

Chapter 20 – Dream

The week between final exams and the closing ceremony, the school arranged for first and second-year high school students to participate in social practice...

Chapter 21 – Courage

The world stood still, including the rustling of leaves buffeted by the cold wind and her breath and heartbeat. The streetlight's beam slanted across,...

Chapter 22 – Honesty

Qiao Qingyu's anticipation for the New Year was abruptly extinguished the year Qiao Baiyu passed away. Before she turned fourteen, the Spring Festival was the...

Chapter 23 – Kindness

The inner room was comfortably warm, with the whole family gathered inside. Qiao Lilong, Qiao Haisheng, and Qiao Lusheng sat near the fireplace. Qiao...

Chapter 24 – Sincerity

The most dazzling fireworks in Qiao Qingyu's memory bloomed on a summer night ten years ago, the day Qiao Jinrui received his admission letter...

Chapter 25 – Fire

To her family, Qiao Qingyu seemed normal—except for that night before the New Year when she mentioned Qiao Baiyu. Qiao Qingyu was grateful for...

Chapter 26 – Halt

Viewing those around her with a sense of impending departure, Qiao Qingyu felt detached from their words and actions. Already on the periphery of...

Chapter 27 – Bumpy

As Qiao Qingyu left the train station around 5 AM, the streets were at their quietest—predators had retreated, and the new sun had yet...

Chapter 28 – Sleep

Qiao Qingyu realized she was a coward, deeply disappointed in herself. In the elevator, heading up to confirm who was in the accident, she...

Chapter 29 – Departure

When Qiao Qingyu woke up, her limbs had regained strength and her headache had eased considerably. The warm bed felt slightly damp from her...

Chapter 30 – Rain

As Qiao Qingyu realized Ming Sheng was serious, an inexplicable heat filled the room. She lowered her gaze to the full bowl of porridge,...

Chapter 31 – Green Plum

As Qiao Qingyu heard the key turning in the front door lock, she had just removed her heavy cotton pants and tucked her cold...

Chapter 32 – Gloomy Ash

As Qiao Qingyu hung up the phone, she imagined that Ming Sheng must feel the same way she did—his heart filled with passion, surging...

Chapter 33 – Moon White

"Where have you been these past two days?" When Li Fanghao first asked this question, her eyes were filled with fear, as if Qiao...

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