HomeTao Hua Ying Jiang ShanChapter 238: Distant Journey

Chapter 238: Distant Journey

“Alright,” Taohua said. “We should go see this grand wedding, shouldn’t we?”

Shen Zaiye was silent, thinking for a long time before finally nodding, “Alright.”

They finally left Peach Blossom Mountain, traveling lightly towards the capital of Great Wei. Along the way, Shen Zaiye observed Taohua’s demeanor, which seemed normal except for crying heartbrokenly that one day. Afterward, she acted as if nothing had happened, only occasionally mentioning how foolish Chang Jue was.

Did she believe that letter? Shen Zaiye couldn’t quite understand, but as long as she wasn’t crying so heavily anymore, anything was fine. When she cried, he truly had no idea what to do.

When they arrived at the imperial palace in the capital, they were about to change into formal attire to see the Emperor, but Chief Eunuch Lin came running over, saying helplessly, “Chancellor, Madam, the Emperor has left the palace.”

“Left?” Taohua was startled. “What for?”

Mu Wuxia’s status was no longer what it used to be. How could he leave the palace so casually?

Eunuch Lin sighed, “His Majesty often does this. He won’t listen to advice. Now that the Chancellor and Madam have returned, perhaps you can help think of a solution.”

Although Shen Zaiye had been away from the capital for a long time, Mu Wuxia had kept his position as Chancellor, delegating tasks but never allowing anyone to take his place. Given such trust and favor from the Emperor, his words should carry some weight.

“But where should we look for him now?” Shen Zaiye frowned.

Eunuch Lin naturally didn’t know, and was shaking his head when Jiang Taohua exclaimed, “I might know where he is.”

Shen Zaiye was stunned, and before he could react, she was pulling him outside.

After being away for over a year, the capital looked much more prosperous than before. The streets were wider, and the buildings more exquisite. Taohua rode with Shen Zaiye, pointing the way from his embrace: “That way.”

“Further ahead is the slums,” Shen Zaiye said.

“That’s exactly where we need to look,” Taohua said confidently. “He must go there often to check on things.”

Shen Zaiye didn’t understand but followed her instructions, riding into the slums.

Previously, this area had been like a scar on the capital – dilapidated houses, foul smells, people too hungry to walk. In just over a year, Taohua noticed that the surroundings now had tiled-roof houses, and the people passing by seemed to be workers. Though their clothes still had patches, at least they didn’t look constantly starved anymore.

Shen Zaiye reined in his horse and helped Taohua down. She ran a few steps and stopped a woman carrying a vegetable basket, asking, “Have you seen a young man about seventeen or eighteen? Quite handsome, and probably well-dressed.”

The woman was startled, then realized, “Are you asking about that young master? He’s at the cemetery hill behind here.”

“Cemetery? What’s he doing there?” Shen Zaiye frowned, upon hearing this.

Taohua understood and remounted with him, explaining to Shen Zaiye about the incident where they had accidentally run over a child during an outing.

Shen Zaiye scoffed, “He thinks too much. Who knows how many poor people are run over and killed every day in this world.”

Taohua pouted, “That’s why you’re a treacherous official and he’s a wise ruler. The difference lies there.”

She had once wondered if Shen Zaiye wanted to sit on the throne himself, given his abilities. But now she realized that if he became emperor, the common people who should suffer would still suffer. Shen Zaiye was self-aware; though not a kind person, he had no intention of harming the masses.

Thank goodness!

Shen Zaiye snorted unhappily, saying as he rode, “Others have wives who follow their husbands’ lead. Why do you always have to argue with everything I say?”

“Aren’t you used to it by now, my lord?” Taohua blinked. “I just love speaking the truth.”

It was only because he doted on her. Otherwise, back in the mansion, she would have been severely punished the first time she talked back to him. In the end, he had spoiled her!

So he’d have to deal with it himself.

Mu Wuxia stood on the hilltop, looking at the small grave before him. He had placed fruit offerings and lit incense, standing there for a long time.

What he wanted to do was now being accomplished step by step. The world would eventually become what he envisioned. If this person in the underworld knew, would they feel some comfort? His mother and sister were now living good lives.

It was just a pity that he could never come back to life.

Just as he was feeling melancholic, a very familiar voice came from behind.

“See? I said His Majesty would most likely be here.”

Slightly startled, Mu Wuxia turned to see Jiang Taohua. She was still as beautiful and charming as before, holding Shen Zaiye’s hand and bouncing towards him.

It had indeed been a long time. Mu Wuxia smiled, turned to greet them, looked at her, and then looked up at Shen Zaiye: “You’ve returned.”

“We wanted to give Your Majesty a surprise, but didn’t expect to be surprised ourselves,” Shen Zaiye glanced at the tombstone behind. “You’re now the supreme ruler. Why come to a place like this?”

Mu Wuxia said, “Even as the supreme ruler, I shouldn’t forget why I wanted to sit on this throne. There are many things to balance in ruling, and sometimes one can lose sight of one’s original intention. Whenever that happens, I come here to look.”

He had said before that he wanted to save the common people of the world, not just one person, but to let them all live good lives. This grave was a reminder to him. While he lived in comfort and ease, there were still many people in the world waiting for him to save them.

So, even though he didn’t want to, he still had to marry the princess of Zhao.

Seeing his expression, Shen Zaiye frowned, about to ask what had happened, when Taohua pushed him: “My lord, please wait at the foot of the hill. I’d like to speak with His Majesty for a moment.”

Shen Zaiye looked at her, nodded, and obediently left.

Mu Wuxia was a bit surprised, staring at his retreating figure until he completely disappeared, then sighed in admiration: “Sister Jiang is truly formidable.”

There was a pavilion nearby. Taohua invited him over, smiling, “The Chancellor knows you might have something to say that he shouldn’t hear, so he trusts me. He can see that Your Majesty has something on your mind.”

Mu Wuxia smiled bitterly, lowering his gaze: “I suddenly can’t figure out who I’m living for.”

For the world, or himself?

Taohua understood: “You don’t want to marry someone you don’t like?”

“How can I like someone I’ve never even met?” Mu Wuxia sighed. “Once married, I can’t let her down. But what if we’re not on the same path? What should I do?”

Taohua shrugged, “When I married the Chancellor, I didn’t know him either. There are too many arranged marriages in this world, all depending on fate. Why take it so seriously, Your Majesty? The Zhao princess is marrying you for the peace of her country. You’re marrying her to better incorporate Zhao. Each takes what they need. Isn’t the matter of feelings considered last?”

Mu Wuxia was stunned, looking at her nervously: “Sister Jiang knows about the Zhao situation?”

“Yes,” Taohua smiled. “Since it’s come to this, it’s fine. The world will eventually be unified, and this way avoids warfare.”

Mu Wuxia pressed his lips together. He knew about Jiang Chang Jue’s situation and had regretted it for a long time. Shen Zaiye had written to him, asking him not to let it slip that Jiang Chang Jue was just traveling far away, not dead.

But looking at Sister Jiang’s expression now, he felt she knew everything.

Sighing lightly, Mu Wuxia changed the subject: “It’s rare to find a fate like yours and the Chancellor’s in this world.”

“The fate between me and the Chancellor?” Taohua laughed. “There wasn’t much fate to begin with, it was all calculation and forced effort. But in the end, we somehow achieved a happy ending. Your Majesty, don’t you think matters of the heart are the most profound and unpredictable in this world?”

“I don’t understand,” Mu Wuxia shook his head. “It’s not pure emotion. After mutual calculations and use, can two people be together as if nothing happened?”

“How to put it,” Taohua thought for a moment. “It’s not pretending nothing happened, but after going through so much, we found we truly love each other. That’s why we can be together. For example, he knows Chang Jue is dead but lies to me saying he’s not, fearing I’ll be heartbroken. And I know he’s lying, but I pretend to be fooled to make him feel better. It may be deception and calculation, but it’s all done with the other’s best interests in mind.”

She looked up at Mu Wuxia: “Actually, Chang Jue is dead, died from Empress Lü’s poison. There was no cure, no turning point, right?”

Mu Wuxia was stunned.

This child was honest. Hearing her speak like this, he thought Taohua knew all this and forgot he was changing the subject. He nodded along with her words: “My condolences, Sister Jiang. Chang Jue died for a worthy cause. That poison was truly vicious. Chang Jue knew early on that his life was limited, but he still arranged a way out for Zhao.”

Taohua’s face paled, and she closed her eyes.

So he died like that. She, his sister, knew nothing about it. Empress Lü must have poisoned him while still alive, meaning Chang Jue was already poisoned when they were still in Zhao.

That foolish child never said a word to her, still fighting wars and dealing with the Wei people.

“Sister Jiang?” Seeing her tears, Mu Wuxia was at a loss and quickly offered her a handkerchief. Taohua took it, wiped her face, and said hoarsely: “Please keep this from the Chancellor for me. Let’s pretend I know nothing.”

She had come to the capital this time just to ask about the cause of Chang Jue’s death. The person was already gone, leaving her not even an enemy to blame. There was nothing more she could do, so there was no need to trouble Shen Zaiye further.

Mu Wuxia looked at her with complex emotions, nodded, and then said: “In that case, Sister, take some time to compose yourself, then return to the palace with me. The wedding is approaching, and the capital will become lively. If you truly can’t accept it in your heart, just think of Chang Jue as truly traveling far away. It might be easier that way.”

(End of Chapter)

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