out of control!” The servants ran about, shouting.

Cheng Xu snapped back to reality, furrowing his brow as he dashed into the courtyard. Upon seeing who Yufeng carried, everything went black before his eyes.

“This is bad!”

Among the servants rushing in to help, one froze upon seeing the girl on the ground. After a moment’s hesitation, he turned and sprinted out, shouting at the top of his lungs, “There’s a woman hidden in the Third Young Master’s room! There’s a woman hidden in the Third Young Master’s room!”

His voice was so loud that it instantly drowned out the calls of “Fire!”

In a moment of brief silence, the Jiang Manor erupted into chaos!

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