HomeSpring BanquetChapter 31: I Marry Her

Chapter 31: I Marry Her

For the Jiang household, known for its tight security, experiencing two fires in one day was an extraordinary event. It was enough to make Old Master Jiang furious and have the steward strung up for questioning.

However, upon hearing the shouts from the servants, Old Master Jiang released the steward’s collar and, overjoyed, turned to the person next to him. “You have someone hidden in the house?”

His tone was brimming with joy.

Jiang Xuanjin’s face flushed with a mix of emotions. He gripped the sandalwood prayer beads in his hand so tightly that they nearly broke.

“I…” He wanted to say, “I haven’t hidden anyone,” but saying that now would be completely unconvincing.

So, he chose to remain silent, his face darkening.

Silence meant consent! Old Master Jiang was elated. Leaning on his dragon-headed cane, he stood up and looked at Jiang Xuanjin, saying, “If you have a girl you like, bring her to see me. Do you think I wouldn’t allow her into the house? Why hide her? It only fuels idle gossip from those outside!”

Jiang Xuanjin, renowned from a young age and holding a high position, should logically have had multiple wives and concubines by now. However, he remained remarkably aloof and uninterested in such matters. He didn’t even have a single maidservant, leading to rumors outside the household speculating whether he had some hidden illness or perhaps a preference for men.

It wasn’t just outsiders who were worried; Old Master Jiang had been deeply concerned as well, to the point of losing his appetite for a long time. But now, his worries seemed unfounded. If Jiang Xuanjin could hide a girl in his room, then surely there was no problem!

Beaming with joy, Old Master Jiang immediately turned and instructed, “Bring that girl over for me to see.”

Afterward, he turned to Ba Dezhong ng and clasped his hands in a gesture of respect. “In-law, please don’t take offense. This is the first time my third son has brought a girl home, and naturally, I am eager to meet her. The matter of the engagement between our two families can be discussed at any time.”

Ba Dezhong ng nodded understandingly. “Congratulations, Old Master.”

Congratulations for what? How did it become him bringing a girl home? Jiang Xuanjin felt a headache coming on. Glancing at Ba Dezhong ng’s amused expression, he felt even more exasperated.

“Father,” he said, “let me explain this matter to you in detail later. For now, please sit with Censor Bai. I will go check on the Mo Residence.”

Old Master Jiang paused, clearly displeased. “I can’t even take a look?”

“Your health hasn’t been good lately; it’s better not to,” Jiang Xuanjin replied. He stood up, bowed to Ba Dezhong ng and his father, then turned and left.

Old Master Jiang was puzzled. How could seeing someone be related to his health?

At the Mo Residence.

When Jiang Xuanjin stepped through the gate, the fire on the guesthouse’s upper floor had already been extinguished. Cheng Xu and Yu Feng were standing in the courtyard. Upon seeing him, they immediately knelt with two loud thuds.

“Subordinates accept their punishment!”

“Where is she?” he asked coldly.

Yufeng, bracing himself, replied, “Unconscious. I placed her in the guest room over there.”

Without hesitation, Jiang Xuanjin turned and headed in the direction Yufeng indicated. He went up the stairs and kicked the door open.

Chengxu, following behind, was so scared that his face turned pale, nearly dropping the sword sheath he was holding. His usually composed and disciplined master had kicked open a door…

Li Huaiyu lay on the bed, her eyes closed, lips pale, and a burn blister on the back of her hand. She looked truly pitiable.

However, this time he had no sympathy. He stepped forward and grabbed her shoulder. “Pretend to be asleep and lose an arm, or wake up immediately—choose one!”

His roar was like a thunderclap, instantly waking Huaiyu from her sleep. She opened her eyes, looked at him in confusion, then pouted, her eyes welling up with tears. Feeling aggrieved, she sat up and reached out to hug his waist.

“You’re finally back…”

Her voice was hoarse, and she clung to him tightly. Rubbing her cheek against him, she choked out, “I almost got burned to death!”

Jiang Xuanjin stood rigidly by the bedside.

He had come to question her, but when she hugged him, he didn’t know what to do with his hands, which hung awkwardly at his sides. His anger dissipated.

Looking down at her, he said sternly, “Don’t hug me randomly.”

“I’m scared. My heart is still pounding, and my mind is uneasy. What’s wrong with hugging you for comfort, you stingy man!” she murmured, still holding him tightly. “It’s a good thing Yufeng saved me quickly. Otherwise, if I had died in the fire, you wouldn’t even be able to hug me now.”

Jiang Xuanjin narrowed his eyes. “If you were dead, I wouldn’t want to hug you anyway.”

She glanced up at him, then playfully tapped his chin. “Stubborn!”


He was so exasperated that he almost laughed, forgetting his anger. He glanced at her partially burned dress, thought for a moment, and then said to Chengxu, “Go get a cloak.”

Chengxu’s jaw dropped in shock.

Nodding blankly, he went downstairs to the main building to get a cloak, walking like a ghost. Yufeng, who was still standing below, quickly asked, “Why are you coming out? Shouldn’t you be trying to stop the master from tearing the fourth miss apart?”

Chengxu, holding his jaw, looked wistfully into the distance. “Don’t worry. The master might tear you apart, but he won’t harm the fourth miss.”

“What do you mean?” Yufeng was puzzled.

Chengxu patted his shoulder, sighed deeply, and went off to get the cloak.

Meanwhile, Li Huaiyu continued to cling to Jiang Xuanjin, refusing to get up.

“That’s how it happened. I just wanted to light some incense and sleep. Who knew the room would catch fire halfway through my nap? Do you think I’d set myself on fire for fun?”

She twirled a lock of his dangling black hair around her finger, her eyes glistening.

Jiang Xuanjin, annoyed, said, “It would have been better if you had burned to death. Do you have any idea what kind of chaos is happening outside right now?”

“Hmm?” Huaiyu looked innocent. “What’s all the chaos about?”

“You were in my courtyard, and so many people saw you. What do you think the chaos is about?”

Her eyes darted around, and she exclaimed, “Oh no, does this mean I can’t marry Young Master Jiang anymore?”

Jiang Xuanjin shot to his feet, nearly knocking her off the bed.

“Hey, hey, hey! Help me! I’m about to fall!” Li Huaiyu cried out, clutching his belt desperately.

With a scowl, he grabbed her by the back of her collar and placed her back on the bed. Rubbing his temples, he muttered, “What a curse.”

How did he end up with such a troublemaker?

“Can you still walk with that foot of yours?” he asked.

Huaiyu stroked her chin and grinned. “It depends. If you’re kicking me out, then I can’t walk. But if you want to take me out to enjoy the flowers, I can walk just fine.”

“Still talking about flower viewing?” Jiang Xuanjin gave her a look. “If you don’t leave soon, Father will have you detained for questioning.”

Hearing this, Huaiyu grew excited and grabbed his arm. “Is your father furious knowing there’s a girl in your room? Does he think I’m a seductive fox spirit?”

She struck a pose, pretending to wag an imaginary tail. “Let him come at me! I’m a thousand-year-old fox spirit, why would I fear a mere mortal?”

Jiang Xuanjin looked at her as if she were a fool. “It’s not what you think.”

“Huh? What else could it be?” Huaiyu was puzzled and was about to ask more when Chengxu entered.

“Master, Fourth Miss,” Chengxu said, looking resigned. Besides a cloak, he carried a tray, which he presented to her.

“This is from Old Master. He said the ‘young lady’ was frightened and should have some calming tea.”

What? Huaiyu was stunned. She looked at the tea and then at Chengxu. “What does that mean?”

She took the cup and sniffed it suspiciously. “Is it poisoned?”

Jiang Xuanjin, exasperated, took the cup from her and set it aside, then walked to the window to look out.

As expected, many servants were loitering around Mo Residence, seemingly aimless but effectively blocking the main door. Anyone trying to leave would be scrutinized.

“Does your old master like me or not?” Huaiyu grumbled to Chengxu.

Chengxu sighed. “Knowing you’re a girl, the Old Master is pleased. But… if he knew your true identity, that might change.”

Fourth Miss Bai, Jiang Yan’s nominal fiancée, was found in His highness’ courtyard. What kind of rumors would this spark?

Huaiyu listened, her face showing no signs of worry. Her bright, mischievous eyes darted around, clearly plotting something.

“Don’t get any ideas,” Jiang Xuanjin warned coldly. “Even if you stand outside and shout that you’re Fourth Miss Bai, you won’t get past my door.”

Caught in the act, Huaiyu laughed nervously. “I wasn’t thinking that.”

“Good,” he replied, closing the window and turning to her. “You can’t leave this courtyard for now. Stay put.”

Pouting, Huaiyu clutched her blanket and looked at him. “In my opinion, we should just face the consequences. Take this chance to marry me, and everyone will be happy.”

Who else but her would think like that? Jiang Xuanjin’s face darkened. “In your dreams!”

Always the same response. Couldn’t he come up with something new? Huaiyu gave him a disdainful look and was about to tease him further when a tense shout from Yufeng echoed from below.

“Second Young Master, please stop!”

Jiang Shen stood with his entourage below the guesthouse, smiling gently at Yufeng. “No need to be anxious. I won’t force my way in. I’m just asking if my third brother is upstairs.”

Yufeng bowed. “The master is upstairs… entertaining a guest. He may not have time to see you, Second Young Master. If you have urgent business, perhaps you could let me relay the message.”

“Oh?” Jiang Shen perked up, more determined to go upstairs. “I heard someone say that Third Brother has a girl hidden in his room. Coincidentally, I can’t find Fourth Miss Bai anywhere. Why don’t I take a look for Old Master?”

Yufeng shook his head. “That would not be appropriate.”

“Why not?” Jiang Shen asked curiously. “You’re usually so composed. Why are you acting so strangely, just like your master today?”

Yufeng stood there stiffly, unsure of what to do.

“What should we do?” Chengxu, upstairs, was also panicking. “Second Young Master is here!”

If he wanted to come upstairs, Yufeng had no reason to stop him. Jiang Xuanjin’s face darkened as he scanned the room, realizing there was nowhere to hide the troublemaker on the bed.

“It’s over!” Li Huaiyu whispered gleefully. “This time, we have to face the consequences!”

Glaring at her, Jiang Xuanjin gritted his teeth. “You’re not even a bit nervous, are you?”

“Why should I be nervous?” she grinned. “Getting involved with Lord Ziyang can only benefit me.”

Frowning deeply, Jiang Xuanjin was genuinely angry. “To you, entangling with me is more important than your reputation?”

“No,” Huaiyu shook her head, her eyes shimmering as she clapped her hands together. “To me, you are more important than anything.”

Stunned for a moment, Jiang Xuanjin clenched his fists. “Nonsense!”

Jiang Shen had already started up the stairs, each step echoing loudly and making Jiang Xuanjin’s heart race. He was frantically thinking of how to convince his brother that nothing was going on between him and this woman.

“Hey,” someone beside him called out, “are you really that unwilling for your second brother to see me?”


She was supposed to marry Jiang Yan. If Jiang Shen saw her now, even if he didn’t recognize her, it would create chaos when their marriage was discovered later. There was no way to explain it, and it might even create a rift between him and Yan.

Feeling anxious, Jiang Xuanjin’s composure was shaken.

In moments, Jiang Shen reached the door and gently knocked. “Third Brother?”

With a tight throat, Jiang Xuanjin resignedly lowered his eyes, intending to let Chengxu open the door.

But just as he was about to speak, a hand suddenly reached out beside him, grabbing his clothes and pulling them down.

Caught off guard, Jiang Xuanjin was pulled downward, his lips meeting something soft, making a smacking sound.

“If you don’t want him to see me, then I won’t let him see me,” Huaiyu’s almond eyes curved into a satisfied crescent moon shape as she released his clothes and lightly punched his chest with a delicate fist.

Then, she swiftly turned around, dragging her injured right foot, and hurried to the window in three quick steps. With one hand on the windowsill, she leaped out, her dark cloak fluttering in the wind as she gracefully disappeared outside the window.

Jiang Xuanjin’s pupils contracted sharply.

Where his gaze landed was a carved wooden window. She had flashed out of the window like a struck bird, leaving a corner of her cloak fluttering in the wind, then swiftly disappearing.

She jumped straight down from the attic!

Taking in a sharp breath, his face drained of color as he hurried to the window, peering down anxiously.

The stone ground below was empty, shockingly deChengxu of anyone.

The spot where she had lightly punched him suddenly reacted. His chest tightened, and something inside him began to pound violently, making it hard to breathe.

“Third Brother? I’m coming in,” Jiang Shen called from outside, waiting for a response for a while before cautiously pushing open the door.

“Hmm? Why is it just you two?” He glanced around the room, puzzled. “Wasn’t there a girl here too?”

Turning to look at him, Jiang Xuanjin opened his mouth but found himself unable to speak.

“What’s wrong?” Jiang Shen walked up to him. “Has something happened?”

Chengxu snapped out of his daze, glancing at his master before bowing to answer, “Second Young Master, our master is unharmed. It’s just been a busy day, and he’s a bit tired.”

Never had he seen his third brother look like this, pale as a sheet as if he’d been frightened by something. Jiang Shen decided not to press further, advising with concern, “If you’re tired, take a rest. There’s no need to push yourself.”

Jiang Xuanjin nodded slowly.

Glancing around to ensure there were indeed no other girls present, Jiang Shen felt a pang of regret. After a few remarks, he departed with his entourage.

As soon as they left Moju, Jiang Xuanjin swiftly descended the stairs, crossed the wooden steps, skirted the front courtyard, and rushed to the eaves behind the attic.

Li Huaiyu leaned against a pillar under the eaves, grimacing as she held her right foot.

Hearing footsteps, she turned her head and smiled brightly at him. “How was it? He didn’t see me, did he?”

Approaching her and stopping in front, Jiang Xuanjin looked down at her. After a long silence, he said, “You are crazy!”

“Hahaha!” Huaiyu laughed heartily. “I’m not crazy. Your attic is cleverly built with eaves above. I could climb and jump down without risking my life.”

Continuing to laugh, she teased him with a glance. “Were you scared stiff?”

With a serious expression, Jiang Xuanjin remained silent, then reached out and lifted her.

“Wow, so proactive this time?” She grinned, hooking her arms around his neck. “But are you worried about me?”

“Shut up.”

“Not a single word of kindness, you miser!”

Jiang Xuanjin felt that surviving her teasing was indeed a stroke of luck. At least he hadn’t scolded her; that counted as him being in a good mood!

He returned upstairs and sat beside her bed with a stern expression, carefully unwrapping the white cloth around her ankle to inspect it. What was once a delicate ankle now swelled like a steamed bun.

“Cheng Xu,” he said, “go fetch the female physician.”

“Oh, no need to bother,” Huaiyu replied, pulling out the ointment Qi Jin had left her earlier. “I can handle this myself.”

With that, she lifted her skirt to reveal her slender leg, smooth and fair, normally concealed beneath layers of fabric but now boldly displayed before him!

Jiang Xuanjin’s face darkened, and instinctively he positioned himself in front of her, glaring up at Cheng Xu who stood nearby.

Cheng Xu was equally stunned by Huaiyu’s bold move, forgetting momentarily to avert his eyes. Upon sensing his lord’s gaze, he stiffened and quickly retreated, turning, exiting, and closing the door in one fluid motion.

Watching the door shut, Jiang Xuanjin felt a lingering sense of unease, reaching to pull down the shameless woman’s skirt. However, without looking away, his hand extended not to grab the skirt but instead touched something unexpectedly smooth and delicate, like sheep’s fat.

Jiang Xuanjin was taken aback, slowly turning his head. His gaze fell upon his hand gripping the woman’s slender leg on the bed, his fingertips brushing against her skin, warm, soft, and tender.

The room was quiet, so quiet that he could distinctly hear their synchronized breathing, the air thick with tension.

His gaze suddenly darkened.

Li Huaiyu blinked, feeling a bit awkward at this sudden turn of events. After a moment, she responded, “It hurts!”

“…” Jiang Xuanjin snapped back to reality, retracting his hand with some embarrassment. He turned away, saying gruffly, “Good that it hurts. You’re asking for trouble lifting your skirt in front of strangers. If it doesn’t hurt, Ba Dezhong ng will beat you to death sooner or later!”

Sensing his anger, Huaiyu shrank back, pitifully explaining, “I needed to apply the medicine. To apply medicine, I naturally have to lift my skirt.”

“Well, at least wait until people are gone!”

Pouting, Huaiyu conceded without temper, “I’ll do as you say from now on.”

Hearing her compliant words, Jiang Xuanjin finally relaxed. Glancing at her clumsy bandaging, he sighed inwardly, pushed her gently aside, took the white cloth, and began wrapping it around her ankle methodically, tying it off.

Huaiyu blinked in surprise, looking up at him. The esteemed Lord Lord Ziyang was bandaging her? Had he taken the wrong medicine?

Feeling her puzzled gaze, Jiang Xuanjin’s ears reddened slightly. He spoke coldly, “Do you want me to tie a knot in your eyes too?”

“No need!” Huaiyu replied politely, bowing slightly. “I still need my eyes to look at you.”

“…” Her words packed a punch indeed, leaving him speechless. She was a master at this.

Turning away slightly, Jiang Xuanjin glanced at the nearby window sill, furrowing his brow.

“Next time, don’t jump,” he said, “there are always other solutions.”

Huaiyu grinned widely upon hearing this. “So you do care about me! No more jumping, I promise. But… with the current situation, how do you plan to handle it?”

She seemed stuck here; staying indefinitely wasn’t an option. She could hide if the second young master Jiang came, but what if the old master arrived?

Jiang Xuanjin lowered his head in thought, looking somewhat troubled. The most conflicting part of this was her bearing the title of “Jiang Yan’s fiancée”. Although Yan had never acknowledged it, in the eyes of others, it was set. Suddenly leaving her in the courtyard like this was unacceptable in both emotional and rational terms.

After serious consideration, Jiang Xuanjin stood up.

“You rest well,” he said. “I’ll go to the front courtyard.”

“Okay,” Huaiyu obediently replied, watching him leave.

Once the door closed, she hopped down on one foot and looked towards the direction of the inkstone basin from the rear window.

It was such a perfect opportunity earlier; she wondered if anything would come of it.

As Jiang Xuanjin passed by the tea room, he ran into Jiang Yan just as he finished serving tea.

“Younger uncle!” Jiang Yan approached him with a solemn expression, bowing. “Younger uncle, please help me!”

Stopping in his tracks, Jiang Xuanjin glanced at him. “What’s wrong?”

“Look over there.” Jiang Yan gestured with a pout towards a person standing not far away, clearly annoyed. “Miss Bai Er is so overbearing. She insists on following me everywhere and even serves tea to our elders on my behalf.”

Following his gaze, Jiang Xuanjin remarked, “Isn’t it good that she’s helping you?”

“Don’t tease me!” Jiang Yan shook his head. “I know Grandfather forced her upon me. How could I possibly think it’s good?”

Apart from his pride, Jiang Yan had no other faults. He was reluctant to let others meddle in his affairs or make decisions for him. The elders in the Jiang family had already touched his sore spot, but due to their seniority, he couldn’t openly rebel. If Miss Bai Er continued to press him, he would undoubtedly lose face.

Glancing at his ink-black eyes, Jiang Xuanjin pondered briefly, playing with his prayer beads. He turned to Jiang Yan and asked, “Before, I promised Fourth Miss Baito you, but you declined. Now it’s Miss Bai Er, and you’re still unwilling. Do you not want to get married?”

Jiang Yan hesitated for a moment, carefully considering. If the girl in the garden earlier had truly been Miss Bai Si, he might have reluctantly accepted. But now, with Miss Bai Er…

“Younger uncle, you’re older than me and still unmarried. I don’t see the urgency,” Jiang Yan replied, shaking his head.

“You may not be in a rush, but your father and grandfather are,” Jiang Xuanjin said. “Convincing them to cancel the engagement won’t be easy. Moreover, breaking off an engagement would strain the relationship between the Jiangs and the Bais.”

With a resigned expression, Jiang Yan bowed deeply. “That’s why I’m seeking your help, younger uncle. You must have a solution.”

Jiang Xuanjin fell silent, his brow furrowing slightly. He seemed genuinely troubled.

The highest art of deception is making others beg for your deception. He had a plan in mind, but knowing Jiang Yan’s temperament, teasing him a bit would make him more receptive.

Indeed, seeing Jiang Xuanjin silent, Jiang Yan hurriedly bowed again and spoke flattering words, “Younger uncle, you’ve always cared for me the most. You can’t just stand by and do nothing!”

Sighing, Jiang Xuanjin said, “There is a way, but have you truly decided you don’t want to marry?”

Jiang Yan hesitated briefly, glanced once more at Bai Xuanji standing in the distance watching them, and nodded firmly. “I’ve decided. I don’t want to.”

He could afford to wait a few more years; he was still young, after all.

“Good,” Jiang Xuanjin nodded, a rare smile appearing. “I’ll show you a clear path.”

Eyes brightening, Jiang Yan asked eagerly, “What path?”

Pointing towards the main gate, Jiang Xuanjin said with deep meaning, “That’s the path.”

Jiang Yan froze, then realization dawned. He took a sharp breath and widened his eyes.

Meanwhile, in the tea room, Jiang Lao Taiye and Ba Dezhong ng were still waiting to meet Bai Sijing. However, when Jiang Shen returned, he claimed he couldn’t find her.

“Are you sure she arrived?” Lao Taiye asked, puzzled.

Jiang Chong also seemed uncertain. “The invitation indeed said ‘Bai Shi Zhuji,’ but whether it’s her… My son has never met Bai Sijing, so he cannot confirm.”

Ba Dezhong ng stroked his beard and said, “I know Sijing’s appearance better than anyone. If she presents herself as dignified and graceful as General Xu described, someone is likely impersonating her.”

Jiang Lao Taiye fell silent, visibly conflicted. As he looked up, he saw Jiang Xuanjin stride through the door.

“How is Moju?” he hurriedly asked.

“No major issues, just half the room burnt and some minor items damaged,” Jiang Xuanjin replied. “The fire has been put out.”

“And…” Jiang Lao Taiye wanted to ask about the girl, but Jiang Xuanjin spoke first, “Let’s continue discussing urgent matters.”

With time running late and Ba Dezhong ng and his daughter needing to return home, discussing the marriage was indeed urgent. Jiang Lao Taiye collected his thoughts and exchanged a glance with Ba Dezhong ng before they took turns speaking.

“We couldn’t find Fourth Miss Bai. Even if we had, it seems Miss Bai Er would be more suitable for Yan. She has been quite helpful to him today, showing herself to be virtuous and capable.”

“A granddaughter-in-law of the Jiang family cannot be chosen lightly. Zhuge’s child still lacks Xuanji’s maturity in handling affairs.”

“Furthermore, if Jiang Qishi were still here, she would surely dote on her son and choose the most suitable daughter-in-law. Both mothers have been gone for many years now, and even if Bai Si came here, Jiang Qishi wouldn’t be able to take care of her, and Bai Feng wouldn’t get any benefit. So why stick to the old ways?”

“Xuanji’s birth chart is also compatible with Young Master Jiang, and the temple’s fortune-teller even said she has an auspicious husband-attracting destiny.”

As they prattled on, Jiang Xuanjin remained silent.

Jiang Lao Taiye sighed. “I know you’re a man of your word, and flexibility isn’t your strong suit. You can pretend not to know about this matter, and we’ll handle everything.”

With the discussion reaching this point, Jiang Xuanjin decided not to argue further. He simply looked at Ba Dezhong ng and asked, “Is it true that your fourth daughter is unsuitable?”

Ba Dezhong ng paused, then sighed. “It was my neglect in her upbringing. After her elder sister’s marriage, I will personally guide her and find a good match for her.”

Nodding, Jiang Xuanjin said, “Let it be settled then. Choose an auspicious day for the wedding.”

To everyone’s surprise, he yielded. Ba Dezhong ng was pleased, and Lao Taiye nodded approvingly. “I’ve checked the calendar. May 21st is the most auspicious day. Today’s decision means we can proceed with the formal proposal the day after tomorrow.”

“Very well,” Jiang Xuanjin agreed.

With a sense of relief, Ba Dezhong ng exchanged a few more pleasantries with the Jiang family before summoning Bai Xuanji to bid farewell and return home by carriage.

“Why the sudden change of heart, Third Brother?” Jiang Shen stood beside Jiang Xuanjin, curious.

Jiang Xuanjin replied calmly, “I am obeying father’s orders.”

“I’m very pleased,” Jiang Lao Taiye chimed in happily. “Since you’re willing to listen to me, why not bring the girl from your room for me to see now?”

With a bow, Jiang Xuanjin shook his head. “Tomorrow will be better.”

Why tomorrow? It’s still early today. Everyone was puzzled.

Jiang Shen smiled knowingly and whispered beside him, “Could it be you haven’t quite won the girl over yet? It’s alright, I can teach you, Second Brother!”

“Thank you, Second Brother,” Jiang Xuanjin replied expressionlessly. “That won’t be necessary.”

He was only beginning to feel a headache.

With the situation now halfway resolved, he sighed in relief. Just as he was about to sip tea, he heard Cheng Xu quietly say behind him, “Master, there’s trouble.”

More trouble? Jiang Xuanjin frowned, almost instinctively lowering his voice. “Why is she causing trouble again?”

Cheng Xu shook his head. “No, it’s about the wash basin.”

The wash basin, where Qing Si was confined.

His expression changed. Jiang Xuanjin stood up, bowed to Lao Taiye, and hastily left with Cheng Xu.

Qing Si was a crucial person, and there were many things he needed to learn from her. If she was taken away, she would either be silenced or disappear from the world, and that would be troublesome.

However, upon rushing into the bamboo hut, he immediately spotted Qing Si still shackled in irons.

“Forgive me, Master!” a shadow guard half-knelt beside him and whispered, “The intruders had planned this, seizing the opportunity during our fire rescue. Though we managed to save the prisoner, they escaped unscathed due to our shortage of manpower.”

As long as she remained here, Jiang Xuanjin breathed a sigh of relief. He surveyed the chaotic scene inside the bamboo hut and frowned, “Who could be so audacious?”

“I’ve already dispatched men to pursue them. I will report back as soon as we receive any news, Your Excellency.”

If they couldn’t contain them within the mansion, what hope was there to catch them outside? Jiang Xuanjin furrowed his brow, his gaze fixed on the woman not far away, her eyes cold and defiant despite the shackles.

Could the inn fire have been too convenient a distraction?

“You will face retribution sooner or later,” Qing Si looked up at him, her long hair disheveled and bloodstained, giving her an eerie and chilling appearance.

“Retribution?” Jiang Xuanjin scoffed, coming back to himself. “That term suits your deceased master better.”

At these words, Qing Si’s eyes narrowed further, struggling to rise and suddenly lunging at him!

The scent of blood overwhelmed him as her hands, dirtied and bloody, stopped just inches from Jiang Xuanjin, restrained by the shackles, unable to close the gap.

Clenching her fists in frustration, Qing Si hissed, “You beast!”

Jiang Xuanjin stood unmoving, calmly fingering his prayer beads, “Only those who extinguish humanity are truly beasts. I enforce justice on behalf of the heavens, eliminating evil and protecting the innocent. How does that justify being labeled as such?”

“Enforcing justice for the heavens?” Qing Si spat a mouthful of blood onto Jiang Xuanjin’s verdant sleeves, staining them with scattered crimson spots.

“Are you merely a tool for villains, believing your actions are righteous?” Her eyes, sharp as blades, pierced through her disheveled hair as she glared fiercely at him. “One day, you will regret this. You’ve killed the last person in Northern Wei who didn’t deserved death!”

“Dan Yang didn’t deserve death?” Jiang Xuanjin shook his head. “Your words are absurd.”

“Absurd?” Qing Si gritted her teeth. “Just ask Lord Han Xiao why he defied public opinion to support Princess Dan Yang. Then you’ll understand who’s absurd!”

Jiang Xuanjin paused slightly. “Explain yourself more clearly.”

With a cold laugh, Qing Si retorted, “What’s the point of explaining to you? You have the means to frame the princess, but no way to uncover the truth?”

“The truth?” Jiang Xuanjin lowered his gaze. He knew only too well that Dan Yang had employed deceit to murder his uncle, cruel methods to execute loyal servants of the late emperor, and orchestrated the tragic demise of Prime Minister Sima Xu within the palace. She played with power, endangering the people—these were all truths.

With these truths in mind, Dan Yang’s death was not unjust.

Gathering his thoughts, he gazed coldly at the maid before him, now appearing frenzied. With a wave of his sleeve, he ordered the others nearby, “Guard her closely. Let no one approach.”

“Yes!” they responded in unison.

Returning to the inn, Jiang Xuanjin stood at the doorway, lost in thought for a moment until the prayer beads in his palm pricked him awake with pain, prompting him to push open the door.

“Back so soon?” The people in the room looked at him with curiosity, their faces questioning. “Where did you go? You look so grim.”

Their amber eyes were clear and open, without a trace of guilt.

Looking at her, Jiang Xuanjin murmured, “Nothing major. Thieves tried to steal from my courtyard during the inn fire earlier.”

“What?” Huaiyu widened her eyes. “Stealing from your courtyard? That’s audacious! Did they take anything valuable?”

He shook his head. “The thieves were unsuccessful.”

Huaiyu paused, then clapped her hands and laughed, “That’s good then. If someone managed to steal right under your nose, where would the dignity of Lord Ziyang go?”

Her demeanor was calm, her words fluent, and her eyes met his without evasion. Jiang Xuanjin felt he might have been overly suspicious. Even though the inn fire provided an opportunity, she had already explained it wasn’t intentional. Besides, she had no connection to Qing Si—no reason to engage in such thankless tasks.

Feeling relieved, he continued, “I went to the front courtyard. They’ve arranged the marriage between Yan’er and Miss Bai.”

“What?” Huaiyu’s face fell, and she grabbed his sleeve with great disappointment. “Didn’t you promise to help me reclaim that marriage agreement? You’re not keeping your word!”

Veins bulged on his forehead as Jiang Xuanjin clenched his teeth. “If you hadn’t insisted on coming to my courtyard, it wouldn’t have ended up like this!”

If she hadn’t stirred things up unnecessarily, he could have fought harder for her cause. But now, how could he fight? Secure her the title of “Future Mrs. Xiao” only to get caught by the old master hiding her in his room? They’d both end up in a pig trough together!

The person before him blinked, as if suddenly enlightened. “Oh right, I was the one who insisted on coming here.”

After a moment’s thought, they looked at him with a touch of plaintiveness. “Why didn’t you stop me? How did I manage to persuade you so easily?”

Jiang Xuanjin remained silent.

“Oh no!” They were suddenly lifted and carried to the edge of the window sill. Clutching desperately onto the ledge, they pleaded pitifully, “I was just joking! Please don’t be so upset! It’s all my fault! Please don’t drop me!”

Jiang Xuanjin seethed inwardly. Every time this troublemaker appeared, they managed to infuriate him to no end. He wished he could throw them out the window and be done with it, making the world a quieter place!

Sensing his anger, Li Huaiyu immediately wrapped around him like an octopus, hands intertwined, refusing to let go. “You can’t treat me like this!”

“Give me a reason,” he said through narrowed eyes.

Swallowing nervously, Huaiyu’s eyes darted around. “Murder deserves death!”

That reason was serious and convincing. Jiang Xuanjin snorted softly, finally letting go of his anger and tossing them back onto the bed.

Curling up under the blankets, Huaiyu looked pitiful. “You’re so fierce. You’ll never find a wife like this!”

“I don’t need you to worry,” he turned away, walking as he spoke. “Just stay put here honestly for one day.”

“One day?!” Huaiyu exclaimed. “But what about the Bai Manor?”

Pausing mid-step, Jiang Xuanjin halted at the doorway, his hands clenched into fists, visibly annoyed. “I will handle them.”

How could he explain a high-born lady spending a night away from home in his courtyard? Huaiyu rubbed her chin thoughtfully, squinting as she pondered seriously.

As Jiang Xuanjin stepped out of the room and closed the door behind him, Huaiyu immediately dropped her casual demeanor, sighing with furrowed brows.

Rescuing Qing Si wasn’t going to be as easy as she thought. They had found the place and the opportunity, yet they still couldn’t bring her out. Gripping Jiang Xuanjin’s sleeve earlier, she had noticed fresh bloodstains. Jiang Xuanjin wasn’t injured, so the blood must have been Qing Si’s. That girl must have suffered greatly in his hands.

Feeling uneasy and distressed, Huaiyu’s face wrinkled in worry.

“Miss?” Just as she was lost in thought, she heard a familiar voice outside the door.

Huaiyu blinked in surprise as Lingxiu entered, asking, “Why did you come over?”

Lingxiu’s eyes were filled with sorrow as she approached and forced a smile. “One of Lord Ziyang’s attendants came looking for me, saying I should come and attend to you.”

Lingxiu had been waiting outside the Jiang mansion with Zhacai when they entered. Jiang Xuanjin was attentive enough to send her maid over.

Patting the bed, she motioned for her to sit down. Huaiyu scrutinized Lingxiu’s expression and asked curiously, “Has something happened?”

Lingxiu hesitated for a moment, then whispered, “While I was in the carriage, I happened to see Master and Second Miss leaving the Jiang mansion. I overheard them say a few things. It seems… the Jiang family is preparing to propose marriage to Second Miss Bai.”

Huaiyu wasn’t surprised by the news, as Jiang Xuanjin had mentioned it before. She reached out and patted Lingxiu’s back reassuringly, saying, “Misfortune may be a blessing in disguise.”

Having been previously fixated on the matter of her sister sneaking out at night to search for clothing and jewelry, Lingxiu was now less concerned about the marriage proposal. She couldn’t help feeling a bit regretful though, murmuring, “Young Master Jiang would make such a good husband. It would be hard to find someone like him elsewhere.”

“It’s alright, it’s alright,” Huaiyu comforted her, “There are plenty of fish in the sea.”

Lingxiu looked at her in disbelief. “Miss, this is about your husband-to-be, not mine!”

“Oh?” Huaiyu waved it off casually. “It’s all the same.”

Lingxiu couldn’t help but smile at her carefree attitude. After a short while, she too felt relieved.

As long as Miss could take it in stride, perhaps she would encounter an even better match in the future.

Huaiyu half-jokingly explained to Lingxiu why she was in Lord Ziyang’s courtyard. Lingxiu found it incredible and couldn’t help but sigh at her mistress’s turbulent fate, despite being perfectly fine moments before.

The two chattered for a while and soon it was time for dinner. Huaiyu instructed Lingxiu to call for dinner, intending to remind them to add more meat dishes. However, when the dinner arrived, it was brought by Jiang Xuanjin himself.

Seeing a table full of delicacies and the handsome Lord Ziyang beside it left her speechless.

“Are you missing me already?” Huaiyu blinked at him, teasingly. “You even want to dine with me?”

“No,” Jiang Xuanjin replied softly, “I wanted to ChengXu being disturbed before finishing my meal.”

Huaiyu was puzzled. Who would disturb him during dinner?

The answer came halfway through their dinner.

“Is Third Brother here?” someone entered and asked loudly at the door, then followed the servant to the main building.

Huaiyu heard the voice clearly, but the person beside her seemed oblivious. He leisurely finished what was in his bowl, wiped his hands with a cloth, and then calmly stood up to leave.

Curious, Huaiyu didn’t hesitate. She picked up the nearby cane and followed him.

Seeing this, Chen Xu didn’t stop her, just gestured for Lingxiu to watch over her.

Inside the main building, Jiang Chong anxiously sat waiting. When Jiang Xuanjin entered, he hurriedly approached. “Third Brother, have you seen Yan’er?”

Jiang Xuanjin looked puzzled. “Yan’er? I saw him in the front courtyard this afternoon.”

“What did he say?” Jiang Chong asked anxiously.

After a moment’s thought, Jiang Xuanjin replied, “He asked me to save him and complained that Miss Bai is too domineering.”

Upon hearing this, Jiang Chong’s face turned grim, and he sighed heavily. “I’ve spoiled that child too much. He’s too willful. There’s no room for him to intervene in the marriage arranged by our father. He’s dissatisfied and has run away from home!”

“Ran away from home?” Jiang Xuanjin paused, lowering his gaze as he asked, “When did this happen?”

“I’m not sure,” Jiang Chong shook his head. “During dinner, he couldn’t be found anywhere. After searching his room, we found this letter. Take a look.”

Taking the paper, Jiang Xuanjin examined it briefly before saying, “He only has a few places he could go. Send someone to look for him.”

“We’ve already sent people out. I’m just uncertain whether to inform Father,” Jiang Chong looked troubled. “If we tell him, he’ll surely lose sleep, but if we don’t find him by tomorrow morning, Father will find out anyway. Then, he’ll blame me for keeping it from him.”

“It’s a tricky situation,” Jiang Xuanjin pondered quietly. “Let’s continue the search. If we still haven’t found him by tomorrow morning, we’ll pretend we’ve just discovered the letter and inform Father then.”

Listening outside, Li Huaiyu smirked and whispered to his companion, “Your master is learning to lie from me! Teaching people to deceive now!”

His companion, Cheng Xu, rubbed his nose and remained silent. Not only was his master teaching others to lie, but he was now tangled in deception. Thankfully, the eldest young master was straightforward and harbored no suspicions.

They say, ‘Those who associate with ink become dark.’ Ancient sayings hold!

Inside the room, Jiang Xuanjin calmly dismissed Jiang Chong, turning to find Li Huaiyu emerging from the corner with a cane in hand, bouncing towards them.

“Hehehe.” She teased him with a smile.

Jiang Xuanjin felt his ears inexplicably turn red and looked away. “What?”

“Nothing, just find you quite adorable,” Huaiyu teased, rubbing his chin with a mischievous grin. “Thinking of tricking you back home and hiding you away.”

“Utter nonsense!” Jiang Xuanjin waved dismissively, turning and striding back into the main building.

Watching his retreating figure, Huaiyu sighed to Cheng Xu beside him, “Your master is fine in every way except for his vocabulary. It’s either ‘nonsense,’ ‘impertinence,’ or sometimes ‘absurd’ and ‘shut up.’ Does he know any other words?”

Cheng Xu suppressed a laugh and bowed politely to her. “Madam is too formidable.”

“Flattery will get you nowhere,” she replied unabashedly, yawning. “I’m going back to rest. Tomorrow seems to promise some entertainment.”

Bai Xuanji had finally secured the marriage, but before the excitement could settle in, the groom had disappeared. If Jiang Yan wasn’t found by tomorrow, it would become quite the joke.

Jiang Chong understood this well. To shield Jiang Yan from their grandfather’s criticism, he had mobilized numerous people, even involving the authorities in the capital, turning the city upside down in search of him.

However, Jiang Yan seemed to have vanished into thin air, leaving no trace.

At daybreak, Jiang Chong knelt outside Grandfather Jiang’s room.

The Jiang residence was again in turmoil with the morning’s storm.

When Li Huaiyu woke up with a yawn, Jiang Xuanjin was already seated at her table in the room, giving her a cold glance as he calmly said, “Change clothes and have breakfast.”

She chuckled and reached out towards him, “I’m all tangled up in the blankets. I need Lord Ziyang to carry me to get up!”

Her voice was soft and languid, with a hint of sleepiness and a husky tone. If it were anyone else, they might have been flustered by her teasing words. However, Jiang Xuanjin wasn’t buying it. He kept a stern expression and said coldly, “No more nonsense, or you’ll skip breakfast.”

Upon hearing this, Huaiyu quickly straightened up. But in her haste, she accidentally aggravated her injured foot. She cried out in pain, clutching her ankle and groaning for a while before reluctantly putting on her shoes and getting out of bed.

Lingxiu promptly lowered the curtain divider nearby and helped her behind the screen to change. Yesterday’s clothes were ruined, but thankfully Lord Ziyang had thoughtfully found a new set, with fine fabric and patterns. It would do well for today’s appearances.

After dressing and tidying up, Li Huaiyu looked dignified and composed once more. Leaning on her cane, she sat next to Jiang Xuanjin and picked up her chopsticks, saying to him, “I thought about it all night yesterday. I can’t help but feel that Jiang Young Master’s sudden disappearance has something to do with you.”

Jiang Xuanjin continued eating without responding to her, chewing slowly and deliberately.

Huaiyu continued, “Look at how frantic General Jiang Chong was yesterday. As the uncle who cares most for Jiang Yan, you’re not even a bit worried. Instead, you’re eating well and sleeping soundly. It just doesn’t add up.”

“But what I can’t understand is why you would do this. Jiang Yan’s marriage to Bai Xuanji was settled. If he runs away again, how does it benefit you?”

“Could it be that you have some issue with Bai Xuanji?”

After finishing his bowl of rice, Jiang Xuanjin wiped his mouth and stood up. “Come with me.”

“What?” Huaiyu widened her eyes. “I haven’t had breakfast yet!”

“With all that talking, you can’t be hungry,” Jiang Xuanjin retorted calmly.

Stunned by his response, Huaiyu chuckled helplessly. Seeing that he was serious and not going to wait for her, she quickly got up, grabbed a couple of pastries and stuffed them into her sleeve, then hurried after him with her cane.

Meanwhile, Grandfather Jiang was raging in the main hall.

“Look at this! Look at the nonsense he wrote! ‘Yan’s heart is with the nation, not with a family. He fears he will hinder Miss Bai’s future, so he uses this as a reason to break off the engagement.’ A marriage arranged by elders, and he thinks he can just break it off?!” Papers flew as Grandfather Jiang tore up the letter Jiang Yan had left, creating a flurry of paper snowflakes that descended around him as Jiang Chong knelt silently beside him.

As Jiang Xuanjin entered, Grandfather Jiang had already torn up Jiang Yan’s letter and tossed it aside. Paper fluttered like snow in the hall, swirling down towards him.

“Father, please calm down,” Jiang Xuanjin said calmly. “I have already arranged for people to be stationed at all the exits out of the capital. Once we find Yan’er, we will bring him back immediately.”

Seeing him approach, Grandfather Jiang immediately turned and redirected his anger. “Look at what kind of nephew you’ve raised! He mimics you all, adopting a celibate life and refusing to marry! Will our Jiang family’s lineage end with you?”

Jiang Xuanjin lowered his eyes. “Please take care of yourself, Father.”

“What’s the use of taking care?” Grandfather Jiang gripped his dragon-headed cane and pounded it on the ground. “Tomorrow we were supposed to go to the Bai residence for the betrothal gifts. The news is already out, and the Bai family is prepared. With Jiang Yan running off like this, how can we face the Bai family?”

“I will go and apologize on behalf of our family,” Jiang Chong interjected.

“Apologize?” Grandfather Jiang thundered. “Do you think an apology will suffice? The generations-long friendship between the Jiangs and the Bais, ruined by your unruly son? How will outsiders view our Jiang family? And how will the Bai family see us?”

Jiang Chong bowed his head in distress. “This…”

Jiang Xuanjin stood quietly, waiting until Grandfather Jiang’s anger had subsided somewhat before softly asking, “Are the betrothal gifts that were to be sent to the Bai residence already prepared?”

At the mention of this, Grandfather Jiang grew even more furious. “Prepared? Of course, they are prepared! They’ve been prepared for years! But with such an unworthy grandson, it seems they’ll have to sit idle for several more years!”

“No need to let them sit idle,” Jiang Xuanjin said calmly. “Let me handle them.”

Grandfather Jiang stopped shouting, his anger dissipating instantly.

“What… what did you say?” After a moment of stunned silence, he looked at Jiang Xuanjin incredulously. “You want to handle the betrothal gifts? How will you handle them?”

Jiang Chong was equally shocked, almost losing his balance as he turned to look at Jiang Xuanjin with wide eyes.

Under the intense gaze of everyone, Jiang Xuanjin said calmly, “What else could I do? Naturally, I will use them to present the betrothal gifts and bring a new wife back.”

A new wife… a new wife… back?

Grandfather Jiang shivered, feeling that he might be old and his ears were failing him, imagining such a ridiculous hallucination. He tugged at his beard, feeling the pain, and asked in bewilderment, “Are you serious?”

“If we want to maintain the relationship between the Jiang and Bai families and preserve the Jiang family’s dignity, isn’t this the only solution?” Jiang Xuanjin replied.

Hearing this, Grandfather Jiang was genuinely moved, and he even started to feel a bit relieved that Jiang Yan had run away. Running away from a small matter, catching a big one! Jiang Xuanjin’s marriage was far more troubling to him than Jiang Yan’s. Jiang Yan was still young, but Xuanjin should have married long ago!

After a moment’s thought, he asked, “Are you going to marry the second Miss Bai back?”

As soon as he spoke, he furrowed his brows. “That girl seems clever and is quite suitable for Yan’er, but with your words…”

Jiang Chong was still there, so Grandfather Jiang didn’t say it too plainly, but he had his calculations. Bai Xuanji matching with Yan’er was already considered an upgrade. What virtue or ability did Bai Xuanji have to be Xuanjin’s wife? Even if he was just casually arranging a life, the old man couldn’t help but feel a bit regretful.

While he was still in doubt, Jiang Xuanjin suddenly said, “I came today to discuss another matter with Father.”

“Oh?” Grandfather Jiang straightened up. “What is it?”

“A few days ago, I encountered some thugs on the street, narrowly escaping an ambush,” Jiang Xuanjin took a deep breath, bracing himself to lie. “At a critical moment, a girl rushed out and saved my life. She had a kind heart, saved me without seeking any reward, and left without revealing her name. Therefore, I couldn’t repay her kindness.”

“Unexpectedly, I met that girl again at yesterday’s banquet, and coincidentally, she had sprained her foot. So yesterday, I helped her back to Moju and had the house physician treat her. Unfortunately, some servants saw her and misunderstood, nearly tarnishing her reputation.”

Upon hearing this, Grandfather Jiang’s eyes lit up. “Are you talking about the girl you’ve been hiding in your room?”

“Not exactly hiding,” Jiang Xuanjin patiently explained, “but because she was injured, she needed a place to stay temporarily…”

“I understand,” Grandfather Jiang chuckled, waving his hand. “It’s the girl you’ve hidden in your room because she was injured.”

Jiang Xuanjin remained silent.

Jiang Chong, excited now, interjected, “Such a fine girl! Why not bring her in to meet Father?”

“She’s outside,” Jiang Xuanjin glanced at Grandfather Jiang, then pondered before asking, “Father, have you taken your medicine today?”

The steward beside them smiled and replied, “Not yet, it’s warming on the stove.”

“Bring it here first,” Jiang Xuanjin ordered.


“Why worry about medicine?” Grandfather Jiang said kindly. “Let the girl come in first!”

With that, he gestured to Jiang Chong, who was still kneeling. “You, too, can get up.”

Relieved, Jiang Chong stood and moved to sit in a nearby chair, quietly rubbing his knee. Jiang Xuanjin nodded to Cheng Xu as the steward brought the medicine over.

Outside the door, Li Huaiyu received the message to enter. She tucked her cane under her arm and straightened her clothes before preparing to leave.

“Miss!” Lingxi anxiously stopped her. “Isn’t your foot hurting?”

“It is,” Huaiyu nodded honestly, speaking softly, “but if enduring this pain helps your young lady rise to success, then let it be!”

With a look of determination on her face, she crossed the threshold of the main hall with dignity.

Grandfather Jiang and Jiang Chong both stared wide-eyed at the doorway. In an instant, a graceful and beautiful woman approached, her appearance stunning, her figure elegant. She took three steps forward and performed a courteous greeting with impeccable manners and a dignified bearing.

“Respectful greetings to Grandfather and General.”

Her voice was like a nightingale’s, flawless and enchanting.

Grandfather Jiang smiled inwardly, though his expression remained stern. His eyes gleamed as he observed the young woman from head to toe, nodding in satisfaction. “You are very polite, Miss.”

At first glance, Jiang Chong also found the young woman quite appealing. However, as she approached closer, he began to feel that something was amiss.

Jiang Chong’s unease went unnoticed as Grandfather Jiang, preoccupied, asked the young woman, “May I ask where you reside and what your surname is?”

Li Huaiyu smiled and glanced at Jiang Xuanjin, silently asking with her eyes: Should I tell the truth?

Jiang Xuanjin hesitated briefly, then turned to Grandfather Jiang and said, “Father, why don’t you take your medicine first? It’s better to let it cool down a bit.”

“No hurry, no hurry,” Grandfather Jiang waved his hand, completely focused on the young woman before him. He thought if her background was suitable, he might not need to take the medicine, and his health would at least be good for a few more months!

After a moment’s hesitation, Huaiyu kneeled and said, “I am from Chang’an, near the official road, surnamed Bai, named Zhuji.”

Upon hearing “Chang’an,” Grandfather Jiang brightened, thinking she must be from a wealthy family, a suitable match indeed! However, when he heard the rest, he fell silent.

A long silence ensued.

“Father?” Jiang Xuanjin called out in confusion.

Grandfather Jiang gripped his dragon-headed cane tightly without moving a muscle. Beside him, Jiang Chong was so startled that he stood up abruptly. “No wonder she looks familiar, she’s Miss Bai!”

Huaiyu smiled and performed another bow towards Jiang Xuanjin.

Jiang Chong looked at her with mixed emotions, then turned to his father and said, “You see, Father, I told you Miss Bai understands propriety and carries herself gracefully. But I truly never expected that the person who saved Third Brother’s life would turn out to be Miss Bai!”

Glancing at the calm expression on Grandfather Jiang’s face, Jiang Chong couldn’t help but admire, “Father, you truly have a broad perspective. Even faced with such a surprising revelation, you remain unfazed.”

He was quite taken aback himself.

Grandfather Jiang gazed steadily at Li Huaiyu for a long while, then finally cleared his throat and mumbled something.

The steward leaned in, thinking he had a confidential instruction. To his surprise, what he heard was, “Bring… bring me the medicine!”

Hastily placing the medicine bowl into his hand, the steward anxiously advised, “Please drink it slowly!”

Grandfather Jiang gulped down a few mouthfuls of the medicine, finally able to catch his breath. Coughing, he looked at the young woman in front of him and then at Jiang Xuanjin. “You wish to marry Miss Bai?”

“Father, you see clearly,” Jiang Xuanjin replied calmly, “The person I wish to marry is someone who saved my life, and that person happens to be Miss Bai, the Fourth Miss of the Bai family.”

In other words, he wasn’t intentionally getting involved in the affairs of the Bai family; it was all a matter of fate!

“Then why did you vigorously promote the marriage between Miss Bai and Feng Yan yesterday?” Grandfather Jiang exclaimed, leaning heavily on his cane, “Isn’t this absurd?”

“There has been a misunderstanding in this matter,” Jiang Xuanjin lowered his gaze and began fabricating another story.

“The reason I pushed for that marriage before was truly out of respect for my late sister-in-law’s dying wish. At that time, I didn’t know she was the Fourth Miss of the Bai family. It wasn’t until later, after the elders had arranged the marriage, that she remembered to inform me of her identity.”

Upon hearing this explanation, Grandfather Jiang immediately turned his attention toward Li Huaiyu, “If he didn’t know your identity, how could you not know his? There was an engagement between you and Feng Yan. Why then involve Xuanjin?”

Li Huaiyu gritted her teeth inwardly, feeling that Lord Ziyang (Jiang Xuanjin) wasn’t playing fair. He had completely absolved himself, leaving her to bear all the blame!

It was just a matter of lying, wasn’t it? She had taught him those skills, so she shouldn’t be afraid of him!

She sniffled, eyes reddening, and spoke in a choked voice, “Grandfather, please understand! This girl has been foolish for three years and only recently recovered. Many things are still unclear to her. When she first met Lord Ziyang, she truly didn’t recognize him. Yesterday when they met again at the mansion, she didn’t want to get involved again, but unexpectedly, Lord Ziyang insisted and expressed deep gratitude for saving her life. She initially wanted to clarify things immediately, but Lord Ziyang was busy and rushed away. She had no choice but to wait until he had some free time to explain the truth.”

As Li Huaiyu continued, clearly feeling wronged, “How could someone of my humble status dare to aspire to His Highness? Before coming here, I had no idea that His Highness harbored any intention of marrying me. Now that I know, naturally, I dare not accept!”

Her words softened Grandfather Jiang’s furrowed brows. Seeing her sincere and forlorn expression, his heart softened too.

The fourth daughter of the Bai family had always been unwelcome. Her mother had passed away early, and life in the Bai Mansion must have been difficult. Now, her marriage had been snatched away by her second sister, and she was injured and alone, truly pitiful.

After a moment of thought, Grandfather Jiang turned to Jiang Xuanjin, “And you, how could you not clarify this earlier?”

Jiang Xuanjin remained silent, caught between his mentor’s scrutiny and Li Huaiyu’s skillful storytelling.

“It’s not His Highness’s fault,” Li Huaiyu continued, gaining momentum, dabbing at her eyes with a handkerchief, “He holds a high position and is busy with affairs. He just happened to have a moment to chat with me, but he certainly didn’t have time to listen sincerely to my heartfelt words. His mention of marriage last night was probably just a passing whim, an attempt to justify his actions from yesterday.”

Turning slightly, her face displayed a mix of annoyance and shyness, lips slightly parted, “His Highness doesn’t need to justify anything to me. What happened last night was an accident, and I won’t pester him about it.”

“Last night? An accident?” Hearing these words, Grandfather Jiang’s breath hitched again, and he tremulously gestured to the steward, “Bring me another bowl of medicine!”

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