HomeThe Rise of NingShou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce - Chapter 184

Shou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce – Chapter 184

“She named this child Bao’er?”

Luo Shenyuan replied coolly, “It’s too late to leave now. Let’s discuss this when we return.”

He didn’t even want to look!

Ro Yining thought to herself as she carried Bao’er to him, coaxing the child, “Say hello to your father.”

Bao’er’s tender cheeks were still wet with tears as he continued to sniffle. He glanced at the tall, grim-faced man before him and immediately turned away, clinging to Yining and ignoring Luo Shenyuan.

The child’s small face pressed against her. Luo Shenyuan furrowed his brow, momentarily startled.

In that glance, he had seen the child’s delicate features.


“He looks like you, doesn’t he?” Yining asked. “Are you going to send him to Lu Jiaxue? If so, we should pack his things now. Once he’s gone, don’t bring him back.”

This was his son! Luo Shenyuan’s pupils constricted slightly.

Yesterday, he had said he would send his child to Lu Jiaxue…

The wet nurse, seeing that the young master had finally stopped crying, took him from Yining, fearing she might tire of holding him, and began to entertain him with a rattle. Luo Shenyuan watched the squirming infant reach out with chubby hands for the rattle as if he were some incredible marvel. Yining squeezed his arm. “Third Brother?”

He tensed, suddenly coming back to his senses. “The child’s milk name is Bao’er?”

“We must choose his formal name carefully, so we’re using his milk name for now,” Yining explained, sitting down at the Eight Immortals table, her arms sore from holding the little one.

Luo Shenyuan’s large hand stroked her head. He had much on his mind, but his complex emotions were difficult to express at the moment.

His voice was incredibly gentle and deep as he said, “I’m sorry.”

He paused, then added, “For what I said last night.”

The touch of his palm startled Yining. She saw Luo Shenyuan walk over to the wet nurse and extend his hands toward the child. “Let me hold him.”

The wet nurse lifted the baby, but the little one ignored Luo Shenyuan, continuing to gnaw on the rattle. Luo Shenyuan took him in his arms. How heavy could such a small child be? Sitting in his father’s strong arms, Bao’er looked bewildered at suddenly being lifted so high, stopping his play with the rattle. Luo Shenyuan gazed at this tiny life that was supposedly connected to him by blood. The child’s face, barely the size of half a palm, was incredibly soft. Everything about him was small and delicate, yet so similar to himself.

Bao’er looked at his father for a moment before bursting into tears. He twisted his little body towards his mother, calling out, “Mama… Mama…”

His speech was unclear, struggling to form words. He simply didn’t want this man to hold him.

Yining hadn’t intended to take him back, but seeing him cry so pitifully, she had no choice. Once in her arms, he clung to her with hands and feet. Yining was taken aback by his sudden outburst. Noticing Luo Shenyuan’s darkening expression, she said with a smile, “He’ll… he’ll warm up to you eventually!”

“Mm.” Luo Shenyuan managed a reluctant response, glancing at the child once more. “There’s no time left. I need to go now. Remember to pack up; I’ll come to take you all home shortly.”

He hurried out, his entourage waiting outside. The procession of a cabinet elder was now far grander than before.

Yining pinched the child’s cheek. “You little thing! Didn’t you let Ye Yan hold you without fuss?”

Bao’er stopped crying but now refused to be taken from his mother’s arms, wailing whenever anyone tried. He clung to her and continued playing with his rattle.

Snow had recently fallen, leaving patches on the dunes. Not far away, the bare poplar trees were covered in frost and snow.

Lu Jiaxue sat astride a tall, sturdy horse. In the endless desert, the army snaked between the dunes like a line of ants. The setting sun cast long shadows from the branches, its dying light blood-red against the vast, lonely expanse.

His lips were dry. When he reached to touch his wrist, he remembered the beaded bracelet was with her.

Someone above was scheming against him. He didn’t need to guess who. They didn’t want the Oirats to survive, but they didn’t want him to live either. However, after more than a decade on the battlefield, no matter how carefully Luo Shenyuan plotted, he couldn’t match Lu Jiaxue’s rich combat experience. Fearing he might alert his enemies, Lu Jiaxue had lain low for nearly half a month. After annihilating the remaining Oirat forces and taking their leader’s head, he prepared to return to the capital to report his success.

Looking back, dealing with the enemy had been easy. In truth, Lu Jiaxue had come close to death.

A sword had nearly cleaved his skull. He had desperately parried with his blade, the impact numbing his hand. His counterattack had killed his assailant but left him wounded in the back. At that moment, only one thought had filled his mind: survive.

Luo Shenyuan was indeed formidable. No wonder he had climbed to his position in just two years. Even Lu Jiaxue’s deputy commander had been bought by him, turning against Lu Jiaxue in battle. Though Lu Jiaxue had eventually killed the traitor.

Lu Jiaxue watched the sun sink toward the horizon. Silently, he raised his sword, signaling the army to stop and rest. Seeing their leader’s command, the troops immediately halted, setting up simple tents near a poplar grove.

Inside his tent, laid with woolen rugs, Lu Jiaxue rested and drank hot wine. A fire burned quietly.

Urgency and agitation were a soldier’s great weaknesses, but his mind was calm now. The current Luo Shenyuan was a match for him; he couldn’t underestimate his opponent. Even if it weren’t for Luo Yining, he and Luo Shenyuan had many scores to settle. This latest assassination attempt, and the struggle for power at court—how could they end without a fight to the death?

He had let Luo Yining go. She should be back in the capital by now.

Lu Jiaxue suddenly narrowed his eyes.

The tent flap was lifted by a small hand, and a girl entered. She wore a red collarless, front-buttoning long jacket and riding boots. Her hair was braided, and though her face was haggard, it couldn’t hide her beauty. The chains on her feet clinked as she walked.

This Oirat girl was their prisoner of war. Taking beautiful women as spoils of victory could boost the soldiers’ morale. Lu Jiaxue had always turned a blind eye to such behavior by his troops, as long as it didn’t go too far. This time they had captured over a dozen noble girls. This one, called Ashan, was particularly beautiful, and the soldiers had intended to present her to him.

Ashan was also exceptionally clever. She knew that if she were taken back to the capital, she would inevitably become someone’s plaything. Terrified, she was extremely submissive and eager to please Lu Jiaxue.

She had learned some Chinese, and though she spoke haltingly, her voice was pleasing. “My lord… I come to change your bandages.”

The girl knelt before him with a tray of medicine. Lu Jiaxue watched her without moving.

Ashan’s mouth was dry, her fingertips trembling with nerves. Her country was destroyed and her family gone, no matter how noble she had once been, she was now worthless. She knew the fate of prisoners of war. If she couldn’t please this man and make him take her, her future would surely be miserable. The experiences of her sisters over the past few days had been uniformly awful. She was still untouched only because they were saving her for him.

But after serving him for so many days, this man hadn’t shown a hint of expression or change. She couldn’t fathom what he was thinking.

Ashan’s hands shook as she undid his battle robe. The wound on his back needed tending.

Lu Jiaxue remained motionless, closing his eyes.

Inside the tent, the wood crackled in the fire. Outside, night had fallen completely.

Lu Jiaxue’s body suddenly stiffened, his eyes snapping open. A soft, naked body had pressed against his back. Then a pair of arms gently encircled his neck as the girl whimpered in his ear, “My lord… please take me. I beg you.”

She didn’t want to become a plaything. She desperately needed the protection of a strong man to shield her from the fierce gazes outside.

The girl’s body was so soft, her skin smooth. The wound stung, stimulating him. Lu Jiaxue sat silently for a moment, then grasped Ashan’s hands and removed them. “What do you want?” he asked.

Ashan was stunned.

Lu Jiaxue’s voice lowered. “I asked what you want.”

After Luo Yining’s death, he had known other women. He was in his prime, after all, and she was gone. There had been no shortage of fresh young things throwing themselves at him, fawning and flattering. But it was all for the power he held.

This great lord’s arms were muscular and strong. She admired strong men, and Ashan gazed at him with reverence, especially given his handsome features. She knelt before him, murmuring, “My lord… I… I want to live.” As she spoke, she began to cry again.

Lu Jiaxue began fastening his clothes. He said, “Go to the entrance, disheveled as you are, and call for someone to bring water.”

Ashan hesitated, her eyes like those of a small fox, the corners slightly upturned. Lu Jiaxue’s tone grew impatient. “Go when I tell you to go!”

Ashan had no choice but to stand and call for water to be brought in. A soldier outside boiled snow and brought it in. Seeing Ashan kneeling nearby in disarray, his expression was very peculiar before he respectfully withdrew.

Ashan suddenly understood his intention. Still sobbing in distress, she prostrated herself, not daring to move. Though the lord had done nothing, he had let others misunderstand. She now bore his mark.

After crying for a while, she rose to fetch dried rations and meat that had been prepared for the lord. They had recently killed some wolves and were eating the meat. She needed to serve the lord well.

Lu Jiaxue rested with his eyes half-closed. One good deed a day—the girl’s nature was similar to hers, that was all.

But thinking carefully, how were they similar? If she had been captured by him and made to tend his wounds, she would have stabbed him to death with a dagger. How could she be like this girl, crying weakly non-stop?

Lu Jiaxue saw the food Ashan had brought in. His fingers tapped lightly on his sword hilt, making a soft sound.

In any case, it was time to return to the capital. He and Luo Shenyuan had many accounts to settle. How could it end without a fight to the death?

In the capital, Luo Shenyuan had just finished meeting with the Crown Prince.

The Crown Prince was seventeen, tall, only slightly shorter than Luo Shenyuan. The Emperor had tasked Luo Shenyuan with overseeing the prince’s studies. Consort Dong was a formidable figure. Though the Emperor didn’t concern himself much with state affairs, he still held the realm in his grasp. Their son, Crown Prince Zhu Qun, was honest but slow-witted and not very intelligent.

Luo Shenyuan supported the Crown Prince, so he helped him greatly with daily political lessons and assessments.

At first, the Crown Prince had been indifferent to him, but he grew increasingly grateful. Today, he grasped Luo Shenyuan’s hand and said, “…Teacher, you have been most sincere to me. I will surely repay you in the future.”

He had even personally seen Luo Shenyuan out.

If this person became Emperor one day, without wise advisors to assist him, he would struggle to rule effectively. Moreover, those wise advisors might be denounced as usurpers like Wang Mang or Yang Jian.

Luo Shenyuan pondered this as he entered his sedan chair. As it lifted off, passersby hurried to make way.

He had chosen to support the Crown Prince for two reasons. First, the Emperor favored his eldest son whom he had watched grow up. Second, the Crown Prince was easy to control, and Consort Dong was clever. Whether or not he was truly suitable didn’t matter; as long as Luo Shenyuan assisted him, nothing would go wrong.

Consort Dong had been pleased to see him the other day. She had even sent two golden ruyi scepters via her maids, telling him, “My lord is busy with court affairs. If you need any assistance, feel free to consult with my father, Lord Dong.” She had added with a smile, “The Third Prince recently scored excellent marks in his assessments, earning praise from the Empress. I’m happy for the Third Prince. As you tutor my son, I’ve gathered some books. Please impart all your knowledge to him. Let him earn an excellent score as well.”

“Lord Chancellor,” a voice called from outside.

The sedan chair came to a stop.

The curtain lifted slightly, and a long-fingered, knuckled hand extended out. An attendant respectfully placed two books in Luo Shenyuan’s hand.

Luo Shenyuan accepted them and opened them to check. As expected, there was a hidden compartment in the book covers. Besides banknotes worth ten thousand taels of silver, there was also a letter. Consort Dong had been observing the Empress in the palace for years and had been investigating her affairs. She first told Luo Shenyuan that she questioned why the Empress had not conceived for many years. Luo Shenyuan already knew the ins and outs of this, so there was nothing new. She then wrote, “The Empress has been in close contact with court officials, which I find inappropriate but dare not dissuade. At that time, when the Commander-in-Chief held overwhelming power, his frequent interactions with the imperial consorts inevitably raised suspicions.”

Luo Shenyuan’s finger lingered on the words “Commander-in-Chief,” a cold smile playing on his lips.

Consort Dong was indeed clever. No wonder the Emperor favored her.

Lu Jiaxue wouldn’t die so easily. When he returned to the capital, there would be more schemes to deal with.

Luo Shenyuan looked up, realizing they were on the wrong route. He gestured for them to stop. An attendant asked, puzzled, “My lord, aren’t we going to the Cabinet?”

This was usually the time to discuss affairs at the Cabinet.

Seeing Luo Shenyuan’s expressionless face, Lin Yong stepped forward and smacked the attendant’s forehead. “Fool! The lady has just returned to the capital. Hurry to the Duke of Ying’s mansion!”

At the Duke of Ying’s residence, Yining had finished packing and was just waiting for him to come to fetch her. There wasn’t much to pack. Old Madam Wei had reluctantly hugged her great-grandson, kissing him several times, while Madam Xu had quietly given Yining some last-minute advice.

Luo Yining sat in the main hall, hearing people outside paying respects: “Lord Chancellor, you’ve arrived.”

She stood up and looked toward the entrance.

Luo Shenyuan walked in, bathed in the winter sunlight. The usually gloomy lines of his brow and eyes were softened by the warm golden hue of the setting sun. His tall shadow enveloped her.

He exchanged a few polite words of farewell with Old Madam Wei, both smiling courteously. Finally, he extended his hand to her and said, “Yining, let’s go. Let’s go home.”

That home was now completely under his control. No one would dare offend her again.

Luo Shenyuan didn’t want to inquire about what had happened over the past year and didn’t want to ask about her affairs with Lu Jiaxue. She wore Lu Jiaxue’s beaded bracelet; how could things between them be simple? But he could only avoid mentioning it because he simply couldn’t bear it.

His voice was calm and unremarkable, but as Luo Yi Ning held his broad hand, he instinctively clasped hers in return, completely enveloping it.

With the wet nurse carrying Bao Ge’er following them, they bid farewell to Old Madam Wei. Luo Yi Ning glanced at him; he remained steady and silent, his lips slightly pursed. Walking step by step behind him towards the outside, she felt a warmth spreading in her heart.

“Third Brother,” Luo Yi Ning called to him, “Have you kept my room as it was?”

“Yes,” he replied.

She had expected as much. Luo Yi Ning continued, “I want to lower the windows in the inner room; otherwise, the wind can’t come in.”

“Alright, do as you wish,” Luo Shen Yuan responded without objection.

“And the couch in the study, let’s move it to the south corner where the light is better.”

“Fine,” he agreed, still without opposition.

“And the rockery in my courtyard, I want to replace it with a vine-covered trellis.”

“Do as you please. You can make changes slowly when you return,” Luo Shen Yuan said, agreeing to everything to avoid further questions.

Luo Yi Ning suddenly remembered something else, “Oh, and about Bao Ge’er—he needs to sleep with me at night. Otherwise, he’ll cry for half an hour in the morning. You’ll need to arrange an extra bed.”

“Hmm… hmm?” Luo Shen Yuan looked at the small child behind them and furrowed his brow. “He needs to sleep with you?”

“Yes, otherwise, he’ll cry for sure in the morning,” Luo Yi Ning explained helplessly.

Luo Shen Yuan was silent for a long time before he stopped walking. Looking at her, he asked softly, “Luo Yi Ning, if he sleeps with you—where will I sleep?”

Luo Yi Ning was taken aback. “Uh… won’t you sleep on the extra bed?”

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